Free for All Friday

Episode 99 - Project 100 (w/ John Jerkovich)

April 09, 2024 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic

Discover the secrets to a thriving real estate career with John Jerkovich, who joins me, Johnny Awesome, and my co-host, Jimmy Fantastic, for an episode that's anything but average. Dive into John's story of transformation from a budding sales newbie to a powerhouse in the industry, as he shares his wisdom on personalizing your approach in the ever-evolving real estate landscape. We promise you'll come away with a fresh perspective on scaling your business while maintaining that critical, individualized client touch.

Strap in as we reveal how to harness the power of resilience and determination, even when the odds seem stacked against you. I'll get personal about my battles with dyslexia and how it fueled my drive to excel beyond the ordinary, proving that struggles can be the catalyst for creating an exceptional work ethic. We'll also tackle the art of staying on top of your game by marrying old-school note-taking with the latest tech, ensuring that your everyday hustle translates into long-term success.

Cap off your week with a vision of living a vibrant life all the way to 100 and beyond with 'Project 100,' a testament to making choices that echo into a future of robust health and joy. We share stories of age-defying feats that will motivate you to set goals tied to your identity, emphasizing the power of self-improvement and the liberty of rebirth at any stage of life. Join us for this journey of growth, learning, and self-discovery, and let's make the extraordinary our new benchmark.

If you enjoy our content, please like, subscribe, and share. You can also catch the show LIVE @ and make sure you stick around after for "the afterburner"

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny, awesome and Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Speaker 2:

Good morning, good morning, good morning Everybody.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to put a vessel for my crater, a deposit of positive energy, a secret of greatness, with an. All my kids Don't be a steady still, training into the Philippines. And Jimmy, let it be known, on this day I will stop off the flames of complacency.

Speaker 1:

Smash out the uh-oh.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, go ahead, finish it for me. Well, there it is. Boom Got it All right. I lost my video feed for a second there, but we are good, we are streaming. We are out in the Utica office today, which I'm very thankful. I'm excited to be out here. This is a fun place.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And it's neat to have I just like having a back wall with some books on it. It makes us look smart, it does, it does. Thank you, those of you that have joined us on the breakfast club early today. We heard you guys coming in. Of course, anytime during the show you can hit star star and say hello, Jimmy Manning. The board means you have a 50% chance of getting on the show today. You have a 100% chance. However, if you call in 313644 for all, the line is going to be live here in just a couple of minutes, as soon as we are done.

Speaker 3:

We also have a special guest today. Thank you for those of you that are rolling in as well on Facebook and for those of you listening to the podcast afterwards. This is a live. Uh, uh, this is a live show, which is why we call it free for all Friday live and you can catch it every Friday, as these fine folks are joining us right now on Facebook, Twitch or YouTube. Just search for free for all Friday. Good morning to you too. Uh, Mindi first comment of the day and she's coming in from YouTube. So good morning you go. We're excited. We got a lot to talk about.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of things happening right now, this show is one of those shows where, when people come early and and uh, and we'll introduce our guests here in a second, but we have to. We have so many conversations and I'm like, stop, we gotta have those on air, and so there's a lot to talk about and at the same time, we have no idea what we're going to talk about. So it's two free for all Friday fashion Jimmy go ahead and introduce our guests for today.

Speaker 2:

We were super excited to get Mr John Jerkovich on this morning. Yeah, yeah, we're glad that you were able to come in this morning and join us and uh, and come on with us. And uh, just give us a little bit of backstory about you. Where are you from? Who were like? Where'd you come from?

Speaker 4:

So I came from. I came from my mom, uh, northern Michigan guy. Uh started in the mortgage space some 26, 27 years ago. Uh, small little company called rock financial went over there, uh, purely to get some sales experience. I wanted to have a degree in exercise, physiology, did some personal training and stuff. Wanted to get a sales job. They told me I lacked the sales experience necessary. Wanted to go into pharmaceuticals. Had a client that was a training client. Got me over there. Uh, made six figures really fast and uh, right, once you kind of get that, you know, like Pookie from Pookie from New Jack city, uh, right, like I got the, I got the goods.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to Jack city. I'm an old dude too, right, like I got it, I started with a pager.

Speaker 4:

Uh right, like when.

Speaker 3:

I started. I don't know any of these things we're talking about. Well, there, there are things a pager that's like a website, right, yeah, no one pagers.

Speaker 4:

That's how your chicks put you up, you had to have two or three.

Speaker 4:

The more you had, the cooler you were for sure and uh, but even like when I started at what is now rocket there we only had, there was like only internal email. You couldn't email a client Like that was like a thing that didn't exist. So I've been around a kind of a dinosaur in there, was with them for like 15 years, laughed, went into private equity world, bought and sold mortgage notes, been with multiple companies that have exited, just done a lot inside of the space. Uh, most recently and I could go through all that It'll just bore people. But uh, most recently I left a company uh called B line. That was a fintech lender, was out there trying to revolutionize the world with the coolest point of sale right Click button get mortgage.

Speaker 4:

Uh, left about eight, nine months ago and started a company called be a broker with the intent of helping mortgage bankers go out and actually open their own brokerage. Became very white glove, did everything for him, from getting their LLC put together, making sure name entities, like everything. Uh, great business idea. Don't know that. It was a super great business model in that, if I'm dealing with you and you like, 60% of it's scalable but there's 40%. That's unique to you. So I created a business. That's just very labor intense but we've got people going through it month in, month out.

Speaker 4:

Uh, I have real estate agents, right. Hey, I want to open up my own brokerage. Uh, how do I do that? I've got a guy down in Florida that's doing that very thing successful real estate agent that wants to open their own brokerage. But that kind of morphed into a bunch of things now doing individual coaching, a lot of coaching for brokers to become better. So I say I'm in the B to B business banker to broker, broker to better and that's kind of kind of what I do holistically as a whole. And I've got, you know, 26, 27 years experience doing it at a very high level. Um, you know, I don't know, 2004, 2005, I ran a branch like back when I met Muska. Uh, you know, we did a billion dollars as a retail mortgage branch when the conforming loan limit was like I don't know, two, 19 or something. So it's like the world's different right, but have just a wealth of knowledge, a lot of just different shit. That occupies my head there. It is A little five second late button.

Speaker 4:

There is it Okay, a lot of a lot of stuff that occupies my, my brain space and just feel there's a lot of knowledge that I can share and pretty passionate now, as I get closer to a hundred than to zero, about helping people acquire real wealth. And there's too many people in the mortgage industry probably in the real estate space as well that they've been top producers for 10, 15, 20 years. The market goes down and you know what they're barely making their mortgage payments and it's cause they've never acquired any wealth.

Speaker 4:

There's somebody on the back end. There's a Dan Gilbert that's acquired massive wealth. But that individual person and ensure that you know, like I don't want a dog, anybody right I I can see the billboards there's these top real estate brokers that probably acquire a lot of wealth. The guy four down that's doing listing appointments, busting his butt on, you know, sundays probably. You know he goes two or three months without selling a house. He's got problems.

