Free for All Friday

Bonus Episode 92 - Listing Appointment Challenge (w/ Austin Cheviron and Chanel Hart D'Aprix)

January 17, 2024 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 4 Episode 92

On this BONUS episode of Free for All Friday! 🙌

We were in the middle of our 24-hour marathon to raise money for the Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund, when two Icon agents, Austin Cheviron and Chanel Hart D’Aprix, joined us as special guests. 😍

We decided to spice things up and see who was the best of the best. We gave them a head-to-head listing competition, where they had to pitch their services to a potential client and convince them to sign with them. 🏠

It was a nail-biting showdown between these two icons, who shared so many tips and tricks on how to be a top-notch agent. They both delivered amazing presentations and went for the close. 💯

But who was the winner? Who got the contract? You’ll have to watch the video to find out! 😱

Leave your comments below and let us know who you think won and why.

And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and support the Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund. 💖

This is Free for All Friday, where anything can happen! 🔥

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You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny, awesome and Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We are doing free for all Friday, 24 hours straight, kicking off season four, along with raising funds for the Stephanie she will Memorial Fund. If you want to know more about that you can go back to. We kick this thing off at midnight part one, midnight she will and we are raising money for that fund.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So kind of helps out. It's helps that the charity with children with cancer, helping out their families, you know, take care of the kids at home, along with the kids that are that are sick, along with their, their siblings, you know, assisting with some grab rails or ramps or whatever is needed at home. That's what the charity is for. Also helps, you know, kids getting back and forth with the siblings to extra curricula activities or school or those kind of things. So kind of the things we don't think about and you know whether that's food and gas cards and all the things that are needed when you're going through something like that. So again, that's what that charity is for. So you can see it right there. You can send the Venmo to at our angel stuff at on Venmo. So that's what that's all about. And we've been doing this for almost we're almost 14 hours in and things are happening.

Johnny Awesome:

How are you holding up, jimmy? Did you? Did you think this is what we're going to look?

Jimmy Fantastic:

like 14 hours in. I'm good man. I look a hell of a lot better than you do.

Johnny Awesome:

Do you really think? Is it showing? Yeah, is it showing. I was trying to hide it under my eyes, but I think I'm doing good. Wow, maybe I'm not. Look at those. Look at those bags under my eyes, but we are still kicking it. We still have. We only have 10 hours left. We've hit the halfway point. We only have 10 hours left. Make sure that you follow us live. It's a fun thing that we're doing. Oh, look at that. And we have a special guest that just hit us. This is one of the things I love about what we're doing today, because I don't know when people are popping in. We have a somewhat schedule and then people are just swinging in here. So I am going to officially launch this. We're going to record this for sure. So I'm going to watch our intro here. We're going to bring this guest in. Here we go.


You're listening to free for all Fridays, live 24 hour broadcast featuring special guests, surprise segments and lots of coffee with your host, johnny awesome and Jim fantastic good afternoon good afternoon, good afternoon.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, it's weird. That's so weird, jimmy. Have we done it afternoon?

Jimmy Fantastic:

yeah, we had we've done evening. Yeah, this is so weird.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh man, people are sorry. This is great, guys. This is so great. This is exactly what we wanted. Welcome to free for all Friday. As you heard our intro, if you're listening to us on the podcast, we are currently not just here. At seven o'clock in the morning, it happens to be 151, why we're not even hitting times right anymore we have been here for like 90 hours.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't know, it's 24 hour long podcast. I am a realtor, so I'm overestimating that. We have two very special guests. I don't want to keep them waiting. Bring them in, and this is what's great. Actually, now we ended up with three special guests and we're we're probably gonna have six by the end of this hour. This is what this is all about free for all Friday. I'm gonna introduce them first, mr Austin Chevron, who said can I bring a special guest? And, ladies and gentlemen, I'm also gonna welcome miss. You know heart. Here we go, guys. Oh man, now I don't know how to do video, so that we all show very close guys.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good afternoon, boys, good afternoon man, austin, that was a you said you're bringing a special guest and, man, you hit a home run yeah.

Austin Cheviron:

I used to get singles, now we hit dingers oh man, hang on guys, I have to.

Johnny Awesome:

This is part of moving stuff around there we go, you'll figure it out guys, how are you doing?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

so good. How are you guys doing, is the question oh, now I'm doing great.

Johnny Awesome:

Now this is, this is. I'm gonna cry. This is everything I've always wanted, I just wanted a bunch of all of our friends and me and Justin Bieber wig all at the same time. It's coming true. I I apologize on your behalf. I if, for those of you that are listening to our podcast, we do definitely not reflect what could have come out of here if we had sleep, it definitely is gonna bring down the amount of wisdom that these two are gonna give.

Johnny Awesome:

I mean really need that haircut. Oh man, I can't wait. If you guys don't know, I'm getting a haircut live.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I hair cut at 7 o'clock tonight it's gonna be something now.

Austin Cheviron:

I just want to make sure we're not coming into low energy, because you guys have been up for like 13 hours, right, like we're not, that's, we're not coming into amateur hour right, no, no, no excuses, buddy no

Johnny Awesome:

excuses, no, excuses, ever no, so I didn't, I. Well, I guess it makes sense that you two know each other. This is really so who called who? Austin? You just call her and be like, hey, let's show up together. Yeah, it's kind of what happened. I love that, I. And now this is interesting too, because we have two completely different people that are on the same team, and one one does a coaching thing and the other is a great friend of ours. It's just starting to launch a team and and so this is a fun dynamic, so thank you for coming on and being part of this we're happy to be here, guys, just here to support awesome, love it.

Johnny Awesome:

So I I've got a lot of different ways that I can go. I mean, you guys know how free for all Friday works. Is there anything in particular that you, either one of you'd like to work we'll talk about today, or would you like me to spin the wheel of topics?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

the wheel of topics.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Obviously, johnny, it's time to go to our voices got stuck like that for a second you know like when you were a little kid your mom used to say your face is gonna stick, like that, like oh, so what we have done is we have.

