Free for All Friday

Episode 94 - Your Ticket to a Hardcore Show (With Guest Becky Alley)

February 12, 2024 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 4 Episode 94

On this Episode of Free for all Friday;

  • Relationships in business: how to communicate, collaborate, and coordinate with realtors and lenders
  • Expectations and laughter: how to set realistic goals and have fun along the way
  • Housing market trends: how to navigate the changing interest rates and make smart real estate decisions
  • Success strategies: how to overcome imposter syndrome, achieve work-life balance, and build bridges in business

Buckle up for an electrifying Free for All Friday as we, Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic, welcome special guest Becky Alley of 97.1 The Ticket, Hardcore Mortgage Show fame!

Have you ever wondered what makes or breaks the crucial bonds in business? We zoom in on these relationships, spinning tales of communication capers with our callers and spilling secrets on the magic of a warm handoff between realtors and lenders. Becky sprinkles her seasoned advice on setting expectations with a side of laughter, reminding us that sometimes, clients' vacation plans are as predictable as the sunrise. Meanwhile, the housing market's pulse beats strong in our discussion, guiding you through the latest interest rate rhythms to inform your next real estate dance move.

Finally, we share the strategies that turn agents into architects of their own success. If you've ever felt like an imposter in a room full of prospects or battled to balance the scales of work and life, let us guide you. We've got the blueprint for building bridges in business, the forecast for the housing market horizon, and the keys to unlock the doors of opportunity in real estate. 

If you enjoy our content, please like, subscribe, and share. You can also catch the show LIVE @ and make sure you stick around after for "the afterburner"


You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny, awesome and Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good morning, good morning, good morning Everybody.

Johnny Awesome:

This is Jimmy, fantastic and I am but a vessel for my crater at the positive, positive energy Secret. Greatness with it. All my kids. No, this, daddy Jimmy, I am gonna make it through the show at one day. One day, I am not gonna have this voice anymore one day.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You're not gonna, I'm so.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm so glad because hopefully today, jimmy, I don't have to carry your weight the whole show and we have a guest that we brought in that can.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, we can just leave her alone here. We're gonna take it a day off today, just let you do this thing. I mean you know what you're doing.

Johnny Awesome:

I would love to do that to somebody sometime like April Fool's Day, you know it'd be great is to get Kurt Shewell and Paul together. Oh, yeah, and just tell them to meet in an undisclosed location. Everything set up, the mics on and we just don't show up listen, don't threaten Kurt with a good time.

Becky Alley:

I don't think that's like that's no April Fool's for him.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, and I don't, I feel like, I feel like the microphones would just give out.

Becky Alley:

Just maximum capacity.

Johnny Awesome:

Of course, you can reach us at 313 644 for all 313 644 for all if you're on the breakfast club. Jimmy is on the board today, so you can hit star star, say hello and we can cue you up there. So you can now get a hold of us. We've got a very special guest. Your is already heard about her, jimmy.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Go ahead, yeah yeah, super excited to have you in studio today. Miss Becky alley, 97, won the ticket. The hard-core mortgage show.

Becky Alley:

I'm super excited to be here. When you reach out to me I was like, absolutely we. You know, we've been a lot of the same arena as a lot of the times doing interviews and Um. Anytime that I can be in the room with amazing people, I am here for it. So thank you so much for having me.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, no thanks for joining us. And Johnny night, we did. We jumped on your show when we were at CreatorCon.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, was that the first Wow that was fast, look at that.

Becky Alley:

That was real fast.

Johnny Awesome:

Good morning. You're on free for all Friday. Good morning. Hi they go so yeah, you call the number. It does work and you're probably gonna want to say something.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, somebody was like I.

Becky Alley:

Apologies, I'm actually getting over being sick as well, so that's why I don't have a smokers cough everybody.

Jimmy Fantastic:

The great thing is that I'm surrounded by both of you.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, we're here to give it all to you Somehow you have a super strong immunity, though, because you've been locked in a room with me for a while.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I think it was all the antibiotics when I had my surgery.

Curt Shewell :

Pumping me.

Becky Alley:


Johnny Awesome:

I don't know what it was, but it's working. That's good. That's I. Like I said, I don't want to. Maybe they just Snuck a flu shot into you while you were there. I don't. Maybe, who knows?

Becky Alley:

I don't know anyone that I know of that's gotten a flu shot. They get super sick. Maybe it shouldn't be as bad as it is it if they didn't. I've never had a flu shot.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, why was it sick? Really bad a flu shot once and it was a horrible experience horrible.

Becky Alley:

That's what I'm saying. I don't know. I'm not a anti anything you know like I'm just my visual with my eyeballs. Anyone that I know it's got a flu shot.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think it's so sick. Yeah, it once 15 years ago and I'm like, and my wife was like, yeah, you need to go get a flu shot. So I did and I thought I was dying. Yeah, I'm good on the flu shot, no, and.

Becky Alley:

I was telling you know, johnny, I was like I was little kid sick.

Becky Alley:

Yeah like those past, like week, where it's like I the last time I remember being that sick was in elementary school and I was like nope, I don't want no part of this. So I just like tried to stay still, I still had to work and all those things, but I had to cancel, like all my well actually I lied because I'm gangster like that. I was supposed to do an in-person office meeting and I was like can we do it on zoom? And I'm like sweating with a baseball head, I'm like secretly trying to get through it, but I still, I still did show up.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it's hard and again that's we've talked about this on the show a lot and just not too long ago Actually, like with what we do, like we have to show up yeah, you know what I mean Like it's hard for us to like just not show up.

Johnny Awesome:

No, yeah, I was like I was saying when I had, when I had COVID, I was still running appointments. Now, this last sick that I got, this is the first time. That's how sick I was. I was telling you that to Jimmy, that that there was a, there was an entire day that I just had to wait for appointments out. I just I couldn't run, I couldn't speak, yeah, couldn't think. Clearly I couldn't drive. It was horrible.

Becky Alley:

I feel that in my soul, though, what you're saying, because I went as I was sitting in that zoom meeting and everyone's looking at me, and I know they're looking at me through the camera.

Curt Shewell :


Becky Alley:

I'm like sweating and like just not feeling. I know I look like dog crap. I was like everybody. I apologize, but I'm here to answer any questions you have.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and then you're in your head, you're thinking please don't have any questions, please don't yeah, Right, right right.

Johnny Awesome:

I'll stick along for as long as I need to make sure all your questions get answered.

Becky Alley:

Why is every hand it was like that. It's like one of those when you're doubting yourself.

Johnny Awesome:

That's when you deliver the best wow, your scarf is getting a lot of love online. I don't know, is there any AEW fans? Because that looks like a lot like a scarf from my. I can't remember the wrestler's name off the top of my head.

Becky Alley:

Whoo, rick flair, rick flair is crazy. He's awesome.

Johnny Awesome:

Rocker. I was just watching a documentary on him. He was on. He was on kill Tony, which one day we aspire to be. For those that you don't know and I'm not I'm not, I'm not repping another podcast, but kill Tony is the number one podcast in the entire world. They have millions of people that listen to it live every Monday and they just sold out a stadium and now they sold out Madison Square Garden. They're doing a podcast for Madison Square Garden.