Speaker 4:

So, I'm pretty passionate about trying to really help those people acquire wealth and put something in place to where five, 10 years down the road they can sell something, where they have some enterprise value that can be passed on to their kids, they can do something with it, but they're not just working as an employee.

Speaker 3:

I love the fact that you used the word passionate, because I was about ready to say, like dude, anybody ever tell you you're super intense, but passions, but passions a better word for it. Man, you really lit up on this and that's, that's good.

Speaker 4:

I think that, right, you can go, we all get to choose how we go on a butter day. Yeah, you can wake up. And you can wake up and just, whoa is me? Yeah, like from the time I'm like I'm a chip on the shoulder kind of guy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Like when I got in the mortgage space, right, I'm going there. I got a degree in exercise physiology. I'm a weight lifter, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I spent more days in wind pants than I did in a suit, and you know you've got all these people without. They went to University of Michigan and a business degree. So all I had is like grind and hustle. Yeah, you just over index on those things and through enough years your grind and hustle and passion will carry you a lot farther than some education you got. So I it's how I've rolled for I don't know a long time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we, we get. We get. Education is a couple of different ways, right. So your education can be just getting beat up a little bit and then finding the, finding the wherewithal to get through it, learn from it, learn from those mistakes and then bounce back. That's one of the things that we know. We talk about with agents. All the time is like let me help you steer around some of these bumps that I had right, learn from my mistakes, let me steer you around that. But then I also say that I can't be your motor either. Like, you have to bring the motor. I can teach you how to steer around stuff, but I can't. You have to bring as much energy as you're going to bring. Yeah, right, and the better not successful you want to be is how much energy you're going to bring to that.

Speaker 4:

I think that most people the lack of energy is actually most people like. I'll use fitness as an example. Right, so I'll go back to there. When doing personal training or something like that, you'd have people that would come to you oh, I don't know what to do. Well, pretty much everybody knows what you need to do to become fit Eat a little less and move a little more. It's not hard, it's not rocket science, like everybody, like hey, how do you become fit? And if you were to ask, if I was to ask you, you know, tell me what I should do. I need to become a little more fit. You'll be able to give me a ton of great advice that I should do. The only problem is you don't actually follow it yourself.

Speaker 3:

Right, I love how he turned to you.

Speaker 4:

Actually, you probably know way more. I know more of what not to do, yeah Well, but you become hyper aware of the things that you're deficient at. I actually just wrote I did a little op-ed piece for this thing called the fin talk newsletter and I posted on. It was a hit or miss. It was kind of a joke that I threw out there. Hey, if you need something in this letter, it's got thousands of subscribers, Let me know. And he's like that would be great. I'd love to get a sales piece in there. And I was like, oh crap like.

Speaker 4:

I now have to write this and little does anybody know. Like I have really bad dyslexia, like I mean, it's, it's severe and people know that, know me well, right, like when they see if I do something with AI, I'll get comments like John, this is nowhere close to you, you're like at a third grade level, right, and I embrace it. I think it's funny. Or there's things like that Hemingway you guys are familiar with what Hemingway is, right, you can write, and it dumps it down to like a fifth grade level when I write or before, and I'd give it to Hemingway. It'd say like hey, kid, oh, does your mom know you're using your computer?

Speaker 2:

Ah, right, because, like I'm on the computer's a dick.

Speaker 4:

Doesn't that need to get? Can I say can.

Speaker 3:

I say dick, yeah, yeah, okay, that's fine, I didn't know which words got beeped. I mean there's, you know, there's crazy.

Speaker 4:

Like as a kid calling into the grocery store. Yeah, could you please page Richard noggin overhead Uh. Richard noggin.

Speaker 1:

Richard noggin come to the.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, this is Friday, right, so uh I don't even know what I was saying.

Speaker 4:

I forgot it all but I'm passing.

Speaker 3:

You're just like sick and your computer's a dick yeah.

Speaker 4:

All that, okay, I'm back to the show. Or a kid.

Speaker 3:

That's, that's dick backwards Ah.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Sorry guys, someone who's gonna kill the energy of the show well, and this goes back to our same thing, because he's got ADD too. Oh, but I got my thought back.

Speaker 4:

I know where I was going with this, got it.

Speaker 1:

Good, we're back, came back.

Speaker 4:

Oh, so I Volunteered to write this newsletter and I I didn't think that they'd really well, they took me up on it, so now I'm like I have to go out now.

Speaker 4:

I have to do it and more or less from the time I was in you know jane sit, sat, ran, you know, 1970, whatever I've been being told that I'm not good at writing right, like you're just not there, and back in the 70s and 80s, if you weren't good at something like, they didn't come and say, oh, it's gonna be okay, you're special. It was like, hey, you suck and you should probably go in the military or construction. Like you're just not that smart. So most of my life I've been told I wasn't that smart when it came to English and those kind of things. And you just find ways to work around it.

Speaker 4:

Probably why is blessing in hindsight, why I'm in sales and why I'm passionate, why I can talk, is because I couldn't do the other things, mm-hmm. So it always became something that was, you know, a fear in my head that I let hold me back in a lot of areas Just because I didn't want to confront it. Well, I wrote that letter or this thing and I'm like, oh, you know, okay, with AI and the different tools out there, I can do these things. But it was really empowering just to say like, hey, I suck at this. I just want everybody to know I suck.

Speaker 4:

Here's why yeah and I didn't find out until I was in college. There was some class psychology class that I was taking and they had you fill out these little like tests that you do with the paper with the bubbles, and you submitted it. Why found out is like a sophomore junior in college, I had severe dyslexia. Prior to that, I was just the dumb kid that couldn't read yeah, yeah. So I found that out. Then, to the point of today, I would get time and a half on my sat and somebody to read me the questions. I didn't get that right. I just had to figure it out. Um, which is great, right? I don't want somebody like. I don't want to have, you know, johnny, read my questions with me all the time because it doesn't mean no good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I'm not hiring anybody that. I got hired two people because they can read their questions, like they better have some resiliency and figure it out, because the world is cruel. Oh, and back then 70s and 80s, you could call people names. Like you could get them real good stingers. Like kids could be tough and you didn't. There was no safe spaces. My school did not have a safe space you got harassed. Yeah, you figured it out and you, you went on about your day. Yeah so that's uh.

Speaker 3:

I, what a different. I'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole, but isn't it funny how many, how many young men are living in their parents basements nowadays and they never had to be bothered once? Yeah, I know right, nobody.

Speaker 4:

No, I mean they've been told they were special from day one, like you know. Oh, jimmy, you're fantastic. What a great baseball game, that's you. What a what a great baseball game you had. You struck out four times and you missed every ball that was close to you. But we love you and you're the best. No, you suck go and find a new sport and dad, you suck worse that your kid can't catch. We know it's funny about that.