Johnny Awesome:

We have some topics here that we have put on this wheel that people were supposed to give us. They're mostly from chat, gpt, so they're kind of off the wall, mostly from Johnny's jet GPT too, by the way what Johnny didn't realize.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't think that that jet GPT was learning what he does, so right. So, guys, I don't know where this is gonna go, so just just FYI so here we go, let's let's see what we're gonna be talking about today.

Johnny Awesome:

Guys, this is exciting and they didn't even know. They just they just decided to show up. Boy, I hope it's something good. What is it, please tell me? It's how to use rap battles and freestyle lyrics to showcase your listings and skills awesome you're up, awesome, you're first out your segment 13 there, buddy, I'm not.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do right now. But you know, chat GPT. I says they got you down pretty good.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh yeah, yeah you know, what's funny about that is he was right, he, he. He says we were. We got this one about magic and we got another one about how to hold a murder mystery in one of your listings and Jimmy's goes Johnny, it's all. It's only giving suggestions that you would like. Because it's your chat, gpt. I was like, oh, that's right, because I'm running a special version, because I'm super geeky, I have access to this beta program. That's 4.5 and it's learned me. So it has been this entire time just giving suggestions about stuff that I'd like and this is great yeah, he wanted to have this discussion about how to host a murder mystery in one of your listings and I'm like why would I do it to me?

Jimmy Fantastic:

it was like that wouldn't happen. Yeah, that was our argument, but it was like four in the morning, so it wasn't there's.

Johnny Awesome:

There's no mystery. We know who did it. Yeah, it was just like it's done okay so let's.

Austin Cheviron:

Let's say, me and Chanel are going up against the listing against each other right now let's do that.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, she's the queen, that's a great one. So what would you do?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

with rap. Austin, do you want to go? Oh no, I'm not, no, I just.

Austin Cheviron:

I saw battle yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

No, it starts with rap battle. Austin, it was a rap battle. Yeah, what would you do? So let me actually Austin, that was a great way to kick this off. This is. This is great.

Austin Cheviron:

We have two giants here when you can have awesome, that's always brother, that's it, or?

Johnny Awesome:

fantastic all right, so here's what. Here it is, jimmy and I, we own a house together. You two are the listing agents coming to try to win our listing. Chanel, you get called. You call first. You've got the listing appointment first. Austin, you have the listing appointment second. Let's see who can win. Oh man, win that listing all right, I'm ready all right, let's do it. Oh, this is all right, this is great, this is great.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Go ahead, chanel, let's see it so are we actually meeting at your home? Are my calling what's?

Johnny Awesome:

let's, let's, let's do it legit. Let's pretend that you're we're out of town and you're doing a zoom presentation to list our property oh fantastic, I love that okay here we go, you win, you just that fantastic.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

You win I don't think so well, johnny and Jimmy, thank you so much for taking time out of your vacation. I am so excited that you reached out. I know you shared with me that many of your friends and family members have used me in the past, so I'm just so happy that I have the opportunity to sit with you just for a couple of minutes. So the first question I'm going to ask you is why have you decided? Are you even thinking about selling your home?

Johnny Awesome:

well, we've realized that we really need to. We need to, we we're stuck. We don't know if we want to get to Indiana or South Carolina.

Jimmy Fantastic:

North Carolina North.

Johnny Awesome:

Carolina. Well see, we can't even decide on what Carolina one of those damn Carolina. We know that it's definitely time to get out of Michigan.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Yes, absolutely so, when you're looking at this overall, do you feel that you know time is of the essence, or is it more about trying to get the most money for your probably highest investment?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm gonna say most money, always most money I'm ready to leave right now well, you know what I love that?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

because when you're working with time and you're working with money, then we have to really look at what's going on in the market, and so first steps for me are always to figure out if you two are on the same page or not, and I found, as I sit down with many people, that you're not always on the same page, right? So the first step is to get us on the same page so we can move forward and expectations are set. Does that make sense to you all?

Johnny Awesome:

make sense to me. Yeah, I think that sounds great.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, we froze, we're back.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, now you're on mute.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Oh, that was Austin. He muted me.

Johnny Awesome:

The dirty tricks. By the way, we just received this packet from an Austin Chevron it's, it's, it's. What is this that you did back when you were 19? Oh, but no, yes, so, uh, yeah, we're. I think we're both on the same page.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Yes, so obviously you know that I know your neighborhood very well, I know the community well, know the market very well. So the very best thing to do next is to sit down together when you all get back from your vacation and really cohesively look at what the market is saying, that your property is worth, a price range and then look at that timeline and work through what is really the best way to get the most amount of money for your investment in the shortest period of time. Does that make sense to you all?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I love that. I'm kind of confused.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

So what I would love to do, with your permission, because I do have so many buyers in that area that what I would love to do is just really share the interest level in your home and get some feedback on that. Um, obviously not sharing price at all, but again, because I work with so many buyers in that area, um, I think that we're really going to have a seamless process from beginning to end in this, and before we actually sit down and go through the entire process with myself and my team, I'd like to get a better idea of what buyers' interest is in your home, and we may not even have to take this to the market. How's that sound?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I love that idea.

Johnny Awesome:

I like that too, but I do have to let you know we are interviewing multiple agents.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

I'm so glad. I actually highly recommend that you go ahead and interview at least two to three additional agents, just so you can really compare all of us and you can see how much value is coming to the table, how much education is coming to the table and who's going to do the best job for you all overall, and, quite honestly, if they're bringing the same amount that I am, then wonderful. Then it really gets back to who's going to line with you best as far as personality, work hardest for you and be able to bring the highest amount of money to you at the end of the day, which is so important.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Love that I agree. Yeah, I agree. Always a good for a good second opinion.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

So, can. I ask when you guys are coming back into town.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Wednesday, Thursday.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

So I'd love to you know, obviously, give you a day or two to get in situated, but let's sit down on Friday If that day works for you, around 10 am and really map out a timeline, what's going to work, and I'm going to give you that feedback from buyers and see what I can bring to the table.