Becky Alley:

So I need it. I'm writing this down yeah, it's not.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't recommend it. It's not, it's very. It could be offensive. Okay, it's, it's a. It's a show where this dude, let, brings in celebrity guests and then they let anybody. You throw their name in a bucket and for one minute that person gets to stand up on stage in front of the world and do a minute of stand up. Whether they're brand new and I've never done it before or they're a pro. Yeah and then, at the end, the panelists just roast up.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, it's pretty brutal, but Rick flair was a guest on there. That dude was off his rocker. He was full-on Biden mode. Like he didn't know where he was or how to exit off stage. He fell off a bike getting on his way. Anyway, I don't know how we got there, but you know one of the things that's interesting about now, so let me ask you a couple questions. That some secret stuff. Yeah so is it true that your entire show is not actually a show, but it's an advertisement?

Becky Alley:

We are. We do have to pay for that space, but part of that is also allowing that opportunity for our guests to come on, because we're not, you know, looking for any Contributions for that. It's just a free space for our referral partners. But we are, you know, the affiliation with 97.1. We've been on air with them for 24 years.

Curt Shewell :


Becky Alley:

So 24 years.

Becky Alley:

I've been on 10 of those years. You make amazing connections through that, like stony and Vlennie, and you know all those people like they do an amazing job. Like Pat Caputo comes on right, you know, right after us, and you know, but radio at I mean radio space you got to pay to play. I mean everything you're doing you're paying for this space, even that you're in. So everything that you're doing Any in that kind of radio space you have to pay for it, because you that's booth time and you're know if you're not getting paid to do it, you got to pay to. You know pay to play. And so it's a good time though, and I love it. I feel like it's something that was written in the stars for me just to kind of be a part of, and you know so it's. It's great and the connections and the, the visibility that you have.

Becky Alley:

I mean we get calls across the nation, especially with everyone following the lions. You know the following right now is even is even crazier than it's ever been. You know we get calls from Wisconsin hey, I caught your show, you know, following the lions, and I heard you guys come back with this mortgage program. My daughter lives in North Carolina. Can you help her? And it's just. The reach is just insane.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Huh, that's crazy and what I like appreciate what you guys doing. This is like you it's, it's. You're highlighting, obviously, realtors, right, like that's the because, that's the partnerships, right, like that's what people miss out on so much. Yes the fact that we actually are in the same space, that we should be friendly with one another, and we're not.

Becky Alley:

I agree with that. I mean, I feel like the mentality of like the selling agent versus the buyers agent versus the lender. That mentality has to get out of here, because at the end of the day we're all trying to get to the same place and you know. But ultimately that we're like, oh, it's collaboration over competition. You're still competing against each other, like if you're going, if you two are going after the same, listing your competition. But where that collaboration comes in is when now you have the buyer. You're the seller.

Becky Alley:

Black man Jimmy's awesome, I've worked with him before and I know he's a legit person and Becky Ali's on that pre-approval. I know this is something that's going to get to the closing table. So it, you know you take president. So that's where that collaboration and competition, I feel like it's both. It's not one or the other. But how you can navigate in a room, in space, with your you know your professionals, um, you know Always trying to get to the you know, that same direction. So how you can function in that space is really where you separate the professionals from the freaking amateurs.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, now how? So let me ask you this, like because, again, like I said, this is a genius move. So a mortgage company thought, hey, we'll buy space an entire hour, right, aren't you?

Becky Alley:

guys on yeah for a whole hour.

Johnny Awesome:

Which I used to. So my career, my adult career, started in radio as an advertiser, so I know that that's not cheap, yeah it's very expensive, yeah. So you thought to yourself we're gonna get there and we'll get on a sports station, right. So you guys are there on a sports. So what made that connect? Like, how did you end up on a sports station doing this?

Becky Alley:

Well, so the owner of our company, he had relationships at that radio station, and so that's how I mean you're talking 24 years ago. Yeah yeah, and we were on air talking about the housing collapse and don't turn in your keys, don't leave your keys on the counter. I mean, we've been there for it all and so now at this point, to watch the evolution of real estate and it's ever changing it's a beautiful thing to have that space to really kind of reach out to our everyday consumer. That has no idea.

Becky Alley:

Because, your reach is about what A negative, like an inch, and you and you have a good reach, both of you right, I have a good reach, but we're not reaching everybody.

Becky Alley:

And when people say, well, I don't listen to the radio more like I listen to podcasts, lies. Radio will never die. It's never going to die, it's always gonna be around. And sure, there's podcasts that where you don't wanna deal with commercials but radio is something that is gonna be here to the end of time. It's been here before. You had commercials and video, and now we can amplify it. We're not only are you listening to us, but you also can see us now, so it's just next level all the time. How are you gonna get to that next space? Yeah, it's a good time.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, yeah.

Becky Alley:

And when you get calls and what's funny too is even like right now, people are listening and you might say something that people hear and you're like, wow, that was great, I love what Johnny said there. But they don't call. And that's where it's like sometimes what makes the show as good as it is is because you get that every day call of my mom passed away and I have to sell her house and there's a lady bird deed. I don't know what those next steps are. These are everyday people just listening, where they have no idea how to navigate in that space and they're afraid to ask because people don't wanna feel foolish.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah and I've heard the show so many times on your guys show is getting their information and then getting back to them. Yes, because there is a long story and it can take the whole entire show.

Becky Alley:

Yes, you know what.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I mean they're talking about a lady bird deed, oh yeah, and you're gonna see people dropping off when you're thinking nobody's listening, so it's like you, just circle it up and get the information. They're like hey, I'll call you later.

Becky Alley:

Yes, I love you, fix this later and sometimes you get help people. Sometimes you can't, but it is getting that story because everybody has a story. I have a story, you have a story, you have a story and sometimes it can be a little bit long-winded. But you have to let people talk to hear what they're not really saying to you. You have to listen in between what their pain points are, to identify that and you have to just tell them straight up like no, I can't help you, but I know this person that can.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And it's almost like you're active listening.

Becky Alley:

Yes, yes, believe that or not?

Jimmy Fantastic:

yes, Interested, not interested. Yeah, it's like you're actually actively listening and asking important, relevant questions.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, who would have thought, yeah, that's crazy how that works out, isn't it?

Johnny Awesome:

We got a good morning from Mexico. Good morning back to you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good morning.

Johnny Awesome:

I know Jeff was in Mexico.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yes, Jeff is in Mexico, oh well, there you go.

Johnny Awesome:

It's interesting because somehow we end up knowing where our people are at. Do you ever get somebody on the show that calls in and you listen to what they have to say and you're like we'll call you back, but you don't.

Becky Alley:

You're like I'm no, no, no we don't.

Johnny Awesome:

You've got to watch the show, guys. If you're just listening to this podcast, her expression said it all. She's gonna lie right now. She's gonna say no, we call everybody back.

Becky Alley:

We do call everybody back, but we decide who's calling that person, because it's also what people don't know is that there's a scrolling ticket text so we get the calls, but then some people are ticket texting and sometimes you get haters. The haters make us laugh the hardest because obviously you haven't made it till someone's hating on you and I was super sick and I laughed. And someone was like the girl on the show must look like an ogre from the way that she laughs, and so everyone in the studio was like that was when they decided to put cameras in there.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, and everyone just like died laughing and so like. Then at that point one of the guys called that guy whatever they say to him, I don't know that's funny, yeah, but it's for entertainment value. Some of the ticket texting, because I always often wonder, like, where are you texting from? Are you in like your mom's basement? Like what's going on, like the housing market is horrible and what you guys are talking about is not relevant to what's happening. I'm like what planet do you live on?

