Free for All Friday

Episode 93 - The Highs and Lows

February 06, 2024 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 4 Episode 93

Embark on an emotional odyssey with us as we dissect the often-unpredictable cycle of change that plagues real estate agents and parallels many of our own professional ventures. Navigating the tumultuous waves of February, a time notorious for plans going awry, we dissect why even the best start can spiral into feeling overwhelmed. With a nod to Kelly and Conner's 1979 study, this episode is a deep dive into the patterns that ensnare us and the self-awareness needed to avoid veering off course. Join the conversation for a candid exploration of the pitfalls that lie in chasing the next shiny object and how to steadfastly stick to your business plan for year-round success.

Closing out the episode, our heartfelt discussion on the 'hockey stick' growth curve in real estate serves as a testament to the sheer determination and resilience it takes to achieve success. Through shared stories and personal anecdotes, we shed light on the phases every agent faces and the significance of community and hope in pushing through the grimmest of times. As we sign off, we leave you with an empowering reminder that persistence, coupled with the support from mentors and coaches, is the cornerstone of triumph!

If you enjoy our content, please like, subscribe, and share. You can also catch the show LIVE @ and make sure you stick around after for "the afterburner"


You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic. You are on Free for All Friday.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good morning, good morning. Good morning everybody. This is Jimmy Fantastic.

Johnny Awesome:

It's hard, it's hard. My voice is still not there. It's getting there. I was trying to whisper through that. It didn't work so well.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it's getting there I realized.

Johnny Awesome:

People are in the background. What are they doing? Were they chanting?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right. The other thing that I noticed, too for those like like, like a secret, like what do they call that? Like, uh, were they embed things into commercials? Subliminal.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, subliminal messaging.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You're whispering with subliminal messaging you will subscribe.

Johnny Awesome:

You will like us Subscribe.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, it's horrible and you're supposed to save five times, right? So throughout the show today we have to say like and subscribe at least five more times.

Johnny Awesome:

Um it's funny because I just noticed something, Jimmy, you know we are. We are creatures of habit and during our, during our intro song, I'll show you, guys that are watching, for those of you listening to the podcast or if you're on the breakfast club, you can't see this, but you know the song is groovy, so we're we're dancing, right.


I'm doing this.

Johnny Awesome:

What's really funny is I don't know if you caught yourself doing this, but I'm doing this over here and you'll be the be be be great to show. And you thought I, like you subconscious, I was pointing you went to go speak. Did you realize you did that I watch. That's why it's laughing. I watched you do that early because you're used to pointing at you to let you know when to speak. But I was just dancing and you almost started speaking. Subliminal messaging. It's subliminal messaging. It's like and subscribe.


That's why it's really.

Johnny Awesome:

That's why it's really important Speaking really important, good morning. Good morning, jeff will be making an announcement about that, so it's important to you sir. And you know my voice still on. What do they call it? Still on the fritz? Is that a thing?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I know fritz, yeah, me too. Yeah, he's a good guy.

Johnny Awesome:

So sorry, fritz, that my voice is all over you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Way too many jokes we could make right now, you being all over fritz, all right, wow, anyway that's how the show started.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, which is funny, because today might be and this is no joke today might be one of the most important shows and topics that we've ever talked about. Dead serious it's to, and we're going to get into this. I came across a study in my studies and I've seen it before and I've seen it represented before it's, but now I have the source content and I went through their course. It's the 1979 study of Kelly and Conner's emotional cycle of change. And we're going to be talking about this today because something that I realized is they were talking about this. I realized there's a loop in here that real estate agents constantly get caught in, and the other thing that was really interesting during this is they were talking about a certain type of person that gets stuck in these cycles Right, and there's a certain personality type that that are are prey for people to go out there and to advertise to in a specific way to make them constantly jump off the cycle. They're on and go after that shiny new thing, and it isn't just real estate agents. It just so happens that our industry brings the most of those type of people in. So today we're going to be talking about that. Why is it? We're in February and this is why this is important.

Johnny Awesome:

This podcast will be in record, and February, of course, you can watch us live every single week If you're just listening to us on the podcast later. This, right now, there is a lot of people that started their business. We've been running business planning clinics, right, and already it's like they've stopped. And what's crazier, jimmy, I don't know if you've seen this or not, but this time of year is the time of year and some of you might have already fallen into this where all of a sudden, you're buying all these new systems. You know, hey, I just got this new company that sends postcards every single month. Now, for me, on my behalf, like this year, the beginning of the year for companies that support our industry is like a cash grab for them.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah, big time, because, yeah, yeah, and it's funny, like, and then there's a couple of things that happen with this. Like you and I had a chance to like whiteboard this thing out and talk about it, but we, like there's another thing that happens too, I feel, with agents. The agents that were actually ahead of the curve, right, that actually planned this out, like in November, december, hit the ground running in January, had a good January and now they're going to be on, they're about to be on this real estate roller coaster of I'm so busy I don't know what to do now, right, right, like, oh my God, I had three closings or four closings in January, but they're not looking. They're not even looking at February yet. They don't know how many they're going to close in February, because they got so busy in January that they don't know what to do in February.

Johnny Awesome:

And then all the work comes in on top of it.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Now we're feeling stressed because we got all this work that's coming in, and so this is what we're going to be. This is what we're going to be discussing today, and not only that, but the importance of realizing where you're at when you come to this, and then I will. I will post this chart on our Facebook page. If you're listening to the podcast, it's in the show notes. If you're with us, live again, I'll post it on our Facebook page sometime today after the show has ended.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, and it was cool Like it was so for those of you that Johnny and I got to meet this week and whiteboard this thing out, which was really cool to, because then it's like, well, here's where we're at, here's where, like, here's where people go, here's what happens when you hit that spot and and again, you know we talked about this on a show earlier that we run it like we run into this as well, guys, so it's not like we're just like we're not this perfect thing that runs this thing like seamlessly. We need help too, right, so we need. So there's, there's other people that you know, johnny and I have to lean on and talk to you and you know it's funny and sometimes it was, sometimes we don't.

Johnny Awesome:

It's interesting actually that you bring I don't know if you're setting me up for this or not, but it's interesting that you bring that up so when we had Dr Abelson and you can go back and listen to that episode when we had Dr Abelson on, he he runs that super, super stringent whatever 123 point test or whatever.