Johnny Awesome:

All right, sounds good.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Enjoy your vacay. Reach out to me if you have any questions. In the meantime, I'm going to send that marketing package over to you and let you know exactly what we can do.

Johnny Awesome:

Perfect. Thank you very much.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

You're welcome.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You're having a problem with her, huh?

Johnny Awesome:

Me. No, have you not noticed I've been? Yeah, it's the wait. Do you like always say no in the answer with the yes? All right, we got it now. Good, all right, all right. So there it is Appointment number one. Everybody, I like it. Yeah, now did I. There was just like did you hear like one little boo in that? We have to listen to that track again? There was, I feel like they recorded this. One person goes boo, listen to this again. All right. Oh, she, now she went black. Oh, I like this, all right.

Johnny Awesome:

Cool, so now the thing that she all right now. Well, I would. I would be interested knowing if we did this in reverse, if Austin would have what he would have done. But let's go for it. So now, agent number two, austin Chevron.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm going to play clean here.

Johnny Awesome:

That's exactly what I was wondering if he was going to. I think it's, I think it's only fair.

Austin Cheviron:

All right, so so welcome, welcome, guys. It's. It's great to be on zoom here. It's it's awesome to know when someone knows how to use the system properly, because it tells me how professional they are.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, he used awesome.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Right off the bat.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I don't like him at all.

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, that's okay. That's okay. So, so, guys, you're looking at selling your property. It sounds like you guys were referred to me by your neighbor who we had an awesome transaction with. How well do you know your neighbor, bobby?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, bobby's a nice guy. I've never met him, never. You never met Bobby.

Austin Cheviron:

No, just he does.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't know who he is I stay inside.

Johnny Awesome:

He's recluse. I just sit into the basement and play video games. Yep, oh, love it. What games do you like to play? Mostly fortnight and VR and whatever his son said this morning.

Austin Cheviron:

Oh, love it. I've played some fortnight with my kids too, so that's, that's great. When we get into this, really, the biggest thing here is that I want to make sure that I provide you the same experience that I provided Bobby, because eventually, as we go through this, what I'm going to hope for is that you guys feel comfortable enough to refer me to somebody that you might know, and I know. To do that, I have to provide you guys the experience that I provided Bobby, and if I can provide you that same experience, then I know we're going to have a beautiful transaction here, and what I want to make sure is that, as we go through this, okay, you're comfortable having conversations with me. We understand what we're looking to do. So if my first question I want to ask you guys is, do you value time more than money, money more than time, or do you value them equally?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I really like money.

Johnny Awesome:

I am like time.

Austin Cheviron:

So if I had to, if I had to have you rate on a scale of one to 10, jimmy, let's say, let's say if you rate money at an eight, time would be a two, then to understand that, how would you rate money on a scale of one to 10, knowing times the opposite?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, that's a good one. I would say, oh, man, I would say maybe a six, six or seven with money and four with time, four time. And then, johnny, what would?

Johnny Awesome:

you sit, I'm at like a 12. Let's just, let's just get out of here, and I don't care if we make any money.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Okay, he sits in the basement plays video games all day.

Austin Cheviron:

And why is? Why is time so important to you, johnny?

Johnny Awesome:

Well, because I'm ready to be out of here, the, the, the roof leaks, the neighbors. The neighbors hate me. Bobby's always complaining. They don't understand, they don't get me. You know, I just feel like if we were to move to South Carolina, North Carolina or the or Indiana, I would just be understood more there, Indiana is definitely a beautiful place to live.

Austin Cheviron:

We have all four seasons here?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, but do you have all four types of me?

Austin Cheviron:

there. Yeah, we have basements here actually that you can sit in all day. It'll work. It'll work out perfectly for you. So when we get an offer, how are you two going to be able to determine what's what's the right number? If, if, Johnny, you think time is more important, you're obviously going to want to take it and, Jimmy, you're going to want to be able to get the most money. How are you two going to work that out? How does that? Normally happen in your relationship.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, rock paper scissor.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's two out of three. That's two out of three.

Austin Cheviron:

Rock paper scissors, and who's the one that throws scissors? Okay, so it sounds like we're going to sell the house with whatever we get. So what I'm going to make sure, jimmy, to make sure you're good, is I'll make sure, when we lay this out, that we get the most amount of money possible for you. Love that, thank you. And then we'll take that first offer, knowing that we've squeezed every dollar we can out of this, out of the gate. So that way, johnny, you can get what you want, and Jimmy, you can get what you want.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Wow, I love that. I will say are you have?

Austin Cheviron:

you guys talked to any other realtors?

Johnny Awesome:

Oh yeah, we talked to one other person before you, okay, and who was that? I don't know. If I'm comfortable saying yeah, we're not comfortable, yeah, okay great, that's perfectly fine. Before you.

Austin Cheviron:

I never do so sometimes I know that person. Sometimes we've actually maybe even been on listing appointments together.

Austin Cheviron:

Oh, I just asked to see what type of knowledge have you guys received? And you know I can tell you sometimes you might have somebody come in and they don't know what they're talking about. It might be their first listing appointment. It could be Bobby's you know younger niece, for all I know, and Bobby also referred you. Johnny, do you have somewhere you need to be right now by chance? I just want to make sure. I know time is important to you and you keep looking at your watch.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh yeah, I'm just making sure that the people on Fortnite can hear me and that the stream didn't completely go down.

Austin Cheviron:

Okay is there any time in which you have to get off of this call to get on to a game?

Johnny Awesome:

No, in fact I can be on this call up until midnight tonight, and then you're welcome to sit here with us.

Austin Cheviron:

We won't be here that long, I'm going to make sure I get in and out so you can play in privacy. So I know that's important to you. So, with talking with other real estate agents, one thing I will tell you there's that face. One thing I can tell you is that I will more and likely charge more than they do. Wow, okay. And so when you talk to other people, a lot of times they don't value their services enough, they don't value themselves enough.