Becky Alley:

Because, it's not true at all, and that's probably why you're living in your mom's basement or something I don't know, but nothing to do with anyone that's living in their mom's basement. You got to start somewhere, but don't be a hater about it.

Johnny Awesome:

You know what I mean? Well, we're not talking about typically. We're not talking about where they're starting, we're talking about where they're ending. You should not be ending in your mom's basement. Yeah, you should not be ending.

Becky Alley:

But then if you fell from grace and you got to start over, I'm empathetic to that too. But don't be mean.

Johnny Awesome:

Right, don't be mean. What's the meanest thing anybody said about your guys' show or one of you guys individually?

Becky Alley:

The old me like them mocking my laugh or whatever. That was probably the meanest. And then the other one was like something about you guys are a joke, but it's always about if they're saying we're a joke, it's when we're talking about the housing market and that really it is a good time to buy, truly, and then they'll just rip someone. It's always just one person, Actually. We know, I have the number by heart. It's always-.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, what is it?

Becky Alley:

We'll call them yeah it's just something negative, but in reality it's like when you're saying that kind of stuff, it's like we're talking to people, that it's relevant to those people. Like it's not a good time to buy for every person, but you're speaking to the person in the room that needs to hear that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Don't threaten us with a good time. No, we'll call them right now. We call them too.

Becky Alley:

We do call them too. They don't answer, but we do call them. That's funny.

Jimmy Fantastic:

This would be a new number. Yeah, they probably won't answer. Once a week they get a call, it's pretty funny actually.

Johnny Awesome:

Kristen says that she loves the point about listening. In between, I don't know if I've ever seen Kristen comment before. Sorry, I don't know if you're a new listener, but hello Hi.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Kristen, it's nice to see you and I thank you for coming. Yeah, kristen's awesome. Yeah, I don't think she's commented before, but I so. Well, there you go.

Johnny Awesome:

That's the first time, I think, I've seen that name come up there. We have the normals too.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's so funny and our normals are listening.

Becky Alley:

We like our moms are always listening.

Jimmy Fantastic:

His mom is always listening.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's cool. My mom also, I think my sister's listening to you right now.

Becky Alley:

Shout out to Rachel. There you go, shout out.

Jimmy Fantastic:

The funny thing is his mom. We were talking about some stuff a couple of weeks ago and his mom goes go back and listen to your show. You've given your own advice, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

We're talking about the value of despair. Yes, and I was like man, I'm down, like that's where I'm at right now, and she's like, well, you know, listen to your own show, you're gonna be out of it, you know. You know it's better coming. Oh yeah, I'm like, thanks for listening to the show.

Becky Alley:

I mean like the Evan, I mean it's true, like even if you are down right, like even what we're doing right now, like I could be going through something so personal.

Johnny Awesome:

Like you.

Becky Alley:

Obviously everyone goes through things personal, but you got to turn it on. Wait, wait, here we go. Why?

Johnny Awesome:

does? She just goes. And then there's you. Yeah, I could be going through something, you know, you know I'm not trying to.

Becky Alley:

You know, obviously. You know Jimmy went through some things.

Curt Shewell :

You know health wise. Oh gosh, that's what I meant.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, I wasn't trying to blast anybody but like everyone goes through things, but like you got to turn it on on free for all Friday.

Johnny Awesome:


Becky Alley:

I could have a shit ass week, but on Saturday. Sorry and yeah sorry.

Curt Shewell :

I could have a.

Becky Alley:

I could have a horrible week personally and I got to put it on Saturday, no matter what, and nobody knows that people don't care. But you know you have to always rise above it and I feel like that's when you know, that's when you can really see someone shine, that professionalism come out of them. Because you know you have two options you can either fall and let it be, control you, or you can rise above it and you know, kind of just level up from that?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it is. We talk about that a lot. Like you know, it's even with what we do as a profession, right, like there's clients that you're going to meet with, there's clients that I have to meet with and Johnny has to meet with, and then you, when you go to that meeting, you have to put your super suit on and be like hey, I love you guys. This is great. I'm so excited to be here. Do you want to list your house with me?

Becky Alley:

Like yeah, well, yeah, like you could be, like you're literally sitting in the hospital, for example, and you're like having an emotional nervous breakdown.

Becky Alley:

That's what she was referencing for Jamie, for last and even for myself, like I have, like I had a nervous breakdown, I feel like I'm last Friday, to be honest with you, but you know I had to turn around and turn it right back on and get on the phone and no one even knew that I was even having a moment, you know, and for whatever that reason is, and but you know, just know that, like you're not alone, everyone's going through something somewhere sometime. And but you know you have when you open up your eyes and you realize that you have amazing people around you that are going to lift you up when you're down, and they see that that's not your normal character trait. I find grace in that.

Curt Shewell :

And it's.

Becky Alley:

it's refreshing when you you know, in moments where you might feel like you're alone, you're really not, because those people are going to lift you up when you need it, and that's something that I recently I don't. I recently realized that I have an amazing, amazing group of people around me. Wow, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

That's one of the. That's one of the reasons why you need to make sure that you have those amazing people around you. So look at that. A hashtag got started. I love that.

Becky Alley:

What do we hashtag?

Johnny Awesome:

Hashtag love F F A F. Thanks, phabes, that's great. Yay, that's how I feel about Johnny, not Jimmy, though I don't.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't know which kind yeah that's good for me and bad for you, or bad for you and good for me. I don't know. Yeah, I think it's good for both of us.

Curt Shewell :

I guess yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

So let's. So what are some other like surprising things or what? What are now? You joined, you said 10 years ago, is when you started on the the show.

Becky Alley:


Johnny Awesome:

What was some things that were surprising to you about being on a show that you weren't expecting?

Becky Alley:

I'm going to be honest with you. It was everything that I thought it would be. Yeah, you know, I, when I first started, I would get anxiety, I would get nervous.

Johnny Awesome:


Becky Alley:

I would. I because, like, I'm a perfectionist a little bit and I like to be prepared. You know, I like to have my thoughts in order.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And now.

Becky Alley:

I kind of can just go through it and just do the things.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm glad you got over that before you came on this show. Yeah.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, I mean, but I've always wanted to do that Like, so you've been-.

Johnny Awesome:

Did you hear her in the beginning flex? She's on a real show, jimmy. This show doesn't. What is this man? Yeah?

Becky Alley:

It does matter, this is your, this is this does matter, Cause you guys actually you guys have an amazing following and don't sell yourself short.

Curt Shewell :

You know people look forward. No, we don't?

Becky Alley:

Yeah, well, everyone, even though, like people, look forward to the free for all Friday and I watch it, you know, and I you're like in between, if I'm doing some stuff and I'm like you can see all your comments coming through.

Becky Alley:

So, you guys do a great job and this is an amazing platform and, again, I appreciate being on here, but on the radio it is.

Becky Alley:

What is cool about it, though, is it? It gives that person like that hour to kind of talk, but it you know to be on that air time, you have to fill the space, and sometimes people like that light comes on, we're go live and you're like a deer in headlights and no one can see you nod in your head through the radio. Right, you got to fill that space, so, like you know. So if it's quiet, you have to, like, you have to fill that gap. But when people you know, like the ones, sometimes there's people where they're really, really good in person, but then you get in that studio and they are just, you got to pull it out of them a little bit. But I love the element of getting that out of somebody right, Making them feel comfortable when you can tell they're not comfortable, and learning body language right, Like if you're talking and you're losing your train of thought, I can see it in your eyes.