Speaker 2:

I just read this article not too long ago and they were talking about all these college graduates, yeah, who are going over job interviews, whose parents are going with them on the job interview.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 2:

It's a serious. It's a serious problem that corporate America is finding right now Is that these guys that are coming out of college guys and girls that are coming out of college when they go, when they show up for their interview for these corporations that, like their mom or dad is with them on the job interview, and it's, you know it became at first it was like, well, who are you? Why are you like, why am I his mom? Or you know, the mom shows up with them into the job interview. I'm like, well, that would be first. Like all right, not hiring this guy. You know what I mean. Like there's no way you're getting a job. I'm like I don't need your mom here every day, unless she's the cleaning lady or something I don't know. Like can she show up and do something? What?

Speaker 3:

happens when she gets hired with the kids?

Speaker 4:

Well, it might it truthfully, though, like it might not be, I would actually sit back and say, like how many followers does the mom have on social? Like what can? How can I leverage this to best? Like do I get? A two for one hire here yeah like am I breaking any wage laws? Like how does that work? Maybe I'll bring in the whole family?

Speaker 2:

Maybe you leverage it the correct landscaping thing.

Speaker 4:

The more that, the better it is. Yeah, and you know, in one wage yeah so a family wage.

Speaker 4:

We could go to a family wage generational mortgages you know, like you know because home prices get so you got to leverage it over two or three. You just you have the family employee, you bring them in and you leverage all their skillsets across the board. Could be a new trend. It will help out the employment numbers. Think about that. Yeah, it's not a one new job, it's now five. We'll keep inflation in check, rates really high and the economy sucking.

Speaker 3:

That's perfect.

Speaker 4:

Four more years guys, one more year, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Let's do it Now. I, I, I want to note this too for people that aren't paying attention to the table. This is something, uh this is something new. I have not ever seen. There's two things. Number one first guest ever bring notes in, so good to give it up to that. But second, when's the last, okay guys, when's the last time you saw three by five cards? Um well, I have a seventh grader, so oh so so last cards are a thing I don't, I haven't, I haven't seen an adult with them, and forever so walking in because we talked about the old one and 31 system.

Speaker 3:

We talked about using three by five cards, but the fact that you walked in with three by five cards is amazing to me.

Speaker 4:

Well, here is Right. I have lots of little hacks that I try to do right, so let's hear about them.

Speaker 4:

So One with the cards and writing down notes you have to look at and I did something about this in any industry as we sit here right now cross the board you have, you know. Let's say there's a hundred real estate agents out there. 50 percent of them are below average and anything right Looks. 50% of all people are below average in looks. You go out and drive. There's 100 people driving on the road. 50% of them are below average drivers. You go out and pull them. Nine out of 10 will say I'm a better than average driver.

Speaker 4:

So there's a massive disconnect between the reality of how good we look or how well we drive, or how good we are at sales or what kind of real estate agent I am. So for me, I forget shit. So if I don't wanna be below average, I have all these thoughts that roll through my head and they'll haunt me. If I want to, like, get that thought off of my mind and move on and not be below average, I need to have a way to quickly write that down. Notes are great. I keep it to one note. So it's not like this diatribe, like a thought comes in my head. Hey, this is a good idea. It gets one note. It gets filed away at the end of the night.

Speaker 4:

I take my notes and, like, some get thrown out, but they get indexed into different areas that I might need at some point. So it's a hack for me to stay organized. It's not for anyone, this isn't for you. This is so I can go on and not have like stuff occupying my head, so I can engage and listen to you and get it off and move on. So for me, the notes yeah, it might be old school, but they're very easy to carry. They don't get floppy, you can put them in your pocket and at the end of the day I got three or four little nuggets that I take off and that becomes my like. It keeps me organized. This is your hacks.

Speaker 2:

Like your ADD hacks you know what I mean. Like that keep you focused, which you're not right now.

Speaker 3:

No, I have no idea, I have lots of them. I just, I just I'm thinking about well, I was just thinking, you know, you could almost, you could almost like you said something that was first off. I want to, I want to show you guys some. Can I do this? This is where I had permission to talk about anything. For those of you that are watching, this is genius, because what he just did and demonstrated is it is a gold nugget in itself.

Speaker 3:

He didn't just make that up. Literally, what he just said is what he had written on this card yeah, 50, 50 below average. I asked him a question and instead and he answered it with the thought that he had that he had sitting right in front of him written on this card, which is awesome, and then there's nothing on the next card, like, cause, you haven't written your next top game, like you just did that. So you and doing it live and watching that. I was like, wow, this is those bullet points.

Speaker 3:

So when we teach scripting, we teach, I teach bullet point. Right, write down what it is that you want to say. No matter where the conversation goes, you're going to take it back to your point, right? And if you don't have that in front of you, you're going to forget, and I just watched you do that and I'm like, wow, this is genius, and even more so. I don't know if you know what. You just came up with a product Like you could rebrand these right, a resell post, you could call them you could call them nugget cards and just rebrand it.

Speaker 3:

Little change the shape a little bit. There you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I told him that Chinese. It's a free for all Friday. Nugget cards coming through.

Speaker 4:

You get them at Walmart Target all over the place. We distribute nationally, yeah that's fine.

Speaker 3:

That's funny.

Speaker 2:

That's really cool.

Speaker 4:

It's I. Just I have to have ways to stay focused and stay on track. I used to at times like text yourself.

Speaker 2:

You can send a text to yourself, but then you get like it's doubled and it's like weird, and so this just works for me, works well, and so yeah, and you know it's funny too, Cause Johnny and I have these conversations all the time right Between like technology and three by five cards, Cause Johnny's age he's leans more towards technology. Yeah, Me, I lean more towards three by five cards, right Like cause. He's like, well, nobody wants to hold on to this stuff anymore. I'm like, yes, we do. I want stuff in my hand. I want, I want something in my hand. He's like I would never put something in my hand. I want it on my computer. As soon as it goes to my hand, it disappears though.

Speaker 3:

That's why it's the weirdest thing. Well, you're a magician, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It goes up in flames. But but no, so like I use, like I use notes on my phone.

Speaker 3:

I've already lost my phone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but my notes are already like. They're in there, but I don't ever go back to them.

Speaker 4:

I think that and I have had. I was on one of like just to go way back, like I am a tech first guy.

Speaker 1:

I love tech.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I helped at. You know I've test piloted the first CRM back at you know, when Rocket was making their like, I was on the test group it's on a test group with five other guys that tested the first blackberries that they sent over. Wow, like I've I've loved tech. I you can. What's really cool now is I've created my own bot. I can take my notes, my note cards. At the end of the day I can go to my bot. I can hit record on my computer, talk into it and say, hey, here's my notes from free for all Friday. We talked about this, this and this. Really cool, it was a cool takeaway. I want to do this and this I can. I can dictate into my computer. Johnny wants that.

Speaker 3:

No, I just realized chat Gbt, for now, can read your notes off of a sheet. So, to take that a step further, I'm like, dude, I'll just, I can you just, I love you, you just. You just saw the major issue in my life because I use the inbox system, so at the end of the day everything comes out, any notes I have on scraps of paper, and I try to put it in an inbox and use Google keep for it. But you just made me realize you're right, technology's gotten crazy.