Austin Cheviron:

But I'm a professional and I believe you guys deserve a professional, and so as we go through this, you're going to see everything we do is put there in place for you guys to really do three things. I have three goals for you. It's the first to sell your house for the most amount of money possible. The second is to do it in the quickest amount of time. And then the third is to make sure you have the best experience along the way and to create that for you guys, I have to understand what my value is so I can provide that to you.

Austin Cheviron:

If you went into your job and your boss asked you to cut your pay by 30% or 50%, you're probably not going to do the best job and I know it's important to provide you the experience, because I want you guys to go back to Bobby. I really need that to tell Bobby how well of an experience you had and, if you remember, I need you to have that same level of experience so that way you can tell the next person. Are we in understanding with that?

Johnny Awesome:

No, yeah, yeah.

Austin Cheviron:

Well, if you want to hire that other agent, I'm more than happy. If you want to talk about them with me, or if you want to hire them, or if you want to hire me, I'm good. Either way, I'm just here to serve you and just to let you know, as we go through our process here. If there's any time in which you feel like we're not the right match when you hire us, I'll let you cancel your contract at any time, for any reason, because if it's not good for you, it's not good for me.

Johnny Awesome:

That sounds good. Sounds great to us, yeah.

Austin Cheviron:

What do you need to know for me before you make a decision? Are you good? Have you already made your decision? More than likely, Shoot dude Like.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm trying what are?

Johnny Awesome:

you trying to do.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm trying to keep the competition fair and not give it Anybody that you know having fair competition and then getting your household for the most amount of money and the quickest amount of time is not really Relative to what you really need. So I understand it's gonna hurt somebody's feelings. I get that no differently than it's gonna hurt someone's feelings when I tell them Offer three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I got to tell all them that they didn't get the house.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's gonna one feelings too. Yeah, one thing, austin, I really do like about a proactive agent is one that reaches out to you right after they get them with the appointment and they send you a text message stating what they can do for you already. No way, yeah, that's one thing I really like about Very proactive agent that will text. They'll send you a text, probably that that reached out to us by text message right after Well, you know what?

Austin Cheviron:

if I, if I was done with our meeting, you'd probably get that for me too. But if I like to do more than just send a text message, I'll probably send you a personal note because I care.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, we got. We got a video too.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Wow, that is great. Yeah, we got a video, we got the whole deal. Yeah, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh man.

Austin Cheviron:

Well, I'm sure whoever this person is is probably really good at what they do. You just have to ask yourself what level of service do you want and who do you want to hire?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, no, I love that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You guys ever thought about doing split listings?

Austin Cheviron:

It depends on who it is. But if I can tell you this if you bring two professionals in, it will probably cost you more money, and it should like shark tank.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, I've never heard that before.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's actually really good, yeah, wow. I love that yeah that's actually a really good idea, huh.

Johnny Awesome:

We're all right, then you know.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm sorry, guys, if you're gonna play paper rock scissors in front of me, I don't know if you're the type of clients that I want to work with, so I would probably tell you just go with that other person. Um, I'm good, I'll tell Bobby. It just wasn't meant to be and I appreciate, I appreciate your guys just had. Best of luck to you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, that is really absolute, you guys?

Johnny Awesome:

In fact, did you hear the one I will?

Jimmy Fantastic:

get like man. That was just you guys both.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm not gonna lie, austin. You made it awkward for me Because we love Chanel and I'm watching her face as as you are just killing it. Yeah, he's amazing, he's amazing, he shows me a text.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Damn it. A video message and a text.



Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, she really sent you a text.

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, a video message.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, a video message and a text.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

She with the appointment time in the text. Yeah, like.

Austin Cheviron:

This is what happens when you get two professionals.

Johnny Awesome:

Uh, right, that was. That was so, so incredible.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I want to replay it tonight, when, when everybody's here that that might be the best thing we've ever done, honestly, that that recording, like we need to like, earmark that recording no, oh, 100%, like that's a listing presentation in a box.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, from from who? From from two different personalities, and I wanted to know how fair you're gonna. I'm a little disappointed because I was really. But even even in your fairness, you guys had your own way. I don't know how to say this. You had your own way to shit on the other agent in a really fair, even nice way. Yeah, the five second late button. There it is. It was really neat to see now what you don't have. That's that you guys both had. Which is really interesting is you never get a chance to be, uh, a fly on the wall during the other listing presentation, so now I'm gonna bring it back to free for all friday stone. Ask you guys some questions. Austin, since you were able to see her presentation first, what are some of the things that you noticed that you picked up on, or nuggets of what she was doing, and was there anything in what she was doing that you would want to add to? And or is there anything that she was doing that you would tweak?

Austin Cheviron:

No, it was I. I try it, so that's why I took my. I took my camera off.


I didn't want to.

Austin Cheviron:

I didn't want her to see me because then it could mess up her mind and what she was seeing. Um, no, when you play at the highest level possible, I mean you're playing. You're playing at the high end. Of course we're playing for a couple minutes and normally it's a 60 minute presentation, right, yeah, yeah, oh, I mean you, you stick in your lane. I mean she, she killed me on the emotional lane, 100%, yep.

Johnny Awesome:

White however.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Austin is phenomenal at taking different personalities than a room and getting all of them on the same page, so if every agent had the ability to do that, they would knock it out of the park nine out of ten times. The tenth is just because probably nobody you know they. That ten is. You know what you always see in those statistics, right, but I'm sure you're going to see that in the next video, thank you. That's what Austin is so incredible at is being able to pick up on specific personality traits of everybody he works with or possibly is going to work with, and ensuring that they're all on the same page, and that's. That is something I think that I don't know. Austin, I think you're naturally like that, but I think you've also taught yourself how to do that too, or educated yourself.