Johnny Awesome:

When you get this document back about your personality and who you are, there's this one section that talks about like it's a hundred. There's a hundred things listed and your one through 10 is your top 10 strengths, like what you are the strongest doing, yeah Right. And then the bottom 90 through 100, they're the things that you're the absolute worst at. What's really interesting about me and my personality type is that in the very like the top 10 is coaching and helping other people see and expand their dreams and getting people to reach farther, like, like it's all that stuff right. But what's crazy is at the bottom 90 through 100, like number 100 for me is being able to do that to my, for myself, being coachable is would not be coachable because I am coachable, but it's being able to self do that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, right. So there's, there's certain ability piece, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

And I'm not even thinking people. Well, not even the accountability piece, being able just to sit down and figure, figure my own mind out right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Without without any outside influence. What is that? Figuring your mind out, like you say that, like it's easy.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, you know, it's not so much as figuring it out as it is to figure out how to make things work around, right the synapses, snap Right those the spark.

Johnny Awesome:

So so it's really interesting and, dr Abelson, we, you know, we talked about that on the show where it's interesting that my largest strength for other people is my weakest strength for myself. But being able to know that allows me to say, oh man. So I was on with my coach this last week and I said, you know, I sat down to go do my own business planning and if I'm talking to somebody else I can walk you through and dream building. I could do all that stuff, but I'm sitting there talking to myself, my mind goes blank. It's this, it's this weird thing that I'm not very big a fan of. But then again, okay, cool. So you wake up in the morning and you can't see. You can do two things you can hate yourself because of it or you can put your glasses on. Yeah, and what we realized really Jimmy I didn't tell you this part, I'll just tell everybody why not is we realized is that there was there's pride blocking me from putting my glasses on. And we were.

Johnny Awesome:

I was sitting there talking to my coach and he said well, you know who's who's one of the best you know? Who do you know that's really good at putting business plans together? And I said Jimmy, fantastic is. So as soon as our coaching call was done yesterday, I called Jimmy and I said hey, jimmy, this is where I'm the weakest at. I'm the best at helping other people with it. Well, when it comes to myself, I need that coach, I need that person on the outside of the car trunk to help guide me. Yeah, will you help me set my business plan up? So I called him yesterday to go over that with him, or at least to set that up. And so you know, it's realizing where we're at and and realizing who you are and where your strengths and weaknesses are. And again, sometimes you just you can't be really prideful, like it sucks when you go. Man, I can help everybody else do this, why can't I just sit down and do it?


Can I just do it Right that?

Johnny Awesome:

doesn't help. That gets you stuck. Why is get you stuck? How's?

Jimmy Fantastic:

get you forward, yeah. So, that's a very valid point and I feel the same Like if you know I you know it's like I have to get with my mentor and it like once a week now. Do you want to mean like I get with my mentor once a week now?

Johnny Awesome:

Okay, yeah, gotcha, sorry. And certainly you just said I have get with mentor. You're a caveman for a second Mentor. Come home.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But, yeah, I have to get with my mentor like once a week just to like make sure that I'm doing. This is the hardest part, yeah, and we are prideful and we are. You know, I'm also, you know, you know me well enough, I'm, I'll get through that wall one way or another. Right, like I just put my head down and go through it.

Johnny Awesome:

When I could walk around the door right, it's like.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, stop, it's like. But then I get all stubborn enough that I'm just going to go through it anyway, yeah, instead of walking around the door.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, right, right, because somebody just said, hey, there's a better way over here, and I went.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No no, no, I got it Right. Yeah, Boom, eventually I get through there. But, man, like it is super important to have someone or that person or that thing. Like you said, you got a coach. I've been with my mentor once a week and like, because there is, it is some sort of the accountability piece, right, like you have to have some sort of accountability to. It's hard to hold yourself accountable, yeah Well, some people.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, not only that, but the one, a quote that I've always heard is it's hard to take your your crappy old self into your bright new future. Again, it's just most people and I, and there's a very small fraction of people that don't need somebody to help them walk through this. They're just going to go Right. But most people need some sort of guidance at some point in time, if not all the time, and we just don't realize it so that we can.

Jimmy Fantastic:

we can move forward together, yeah, and I have to keep thinking about, like, the things that we've talked about. Like I said, this year I wanted to be more intentional.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, by by me wanting to be more intentional, what I have to do is get more clarity on things and Instead of running through that wall to do my thing, I need to get more clarity and be more clear and be more intentional about walking to the door. Yeah, right, because it. Then I think about being intentional to me, too, is about being more efficient. Oh, yeah, right, it's it's instead of instead of doing three things wrong before I get it right, why don't I just ask a couple questions? It goes back to the sharpening the axe. Yeah, yeah, sharp, you know. Sharpen the axe before I start chopping the wood.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

I've always been the person that's just starts chopping the wood Instead of sharpening the axe, so I have to be more intentional with figuring out things to do easier than instead of just just doing things.

Johnny Awesome:

Well and again, like you said, sometimes that just goes back to coaching. It's letting you know. You know, like you said, the coach, sometimes the coach won't even take you to the door. A real good coach. We'll just say you know, there's a door, that's there, right, right. So we're gonna, we're gonna get into this. Guys.

Johnny Awesome:

This is the, again, the most emotional cycle of change and why this is important. Real quick, just so I can catch up on comments. What were my mouse? Go there, we go. Good morning to you too, lisa. She says.

Johnny Awesome:

She says it's easier to stand back and look at others problems and solutions that to stand back and to look at our own problems and solutions. That's true and the you know that's true. And not only does that happen, but if we can get lost in somebody else's problems, now all of a sudden we can. We don't have to focus on our own and you know what else happens is we focus on other people's successes sometimes too. This is why people get all wound up in the sports, or you get the agent that spends all day watching YouTube videos Because they're getting wound up in somebody else's success instead of taking the time to go after there and get their own Ron, who I never know what he's talking about, said Sammy flex brought him here. So kudos to Sammy flex, who must have subscribed and liked us, if he didn't, if he didn't.

Johnny Awesome:

You should do that. I think we're up to four, so here's how this works now. This is a chart and, like I said, we'll stick this up on the Facebook page. But everything starts in phase one, and If you can picture or imagine a Line chart on the left hand side of it, what is that? A lot, oh, thanks, are you? You look like a cheerleader right now.