Speaker 4:

And now, with with recognition, I can just take a picture of it and chat Gbt will turn it into actual type notes for me what, what I do like, and these are just a couple of things, but I will, when I get off of used to sit through right like we all have, like phantom or something on our zoom calls. That's transcribing things in the back, yep.

Speaker 3:

We have auto AI.

Speaker 4:

So it's, it's running and it's doing its thing and it's going to pull out clips and it records it. And hey, you want to do little sound bites, you want to do a little real, you want to do a little 30 second video from your zoom call like super easy to pull that stuff out today, but you can. Also, there's a thing called pocom. Like anybody that's listening, if you're like an AI, like newbie pocom poecom is you can go in there and there's all of these people will put in their like bots that they've made and there's probably a real estate bot or there's one to write on LinkedIn or posting and you can put the little record button at the bottom, say what you want. It'll type it out for you and then it gives you like suggestions and it's just a super easy way. There's an email writer in there. There's hundreds of these things.

Speaker 4:

So if you are a newbie, people get really just, I guess, intimidated chat GPFT4. I got to pay 20 bucks a month. I don't know about that. Like no, I'm just going to hide in my corner and I'm going to use post it notes. Well, that's fine, but our world today is tech with touch is where it's going. It's digital first, like if you're not looking at your business through a digital first lens and you just want to do open houses and mail out flyers like more power to you, but 50% of you are going to be below average. So there's all these tools and it's really just a question of leveraging them and you don't. I can barely read, but I can figure these things out and I actually can read OK, but I say that half-heartedly, right.

Speaker 3:

You're just 50-50. You're just below average reading.

Speaker 4:

I weigh over index in the areas that I'm good at. Yeah, of course, right. So in the grand scheme of things, if you take 10 categories and you have to rank yourself one to 10 in all those, there's some that for most of my life I didn't care if it was a one or a two. I was just going to be a 10 over here to get my mean score up. And as I've gotten closer to like, the older I get some of those twos and threes in my life now matter a lot more and I'm more concerned about getting them to being a five. So I'm no longer like I'm not running any marathons. I stay physically fit, but that was always an area that I weigh over indexed in.

Speaker 4:

Well, today I do what I need to and I'm very passionate about living to 100. And I have a whole project 100. My life revolves around that. But those other areas I can educate myself. There's YouTube, there's all these areas to acquire knowledge and they can't take knowledge from you. Once you've learned it, you like it's, nobody can take it and it's invaluable, so I love it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I want to go back to. I want to go back to the beginning. There was a lot there that was all with hey introduce yourself.

Speaker 4:

You said there was no agenda, we just come in here. No, it's it.

Speaker 3:

Brief for Friday. I want to go back to the beginning. One of the passions that you said was that was helping people build wealth. Because you know, and you start talking about the real estate agent, the guy on top is great, but the showing agent probably not doing so well, what do you think is like one of the biggest? What would be the make the biggest impact in somebody's life? If they're that showing agent that was listening in the beginning and they're like, yeah, that's me, I'm that person where I'm showing all the homes for this person. I don't really see myself making it Like what would be your biggest piece of advice to them to start so they can build their own wealth instead of somebody else's?

Speaker 4:

Well, I think there's a thing called the greater market formula, and you guys can Google this or look at it, and what essentially it is is that if you think of a triangle, at the top of that triangle there's 3% of the world at any given time that's ready to buy, so they're like in the market active. There's 17% that are like thinking about it. There's another 20% that are kind of like unaware of what's going on, and then there's this bottom 60% that don't even understand that there's a problem. And so if I'm a brand new agent and I'll kind of use, I'll try and tie something here that's maybe real estate related and mortgage. Let's say, you have an apartment complex over here, right, we're in Macomb and it's that like apartment complex that you know. This is the step between. Their next step is either they release in here because it's really nice, or they're going out and becoming a first time home buyer. Right, they're buying a house and there's a hundred people in there. You've got a whole bunch of them. There's only 3% that are ready. Right, they're 60 to 90 days out of their lease expiring. Either they're finding a house and signing a purchase agreement or they're not and they're gonna re-up their lease.

Speaker 4:

Where most of the industry is focused is, you know, like I'm gonna do a mailer to all of them. Are you ready to get pre-approved today? Would you like to see a house today? And they spent all this time on that 3% and they're leaving out the other 97%. And so what I would tell that new agent is like you're gonna eat some crap. You maybe you have to live in your parents basement.

Speaker 4:

Like you don't post on social media and get a closing. You post on social media for a year to get a lot of likes and hopefully those likes turn into leads and those leads turn into Well, the likes. The likes turn into some learning. They learn about first-time home buyers. Right now, I says 72% of you know first-time renters think they need 20% out. So the likes turn into learning. The learning turns into leads and the leads turn into loans or closings. So I would just tell that agent like this is something you're passionate about, you don't suck. You like people, you like interacting with them. You just have to play the long game and continue to plug away at it. It will happen. It's just not gonna happen overnight and most people give up way too soon.

Speaker 4:

Mmm so that I mean that way it's. There is no, there's no magic sauce. It's like exercise or something you got to just go in and put in the reps. It will happen. The lovers of the world, those guys like they didn't. Jeff Glover didn't sit down and show up at his first like day and kind of like listing appointments flying at him. Yeah no, like he sucked.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure. Right, like oh, yeah, and that's, and that we've because we've talked about this before too like that, that's where it gets mixed missed sometimes. Right, I mean it's, it's no different than like Dan Gilbert, right, well, you could start your own, bro, great, you could start your own mortgage company. Go ahead, well, I want it. Okay, well, but you don't get the Dan Gilbert tomorrow. You get a Dan Gilbert 30 years from now. You know what I mean. Like that takes 30 years to get to that spot. It doesn't take 30 days. It takes a long time to get to that spot. You know the Mark Z's, the Jeff Glover's, the, the things that, and that's really what screws up the industry. Right, like it, everybody wants to be Matt Ishby or everybody wants to be on the mortgage side. It's like, well, look, man, Can you be here at 430 every morning? Do you even want to be? Do you even want?

Speaker 3:

to be here. Yeah, 30 every morning, is that?

Speaker 2:

you know, is that, where is that? Where you want to be? Is that we want to do like everybody wants to be a millionaire and tell us time to do what millionaires do? Yeah, and then it's like whoa.

Speaker 3:

I don't live a lifestyle that they think millionaires live, only to realize that millionaires don't actually live that lifestyle. Fakes live that lifestyle bingo.

Speaker 4:

Well, that, and you know, if you look at it like, everybody needs to have their own definition of success, and I think that the problem today is that people look to social media for what their definition of success is. Hmm and I know a lot of brokers, especially in the, that got into. They opened their own brokers for a reason, and it wasn't to be the next day in Gilbert. It was for freedom, it was for these different things, freedom, but but yeah, which they have none of us soon as they open it.