Austin Cheviron:

So we have an introvert and an extrovert, we have somebody who wants time and money. So how do I, how do I serve them both? And normally the introverts the one that's not going to talk to you. And so I tried to engage with the introvert, knowing that I had the extrovert already. They're already going to play with me no matter what.

Austin Cheviron:

So how do I engage, find common ground and build rapport with, with the introvert? And then when also am I losing them? When do I start to lose the people? And Johnny looked at his watch. I don't know if you guys saw two or three times and as a professional, I'm not going to sit around and let you mess around like I'm going to address this. Yeah, it's funny.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, chanel was texting us. That's why he was looking at it.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, because we got a message. And again, my phone is actually hooked up to the board and so I'm making sure. Typically, when we get a message halfway through the best thing ever that we filmed it's because everything cut out somewhere and I'm like, no, my heart actually started to flutter. My entire posture changed because I was ready for that message to say we can't hear anything they're saying, because that's usually what happens. I am so happy we caught all that on video. Austin, the thing that you did, which is crazy, and I'm not going to lie. I was trying to object against you, but you logic wrestled the crap out of me. There's nothing I could say, that like you made it. So there was nothing else I could say other than yes, even though I didn't even really want to.

Austin Cheviron:

You know, like I'll say this for whoever listens there's. There's probably a couple things I pick up on in this short, short thing and I think, before I go there, just know, if you're the second one in the first, one could already made an emotional connection and or been very perfect. Like she beat me because I was second. She's beating me. I can't even compete because I'm second. So just remember that as you're going in, if you're number two, that number one might not just been there. They might have followed up, they sent the marketing material, they called your aunt, they had you call you back. Like I'm already, you're already emotionally connected to her, right, yeah, so, so I'm coming in.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm going to do really three things. One, I want to figure out who's in charge and what your personalities are. So I appreciate you playing different games there. For me that's, that's huge. And Chanel picks up on that, because I do that with everybody because if I don't know who you are, I can't speak your language. If I can't speak your language, this is huge, I can't communicate with you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The second thing I did is I made sure you understood that I work by referral and that I wanted referrals from you. Yeah, it's not about your sale, it's about the five other ones. And then tie in it back to Bobby, because if Bobby's still good, even if I don't get the listing and you're like, hey, he was amazing, bobby will still refer me, right. And then also you might not do business with me because your other agent might be your sister, for all I know. Yeah, that's OK, but I want to make sure you refer me in the future. I don't want your deal, I want all the deals, yeah.

Austin Cheviron:

The last thing was is I separated us based off a price?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that was that right. There is crazy to me that that section, like the I can imagine people rewatching this me like what is he doing you? But that that's the part where you started to play, but I don't even want to do it, but it kind of is like that's where you you went.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm going to myself from the crowd. That's module 12 of our agent success program. Right there live. We separate ourselves and I just said I charge more than her and you're like he should?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, he should charge, yeah, and. I'm like my personality might be like what, yeah? The crazy part is you like the?

Jimmy Fantastic:

one thing you did to Austin is you. You did the takeaway at the end.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, you did the takeaway.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Like I don't know if this is going to work out with us. Like you did that, like, and it was like no wait, don't go yet. You know what I mean. Like I, but you were, you were pulling the takeaway, so that's like that, not that scarce to mindset, that's like hey, if you don't want to work with me, cool, kick rocks, I'm going to go find somebody else, right?

Austin Cheviron:

And by the way, you now know I'm more expensive and you know what's important to me, which is I need referrals. Yep, okay, I also demanded respect with with Johnny and Jimmy, you saw that when I said that you keep looking at your watch. Yep, because, as a professional, if I'm the doctor and you're my client, I can't have my client tell them the doctor what to do.

Johnny Awesome:

The doctor's got to be in charge Right?

Austin Cheviron:

No, 100%. And so and I did this this way for training exercises. Just to be clear with everyone, this is exactly what I do, but I did it a little more magnified for training for everybody of how to come in, there be a professional, what to look like, and if I only had 10 minutes, I'm talking about referrals and I'm charging more. I'm just going to lay that right out there, because people always want to pay for the most expensive thing. They just think they can't afford it. But because I've separated myself with with cost, the value is perceived to be higher.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it's one of these current talks about all the times. You like the difference with a coach person, a coach from a person from Walmart, like what's the freaking difference? They're both purses, they both hold the same amount of things. One has more value, more perceived value, right, and that's what you just did. You have, you showed more perceived value of what you're going to do and you ask for referrals, like all on your presentation?

Johnny Awesome:

Maybe I don't, and I'd love to get you guys opinion on this too. And did he really? Was it perceived value or was there true value there already? Because by the time, like if he would have started, I don't know, I don't think maybe Austin could put it off. But could you imagine agent just walks in and be like first, before we get started, you need to understand I charge more than anybody else out there. That'd be weird.

Johnny Awesome:

But by the time we got to that, he had me agreeing with you, which is something, by the way, I was actually trying not to do the entire time and actually both of them did it, but Austin basically logic me into it, which is really weird, because I was trying to play a game with Austin and you know, we both know personalities Well and he couldn't I couldn't help but agree with what he was saying, right? And so by the time he presented it like he had already built it up. So it wasn't, it wasn't perceived like it was true value to me at that point in time. Yeah, or whoever this person is, yeah, it's crazy, crazy cool.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So and then, chanel, you just you like you, you do the the such a good job of creating that, that, that feeling of like I just want to work with you.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, Austin.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Yeah. So mine is always how, how do I, how do I feel when she left? I don't know why we're going to choose her, but it's. I just feel right about it, right. So for me it's connecting with that person and mirroring who you all are, but also understanding the dynamics of your relationship, or lack thereof, in being the connector between whomever I'm in the room with, and so that's a really big part for me. So I already have, I have the numbers, I have the marketing, I have the materials, I have all of that. So I don't need to present that on the front end. If I make you feel like I'm the right choice, then the logic I can back it up on the back end. But on the front end, I have that one chance to connect with you. So you're like yes, I feel that I can trust her, I feel that she's honest, I feel she hears me, I feel she's going to do a great job, and then when I back it up with with actual material, then there's no question.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yup, and that's one of the things, like people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. You know you hit home with, like that's the. You pulled on the strings of like, oh, I'm going to take care of you. Like you know sorry, austin, it was that good old Southern charm, like you know.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, you know, it'd be interesting too, because if this were real life, the one thing and I've got a followup question to this I'd be really interested in knowing how you guys would handle this. But if this was real life and Austin mentioned this, chanel was first and we had her, and then she's following up by sending videos. She already had us booked in the calendar. She has a text out to us. She had that followup down. If she would have booked that secondary appointment with us before we even got a chance to see Austin, we would have never heard from him. Like that, that was, that was her, her, her slippery way in there. But my question is this this is this is actually interesting. If anybody, how would you handle it? What would happen if somebody actually did say hey guys, I have a house that I want to list, I have three agents that I'm interviewing for we're going to do it via zoom and you'll all be on at the same time. What would you guys say to that? How would you handle that situation if it ever came up?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Oh, go ahead, Austin, please.