Jimmy Fantastic:

When yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

What. What you have is you have your emotional state clear on the left hand side, right when you have your graph that goes up and down and, realistically, what that is is there's a dividing line between Optimism and pessimism. And when we enter something new Especially us this is this is real, really good for real estate agents we go through phase one, and phase one is what's known as uninformed Optimism. Okay, what this means is that there's a shiny new thing. Even getting into real estate for most of us was uninformed optimism. Yeah, hey, I got this great new career that I can make as much money as I want. You're uninformed and because you're uninformed, you're super optimistic about it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, you're super pumped up about it. You got your license. You're ready to rock and roll.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm gonna make so much money in the next three months. I watched HGTV. I'm gonna renovate this house and have side properties.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm just gonna flip houses and rent, have rental property.

Johnny Awesome:

I've already got money down on my yacht. I'm super excited about this whole real estate and I only have to work 20 hours a week 30 minutes a day.

Jimmy Fantastic:

30 minutes a day. Things are gonna be fantastic, and and I'm a real estate agent I started my Instagram account. Oh, I don't even know that I have to join the board yet.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't know what's going on. I don't know that I need a brokerage. I don't know, yeah, all that stuff.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I just went into this and said I'm gonna be a real estate agent right, we're super high on that. We're like yeah, let's go.


Right that's what gets you started right, because it launches you. You're motivated to go. But here's what happens?

Johnny Awesome:

then we go into phase two, and phase two it's it drops us down on this emotional ladder. Right phase two, we drop down into what's called informed pessimism. Now, all of a sudden, we're like whoa, like all the stuff that Jimmy just said, I got my Instagram set up, but now I got to join you know a board, right? Oh no, the boards are fighting with each other. Do I join Gmar and go with their thing, or real comp and go with their thing? Well then, this one has flex.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm a last. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah this.

Johnny Awesome:

this one over here does a bunch of stuff with our money that they shouldn't, and this one over here fought against them, so they kicked them off, yeah a story for another day, hashtag stay with Gmar um but. Anyway, yeah you're not gonna choice, I'll join size.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't give a crap, um, I just need to know that I have the right like it goes right, the right tools to use you.

Johnny Awesome:

I know I can't listen, I get it. It's a thing, but the the at the end of the day. All of a sudden there's all these things. Oh, by the way, prospecting isn't as easy. You mean, you're telling me that I need to spend two to three, possibly four hours a day Doing this thing called prospecting? Yeah, all right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, I was kind of excited about it first, but now I'm doing right, but I'm way better face-to-face with people.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, so then what ends up happening is this, guys. So we started out really super excited again. Let's just we're we're walking through the life of realtor here. We started off really excited about life. We thought it was gonna be great, we had all this optimism and then all of a sudden we get reality. Okay, the reality is what? In real estate, you have to work, yeah, and what's really funny, if we're really honest with ourselves, there's a lot of people that we run into it, myself included that thought going into real estate as a business For some odd reason was a shortcut not to have to work.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, because because we see, like here's the thing to him, we see this, like this goes back to like the social proof, right, we see it, and whether it's social proof or social lies, I don't know, but but like you see, some highly successful Real estate agents, yes, some very successful real estate is, especially here, locally, right, there's some very successful real estate agents locally here in Michigan.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and and and nationally. Now that I you know, now that we've expanded and we were National and international and whatever international, but we just shout out to how, all of a sudden, I hear but you see, like a successful agent, right? Well, it's like well, then, and in your mind, like well, that he, he or she's not any smarter than I am.

Jimmy Fantastic:

no, sometimes they're dumber, yeah, but they figured something out right, yeah, we're gonna Processes whatever yeah like I look at, like you, you look at this on a very surface level Because we haven't dug into it. We look at a very surface level like I can do yeah, why can't? I can do that same thing and I can be very successful, and I can have my Instagram account look like that.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, right away.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and I can get out of the Lambo and I can get out of the rolls.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, I can get out of the night and I can sit on the.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, I can do all that. Well, what we don't, what we don't take the time to look into, is it took 20 years for that person to get there and they rented all that stuff, right? Or yeah, it's all props.

Johnny Awesome:

Right. Yeah, it's not really there's right. Well, it's like the island boys. I don't know. I don't know why I was watching a documentary on them the other day, oh, well, first of all, I can't believe there's a documentary on them. Well, documentaries come out so fast, Like today, today's day and age. How fast a documentary comes out is just my boy Friday documentary coming up. One of us has to die. Jimmy, one of the island boys, is dead. No, well, yeah their career.

Jimmy Fantastic:

What was it a career?

Johnny Awesome:

Well, no but, like you know, like, come to find out they rented all that stuff. And you know, we we see this on the inside here at real estate a lot too, like there's. There's certain people out there and you guys probably know a couple of them, who when, when you first got in this business, you were like man, look at all these properties that they're listing and look at all these you know shots that they're at, they're out on these boats and stuff like that. Yeah Well, they were in other people's homes and they were in. You know, the boat was, you know, attached to a house or they rented it for a day and it was all for the gram. Quote, unquote, right. So we get this week again. We have this optimism.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, I remember personal story going back to real estate. Sometimes that optimism, that first phase, comes from, like you said, uninformed people, and again, we get preyed on sometimes in this industry. I'll never forget the first person, the person that introduced me into real estate. She said you're going to make $100,000 your first year, it'll be so easy and, and you know we have this world-class training programs who come on over and and you know, in no time you'll be rolling in it. Well then, I, then I then I'm like excited, I moved my, I moved my entire family down here, brand new family, at a three month old kid.

Johnny Awesome:

We, we moved into a HUD home so that we could repair it while I was going to school, because that optimism pushed us through there, right. Then it's. Then I'm sitting in in the office every day and realize there's actually no training going on here, right, like there was no training program. We don't know what to do once you pass school. You know the real estate school teaches you all the important stuff that you need to do, like fiduciary duty, which I do think is important. But all right, now, now how do I go out like and actually use this license that I have? Right, yeah, what do I like? What?

Jimmy Fantastic:

how do I do it? Yeah?

Johnny Awesome:

So then I had to learn that right. So then what ends up happening is we learn that stuff. We end up with that informed pessimism, and then what happens from there? And this is where we get stuck. This is, this is the important part to know, guys. From there we go into what's known as the Valley of Despair. The Valley of Despair is this really really low point that happens to every entrepreneur. Again, this was a study on entrepreneur, but I mean, that's what we are, guys, and what happens is you hit the spot where you're like man, I've just been grinding Yep, and nothing seems to be working.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Haven't had a closing.