Curt Shewell :


Becky Alley:

I'm going to pull you out of whatever, wherever you got lost. And because it's all about creating a comfortable atmosphere for everybody, because no one wants to feel oh man, I just left that show and I didn't put it all on the table.

Curt Shewell :


Becky Alley:

I didn't say the things that I wanted to say, and you know we don't put anyone on the spot either. We're not going to be like what's the next concessions for an FHA transaction? We don't do any of that.

Johnny Awesome:

There's so many ideas I'm getting right now. I love to do that, I mean you could literally be like, like just you, there could be a whole segment out of the spot with Free for All Friday. We have square signs.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, just random things. Yeah, just random ass things, but you know it's. But being able to pivot all the time in the in the conversation, I find it highly entertaining. And then you never know what kind of calls you're going to get. You could talk about credit and the phone lines light up. You could talk about condos and the phone lines light up. Or you could be talking about the most relevant topics with rates, and then nobody says anything. So it's it's weird how, depending on what's going on, like how different people call him, Interesting.

Johnny Awesome:

What, what, what's been like the one topic? Like, was there one topic you guys talk about and it just completely blew up and it was like your best show ever.

Becky Alley:

Uh, yeah, it was actually about condos. People got really passionate about condos one week.

Johnny Awesome:

Really. Yeah, that's a real estate agent. It's the most boring thing ever.

Becky Alley:

And then credit credit's always a um a hot topic too, because credit is like an elusive, mystical creature to people. Yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

Some of them.

Becky Alley:

And like they just don't understand it. And so when we unpack that a little, bit.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Who doesn't understand this? That's what I'm saying.

Becky Alley:

It's a, it's like a enigma, yeah. And say it's always keeping money in the bank. That is also an elusive, mystical creature that, um, your everyday person does not understand. Because of the fear of the banking system, people just do not keep their money in the bank and they just do not understand. That is something that you need to do if you're trying to finance a house, but it's not 19, 20.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Becky Alley:

Yeah, that's a definitely. It's a big thing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's funny because I just had this conversation with the first time home buyer, uh, did a consult with them and they're kid, they're young, they're, they're, they're young, and um, but the the still the misconception of I need 20% down and I need this. And I'm like, whoa man, like you don't need hold on. Like you know, you really think that is what my mom said. You know what I mean. Like yeah, so they're still going with what their parents said, because that's just what the kids do, and but then I have to like re, un-re-program that whole thing.

Becky Alley:

Mm-hmm, yep. So like I would say like that's of my top three like home buyer mistakes is, uh, not keeping enough money in the bank at all or not keeping any money in the bank, thinking you have to put 20% down, um, but the biggest thing is, people just don't even try. That is like a you know in decision. To me I feel like it's a personal prison, like if you're like in between two different things, when you know like your body's telling you to go one way and then you feel stuck, you know, kind of staying back. That indecision is personal torture, at least for me. So like even when you're buying a house, like if you make a decision, whether you're going to rent right now or buy, you're making a choice and then you move full on in that, in that direction. But when you get stuck in between, um, that's torture, like in life and anything. I feel like.

Curt Shewell :


Johnny Awesome:

Wow, All right show's over.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I love that. Talk to you guys next week.

Johnny Awesome:

I yeah next week when we're doing our uh special episode, credit and condos just let you know um cause we got a boost.

Becky Alley:

I'll be calling in on that one as well. We got to boost our numbers. Credit and condos, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

But one of the things, uh, having to hear that I think is really interesting is again, um, for our listeners it's not always like you said about what's being said, but there's so many, so much information in between, and one of the things that people might not have caught in all of the things that we've talked about so far is how important relationships are, and I mean, think about your show started with somebody having a relationship with somebody that got them in, and now you guys are building relationships with realtors, which is smart. I mean, that's a marketing ploy, right Like we're going to build these relationships.

Johnny Awesome:

We're going to bring realtors in. We'll have them on the air. We let them now they can put. We've, as heard on, you know, 97 one, the ticket that gives them an opportunity to market and advertise themselves. It's just a smart way to go. It's one of the things that you know we, the agents, should be thinking about too. Like what? Not that you could start your own. It's expensive.

Becky Alley:

You can't do it, and he also there's. There's no space left anymore. You have to buy your radio station. Yeah, you have to. You would have to get your own station to get that slot for sure.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, yeah. So you know, podcasting is the next best thing. That's why it is here we are.

Becky Alley:

But it's easy. You know, like not, that podcast is easy, but like I didn't mean it like that.

Becky Alley:

But, everyone just wants to start a podcast because everyone has something to say, everyone, everyone wants to be interesting. But are you interested? And that's really what makes a good conversationalist. And, to be honest with you, I'm sure that you know, 24 years ago it did start with like, oh, we're going to do this thing and we're going to have this platform, we're going to all kinds of business from it, right, yeah, but it's evolved into something so much bigger than that, yeah, and at this point in me, because we're so, you know, we've all had.

Becky Alley:

You know, I'm two decades into my career and you know, you know, 30 years, almost 30 years, on the on the air.

Becky Alley:

It is not even about that, you know, like that business anymore. It is about the cultivation of you're going to speak to somebody different than I'm going to speak to them, and how are you reaching and punching someone in the face with your soul through that radio and through Facebook, and what are they connecting with? And because everyone that when you respond, you're responding from your own personal perception, your experiences, like everything's that comes out, not that it's jaded, but I'm responding based off my life experiences. You're responding off your life experiences and you know when you can talk to somebody instead of at somebody. That's when you can really make positive change in their life and they can think about hey, maybe I can buy that house, maybe my whole entire life of my family never owning and been renting out, being professional renters, maybe I can be the one that's different and that's the people that I love. Connecting with individuals like that, where they can't, when you can see it for somebody but they can't see it for themselves. It's a it's a beautiful thing to be a part of.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I mean it's it's so true, and it is it's. I'm going to move this. Hold on, cause I'm like. I feel like I'm watching tennis. You feel like you're watching tennis, yeah, cause I was going like this. Oh, that's okay.

Becky Alley:

I mean you're doing good. That's why I didn't want you want her to sit in the. I didn't want her to have those straight or neck. I appreciate that. I mean I, johnny, was looking out for you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Apparently I wasn't yeah, but now everyone just gets a side profile. Is that the good side that we need to switch around?

Becky Alley:

Pick one. Okay, they're both great.

Jimmy Fantastic:

They're both fantastic. So you know, I don't know where I was going. Though Ping pong tennis, you're moving things, ping pong tennis. I'm loving my ADD, relationships, the relationships right Like that that's so important in this business and we talk about this all the time between like the realtors, first of all, like the buy side, the list side, that you guys have to get along Right Like, don't be a jerk.

Curt Shewell :

That's, that's capital D. Yeah, exactly.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Like it's super important and and how and we talked about this with like at a networking event, right, how important it is in our business to network and a networking thing Like it's not about it's. It's not about it's not about it's not about it's about. About it's. It's really just about getting to know other people, even in whether it's mortgage or whether it's real estate, and how closely our businesses are. And we can't get along Like you want to mean like real Cause we just point fingers at each other yes, for mortgage person's fault, it's a real estate agent. Don't do anything all day. You want to.