Austin Cheviron:

I would probably. I would say yes to start with because I want to see I would, and then I would shut up when I would come in and I'd let everybody else talk. Yup, yeah, seek first to understand, listen, okay, whoever talks the most normally feels like it went the best. And so let's say it's us right here and Chanel talks more than I do on it. She's going to feel like it went great, right, Right. But I can hear and sit back and see from your guys' position how it really went. And then I could, I could come in and like an assassin and make certain comments and fill in all the holes. And then, because she thinks it went really well and I was poo, poo because I didn't talk so much I would then follow up with you immediately and she wouldn't, because she'd be more confident, and then I could then come in and fill that back end while she thought the front end was going.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Why I agree with Austin. It's not about you comparing yourself with others who would be on the call. It's what are the others, whether they're groups, their experience or lack thereof. You're looking for the holes so you can fill the holes. Well, if I know the holes because I see the other agents on the call with me it is very, very easy for me to show inherent value in a very specific way for those sellers and, just like Austin said, it would be in the follow up and nailing. Exactly you know what they're missing. That's the huge part.

Johnny Awesome:

Got it. I love that, austin, you've always got me self-conscious. Now, yes, I am checking my phone.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm checking your hair. You look ridiculous and did you throw?

Johnny Awesome:

paper Did I. What's that Did?

Jimmy Fantastic:

you throw paper. Yes, he did, yes, he did.

Austin Cheviron:

I said it to whoever throws scissors. I already said that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And then you write and then he's your paper. What's the stand?

Johnny Awesome:

What's wrong with?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

that he set you up for that?

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, I just thought we were playing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I thought, we were just trying to play the part, guys. Hey, just not checkers, buddy Right.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Hey guys, how are we doing on raising money for the Shewell Fund?

Johnny Awesome:

Thank, you for bringing that up.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I'll have. I'm waiting for an update from Kurt to see where it is, because I can't see what's gone in.

Austin Cheviron:

I'll match Chanel's donation right now.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh right, we will. You'll have to get with Kurt. We are simply displaying the information and for those of you that are listening to the podcast and wondering, as we say at the beginning of the hour, we have now been on. I can't do this math anymore, jimmy. Two, three, we've been.

Austin Cheviron:

we started midnight 14 and a half hours 14 and a half hours.

Johnny Awesome:

Thank you 14 and a half hours, yeah, and so we are 14 and a half hours in, and thank you guys for showing up for this. And we're doing this to raise money for the Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund, a fund that was started many years ago to help families that are oh, what is this? It's me.

Austin Cheviron:

I said oh, you match my donation.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

I'm actually putting in my donation so I can share with you, so you can match it, my friend.

Johnny Awesome:

Thank you, wow, thank you for doing that, guys. Thank you also for being here. For those of you that are listening to the podcast, absolutely check out the episode that is about Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund and there is a link in the description of this podcast episode where you can also go and donate to that cause. So, absolutely, how, how is? How long do you guys have? How long are you able to stick around?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Yeah, Thank you, you guys, right guys? Yeah, have a great night.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, you can come back by the way, yeah, we have a great job. But, chanel, I know, I know you're, I know you're, you're early, early, early to better lead to rise Correct.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Yes, sir, I am.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I knew that. Awesome, awesome, awesome Got a schedule.

Austin Cheviron:

I'm sure I told my 230 to just come in here Put them on the air. I just said, hey, I'm going to. Can I be a little late? I'm doing something I get, why are?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

you just coming here.

Austin Cheviron:

That's why I was texting.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, you're on your phone too, is what you're saying.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

If we can get, if we can get someone to share the last four digits for our angel stuff, because it's not allowing it to go through for me unless I have those, I guess that that's probably a security on my end for Venmo.

Johnny Awesome:

That's interesting. I haven't heard of that. If you are, if you're um, I don't know.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Whichever she will probably set up the fund, it would be the last four digits of their phone number, please.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It would be. I know who it would be it would be 2339.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Okay, let me try it.

Johnny Awesome:

Boy. This is what this is live right here. This is what happens when you're doing live stuff playing the generic things are happening in the background while we're waiting live music. Yeah, that's what that's buttons for. So you know, it's really funny actually, because we can talk about did it go through it?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:


Johnny Awesome:

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Austin. You see that number.

Austin Cheviron:

I did not, I'm just trying. I don't have a Venmo account.

Johnny Awesome:

Austin's got. The Austin technology is like I was trying to get a messenger pigeon.

Jimmy Fantastic:

The guy's supposed to bring it Austin still got the same dollars. Can I just mail you guys a?

Johnny Awesome:

check. So it's straight to Kurt. That's all you gotta do. They'll get it out, we'll.