Johnny Awesome:

I haven't. I've been. You know, they told me that if I got on the phones every day for two to three to four hours a day, that I would be closing stuff within my first three months. I've been doing it now for six months and I haven't closed anything. Yep, right, I've been, we've, and it sucks because at this, this is that point where Jimmy and I and we didn't know what we were saying, what we're basically saying phase four is coming right, cause phase three is the Valley of Despair, and what happens is people get stuck there and they think that this is this, is it, like, can I do this? Self doubt comes in, cause, remember, the further down you go, the more your thoughts and your attitude. You get kind of depressed, because every day you're showing up, this is where the thoughts of should I get a quote unquote real job start coming in. Right, family members are like are you, you know, in?

Jimmy Fantastic:

real estate. Are you sure about that? What's?

Johnny Awesome:

you haven't done anything yet, right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

This is always that, that illustration that I I like too. There's that illustration of two people like digging, right and, and they're both getting closer to the gold, right, but they're digging and one, who's probably closer than the other, gives up and says this will never work and he walks out, but he's one shovel away from the gold. Yes, yes, one shovel.

Jimmy Fantastic:

The other one just keeps going through and he gets there. Yes, right, and I love that illustration Cause it's so true Like you're just shoveling, shoveling so you got your head down and you don't know what's you don't really, sometimes you don't even really know what you're doing. Right, just be honest. Like you, really, you're dialing every day but you're hoping on something land, but you don't really know what you're doing.

Johnny Awesome:

Meanwhile, some guy that can't even sit on the phone, like it says, and there, listen, there's. There's phenomenon that happened. We we've known people that have done that. You got some new guy that walks in. It's his first day, he doesn't even know how to talk on the phone. He got five listing appointments and close two deals by lunchtime. Yeah, and you're like I'm six months in, I've read every script, I've called every person in my town. My entire database knows that I'm in real estate.

Johnny Awesome:

Now, again, there's some tweaks that need to be made, but here's what happens. People get stuck in that that valley of despair, and what happens is sometimes they slide just completely off the chart and then that's when they become grudging. Okay, and one of the things that I loved is be careful when you're in that spot Like it hasn't been working. Be careful who you seek advice from, because it's very dangerous spot to be in, cause what happens a lot of times is we go find that person that they're. They're so far down the chart that they've just become like I said they've, they've kind of become just rock hard about it.

Johnny Awesome:

And they're grumpy, a grumpy old man stage. Now, right About that thing. So when you say, hey, listen, I'm in real estate and I've been trying this, that and the other, oh, we know right.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh that's funny, flex. Flex is Dave, don't interrupt us like this. We're in a big, we're in a big. I don't know what's going on, but the the uh. That's what happens when you got ADD to try and run a serious show. But what happens is that the grumpy old man will tell you you know? Yeah, well, you know, I tried doing that before too, like the old retired real estate guy. Never really made it right.

Johnny Awesome:

The old curmudgeon real estate agent, and then we listened to him and now, all of a sudden, we're adding on to our conformational bias of this isn't going to work right. Instead of instead of realizing, like you got to find the people that have have done that and pushed through and to your point before. When we get into this business, most people look at those people that are out on the odds or on the Instagram and, like you said, they've had 20 years of success. All they did was continue to dig. They didn't stop here, right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And what happens right on the other side of that, through the good times, the bad times, the times I didn't close it Like you know what I mean. The market shifts, the uh, you know, and again, like, look guys, everybody said, well, 2023 was was rough and 2023 was rough on our business. It was right, like 2024 should be better. And I, and I see that, look, it's a, it's a, it's a voting year, right, so rates are going to go down, because they traditionally do in a year, because everybody, all the politicians, are trying to save their jobs, so they're going to lower rates and lower gas prices. Man, have you seen gas prices there? Lower, um, but, but so they're going to do that. So 2024 should be a bounce back here for a lot of people. But there was also, however, many hundreds of thousands of agents that got out of the business in 2023.

Johnny Awesome:

Because, again, we're at the beginning of a year.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, because it's hard beginning of the year.

Johnny Awesome:

This is what happens. So here's the interesting part. There are five phases to this guys. So again, phase number one unintentional optimism. We're jumping into it, we're excited, we don't know anything, but you know, this is the best opportunity we could ever have. Then we start to learn what we need to do and we have informed optimism, so our energy and and emotion on it starts to drop a little bit. Then it feels like you're stuck there and you're not moving anywhere. That drops you down into the valley of despair. But phase four all of a sudden, in fact, we we have somebody on the team that I've watched this happen with. I mean, I won't name names, but I remember her coming in and she had a second job and then she quit that job and you know, was that a mistake and there was a lot of second guessing and it was like nothing was coming together for for her sister, it seemed like right.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah. And then all of a sudden, like I'm glad you didn't name names. Well, we're in front of you know 100,000 people. I ain't going to know the two people that we're talking about, but but all of a sudden, but yeah, all of a sudden, you know, I was. I was talking to one of them yesterday and this, this will be their best year.


I'm a hundred percent know what's going to be their best year because they've already started it out being a bank.

Johnny Awesome:

They already started out in the 1%. I don't even know if they know that they're already in the 1%, like that's the crazy part. And so now, all of a sudden, look at where the attitude shift has gone up, right From value to spare. Now, all of a sudden, we're in what's known as informed pessimism. All right, so we're still kind of like, uh, you know, and then then all of a sudden, that informed pessimism switches into this informed optimism. So it's phase four. Is both of those kind of combined together? Right, it was really difficult. But now boom, and now we're launching, right. Hey, I finally got my first closing in. This is the greatest business in the world, right?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Like, yay, it finally came together.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, when two months ago it was like this place sucks, yeah Two months ago it was like man, should I go back and work at a, a pawn shop again? I don't know, I'll just tell us something random out there. But like it's, it's all of a sudden you have that first little blimp of success and you feel it. Now you know what's happening. And then from there is the hockey stick that we always teach. I was telling Jimmy, I said my, until I went through this part um, like we'd always taught the end of this, the hockey stick, where you're kind of stagnant and then you blow up.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, that really starts right here in phase four. There's three phases before that and that hockey stick. Once we have that, all of a sudden, we have this informed option. So now we know what it takes, we've done it, we have proof in our, in our pockets. We know now Okay, yes, we can do this. Then it starts to launch and then you have your hockey stick, which is where everything jumps up and that's where success and fulfillment come in. So those are your, your five, your five phases.