Speaker 4:

Bingo but they look to write. Your scoreboard needs to be based on your goals, values, the things that you went out of your life, and too often people get it Misconstrued. They're trying to compare what they want against somebody else's scoreboard and Again right back to that new agent. You got into this for a reason. What things can you do today to level up your skill set, to get you better so you can play the long game? I think that anybody that's sitting out there in 10 years, if you dedicate yourself, in 10 years you can be a top 5% agent in any county in the country. I don't doubt that. Just most people won't put in the work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, it's always that we hey, you know, on a real estate side of things, you know if you sell, if you sold three homes a month, three or three or four homes a month, You're in the top 1% of the industry. Like, think about that, like you know what the average the at the NAR put out their statistics the average realtor, the average realtor, sells one house a year, which is crazy because that's gone down. Yeah, so far, right, it was for yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but what happened? We flooded the market with real estate agents that thought that they're gonna be able to do something. Then they realized it was a little bit too hard because they were looking at the Instagram people and they were forgetting 5050.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the 5050.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then they didn't do anything, and so now we got all these more agents that aren't, so our average went.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So the average realtor sells one house a year.

Speaker 4:

It's not a bad thing, though I mean how? How many of them? I know a lot of people that got their license just to be able to help out their own friends and sure, or To be able to get skewed a little bit, you know, I mean like it is rewind, like because there's no the go from four to one, though that's a lot, because I know a lot of people, but was here's the question though, right?

Speaker 3:

For every one person that gets in to help their friends and family. How many other people? Because you and we don't? I don't know if we have. That's just coming. Other people got in because they actually want to make a career out of it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think that if you want to make a career out of it, it says you got to put in the work, yeah, and that's right. So, like people thought it was easy, and also, as tech gets better, there's more resources out there. The barrier to entry, right, like I don't know exactly what it is If you still have to go sit through. You know Debbie the time life operator 40 hour training like Mind-numbing to like get your license, or can it be done online? Is there easier ways to do? It? Has the cost to do that come down? So, if I mean, if it's easier to do, you're gonna have more people yeah, in Michigan, it's still a 40 hour course.

Speaker 2:

You can do it online, okay, right. So, so that's what I did, right, took mine online and, and you know, you speed through all of it, right, yeah, and then you can get to the test part. But not the thing that I always say and this is the disservice that we do in the real estate industry is we did, it's a 40 hour course. You go to the state, you take your test, boom, you pass. Here's your realtor, now, here's your business. But the test and the and everything that they teach you what not to do, right, it's, it's laws and ethics and things that you're not supposed to do, but they don't actually teach you what to do like to be a successful. There's, no, there's none of that in the classes. That's just like what, what I can't do? Right, I can't be racist, I can't be a bigot, I can't do all these things. Okay, great, now here's your license. Go out there.

Speaker 2:

I sell real estate, okay, I, but now what I do you know.

Speaker 2:

And then and then agents come out of that and they go to the first broker and they're like I got my license, the broker, make sure they have a pulse and the real estate license. They sign them up and they hand them scripts and say here's the phone, start dialing. Then what you know, it's like there's. Then then what? Like there's no, that's where, that's where you know, one of the passions that we have is Towards the training and coaching and development of agents, and the reason that so passionate to me and and I'm sure Johnny Feels the same and so does so to Scott, but to me it's it's because I want my transactions to go easier.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. If I can make better agents, my transactions will go easier, because I can't tell you how many times I've been in the transaction where I feel like I did both sides and and they made the same amount of money I did, but I really closed it all. You know, I'm on the phone with their mortgage person, I'm no phone with with my title company and I'm, I'm balanced this whole thing out to close it all, but that they still took.

Speaker 3:

You know, we're about 3% right, yeah, yeah, well, it's all changing, jimmy. So well, who will be talking about that next week? I'm up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, we talked to you with the, the NAR in the just the really just came through.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we can talk about it now. I don't.

Speaker 1:

That's a different view right.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's. It's coming from the mortgage side, it's a little bit different.

Speaker 4:

Wait well, mortgage everybody in the industry. It's very easy to point fingers Wow, the agent socks this right. But anytime you point a finger, there's some pointing back at you.

Speaker 3:

That's why you've got to point the right way you do it the presidential way.

Speaker 4:

So there's so many moving parts. I actually have another post it now here that says like trust. What that is is that I had a leader for years. That would say there's three things and this happens like across the board. There's three things that we can have in any interaction. Right, there's an especially a business I can like, trust and respect you. Too many people are going for the like you and I. I can love you as a person. I can like you a lot. If you're I don't trust and respect that your job as an agent, our Relationships gonna falter. Yep, I can trust and respect you as an agent and not like you, and we can have great transactions. So too much of the world goes for that like piece. If I have to in my dealings, especially as I consult, like with my consulting clients, I want you to trust and respect the decisions I'm giving you. What you're paying me to get is trust and respect. If we get the like out of it bonus.

Speaker 2:

Yep right.

Speaker 4:

So I want to give you the lessons without the scars and and I think too many people want to go gravitate to the like and If I look at, I have this here. You can't see it, but there's a triangle with like, trust and respect. The more trust and respect you have, the more money you make. Like is just an added thing that can come along the way. You can have all the like in the world and make zero, hmm, so you know. To go back to that whole point, it's the same right? Yeah, and Scott, and I feel very similar on this I have a thing inside of my business that I call the s3 speed square. I'm the mortgage broker builder, so a speed square, like in construction. I have three s's and it's not should shower and shave that can get beeped, or it's just. That's the common thing.

Speaker 4:

Um, it's skills, sales and systems, and you guys talk about this in a different way, but the skills are Just like. Do I know what to do if I go to the gym Did? How do I turn on the treadmill? I have the skill, so then the sales portion of it is have I done it enough times to where, when I slip on the treadmill, I don't fall and break my head like have I do? I have the reps to be able to handle things, objections that come at me, the, the sales portion of it to actually be able to execute on that. And then the systems. The system could be a post-it note, it could be tech, it could be your leader, but I have to have some system in place when it holds me accountable, it sees that I'm doing it. There's metrics, there's a scoreboard, there's those kind of things. There's not a right and wrong system like leadership is.

Speaker 4:

Scott talks about leadership. It can be a variety of ways that you get there, but if any of those legs are missing off of that table, you're not going to get the results. And the one thing we should go back to the new agent. Often they're the ones that could use the training the most, that are the least likely to do it. But if you think about it, if they spend, you know, a grand a month and it's $12,000 that they spend to you know, get some training and they sell two more houses a year and that compounds to this year turns to four. Next, look at that over 10 years. In 10 years they're doing 40 houses a year because of your training, that they paid 12 grand for way back when. But people don't see it that way and.

Speaker 4:

Right, I run into that a lot on trying to get people to become brokers. I'm now turning away probably 60 to 70% of the people that come to me and say, hey, john, I'd like to start a brokerage and this is my business. Right, I have to turn them away initially because they don't have their poop in a group to be able to actually do it successful.

Speaker 2:

They're pooping a group. I like that.