Austin Cheviron:

we'll make it work, we'll figure it out, we'll figure it out.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

I just sent you a screenshot, so you have it, my friend. Thank you, thank you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Thank you, thank you guys, and again thanks for taking time out of your days. I know you guys are busy and and again I appreciate it. I know you're doing it, you know, out of the goodness of your heart, to and have a little fun and and you know it's, it's a, it's a good charity by the way this all started off of the, the, the, the suggestions that you actually have, and, and.

Johnny Awesome:

Look where we ended up. That's what I love about it. You know, you never know what conversation or what little piece of anything will spark an entire thing of genius. You just got to be open to it, right? You never know what's going to happen.

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, yeah, I think our little rat battle was pretty good for anybody that wants to listen to it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah, that was fire. I think that was really good.

Johnny Awesome:

The fact that you were able to. You know what's funny about that. I'll tell you what's funny about that. Austin says that and Chanel's like no, I really want to do that. Bring it on, she did.

Jimmy Fantastic:

She's ready. Oh look she's. You've got that, she's got the yeah, the hands, the area.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh man, I that. I would love to see that we actually had people commenting on that too, saying that they they who, Randy? Just walked by, he just walked by and waved. Oh, he should come back. Maybe he's, is he in the window?

Jimmy Fantastic:

He walked by and kept going.

Johnny Awesome:

Randy, if you're, if you're listening you should come back this way. That's funny. People want to know if you actually can rap Austin. That's something that people are asking.

Austin Cheviron:

Get out of here. There's no way.

Johnny Awesome:

No, but AI could probably. We could probably come up with something on AI and puts Did you?

Austin Cheviron:

see. So when she went to this I thought I'm dead. I got a. I got a little on the playing field. How about we just? You see how? That was my idea she was going to smoke me right then and then she was all in and the she went, got the hat, I think, out of the closet and everything.

Johnny Awesome:

She's got the mic ready to go. That's funny. Well, all right, Now then we get well, we always have a.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

We'll see.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Now there's a challenge, right? I hear a battle challenge?

Johnny Awesome:

Absolutely. That's really funny. What do you guys think about the agents that do that stuff? Cause you you see those videos where people do music. Do you think I'd be interested, cause you got two different personality types here, like, do you think that's a complete waste of time? You think it's a waste of time for some people where they're making all these real estate music videos and doing all the Tik Tok stuff? Are you for it? What? What are you guys's opinion?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

So my opinion is, if it touches and taps into the passion of the agents and it brings something out in them and they're able to actually get their message across in their language. All in, as long as you've got your basics down, as long as you're doing the things you need to do to move your business forward, that can be an add on all day long. If you're using that solely to build your business and you have nothing else in place, get out of here.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Boom, wow, austin, you got anything after that?

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, now I should say for full disclosures. I stopped selling real estate about three years ago, so I haven't been on a listing appointment in three years I was really scared actually what would come out of my mouth? That's great, yeah, so.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Do you want to sell this place or no?

Austin Cheviron:

I was actually going to use that to my advantage. I'm like guys. I came out of retirement for you guys here so you can.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Bobby sent me over. Do you want to sell this house or not?

Johnny Awesome:

You know, actually, one thing we didn't talk about that was the best about that was that he pulled out was, instead of what most agents do, where they go and say you know what, maybe I can talk to her too, and then negotiate, and they split the deal. He went straight to not only covering his commission but protecting the other agents as well. Yeah, he said you know what? But if you get two people, you're probably going to end up paying twice as much because you have two experts, just to let you know. Well, that makes all the sense in the world.

Austin Cheviron:

And so what I did is I protected my yes. Yeah, I gave myself because Chanel could have said no where I said yes. But but if I said yes, I got to make sure I get paid more. I got to have some meat on the bone for her if I want to bring her in or else. I'm going to split my half and possibly do all the work.

Johnny Awesome:

Right. So, by the way, who is the first person to ever respond to us on Twitch? For those of you that don't know, we are now streaming live on Twitch as well, so while you're winning those games of Fortnite, you can tune into us and learn how to win the game of life, and I trust me, when you're winning the game of life, it's a lot more fun. So thank you for checking us out on Twitch. Being the first person to comment on there as well, is that?

Jimmy Fantastic:

an IRL or is that IRL URL or?

Austin Cheviron:

So, johnny, jimmy, with agent videos I've seen, and the reason why I told you I hadn't sold in three years is I'm able to step back and train and to watch from a different perspective now, because I'm not. I'm not in the forest anymore, I'm outside looking at it. Actually, I'm flying in a helicopter above it looking, looking down and seeing how is the forest doing and what I saw. You know, you actually said something brilliant, as I saw. The videos over the last year or two go from marketing the properties to marketing the agents. Okay, and one of our agents I'll Jordan Wildman's his name, if you want to look at somebody crushing it.

Austin Cheviron:

Jordan Wildman is living in his zone of genius, putting videos together that market him. Okay, I'm serious. So look at this guy's video. Look him up. He did a Barbie video. He listed a 1920 house. He drove in on a 1924 Model T or something, and it was a black and white video. Wow, I mean, the guy's taken it to another level. But what he's doing and it was Chanel said is he's using his who. He is to come out and sell himself. And just so happened, the house is going to sell in three days, no matter what. Let's be real, right?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

At least how is he using that to his own advantage as an agent? But, you know, obviously helping the property as well, because that's what you have to do, guys. How do you differentiate yourself without diminishing your value and without diminishing the value of the industry?

Johnny Awesome:

That I wish you guys were on this morning at 430 in the morning, when I was saying the exact same thing with Jimmy, and Jimmy was like I would never host a murder mystery in a house. I was like Jimmy, you get the right house out in Detroit. It doesn't have to be a murder, Like it's already comes with the murder mystery, Like you don't even have to say.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm like you really get the right house, you can do something crazy like that and people will be drawn to it If you go the right way. You know, we actually came up with the idea and any audience member feel free to steal this. Wouldn't it be fun? Because, like you said, austin, you list a house it's going to sell. Wouldn't it be cool to like make a little like a reality TV show where you get a bunch of buyers in the house, they get a chance to live there together for a while and at the end of the day, instead of a rose, the house gives them a key or something like that yeah, and they're the chosen buyer for the house.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah, why not? You get multiple offers and the multiple offers have to play some sort of like rock Rock paper scissors.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, you guys just turn into the hunger games, yeah.