Johnny Awesome:

Now, the reason why that's important for real estate agents to know is there's a couple of things. Number one let's talk about that phase four again, jimmy, when people finally have that taste of success when you're in phase three, that valley of despair. You really have to borrow the faith, sometimes of other people. And again you got to be careful who you're talking to, because how many times have we told agents, hey, stick with it, you're doing the right things, like we've had the hover and over again, you're doing the right things. You just got to stick with it. Stick with it, you're doing the right thing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You're going to make it, it's going to happen.

Johnny Awesome:

Just stick with it, stick with it, stick with it, right, like we just keep have to repeat that to people because they they're really really low down there and then because they don't know themselves. That's the thing that's hard about real estate. We could tell somebody that if you prospect every single day more than likely within a three month period of time, if you are diligent about that, more than likely you will have business coming in. Yeah, if it takes longer, it might take longer, but on average you will have business coming in right. But if you, if you stop there and try to restart, man it's, it's detrimental to your business.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's, and that's that's the hardest thing because, like you know, I talk about this all the time when I do my business planning stuff.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's just, it's such a momentum business, right, and I and my, my idea is like it's like pushing a big rock up a hill, right, like I'm rolling this big rock up a hill and there's times that it'll scoot back down on you and then you got to push it up a more and then it'll scoot back down on you and then you got to push it up a little more, right, eventually you're gonna get to the top of that hill and it's gonna go downhill, right, but there's those times where it gets hard, like it's.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's not easy. Remember, if you got a if, that's you know, for if, for a time frame sake, if people understood, like, if I got a buyer that came to me today and said I want to buy a house, great, I've got a client. Okay, now I'm gonna take this client out, we're gonna go shopping, we're gonna look at a couple houses, I'm gonna write up an offer, we're gonna make I'm still 60 days out from getting anything Right, like, I'm still like in that, my like that, and I think that's another shock to a lot of agents. Right yeah, is that we talk about that like delayed, delayed, graded, graded?

Johnny Awesome:

Delayed gratification. Late gratification, right yeah. Which is funny because you take a bunch of 80d people who can't do delayed Gratification to save their life and we threw us all into a business where the entire business is delayed gratification.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, yeah cuz I can get it like I said. I can get a buyer to say yes today, but it's gonna take me right 60 days to get them right, to get to a closing table, right. So it's just like that and that and so like that's the hard part, right, and it's gonna it may take longer. I got a really picky client. They don't like this house, they don't like that house.

Johnny Awesome:

I have to live on the street only.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I only want to be in this street, this house, on the south side of the street.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's where all the best dogs.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So so you basically have three houses I can choose from yeah, and none of them are for and, yeah, none of them are Great.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, as soon as they get on for sale. I'm buying it for sure, but like that's the, that's my every Birmingham client ever.

Jimmy Fantastic:

By the way.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't know if you guys I don't know if I'll be out there ever work Birmingham, michigan. I don't know how. When I was, that seemed to be my every perm again client.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But like and there isn't a lot for sale in Birmingham right. When you do something.

Johnny Awesome:

I want the house with the yard. Yeah, birmingham, yes.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That? What are you talking about? But you can get lakefront in Birmingham.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, you sure can when it rains but like, yeah, you're gonna have those, but and so that's again. That's that hard part where you got to get through this, even if someone comes to you today and says I want to list my house with you, right, great, I, okay. So now we got to get the house cleaned up, like I'm working with a client right now that, like you know, I went out we're gonna list their house, but they got some work to do, right, they got a paint, they got to do some things. They they had to fix some stuff in the kitchen. They got there's some things they got a fix before they can get it on the market. Well, I've been doing this long enough. I get it like I, okay, let me know when it's ready, I'll send the photographer out. But now, as a new agent, I'm not gonna call them every day like, hey, do you paint that, could you like?

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, like can you hurry up? You know what? Because now I'm like you're knocking on the door.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, I brought that paint color that you like the other day.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I just happened to be in town and good look, if that's what it takes right sometimes you know it's funny about that is again going back to what you're saying.

Johnny Awesome:

How many times? And look I, there's two school thoughts here. Okay, school thought number one is you know, the legal school thought is don't do stuff like this because you're reliable. But how many people have we known that agents that we've known, especially the newer ones, that they they show up to put a ramp on the Staircase, yeah, or they go and help them scrape popcorn off the ceiling, because they do need that. Commission faster.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And here's another thing I tell you too and this, this really hits, hits home with me so, as a team leader, right, as a team leader, so some of these guys that have been in the industry for 20 years, that have had massive success, right, that are that actually own the yacht yeah, they actually bought the yacht, right there actually successful. They actually bought the yacht. But they give bad advice sometimes.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah because they're like well, just get a different client, get rid of that one, you don't need to go over there and scrape the ceiling. Who does that? Well, I do, because I only have one client. Yeah, you have a thousand, I have one, right. So? But these they give bad advice sometimes Because they forgot. Because they forgot and they're like well, just go, just get a different, just go to somewhere else, you don't need. Why are you over there doing this? Why are you doing?

Jimmy Fantastic:

that why are you going over there taking us, because this is my. This is all I got right now.

Johnny Awesome:

I heard a vet tell a newer agent the other day not to take not to take Rentals and I was like that's the. What a huge, what a huge missed opportunity.


That's your new horrible advice.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, when I first got started, I realized all the vets didn't want rentals and I remember making a marketing piece it was me riding a donkey, yeah, I don't know. And and I just put don't want to deal with your running clients. You know, contact me right and At the time at the company I started at they there was no referral fee for rentals, like it was just the thing that you didn't have everybody, you know and you didn't have to pay.

Johnny Awesome:

You didn't have to pay anything back to the company off of off of rentals, right? So I'm like wait, I have to do a split if I sell a regular house, but if I do rentals, I don't have to. That's how I got involved with investors in the first place, because I just started taking everybody's rentals yeah, I loved them. And then the crazy thing is, especially if you're a newer agent, don't forget Rentals eventually are gonna need to purchase. So I did the thing that nobody else did at the time and now everybody has a database online. But I had an online database and I made sure to call them the eight months and I would flip these people two or three times, even if I flipped them into a new rental, yeah, and so you know that is a newer agent. Even as a seasoned agent, there's nothing wrong as long as you have a bottom.

Johnny Awesome:

Now, I did have a bottom. This is something else I did that a lot of people were like how'd you do that? Um, I had a limit that I couldn't go below, and if I went below that limit, I signed it my buyer's agency contract. So I made sure that was right. But if I didn't go below. If I went below that limit, then the renter had to make up for the rest of the fee, and I had runners that would pay two or three hundred dollars extra to make up for the fee. Right, because I was actually helping them find the house the way that they wanted. But the point is, you know, like you said there's you really got to be careful. You know, if you have somebody that's at this 20,000 foot view and they're way out there now, they're not, they might not be able to relate with you as much as somebody that's just a little bit ahead of you, right, and so exactly figuring out where to get that, from super important.