Speaker 4:

But it does me and I I'm guilty of this, I and you guys.

Speaker 4:

As you do more, you will bring people on, because the it's enticing to bring somebody on, that's gonna hey, they're gonna pay me to do this, and what ends up happening?

Speaker 4:

You end up now spending the next six months getting their skills and their proficiency to a point that you can actually now start applying things. So I was bringing people in to become a broker and I now need to spend the next six months teaching them like To not be afraid to be on a camera, to do a social media post, right, right. So like I brought in the wrong clientele, yeah, it was great to get a check, but like ultimately I cash that check and it cost me money. So you get this learning as you do more of this, which is interesting too, as I, especially as I speak to real estate agents that want to open their own mortgage brokerage. Like you have any idea, like just put, this is gonna take you a ton of time to do, and you like, and you think that Jimmy, the guy that does a couple of transactions for you, I like to use Jimmy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this is just Jimmy's been my default.

Speaker 3:

Usually everybody uses John or Johnny's right. Right like I have a John, so you know, jimmy, I did a presentation yesterday.

Speaker 4:

My slides were Jimmy, jimmy, oh, but you, you know, they think it's going to be so easy and I explained them like what's your net result? That you're looking for this?

Speaker 4:

Oh, we want to clip that little. You know I want to get the money on the transaction. Just understand, as you go through and open this and do all that, you're going to make like 50 basis points, right, like, and you're going to have the headache and the heartache. And now you got you know we'll use Scotty sales guy. That sucks that. You got a coach and you now have to convince your agents to like send stuff to Scotty. That sucks, because I make money over here.

Speaker 4:

It's like when people get in bed with the title company and the title company is terrible. But oh, you know, they pay for our golf outing once a year, it's like. And that they don't do that. That's respite violation, don't do it. But if that did happen and you force people to do these things, well, it becomes very transparent that your best interest isn't aligned with your people that work for you and you're steering them down a path. However, your real estate broker and you want to call me because some of them are right. They, they are buttoned up and they've got a business sense and social media and they understand it.

Speaker 4:

And it's just another cog in their wheel. But most aren't, they're just looking for. I can't sell homes. I mean I'll add a mortgage company to make more money, and it's it's.

Speaker 2:

you're just compounding your problems, bro that's one of the things that I that's I've said that before too is like cause. You know that gets pushed a lot of times on real estate agents like, hey, get your mortgage license. And I said we're just creating more problems. We're not, we're not solving anything, we're making it worse. If I can, if I, if I'm a real realtor that's struggling. Being a realtor, I don't need to add loan officer onto that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't need to add that, that weight onto my shoulders. I need to take some weight off right and do something different or anything.

Speaker 3:

How many realtors do you see that say, well, it's funny, because real estate touches so many different businesses. And I've seen this, and you're right, it's, it's funny. I've seen realtors say, oh, I'm, I'm struggling here, but you know what, if I added on a state sale company as well, you're right. And they're already disorganized in in doing real estate. And then you know, years later you find out that they're currently working at a bakery or something like that. It's, it's really, it's interesting. But it goes back to what we talked about too the, the five laws, that 1979 entrepreneurial emotional cycle. Right, yeah, always looking for that new thing, because when we get in that grind, we don't like the feeling of being in the grind. We want to go back to when something feels nostalgic and new. So we keep searching for something else, because we're we don't want to sit down here and suck long enough to be good at it, right.

Speaker 2:

It's. I mean it's like, if you think about it too, like I, since we've been talking about that, the things that have crossed my mind, like late at night, pondering it's like it's like a relationship, right, like you get into this relationship and like you know, my wife and I have been together for like 30 years, right so, but like there's the hot there's, and there's never really been hard days for us, but there's those days that, like you have kids and then you have the stress, and then you have this and then you have that right, it would be easy to go all right, I'm just quitting, quitting on that, I'm going to get a new wife. You want to mean like it would be easy. That's the easy part. The easy part is how it feels good.

Speaker 2:

To what Johnny's point is it feels good, let's just go do that again, let's start over again. Like let's just start dating new, like that feels great. Well, yeah, until you start to get into the same minutia again. And then he just go, let's start doing this again. Like that's what we were talking about with that, with that cycle of the emotional cycle.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's the thing I made a note for myself.

Speaker 4:

Cycle of performance is a thing that every business person, human, goes through. So there's this cycle of performance and you can write there's lots of ways, but I call it inception. So you have inception. That's kind of the honeymoon phase, deception. Every business goes through it. That's where, like, okay, I decided to become a real estate agent, I'm going to conquer the world. Well, very quickly you're going to hit deception Crap, what did I do? Why did I do this? And what you have to go is you have to push through that. And then you go through this period of transformation where you're kind of figuring it out. You're getting some little wins there. It's a series of wins, losses, but at the end of the day the net result is you're incrementally better and then that becomes your new identity and you have to go through that cycle. Too many people want to skip that. So they go from, like the inception part oh, it's awesome, they hit the problems and they will go right back to the next new thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And you just keep that cycle going well, you never get anywhere, you don't make any strides there. You've got to go through that transformation phase. I watched, like you know, I watched Rocket for years. Their whole thing, from the day I started there, was to become the number one lender in the country. They hit it. Guess what happened? Like you work there, yeah, yeah, guess what happened the quarter or the two quarters after UWM passed them. Yeah, their whole identity was around becoming that one thing. Because once you hit the milestone, if you don't have a next thing, you got to you got to go back into inception.

Speaker 4:

You got to add that new to it. And then you got to go through the iterations and people you know, oh not. Also just think about how many people today are sitting. And you've accomplished the things that five years ago you said if I just had a, b and C I'd be so happy. And yet you've accomplished them all and you're not any happier, right? Oh, it's just sad, yeah, but the reality again, is that we're creature that's designed to grow and we've got to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that's why we like to Johnny thing those dopamine hits. You know what I mean. Like I feel good, like social media, like shiny object, everything's great.

Speaker 1:

I got a new CRM.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to use it, but I got a new CRM.

Speaker 3:

I just want to, I just want to make sure and I want to highlight something there, because sometimes there's so much going on, but there was a gold nugget again that was just dropped and I hope people picked up on this, because we've talked about this before and for right. One of the most dangerous things that you could do in your business is to set a goal and not have another goal ready once you've hit that goal. Yes, that's, once you've hit. What are you doing? Once you've hit that goal, you have to have that next goal set Right. And we've talked about we were talking about this, jimmy and I were talking. There was some people that we knew that became somewhat successful or probably the most successful in the career, the two individuals that we're I don't remember, if you know I'm referencing. They ended up on stage and they're recognized and it was, it was a highlight of their life.

Speaker 3:

And then, like weeks later, gone, gone, like, like, yeah, like couldn't sell anything to save their life and and now they're in completely different Now they're not even in the business.

Speaker 2:

What's the other business anymore, which is crazy.