Becky Alley:

Yes, I don't disagree with that and I feel like like a personal mission of mine is to change real estate a little bit and make it better than what we found it. But to that point of that, that barometer, your blame barometer and cause, no one wants to take accountability.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Becky Alley:

You know, and if, if I make a mistake or you know, like, for example, I issued a pre-approval but I was very bold on this pre-approval is going to be validated and contingent upon blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right, but I was in a situation where they're trying to get an offer in and I finally got a chance to connect with the person and everything that I had had, or the information I had, was not correct, right. So that's why I was like, very bold, like this is contingent on these things. I try to protect myself.

Becky Alley:

I get on the phone and say, look, I have to retract that because, just like I said very boldly, this is contingent on me receiving this very detailed information. But you can write this offer, but I don't have all the information. Let me make that very clear. I don't think that's necessarily a mistake that I made, but I also have to get on the phone and say, look, I was doing you a solid because you're a referral part of mine, but now I need that grace. I have to retract that. This person is not qualified based off the information that I now have, you know, because it's very difficult to hit a moving target going a thousand miles an hour.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Becky Alley:

And I have to be running and I'm scooping information and there's always this like unrealistic expectation of timeframe that everyone wants to put on the lender. We got to close in 10 days, of course you do, oh, and also someone's going on vacation and someone's going to buy a boat in the middle of all those things, and then I have to pivot around all that and still make it okay and make it look like I did everything effortlessly.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Just sprinkle pixie dust on it, it'll be fine, yeah.

Becky Alley:

It's like oh, the title company, they can't close, they're not ready. It's not like that. Everyone can just have professional, transparent conversations and just say look, life happened, this buyer did something that they didn't mean to do, or the title company, you know, didn't get the information they needed in time. No one's doing it on purpose. No one is intentionally dragging a transaction out. If you're buying or selling intentionally, no one. Everyone wants to get everyone in and out of their respective houses and if you can kind of maintain that mentality, you're good, because this is a skills based market, and what I mean by that is it's relationships, it's you can't fake it till you make it, because you're going to get exposed, and that's why there's a lot of people that got out of the business.

Jimmy Fantastic:

For sure, and it's, it's. Uh, the funny thing is how, how closely all that works together and the it's like. I'm with you on the whole blame game thing, right, Because none of us get paid until it closes.

Becky Alley:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Like, none of us get paid until it closes, so I, I, I, I want it to close. You want it to close? Title wants it to close. Everybody wants to close, but until we do, nobody gets paid.

Becky Alley:

Like the whole mentality and it's. It makes me laugh now, cause, like it has it's. It's almost like you could write it on a piece of paper, mail it to yourself and open up the letter and be like, ah yes, just as I predicted, right, everyone's face is going to melt off If we close. If we close on a Monday instead of a Friday, or if it's like right before a holiday, it's like if it is like fourth of July weekend and you don't close on that, everyone's face is going to melt off, like literally, if you're closing on that Monday. It's, it's very bizarre and it's weird how, like us as humans, I feel, like how we interact on things like that. But you know, it's pretty, it just it makes me laugh. So I'm like okay, yes, the holidays coming like flag day, Everyone's upset Valentine's days.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Next week we got to close before Valentine's day.

Becky Alley:

That's true. Maybe we didn't get you home for the holidays, but we will get you home for Valentine's day.

Johnny Awesome:

So like was that? A was the agent in your example like super mad?

Becky Alley:

Oh yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

And so now they write in on the show and call you an ogre. Is that what happened? Maybe, I don't know who it is.

Becky Alley:

But when you but when you like, with that comment with you're listening, you're hearing what's in between. Really, what they're upset about is they had a vacation planned.

Johnny Awesome:


Becky Alley:

And nothing to do with anything that was going wrong. They had something personal going on and so, instead of you know, just saying it and me being like, all right, I got you, like I'll be at that closing, I'll fill that spot. So our client is not alone. It came out their reactionary and it's coming out all wrong. So it's like you have to hear what someone is saying and like when they're reacting like that, you have to be like why? Why are you so upset? And then you get them to tell you the truth. You're like, oh, it's not even that big of a deal.

Becky Alley:

Like we'll totally work it out.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And you didn't plan that vacation yesterday. No, you knew about that months ago. And now you're just letting me know about it. I swear to.

Becky Alley:

God, everybody that's buying a house also is buying is going on vacation. And it is they go hand in hand and it is very comical, but it is very predictable as well.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I heard something somebody said to me one time your urgency is not my urgency.

Becky Alley:


Johnny Awesome:

I don't know.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I feel like that's a cute saying, but I feel like in our business, their business, it starts to get that way.

Johnny Awesome:

When it becomes my problem, well, they make it your problem. I think that's the problem, yeah that's the problem.

Becky Alley:

Well, because it's very emotional. It's very emotional, you know it's money, and you have individuals that's also like where they bought there with me and it's their second house and they have no idea what they went through the first time. You know, it's very like. I've never done this before. I've never had to get bank statements right. They're like I sent the lender my pace this is for any lender that's listening, I understand. I'm empathetic to this. I sent them the pace of seven times. Okay, well, the picture that you sent me had a beautiful polished nail in it. You're a beautifully manicured nail in the middle of it, so I couldn't read anything of what was on your. So, yes, you did send me the pace of seven times, but each time it was a different finger in there.

Johnny Awesome:

And one time it was your face and you look confused. How do I make a picture?

Becky Alley:

Yeah. So I assure you, anyone that's in the lending industry will never ask you for a piece of paper that they do not need because we don't want it.

Curt Shewell :

We don't want it. I don't need more paper. We get enough paper.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We don't need more, yeah, so that's a service announcement for everybody.

Becky Alley:

I understand.

Johnny Awesome:

Let me ask you this then since we have yet like what would be, since we have a audience of mostly realtors that listen, what would? What do you think the one thing would be that would make it so that everything would be more cohesive? I know, aside from communication, like if we got into the nitty gritty, like what's one thing that would make everything just easier for everybody, if everybody would understand this, this one thing.

Becky Alley:

Um, well, I would say I mean there's two things. So one in the initial, like your hand off, you could talk to someone at 12 o'clock. Be like I want you to talk to my preferred lender, Becky, I call them at 12, oh two, that same person just stubbed their toe and now they're upset and they're not answering the phone and now I'm trying to chase this person. Then you're like well, what's up with that lead, what's up with? And I'm like actively calling. So I feel like the initial handoff, like if you're with someone in person and you can be like hey, Becky, I'm with this person right now. Are you available? Yes, Do that warm handoff, because that's less chasing, because you don't want to get the false yes, right, Do you want to buy a house? Yes, Well, really they're saying yes to get you out of their face.

Becky Alley:

Right you want to quickly identify um, is this person really serious? That's my job is to very quickly say this person is not now. So you go focus on your now business and then I'm going to nurture this person over here. So if you could have better handoffs between yourself, like the realtor and the lender, I feel like that would be strong. And then, um, the other thing is again, it is communication, but it is about setting that expectation of um, not being afraid when you're having that initial conversation with that buyer, if you know, hey, the lender is going to ask you for some things.

Curt Shewell :

and then they're going to ask you for more things.