Jimmy Fantastic:

People forget where they come from, if you know. I mean people forget where they come from. And and we look, we've all, we all, we all started in this business at some point. And and and not all of us. Again, I know agents. I know agents, too, that that have started and looked really successful. Yeah right, I mean like right out of the gate, and it's like geez, oh man, yeah yeah, they're dad, retired from real estate and handed the whole book of business over all the fun they're like the greatest eight.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm like whoa man like yeah yeah, but their dad literally handed them the whole book of business and their dad retired as an agent while retired, but air quotes that because agents don't ever retire. Well, no, they quit right. That's what happens.

Johnny Awesome:

What's really interesting about that, too, is I've seen that happen and then I've seen the person then get out because they didn't learn.

Johnny Awesome:

Right, they didn't go through the hard knocks to learn how to handle what they got. Yep, and they just ended up out. I was just talking to somebody about this the other day. I'm not gonna I'm gonna try not to give details cuz I don't want to. This was one of my first mentors, so, anyway, he had a son. He was he's really big in real estate. Everybody's asked him to be a coach and, and you know, to launch his own platform. The dude was one of the largest in Michigan and you never heard of him because he was completely under the radar, right. And it's funny cuz his son got involved in real estate. Of course, he got him involved in real estate. That's exactly what happened. Yeah, like he just tried to shove him all this business on him without his son having to go through the the life portion of this, and then he couldn't keep up with it. So he just started flying drones for his dad and you know, now he does. Now he does drone photography, but I think I probably said way too much.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But anyway, teeth marijuana, cookies and flies drone.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, the point about all this is this, guys, and this is the important part, this is the the most important part for you to hear this, this entire podcast. I'm gonna I'm gonna repeat this. When it comes to the emotional cycles and the emotional cycle of change, change, excuse me. You start out with that uninformed optimism phase one, way up here, we're super excited. Then you go into informed pessimism, phase two, where now we know what it takes and we're a little bit. Now I'm gonna pause there for a second. Knowing that this happens this is one of the things I picked up and I thought this is just such a good point. Knowing that this happens gives you all the power in the world. Yes, because if you don't realize what emotional states you're going through and you just think you're going through it, you can get stuck in this to spread this Depression loop and you don't know. Okay, but there's something coming out tomorrow.

Johnny Awesome:

If you didn't know, the Sun existed, for instance, and it was always just rainy, like it is here in Michigan. I was, I was doing a training in Florida yesterday and I and I just told him I'm like man, that's crazy. You have the Sun out here. You know, in Michigan I haven't seen it now in three months. In fact, we have to bring lights into our. You know, I have a happy light at my desk just because we have to emulate the Sun, because we don't know what it looks like after a while, but we do know what it is right.

Johnny Awesome:

If somebody was born into a world and they had never seen the Sun they're born into Michigan in the winter time and it's never been sunny they might get into this all it's. This is just how weather is always. It's always gray. This is not where I live, right? Then, all of a sudden, that Sun comes out and say what is this Right? See, they never knew that, right, they got stuck in that mode. So what happens with us a lot of times as we go through these uninformed optimism, informed pessimism, and then we jump in this valley to spare, and if you don't realize that you're there, you don't have the power to keep yourself motivated enough to realize that you're gonna get through it. The you knowing that, the Sun, that's where that hope comes in. If you guys remember talking about I think it's the episode the shock is still there.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Where we talk about hope is the one thing that can keep you on the optimistic side of life and I, and I think and I think what you, we have to remember is, like they're shared suffering to you, like we've all gone through this. We've all been through these emotional changes, right, we've all gone. We've all been in the valley of despair at some point with our career. We've all been through this. So, again, leaning on people and talking to people is super important. Right, you got to find your tribe, you got to find your people. You got to make sure you're around the right people to talk to you about the right things and keep you on that path To success. And if you're gonna be in that valley of despair, who's gonna?

Jimmy Fantastic:

This is one thing Kurt says all the time I don't need a hand out, I need a hand up, and there's times in our career and things that we do and it could be Shoot guys, it could be quarterly thing, right, like well, I just need to hand up. Man, like give me some, help me out a little bit. Like, give me something to, to, to change my mindset, give me something to refresh me a little bit. Yeah, because then what that does and this is what Johnny will put the chart in, but this is what this chart shows you as soon as you do that, boom, you're right back to the top. You're right back to the thing, like you're. You're excited again, you. You had a closing. You're excited like you know what I mean, like you had someone that's a jason, like you're right back to the top.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, well, you have to do is you're gonna go through these emotional things where you're in this valley of despair and then you get a new says, you get a new CRM.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's why I was just probably hit you get a new CRM. And man.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm back at it, I'm in, I'm full in, I'm going, I'm gonna get back after it like this is my time to shine. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, go full back in the real estate and I'm right, I get that. You know. Yeah, yeah, right back to the top.

Johnny Awesome:

So this is very interesting. So in this study that was done for entrepreneurs and again, guys, think about our, our business and what. What we have here you have a bunch of people that are 80d, right? Yeah, a bunch of realtors out there, and even if you're not, you're still realtor, so you still go through this as well. What happens is in this study here's what they found is that personality types like us have an unconscious motivation to constantly go after a dopamine rush. This is very interesting because what you just said, this is super important. To get right here, guys, most of you and most real estate agents that don't understand how to work emotions, they don't understand the cycle of change, burn themselves out because they go through stages one to three. They never get to stages four and five Because you go through stages three by the time you're in that value to spare again, we have this unconscious just desire to constantly jump back up into whatever is new to whatever is, you know, the, that new thing, the new shiny object.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I wrote a new resource, the new CRM, the new, the variety novelty.

Johnny Awesome:

That's it right there, the novelty, and something new and something with the variety. So what happens is we were doing the thing that was gonna get us there. You were digging with a shovel and then somebody came along and said, hey, hey, I have a new tool that you know that automatically goes, or I've got a new tool, ai shovel.