Speaker 4:

Goals and an anchor are super important. I have something that revolutionized my life, probably six, seven years ago. I call it my project one hundred. I read this thing and it was this thing that said, essentially, by the time your kids reach age 18 and leave the house, you've spent like 75 or 80% of your time with them, right, which, like, really stuck with me and I started like evaluating a lot of areas in my life and I came up with what I call my project 100. And what that is is that I want to live past 100 years, and at the time I'd been chewing tobacco for 30 years, 35 years. I drank, I did a lot of different things, was very healthy but also unhealthy. And I went through. I mapped out like and so 101 is going to be a problem for me. But I mapped out like how old are my kids? My oldest son, jack, will be 69. I think that he's going to probably have some kids that are in between 25 and 40. I'll probably have, you know, there's a potential that I'll have great grandchildren. So I mapped out where all of my key components, my key people in my world, where are they going to be when I'm 100 years old? My wife's going to be asked my kids all that mapped out.

Speaker 4:

What are 10 activities I'd like to do at 100. I still want to be able to go hunting. I want to be able to jump off my own boat. I have all these activities, so I've got a list of like 10 big things that I want to be able to do. Everything that I do in my life, the decisions I make today, are based around that. I no longer try to bench press 400 pounds at the gym. I now want to be able to be sure at 100 that when my great grandkids runs at me and he's three I can pick him up overhead and I can do that and I can chuck him on a bed and I can be the cool grandpa, not the one that sits there and can't do anything. Yeah, so all of my drivers today are around that. My career goals are around. If I want to be the sweet grandpa at 100, like I, better be able to take the kids to Disney and hopefully we're flying first class and it's going to be something. It's not a caravan of me, like schlepping the family across there.

Speaker 4:

So all the luggage in the yeah, like just trying to get by now like we're going to roll first class. I got to put in the work today, I got to do the efforts today to get something that's now. At the time was, you know, 60 some years out, or 50, whatever is now, you know, 48 years out, till I'm hitting those goals. And but it changes the way what you do today Like I don't really, like I don't eat at certain times I don't do things Because if I in 10 years, it's only going to be harder to get that back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

So having that right when you talk about a goal like that's why 101 is going to be a problem, because, like I want to live to 100 wife, I die on, like you know, the day after my birthday. But I will do the work today to get what I want in the future and you've got to have like, without that I don't know. Like I mean, I stopped you and I'm going to start chewing again to at 85 is my plan.

Speaker 3:

I got suspended in sixth grade for chewing tobacco.

Speaker 4:

So that just tells you how long I was chewing two cans a day. I miss it every single day I get it Me too.

Speaker 2:

I quit last year.

Speaker 4:

Every day, I, every day, I'd like to chew, but I don't do it at 85, though, I'm bringing it back, hopefully, hopefully they still have Grizzly or Kodiak, one of my faces like hopefully it's out there.

Speaker 2:

I was a school guy.

Speaker 4:

I'm ready oh.

Speaker 2:

I was a school guy, so I was really. I was with a guy yesterday that I want to jump on this, but I was with a guy yesterday who turns 80 this year.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Now he's a builder on this house that I took some clients to look at. He's remodeling this home for two and a half years and he's 80 years old Now. He now he hires, he's hiring everybody to do the work, but but he didn't look 80 and he's like, yeah, he goes. I'm turning 80 this year and I mean my man was like energized, like he was talking rides a Harley, like I mean the dude's, like he's ready to go, you know, and he's like I want the same thing. He was like I want to make it to a hundred, he goes. I told my doctor the other day when I get to a hundred I'm doing heroin. I was like, wow, okay.

Speaker 2:

I go do heroin.

Speaker 4:

He's like yeah, yeah yeah all the same.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, same thing. Yeah, he said, when he turns a hundred his doctor's like you're going to get to a hundred.

Speaker 2:

He's like, yeah, and then I'm doing heroin Nice.

Speaker 4:

Wow. So that's what it is, I guess that's a mic drop there, just leave it at what, what kind of well?

Speaker 3:

it actually kind of brings me the same logic and question where, what is it in life that got you to say, hey, you know what, at 85,. I'm picking it back up Like what, what, what made that?

Speaker 4:

decision, well one. I just I still miss it every day and at that point, right, I will have been. There will have been significantly more years without you than there was with, so right. So that's kind of the big lever. There is just that hey, if I chewed tobacco for 40 years out of my life, like let's get it to wear greater than that period of time I hadn't, and at 85, I figured like I know a lot of people that chewed for 15 years that didn't get mouth cancer. So I'm like I'm running a. It's a hedge there that cancer is not going to get me before a hundred from the chewing tobacco. So it's really it's kind of a hunch and educated guess that I can bring that back into my life at 85 and it not impact my goal of hitting a hundred. If I had 106, I get mouth cancer, but I love that last 21 years chewing like I will take mouth cancer at 106. I say that today but like yeah, what happens in 85?

Speaker 3:

You think. Do you think there's anything that gets in the way, that makes a change?

Speaker 4:

I think that by the time hopefully by the time like the farther I get away from not chewing, like there was a period of time where it becomes so ingrained in your life, any vice that you know your coffee only tastes good with it, or you can only poop with your dip right Like there's like the first thing you do when you get in your car. No, it was poop.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's.

Speaker 4:

You know, like I've rushed you know there are people in there, are people out there that want to wear a diaper, that are 40 identified. I don't care.

Speaker 3:

This is for all Friday.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you want to identify as a president.

Speaker 4:

How we gain more listeners and he identifies with the guy in the diaper Right. That's all the same.

Speaker 3:

That's the resident of the United States?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's funny. Yeah it just I lost my train of thought.

Speaker 3:

We talked about the president. If you think that you'll still be healthy, decision 85.

Speaker 4:

I think that by the time I get there, I will be so far away from it that it will be a non issue For me, though, giving myself the ability to not say that it's over forever because I enjoyed it so much. It's just I'm delaying that gratification, I think, was it's a half stack for me to just say, like it's not a forever thing, I just have to endure this for the next 50 years.

Speaker 3:

Now you've done something that's absolutely incredible, because most people haven't even planned for the weekend and you've planned for the end of your life or at least the day after, the day before the end of your life, which is when you turn a hundred. What, like. What is it Like? Were you just sitting there one day and you're like a hundred? Or did something come along to inspire you, or how did you even?

Speaker 4:

get on that. Well, I think that as you go down a journey, right Like I've listened to all the stoics audible like you know all that stuff. So, as you like, start like a stoic journey, you will end up at some point understanding that right, like at some point you're going to die. There was a thing that I had on my computer called the death clock. Tell me like my computer would click down by the minute to when you were going to die. Since about 2003, 2004,. Like my email is my company's, my consulting company is CEO 1440.

Speaker 4:

It essentially means you are the CEO of your life. Nobody else did anything for you, like I don't care what your great grandparents. Like you are the CEO of your life. You and only you are in control of it and you have 1440 minutes every day. So there's just a massive amount of self-accountability. Like I accomplished things.