Becky Alley:

And then they're going to probably ask you for other things. It's totally normal. It's standard. They're not the enemy, it's not. You're not. Mom is an undermining dad, we are a you. You have a preferred lender and a preferred relationship for a reason, so we can navigate this together and handhold this client. So it needs to be where you know if that, um, if your client all of a sudden is mad about something and they want to bash your lender, you almost have to defend your lender because you are in a relationship and you trust that person for a reason and you know your lender, whoever it is, whether it's me or whomever. They've gotten you in and out of binds enough times where they deserve that respect and that one off client. You're not like, oh yeah, I know, they're just horrible, when in reality, you know that they're not you can't just be agreeable.

Becky Alley:

To be agreeable, just kind of stand strong, be like no, actually you know she does a really good job. I'm sorry You're feeling that way. I'm sure there's a reason. Um, let's, let's figure this out together. You know that kind of stuff. Like you have to um, be one unit and I feel like that creates the best experience for the buyer.

Johnny Awesome:

It's almost like, uh, you're saying that sometimes you have to have those awkward conversations.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, I mean, and most of the time, you know, when people are buying houses, they, they hold off because they're ashamed, they're ashamed. Right Again, it's listening between the lines right. They don't want their credit pulled because maybe they did something when they're younger that they didn't know anybody you don't know what you don't know. And then so, well, I don't want you to pull my credit. Well, you have to, and you have to make that okay.

Becky Alley:

You have to make that part of the conversation, cause that's why you got these people running around with pre-approvals that don't mean anything and the deals are falling apart because I know this, because I can at least get at least three or four every month that are falling apart somewhere else that I have to put together, which is cool. It's a blessing. I'm glad I have that reputation, but it's a lot. But they're coming to me already frustrated. And I got to undo all the damage.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, that's the heart. Like that's the heart, part Right, becky can fix it, yes. And then you're like yeah, you know cause, like if I could have the.

Becky Alley:

I'll be the last phone call, but I would love to be the first you know and I'll figure it out.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's an easy one, yeah, Like just like one that, just like you know, I always say this to agents all the time with real estate agents Like can, can you just do a transaction Like just just an eat, like a? Take somebody out, show them the house, they write the offer, the offer gets accepted, it actually goes well and we close on time. Like, can we just do that? Like we do that Like that would be great.

Becky Alley:

Every time, all the time.

Johnny Awesome:

I got. I got a couple of comments. I also. I also just want to let you know you are very perceptive. I watch her watching me while she's talking to you, do this Like I'm watching that and I'm like man. She, she's perceptive. She sees. Lisa says Becky is great at getting the bottom situations and then she let you on fire. She also agrees it's all about creating a team atmosphere. Jelly has a question for you. Jelly says good morning. Did the show Becky host take the spot that rock and David Hall used to have prior to the current show?

Becky Alley:

No, no, they were never on 97.1. To my knowledge so, and I feel like to my, I was a different station. I believe that they were on but had nothing to do with 97.1. And, to be honest with you people, I know that people are want that spot that we have for sure, oh, I'm sure. For sure, people want that spot, but you know it's. It's a beautiful thing to be a part of and we appreciate everyone that listens. But no, we did not take anyone's spot. It's been ours, thank you.

Johnny Awesome:

Awesome, good morning. You're on free for all Friday.

Curt Shewell :

First time caller, long time listener. How are you doing?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's what you said that's not, that's not really true.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But yeah, it's not really true, but we definitely recognize this voice.

Curt Shewell :

I try to disguise it, but I'm like, yeah, I screw it.

Johnny Awesome:

Mr Kurt Shewell, everybody calling in on the free for all Friday line. By the way, good morning.

Curt Shewell :

Kurt, big fan, good morning. Good morning, no 11, 11. A equal, equal. Coming right back at you there, the couple of things you guys have to stand is awesome. I'm really enjoying it. So thank you, thank you. Question for you, though and I get to ask this a lot as well you are building your business. You've done amazing jobs scaling your business. Most people don't know how to scale Right, and that's where I have a lot of successful people teaching on a scale. What is your, what is your Direction? Opinion, advice on how to get in the right room to the right people, because I get asked that all the time.

Becky Alley:

I mean, it is true, I mean proximity is power, but part of that is being able to be open. You know, there's a lot of times where you know you go to these networking events and you know you come in and people are closed off because they feel like they don't deserve to be in the room. And if you can kind of shed that negative Stigma of yourself and walk in there like someone sent you and talk to somebody that you don't know, that's one more conversation that you're getting. You know you're getting, you're having and you're you're developing these relationships. You're developing your skill set.

Becky Alley:

Now, everyone is an extrovert, so I respect that. But if you don't know what to say, ask them a question about themselves. People love talking about themselves, right. So even if you're nervous, just ask someone a question and then you can naturally kind of like add on to that. But that's the biggest thing is, you know you can walk in rooms.

Becky Alley:

But and I've even been in rooms where I'm like man, I don't I felt like I had that, my imposter syndrome. I felt like I didn't need to be, I didn't deserve to be there, but I forced myself to be in those uncomfortable situations, like early on in my career and then I realized I do deserve to be here. And you know, and not everyone, you're not gonna get along with everybody, but the right people are gonna be swimming to you as well. And so and you're great, obviously, kurt, at you know, developing those relationships and getting around people, and you know, but it all starts with that friendly face, that conversation, and the more you show up there, more like oh yeah, I do know Becky, oh yeah, I do know Johnny, I do know Jimmy, I do know Kurt. They're great people and you have to kind of let your work Do do the speaking for you. My biggest motto is you have to be so good they can't ignore you.

Becky Alley:

And I'm in a male dominated field. I'm 90% if I'm a preferred lender, I'm if I'm one of three, I'm always the only female on the board, and so I feel like a great Responsibility to represent and there's amazing female loan officers out there, but there is more men in the field than than women and I feel like you have to Set the stage and I also, like you know, used to think like, okay, well, this is what a top-producing loan officer looks like, but that's not me. It wasn't me, that was me putting out this, you know, facade of what I thought, and as soon as I owned and was authentic to myself, that's when my career completely changed. So I would say be authentic to yourself, because people are gonna smell that you're not being yourself and that is going to limit some of these conversations or rooms and tours that are gonna be opening.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think one of the most important things you said in that whole thing was act like someone sent you.

Becky Alley:


Jimmy Fantastic:

I think that was one of the coolest statements, like get into that room, but I think somebody sent you to that room. Yeah and that. That was that just stuck out to me. I don't know.

Becky Alley:

Mm-hmm, I walk, I mean, and I do, I feel I do walk into rooms like that, like that I there is a purpose for me to be walking in that room. I don't know what that purpose is, but it could be one conversation, could be five conversations. I could be speaking to someone that maybe I used to be in the room on that day. But if I walk in with, I know there's someone in there for me to speak to or to connect with or maybe change your life, and even the slightest bit, that's enough for me to be in that room.

Johnny Awesome:

Hmm, kurt, that that mirrors a lot of kind of what. When we talk about you too, we talk about how you. If you see a crack in the door, that doors open to crack, kurt will walk through it, man he looks like opportunities dropping bows like I'm coming in In Curtis jump the ropes sometimes right.

Curt Shewell :

Yeah they put the ropes out there for everybody. They don't put them up there for me, though. Right, and that's how you have to think. I love it back. You know that was a great answer. I could agree to more. One more question for you and I'll let you guys go. You guys are killing it today, so awesome show. Thank you guys.