Johnny Awesome:

I have an AI map that takes you to the, where the real trout Right. And now what happens is because we have this Unawareness that we constantly want to go back towards this newness, like it's just ingrained in us. Right, we suffer this, the cycle short. So now we go from the Valley of Despair and, instead of Working our way through the uncomfortableness to hit the treasure, we go, oh, a new shiny thing. And we jump off the thing that was just about ready to get us there to the success and film it, and we go back up to phase one again because now there's this new way to do business, there's this new thing that's out, that's gonna get us there, and we go excited again for it.

Johnny Awesome:

And then we go, oh, I gotta build it right now we're in informed optimism again, and now we start to build that thing up and guess what it takes work again. Now we're in the Valley of Despair. Oh, I guess it didn't work the way that I thought it was gonna work. I guess that training. I went to go put that stuff in and it really didn't work. I switched to a new broker and I don't know why I get all my free car washes but I'm not seeing the sell anything more like all this stuff happens for real guys, yeah, and then we then what happens now? This is where you got to be careful.

Johnny Awesome:

Our Industry and there's industries out there for people like us we are that we are prey for people that understand this. This, by the way, is taught in marketing classes On how to take advantage of people like us, so that we can constantly go on that loop. How can we make our little thing shiny enough to get you off of there, to get you that dopamine hit? So you buy this program, or you buy this specific tool, or you switch to this thing all the sudden, or free car washes, whatever it is. There's always this thing that says what you're doing right now is Is it? You know we're gonna go back up here where it's all super fun and exciting, right, and because us as agents, most of the time we we just jump, we jump and go for it and then, and then there's more work. It's hard work and now, oh man, maybe I shouldn't left. My last broker agents really isn't the best, and maybe I should go back, maybe should open my own, bro, blah, blah, blah, blah or whatever it is right. Or now, you know, like you said, new CRM, cool AI tools. We're not talking about when that stuff is necessary, because sometimes it is sure we are talking about is Letting yourself stay in phase three long enough, be uncomfortable long enough.

Johnny Awesome:

The one of the things that that they were talking about is you have to hit the wall that thousand times to find the crack, that one time that you can go through. And as soon as he said they didn't use this as an example, but the first thing I thought of was the light bulb. I mean, how many times did we fail and fail and fail and fail and fail? And that's where you, that's the valley of despair. You're, this script doesn't work for you, but you try it, and then you tweak in these words just a little bit, but you're still trying it consistent, consistent, consistent. And then all of a sudden you find the one way that will work, because you found the thousand ways that didn't yep.

Johnny Awesome:

And that's when you have that breakthrough and all of a sudden, bing aha, now I'm informed, I have the knowledge and I know what it's gonna take to do this. Now I have that informed optimism and as long as I keep putting that play in, now I have success. But because we as real estate agents don't stay down there where it's uncomfortable long enough, we keep cycling through phases one, through three. We don't get a chance to taste phase four and phase five. The success and filament is a long-faded dream that we once had. And now we become one of those cremangial realtors that was like it never really worked, or that team never worked, or that cold calling didn't work for me, or door knocking didn't work. It all works right. It's just how much time are you spending there and are you doing enough to hit that gold?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and, and you were on one right there, buddy, that was yeah it was good.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't know, there we are. I felt that, yeah, good, yeah, I felt that it's all in the voice. You know, I don't know why I'm more motivational when I lose my voice.


I felt that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But but it's spot-on right, it's, it's so true. We don't Because Look that that valley of despair is not a fun place. No, it sucks. It sucks Really bad. So it's hard to stay in that place because we want to get out of there, because it sucks. And so, because it sucks, we want to get out of there as fast as we possibly can, but the longer and I I always caution the way I say this like the longer you stay in the valley to spare, the better it's probably going to be. Yeah, well, but I don't want to stay in there forever.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, like don't, it's not. Don't. Stay in there forever is the point, right. And so sometimes and yes, sometimes, you're, you're, you, mentally, are stuck in the valley of despair. You're not actually there, but mentally you're stuck there because things were hard. Now they're getting better, but you're, you want them to be even better than what they actually are, right. So we, we, our psychology, sometimes gets us stuck in this thing and it goes back to a lot of things. Johnny said the sun's not out, right, like it goes back into that. It's depressing, it's this, it's that, like I'm facing all these other things, I always put it, as you know, as a, as a coach, like I always put it as like off court issues Right, like we have off court issues happen. Right, I get a flat tire, my car breaks down, like there's shit that happens to us outside of work that affects our business. So that makes it, that can make it harder.

Johnny Awesome:

Right, like, yeah, but at the same, at the same point of that, Jimmy, though, like, depending on how things are going in the business, like there's, there's, there could be times when you're outside the business and those outside influences are are horrible. But depending where you're at on this graph, like if you're, if you're in the success loop or you're on that first phase, you walk in and you're still super happy because at least you're doing the thing Right. Sure, but imagine being in the Valley of Despair. Then you have those external influences, that's right, that makes it super hard.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, Like that makes it even worse. Because that and sometimes I think that is what happens Right, yeah, you get in this Valley of Despair and then you're feeling this way, which you're you're giving off that same energy. Now the people that you're surrounded with are feeling that energy because you're in despair. Now you're giving the energy, Now they're giving it back to you and you're like no, I just need support. And they're like well, I'm trying to support you, but you're not giving me any. You know, it's like this whole back and forth thing and and that's like that's again, it goes back to who you surround yourself with, matters, you know, and if you're not around the right people, it can really pull you down.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, right, it can be really bad and you need that person to go. Hey man, what's going on? How are you today? And you just go. That sucks.

Johnny Awesome:

Like he just had to. Yeah, and you need that person. It goes good. Yeah, I'm glad that you're there. Yeah, keep it sucking, because tomorrow might be the day tomorrow might be better.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, right, yeah, that's what you need.

Johnny Awesome:

That's the heart, but the person that goes oh wow, I'm so sorry. Yeah, Maybe you should just go do something, Like that person's not your friend.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, the person that goes. Hey, maybe you should just go get a job.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, oh, this is difficult. Oh yeah, yeah. Why don't you get a job?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, but that's the, that's the hard part. So, again, who you surround yourself with matters and like, if you're not around the right team, then the right brokerage and all the right people, like that makes it hard. Like you and I have each other to lean on right. Like, but we even go outside of that. You know what I mean. Like you have coaches, I have coaches and mentors, like we that we go outside of this, even though I think you're one of the best coaches in the country and I have you as a friend that I can call and be like hey, do you have a friend? Hey, dude, this is what I got going on. And you're like Jimmy, you know how to fix this. Just like the 90 day business plan. You're like who can I go? Like you had to think about. Like who can I go to do this?