Speaker 4:

Wins, losses are all on me, and so that whole living to a hundred is just, it's a manifestation of that. And living to a hundred is kind of like you know, like it's a gold standard in the you know, in the number of years you live. If you get to a hundred, like you're doing something right. A small percentage of the population does it. So there was no like massive defining thing.

Speaker 4:

I read that you know about the number of how much time you spend with your kids and your loved ones and just thought, the longer I can extend my life, that first 18 years of their life becomes a smaller percentage of that time with me. Yeah, like, if you think of your best friend, like I have my best friend from high school, there's only so many. If we spend one weekend together, right, we've only got you know, I don't know how long he's going to live, we've only got 25 weekends left. But if we both live to a hundred, we've got 50 weekends left If we spend one. So it just became like it became very easy to anchor all those things against it and that the longer you stretch out your timeline, the less the past mattered.

Speaker 2:

That's wild. That's one of the things that I, you know, I've talked about like because so so my, you know, I have my older son is a way at college, right. So he's out of state at college and he, you know, my wife, was always worried about like, well, how much time are we going to get to spend with him? And then I go, it's not the quantity, it's the quality, right? So you got to make sure that, like you said, you've only got so many weekends. Well, how do I make the most out of those weekends? Or how to make make the most out of the time with the time that I actually have? And it's by actually doing the things that, and look, I don't know if I'm going to make it to a hundred or not, I just have my guts all cut out. Well, have you set a goal for it?

Speaker 3:

No, I not need to. I've never even thought about sending a goal for it, but I have my grandparents. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

My grandma was a hundred and two there you go, Like I knew my great grandparents, like my, my grandpa's dad was, was a hundred when he passed, but I, like I, was seven or eight. Yeah. I mean like I knew him. You know what I mean. Like, which is wild to think about that long ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean that was.

Speaker 2:

it was like 78, 79, 80. You know what I mean Like, but he was a hundred then and so, like, automatically, it probably shouldn't he? Probably? You know what I mean Like, but it like. It was the same type of person, though, and like 85 that he got. My grandpa went and stopped at his dad's house and was mad at his dad because his dad was on the roof fixing a hole in the roof at 85. You know what I mean. Like he's up there with a hammer and putting some root wood down at 85 years old on his roof, and but then it then fast forward. My grandfather was the same way Like I. He was like 85, almost 90 years old, and he was a hang trying to hang the snowblower in his garage. And I go, I had to walk over and take it out of his hands and hang it up. I'm like, what are you doing? He's like this is all I'm doing, my thing. You know he was pissed that I even took it out of his hand and I'm like, just ask me to do stuff.

Speaker 2:

He's like I can't ask you to do stuff, I'm just going to do it myself.

Speaker 4:

Wow, you have 1,440 minutes every day. The more intentional you can be with each of those minutes, regardless of what it is, the more like the thought that you have behind it, the more intentional you are. It. Only good things come of it. Nothing bad becomes of being hyper aware of your time here on this earth. Yeah, to me it's invaluable. Right, like everybody gets to do their own thing, and I hope that a lot of people don't embrace it, because it makes it a lot easier for me to get ahead. If everybody else is worrying about what they're doing tomorrow and you know, 17 hours on their social media, like it can allow a guy like me to excel. Because I'm just willing to outwork them Like they're just you just come and catch me, try it. Come on, let's go, come run with me, let's go, let's go. You're going to stop well, before I do, and because I'm pretty anchored in those things.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, now, you keep talking about that too. In fact, you, you had mentioned something earlier I want to ask you about too, and I believe the phrase that you use is uh, I was talking about you can't, you can't have your last goal, and you said that, plus, you have to anchor it. What? What did you mean by that? What is that about anchoring your goal?

Speaker 4:

So just, it's really, it's just, it's an internal, it's a strong belief, it's, it's something that you just have, these non, non negotiables, right. You just there. These are the things that I am. I don't, I'm not like I don't work out, like it's not, like you don't.

Speaker 4:

There's not an end goal of like working out you don't become healthy, you stay healthy, you do it over a lifetime and you have to have this, this firm belief that this is my identity, this is what I am. And then you anchor it to that and like I use marriage right, like if you use marriage, the goal in being married is not to like you don't like reach, like I'm not married, no, you stay married over a period of time. And it's your actions, it's your beliefs, it's what you anchor, your fundamental who you are, that ties that back. So when I talk about anchoring, I talk about tying actions to beliefs and to your identity. And right, for a lot of and there was years that I did terrible things right, like your identity, like they don't line up and it causes a lot of strife. But when all of your goals and everything that you're doing are moving in the same direction, it becomes very easy to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, how do you, how do you, how do you start that process? Like if you're somebody that that said you know, or even real estate agents out there that are starting in the business and they're like, man, this, this sounds great, this is motivating. But like, how? Like, okay, cool, are there some people that just are able to anchor stuff down? Did you spend a lot of time with yourself? We just you just naturally know what identity you want to go after. Like, how did you form all?

Speaker 4:

of that. I think that you form it through time, right Like an 18 year old me was a lot different than the 30 year old me, which was a lot different than the 50 year old me.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, I'm still, I'm still 14.

Speaker 4:

So your self, identity, your self worth, those things, all it's an evolution, and I think that the best advice I could give to somebody is doesn't matter what you did in the past Right, you can't change it. Just you are where you are today and make a decision that the next minute you're going to be a better version of yourself. If you can just do that repeatedly. And it doesn't matter if you're the world's biggest piece of crap, I can be better in the next five minutes than I was the prior five. I it doesn't matter where you're at, what you've done, you can always get better.

Speaker 4:

So if you just take that belief, forgive yourself. This is why, like religion and Christianity does so good, is that right? Like you can come in. I'm like, I believe in heaven and all that and, but you can come in right. So, like Jesus forgives you for all of your sins, it's a clean slate. I get a fresh starting point when I become Christian and that gives people a springboard to say okay, like I don't have to beat myself up about what I did in high school, I get this fresh springboard.

Speaker 4:

And you don't get that in a lot of like. You're not given that grace in a lot of areas, and employers need to do it different. More people. If they just gave people the grace, you'd be surprised at how far they'd go. But that person always has to live with that prior baggage. And you and I, we beat ourselves up way more than anybody else does. Like the most negative self-talk you get is from yourself. You're the biggest POS in your own world. You, you know like we are our worst enemies. So give yourself a little bit of grace and allow yourself to springboard off of that right. Become like reborn, every day, every minute.

Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 3:

That's what a great way to end the show. Man, Be the best you you could be today and give yourself the grace to do it yeah. Well, that, what a great way to end that show, man. Thank you so much for coming on. That's been great. He's stick around a little bit with us. For the afterburner no for sure.

Speaker 4:

Oh perfect.

Speaker 3:

Perfect. Well, guys, listen. If you're listening to the podcast, come join us live. We do an afterburner rate afterwards, which is what we're about ready to do for all of you that are listening on the breakfast club before free to jump over to YouTube or Facebook as well for the after burner. Jimmy, you've been fantastic, johnny, you've been awesome and we'll talk to all of you next Friday. Thank you.