Curt Shewell :

One more question is when you're building your business one of the things you said about even proximity, getting the room and all that it's let your work Show up for you. You're always there, and I think that's such a crucial, key piece and, like you said, sometimes they don't know who you are, but they see you. Then they see you again at the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. You work tirelessly, but you have a phenomenal balance because of phenomenal life, and I don't know people understand that, because a lot of times I hear people talk about people like you. They've asked me Jimmy, johnny, you're always working, you're always working, rock man, you never stop, you never stop, you never stop. How do you answer that?

Becky Alley:

I say I go real hard in the paint Monday through Friday, like real hard in the paint on the weekends. I give myself that grace to kind of, you know, dial in and. But, granted, I have the radio show on Saturday mornings, and then Saturday mornings I have the radio show, then I, you know, hit the gym. So that's my time to decompress a little bit, because the radio show to me is not work, it's. I enjoy it, it's, it's fun. So I have the radio in the morning, then Saturday I hit the gym, and then Saturday, as I'm running, I'm with the family, but I make it a point to Leave at certain times. I always show up for my kids and it is, it is a balance. I mean, it's a constant working osmosis that you have to be always kind of working towards. And then also, once you get to that point of you know, hiring it out, right, have I have a staff that support me? That I can, you know, um, I can be a lot of everywhere.

Becky Alley:

And social media, though it's also a tricky thing, it's perception right. It appears that you're everywhere, you know, but you're very strategic on when you're at and who and who you're speaking to and who you're giving your time to. If you're trying to cast a wide net and work with everybody within, you're working with nobody, because as a person, you can't properly service Everybody. I can't be the best friend to everybody, because then I'm not servicing myself, I'm I'm too thin, I can't be that that friend to you because I'm just too. You know I'm all over the place. So be intentional about who you're connecting with. Be intentional about the relationships you want to build and swim to the people that are swimming to you. That's my biggest thing, you know.

Becky Alley:

And when, like the sun, the moon, the stars and houses align, of course I want to be in the middle of all that, with you know, the best of the best people, but it's also, you know, recognizing that someone sees that in me as much as I see it in them, and we're gonna, we're gonna be in alignment with each other and that's going to help you. You build your business because you don't need a thousand relationships, you need 10, 20, really, really good ones, and then those just evolve and, you know, expand, because as I'm growing, you're growing, everyone's growing, and you meet new people through new people and but being blessed to be around people like yourself, kurt, you know you are the best at seeing people. Kurt will walk in a room and he sees you. He sees you deep inside your soul. The things that you don't say to people and I, I tend to. I feel like I'm good at that as well, and so when you're around people that see you for who you are, um, that's invaluable.

Curt Shewell :

Hmm. There you go, kurt, I do answer on bike back a hundred times and you'll build your business. She just fricking crushed that great a book on that. That was amazing. Also, becky, love you. You guys, fantastic, thanks, guys. Thanks, take my car.

Becky Alley:

I Kinds don't follow trends, we set them.

Johnny Awesome:

Thank you again for calling in again. That that line is open. Guys, three, one, three, six, four, four, four. All you can always. You can always call in chat about whatever you want chat about. We do have a question in the chat here. It says any feeling on the interest rate environment and when we might see rates begin to fall. How low do you see them dropping this year? Well, but you don't get asked that at all.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yes, it's a over the last five years.

Becky Alley:

All right, but the thing is is that the topic that's no one's talking about this rates are already dropped. You know they have it like. So in October, you know, when everyone is like gearing up for their like holiday itis I like to call it right the rates were, you know, pushing almost 8%. And then, during the holidays, and you know, in December, they dropped, you know, like in the mid-sixes, right. So we're now, we're sitting in the mid-sixes, but I mean, even from just like a month ago, the beginning of the year, they went over a percent and a half down, but no one was talking about that because they were in their long winter's nap and that's why we were preaching you on the show like this is the time because that moment of well, I'm gonna wait till the rates drop. Okay, Well, here they are. Like when I bought my first house in 2006, to kind of put in perspective, my rate was six and a quarter.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, and that was in 2006. Yeah, and at that point before, yeah, I did the right thing. I did the right thing at the wrong time, yep, yep.

Becky Alley:

And so when I'm dealing with my clients, that also, like that, helps me navigate because, course I, I've done the right thing at the wrong at the wrong time.

Becky Alley:

I've also done the right thing at the right time. But everyone has a pain point and you have to get them through that. But the rates are still historically low and they're dropped quite A bit. Now, I think me personally. I think we'll probably see High fives like five, five, point, eight, seven, five. You know, as we get closer to like the election, it's almost like that someone running for class president bending machines in all the classrooms, like all this up.

Johnny Awesome:

But um red bull in every single one of them.

Becky Alley:

You're gonna get a stern handshake every morning for me, whatever, but I think that will be like high fives. But even then, like the difference in your payment between a six and a half and a five point eight seven five is really not even that Substantial. There's no reason why, if right now it makes sense.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, or someone to buy. You be holding off, but it is going to trigger some refinances for anyone that bought, like when they were, like you know, the rates were high about a year ago. But it's going to also Create a frenzy because you know individuals that have been sitting on the sidelines locked with their golden handcuffs of equity. You know those step-up buyers. They're gonna start unlocking those handcuffs and they're gonna start throwing their hat in the ring again, because a lot of people bought just they bought houses, just to buy houses in 2020, I don't know.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, the rate was like so low, I'm just gonna buy to buy. Now they regret some of those decisions, so they're going to start, they're gonna start moving and I feel like it's gonna be pretty difficult again for first-time home buyers. It's gonna be a mini 2020 and what I mean by that is you're not gonna see as much refinance activity, obviously because the money was so cheap, but your you know, purchase is gonna continue to be very strong and anyone that's waiting for the housing market to crash and all that's up. We are not gonna experience anything that we saw in, you know, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, because there's just not enough inventory. It's, it's common, it's economics right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, the inventory. It I mean the inventory crisis. Yeah, the inventory has been an issue for ten years ten years, yeah, and I can remember like I can go back and look at videos. I did, you know, five, six years ago, and it was like we need more houses to sell and I'm like shit, I haven't seen the same thing over. Videos are terrible.

Becky Alley:

But the rate question is they have already dropped. They are pushing 8% October. They're already mid sixes right now. If they even move a little bit between like six and a half six point six to five, that is a amazing rate for anybody to buy a house right now. It's affordable and rent is rent is going through the roof. So, yeah, it's about helping individuals learn how to divorce rent for good you know it's interesting about that and this is something here's.

Johnny Awesome:

Here's something for your real estate agents that me and me and Jimmy were working on. Something I've been teaching into the the realtors that I am currently coaching is is to take a snippet of where rent is going. Grant Cardone I was on a training with him three or four weeks ago and he said everything that they're showing is showing that a trend that within the next two years, if not sooner, we will have a national average rent price of about four thousand dollars per month. Mm-hmm, and that sounded crazy at first, but yesterday, just yesterday, I was on a training and right before I did, I was looking at the news. There's a new apartment buildings that are opening up in Detroit and guess what? A one bedroom, one bathroom, under 800 square foot Apartment is starting out there for a grand, for a grand a month. Wow, yeah, I was like wow, like that's three weeks. That dude predicted something at three weeks later, you know, and and we're gonna start to see that. So that's super important.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's already happening, oh yeah it's already happening in like something that I some rental property. Yeah, yeah.