Johnny Awesome:

Like oh, if only I knew somebody that knew how to put a 30, 60 or 90 day plan together. That was a world trainer, you know. If only I had that person's number. Oh, look, Jimmy's calling me. How about?

Jimmy Fantastic:

that. But we sometimes, as forest of the trees, right so but but yeah, you get into that despair and you get into that. Wait, is that how that phrase goes? You can't see the forest or the trees.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, okay, yeah, I've never.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yes, my brain when you not get that one, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's not even a sports analogy. This is just like a race Trees.

Johnny Awesome:

What are we talking about here? How does trees yeah, sorry.



Johnny Awesome:

But you know what was funny? Here's why. Here's why I bring this up. It's a personal thing. You know, when I was going through the hardest part of my life two years ago, I had lots of things, but my therapist was the one. We were talking a lot, of course, and we were talking about the tree being in front of us and being out in like a desert, and we know that there's water, like, and I used to tell him like it's like, it's like I'm really, really thirsty. I know that there's water, but I'm standing in front of this big tree and there's, there's the waters behind it, but I can't see it. And I know that I can walk around, but it's like the sand I'm sitting in is quick sand, and what's interesting is this is even a valley of despair, because when you're there and you're stuck right, there's the heat you got that person just says it's going to be all right on the other end, right, you're going to get yourself out, you're going to, you're going to figure out how to get out of this, and on the other end, then you'll be able to walk around, right. And so when you, when you use that analogy, like I had PSTD, I flashback calls. And then suddenly to two years ago when we were having that discussion about how you can't see what's behind you if you have something really large. But the interesting thing is, with the right coaching, you know, and I used to tell him I, I used to tell him this this is interesting, actually. I saw it coming back.

Johnny Awesome:

I used to say I know that if I just walked around the tree it would be there, but I'm so stuck, I need somebody to pull me and push me to get around that tree. And you know, the sad truth to that is it's not the sad truth, it's the truth, it's the power. I shouldn't say it was sad. What I had to realize was nobody can do that. What they can do is encourage you to do it. But you have to be the one that pulls yourself up and then actually moves. And when you're stuck like that, it feels impossible. It felt like that was never going to happen.

Johnny Awesome:

Lowest point in my life. You know, my family's gone. One day I get home I'm a big family guy I I don't know what I'm doing. You know what I mean. Like, like I'm, and I was stuck there for a year and I just said I just need somebody to push me, but it has to be you. You have to be the one that does it with, like you said, that encouragement. Hey, this is growth. You're going to learn there's. There's that sun on the other side, there's that forest on the other side, there's that lake on that other side, whatever it is right. And then eventually you grow. What? What happens? You grow straight. It's like. It's like bodybuilding right. Like I, you know, have a have a background, a lot of things. One of them you know as an independent wrestling and watching those guys bodybuild right, yeah, it's pain. There's a lot of work that gets involved in it.

Johnny Awesome:

Then they get big and buff and they're able to throw everybody around, right, this is something that there's two quotes here that I got out of this that I wanted to share real quick. That I thought was really interesting. Number one whenever you feel the most uncomfortable, that's, that's, that's a spot that you should probably stay, because the more that you stay in that spot and here's here's what that means, cause there's two things that I really want to hit home in the last three minutes that we have. Number one if you're stuck in this cycle and you keep doing this, stop, realize that that uncomfortable spot is probably where you should sit, because that's where you grow.

Johnny Awesome:

Muscles aren't formed without doing the work of weight. Right, I mean, look at for those of you that that know, jeff, for instance. You see him every single morning. I mean, look, you've seen his transformation. Right, he motivates you. That's that's hard work every single day. Right, it grows. That the other thing that happens and I love this, listen to this Nothing of substance can be made without somebody being uncomfortable. I thought that was really interesting. That is what a really interesting quote. Say that again. Yeah, nothing of substance can be made without somebody being uncomfortable. Anything that like look at this stuff that we have electricity. Yeah, you know, like the podcast, somebody bang their head up against the wall a million times to find the one way to make all this work for us.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It didn't just work one day, and and that's continuing to work on it to make it better Correct, you know what I mean. Like it's continuing to work on computers and whatever else to make them better, I think, or they're going to take over the world. One of the two.

Johnny Awesome:

So the the thing that you have to realize is this when you hit that, you're going cycles one through three, do not get distracted by, in our industry, the people out there trying to take advantage of you and get you back up to the first. Run whatever you're running now, and stick with it and then it will. It will work. Okay, right, it's, you know. Caveat, I mean it's, don't do. I mean there's some weird stuff out there too, but you know, for the most part, any, anything works. Mailers, are you farming, whatever it, whatever it is.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Don't do shopping carts, but whatever else it is Well, and and you can you can do shopping, but it can't be your only thing.

Johnny Awesome:

Do shopping carts at all. That's the worst.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But like, but. But again, guys too like and I want to make sure we're clear on this Like, they all work, everything works, everything works. Yeah, but there should be three pillars of your business. Like, if you just do farming, unless you're doing it on a very large scale, just the one thing won't work. Now it might get you comfortable and that's where you got to start talking about your goals and we're going to. We could get, we could go down a whole different path here Right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Do it on the rabbit hole. But we say all this guys to say this this business can be hard, it can be difficult, but can also be very enjoyable when you're around the right people.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

You know, and and if chasing the shiny object is sometimes what we do, but it's not always the best thing for us, right, it messes with our dopamine. We're up, we're down, we're trying to do all different kinds of things. Right, all the things work. Stick to them. Right, that keeps digging.

Johnny Awesome:

You're eventually going to find the goal and realize where you're at on this cycle. That's the biggest thing. Right there, guys, you have to realize where you are actually at on this emotional cycle and if you're in the valley, to spare with knowledge is power. If you know that you're there, then you also know phase four is coming, that victory is coming. You just haven't gone through the thousand ways that it isn't going to work yet to find the one way that it will work. So stick to it so that you can get through it. I just want to read two comments here as we close. Actually, this will be a perfect way to close the show. Jessica says I feel every call and show is tailored to me and what I'm going through. I appreciate you guys and all that you do. Jessica, that's because we have access to your private journal and actually that's all we do do is basically.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

So you guys just get home and get self-talked out of going. Yep, that's it. So guys, listen at the end of the day, know where you're at on the cycle Knowledge is power and just keep digging Just keep digging, Jimmy.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You've been fantastic. Johnny, you've been awesome and we'll talk to all of you next Friday.

Johnny Awesome:

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