Becky Alley:

Well, the thing too is like, because we're a national lender, so I'm personally licensed in 16 states, you know, but we're licensed in all 50 states. I have, at this point in my career, I, you know, have relationships in quite a few states and I have, you know, individuals that are investors in California Investing in Michigan. There's a reason why the investor doesn't care what the interest rate is. There's a reason why it doesn't matter, because they know that they are going to have that cash flow and they know that they're gonna eventually refinance. They understand that. So why you're? You're the average buyer that is gonna be living in this house why they're not understanding that is, you know, maddening a little bit, so you try to like, debunk that, but Michigan is one of the very few left affordable metropolitan areas that is up and coming and.

Becky Alley:

New York is crazy, forget about it.

Johnny Awesome:

You, for five thousand dollars, you get a room like the size that we're in, like a you know it's closet, you have to fold your bed up into the wall to use the toilet.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, but, um, you know so, like investors. I have a lot of investors out there and there's amazing programs for those investors. But again, they were buying when the rates were 9%, even for an investment property. They don't care because they understand that their cash flow, they're gonna ride that rate down. So, as you, as a buyer that's gonna occupy the home, do that for yourself as well. If you can afford twenty five hundred dollars in rent, let's find you a price point. You can afford twenty five hundred dollars of a house that you can afford and live in and you don't have to worry about that landlord being like. Here's your walking papers.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm selling this now. Yeah, well, the funny thing is, I think we talked about this, I think a while back, but it was date. The rate, mary, the house right.

Becky Alley:

Yeah and like. So my thing was, I was like kill that noise.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I didn't want to hear that, yeah kill that noise.

Becky Alley:

Divorce rent. Yeah that's what we want to hear is, you know, because an interest rate is not a piece of it. But the reason why people always bring it up because they don't know what else to say. They don't know what else to say, and if you're reading about an interest rate or anything in real estate on in the news or on paper, it's expired.

Becky Alley:

It's like that commercial, expired, expired, right expired the answer now yeah, as soon as it's written, it is done, and sometimes I feel like with on the show and like even what you guys do, you're so far ahead of what's happening that, like you know, when it's finally assets happening, people are like, oh my god, this is you know, like this is such as novel idea, like even a year ago, like I even have some like stuff I wrote down that, like like this time two years ago I was talking about how you know, 60% are gonna struggle is real estate agents, 30% are gonna get out and 10% are gonna dominate. And here we are in that market. It was happening and you know. So. It's like when you can roam back the seats or the receipts on the radio.

Becky Alley:

Yeah, but it's like, but they're like, oh, and then I was sudden, everyone starts saying that and it's like. You know, you said it's a year ago, but it is what it is, you know. But you have to be forward-thinking. And but what helps you be successful in real estate is, once you get there, is you do have to look backwards to see where you're going, because it is cyclical, yeah.

Becky Alley:

I've seen this before, I've read this book before. I know it's gonna be okay. But all of it is that conversation. But you have to be evolving you, now you have to, now it's. You have to be skills base, you have to know what you're doing. You have to look at like an underwriter. But now I have to be in AI, I have to be chat, gpt, like I have to be more places, more you know. Like you have to use that skill set. It evolves. You don't get left behind, because sometimes experience it doesn't matter right, which, by the way, we predicted three years ago.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, three years ago. We start talking about imaging and AI before anybody even knew about it, and yeah, look at us go.

Becky Alley:

That's when we bought, remember we bought, we brought the oculus and it put Jimmy on the oculus for the first time ever and I almost knocked stuff off the wall funny those videos are funny, or people like running in the walls. That's what I was, him.

Johnny Awesome:

Let me ask you a question For the real estate agents out there who are having people that are on the fence, that are not Understanding.

Johnny Awesome:

We're kind of at the new interest rate like and it is lower, but they're still listening to, like shark tanks, mr Wonderful, who for the past three years have been saying that the United States was gonna crash, and they're hearing yeah, but we're in an election year, so rates will probably drop back down to three percent, four percent again. Like how can we, as a real estate agent, like what, what could you give us to say to them to help them move off of the fence, because they really have this internal belief that they're? They're just gonna drop that much.

Becky Alley:

The truth is is that we had the the rates when the lowest they were ever ever were. They were Forced down. They were forced there and stayed there. They had like little guardrails, right. So, technically, in 2020, the rates should have been higher, but the government stepped in. They put these little guardrails on their interest rates and so they stayed.

Becky Alley:

But interest rates tend to follow inflation. That's a fact. And so when you hear the Fed talk about, oh, we're gonna have five rate drops, we're gonna have five rate increases, well, really, what that's affecting a short-term lending your home I could lend to credit your credit card, your student loans, things like that and the ones that are on the fence. You have to hear their pain points, you have to hear what they're not saying and you have to say, okay, well, how is renting serving you, how is your current situation, how are you benefiting from this? And if I were to put fifty thousand dollars in front of you, Would you take it? Yeah, of course, becky, of course I take it. Well, that is what it's like when you own your own home. Just because you don't see that money doesn't mean it's not there. You are building equity for yourself and right now, that fifty thousand dollars that I just put in front of you. You're actually lining your landlords pockets for that and there's a reason for that. So if you can buy this first house and and and make sure that you're you're gonna afford it and you feel good about it, well then we can talk about how maybe you can keep this house and then leverage and start building your own real estate portfolio. Because, truth be told, like if I could go back and do it over again, my first house would be a duplex. I'd run out that second, do FHA, fill my mill my minimum obligation and then I would have been building my my real estate portfolio.

Becky Alley:

But again, you, you don't know what you don't know and there's that scarcity mindset. So when I was 24 and I was in the business even, but I was young, I was green, I didn't know anybody and it was a different time, then I mean rates like at my rate at six and a quarter is when they Just came off of six, seven, nine percent or they're coming from off the nine percent arm. So I got touched by an angel at six and a quarter and I understood that you know, but you have to. I Use my knowledge of. I wish I would have known better than to help navigate my clients. And you have to help them see that for themselves. And you know it doesn't.

Becky Alley:

It's not a scary thing. It's almost like oh well, if I have enough money I'm gonna buy this house, and if I know enough, I'm gonna like then I have to have enough money to have children in this, and that there's never gonna be enough. You're not gonna have enough experience to bring a child in this world. You're never gonna have enough money to buy a house and change the career. You just do it and the the atmosphere in the world, the universe, has a way of opening up and adjusting to what your decisions are. Like I said, indecision is a prison and when you're renting and you're you're not wanting to buy, that's a. It's a indecision prison that you're in.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, what a great way that that's a man, that's a mic drop to drop the show on right there. Wow, there was so much.

Curt Shewell :

So much in this episode.

Johnny Awesome:

I agree with what Kurt said when he called in. You guys need to go back through and listen to this.

Curt Shewell :

We'll stick it up and.

Johnny Awesome:

Make sure you're paying attention to this, because that was great, thank you. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your knowledge and hanging out with us. Can you hang out a little bit longer for the? Yeah?

Becky Alley:

yeah, the show after the show, the meeting after the meeting absolutely real estate to the podcast.

Johnny Awesome:

You should absolutely join us live where we do an afterburner, where we just hang around and I have something really interesting to show you guys in this afterburner. So make sure you're hanging out with us. I feel the see the podcast. Please like, subscribe, share with your friends, help spread the words. If you're on us on YouTube or Facebook, stay right there. Breakfast club you guys have a great morning. If you want to see the rest of the show, jump on over. Jimmy. You were fantastic. Johnny, you were awesome and for everybody else will talk to you next Friday.