Austin Cheviron:

Do you guys remember how I tied you together like glue with me when we were doing the listing? I said there's three things that are important. So now, do you remember those three things?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Time money, I don't know.

Austin Cheviron:

the third Sorry, it's the most important one.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Of course it is, I'm sorry. What's the last one?

Johnny Awesome:

Value time, money and Johnny, jimmy, I know the time and money was because those are the two that we had time, money and was it value or is it was the very first thing I went to for you guys.

Austin Cheviron:

I don't know if you're going to cut me off, so I started with the most important communication and experience experience, boom, okay.

Austin Cheviron:

So here's, here's what the murder mystery and here's what his videos are doing. They're creating a great experience for his clients. Okay, so take an extrovert, take Johnny, and say Johnny, if I was going to list Johnny's house and I said I'm going to do a murder mystery, he's like you're it, can I be a part of it? You're done, I'll pay you 20%. Yeah, it's the experience that our clients are getting in the transaction. That is the most important. Second is to get the most amount of money and the third is to sell it in a quick amount of time. You can gain that experience. Boom, you're done. Referrals galore, as long as you follow up with them and ask.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I guess it's no in your audience.

Austin Cheviron:

right Like no, you take an introvert and you say you're going to have a murder mystery. They're like next. I don't want to list it.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, I don't give a damn. I don't care Time, he just goes. That's Tom. I don't even know why we're having these topics.

Austin Cheviron:

So you take an introvert and you use what Chanel said, which is hey, I could sell your house before it even hits the market. I don't stand a chance, it's already done.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Well, that's it. You see the introvert and I'm like, oh, we can deal with this right now.

Austin Cheviron:

She killed me right there with that, because I don't even get to compete, because the last thing you guys want to do is to have me over there. You're an introvert. More people is worse, less better, and she just solved every problem you had. It actually wasn't fair for me to go second, because then I'm like how am I going to deal with?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

this, but you said something really important. Austin, I'm sorry. How do you get referrals as an agent?

Austin Cheviron:

You follow up and ask.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Oh, you ask, Okay you have to ask, ask.

Austin Cheviron:

You ask for referrals. And so my listening appointment is actually me teaching them.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, so wait a minute. Wait a minute, let me just do it. No, hold on. You ask for referrals. Do you hear what he?

Johnny Awesome:

just said. He said his listening appointment is him teaching them. Yeah, he's using those. So most people are using the listing for what they can get, and it's all about getting a paperwork signed. Austin is using the listing appointment to educate the person on how to utilize him as an agent. And then not only that, but Austin's always got something that we always talk about. It's not about that single transaction, it's about all the transactions that can be connected to that transaction. It's not a singular transaction. So, man, that is what a brilliant statement that was.

Austin Cheviron:

I hope people are listening to this.

Johnny Awesome:

I, I, I. I hope so too, or at least you know in the podcast world. You know we're definitely, you know we're we'll, we'll, we'll. This will get all clipped up and stuff like that too, so that's one of the main reasons why I told Jimmy. I said this is great because we're doing a 12 week year type of thing here. We're going to have an entire year's worth of content off of these 24 hours.



Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, so it's, it's.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

Before haircut. After haircut yeah, yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, Before haircut, after haircut.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, it's been yeah, well, I don't even know how that ended up happening. It was a joke and I'm really disappointed because Jimmy was supposed to cut it, but it is what it is.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We'll get it done Now. He actually has a barber coming in to do it.

Johnny Awesome:

Absolutely so, austin. I know that you run and I want to. I want to be respectful to giving you a chance to, and you haven't. So thank you for that, I guess. But you're more than welcome to shout out to your coaching services what you offer. You want to give a little glimpse on how they can learn to be an expert like that. You said module 12 was the only time that you actually mentioned it. Go ahead and drop your stuff there, austin.

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, we. So what I, what I promoted without promoting, was our module 12 of our agent success program, which is commission, and it's how do you, how do you actually charge a higher commission than your competition? And hopefully, what you guys saw there is how I respectfully separated myself from my competition. Okay, and then I did it with confidence, knowing that I would provide the value. Also, our our module eight, where we work with sellers, goes through really goes through a handful of questions, and where I was going to play dirty is Chanel. Use my first question again. She's using this stuff and I'm like God, she's got me dirty. Actually, what am I going to say? She's using my material here Like she's got me B Bass, so so, but you know we work, we work really through.

Austin Cheviron:

I call them the seven pillars, which is understanding the time, verse money, okay, getting into a calendar showing. I mean, I'm on the spot, I don't have it all in front of me here in an order. We got calendar, we got time verse money. We have marketing. We have fears and concerns with the property. So what is your fears and concerns with selling this property? We got working through referrals, we have showing them the numbers and I might be missing one, but that's our beige, like our pillars, with our listing, which is our module eight and what I set up for you guys, because I was talking about the money. When I show you it on a net sheet now, you're like oh yeah, he charges more. I didn't tell you what I charged. I told you I charge more. And so then when I show you here's what I charge, see, see how I wrote down what she had against me already.

Johnny Awesome:

I knew you were taking notes. I was like an attorney writing down.

Austin Cheviron:

What did they say? I can't, I gotta. She's got me beat already, I didn't even got talked yet. But our programs really designed to help and show realtors how to live a better life and with that we work on life just as much as we work on business. And because in all reality, guys, business is easy. I mean, you just heard what me and Chanel did. This is easy, right.

Austin Cheviron:

It's really it takes time to really have it ingrained in your head and in your heart, but it's easy. What's hard is that life gets in the way and we all go through life experiences and life is tough and life makes business really hard. And and so seven years ago I was asked to train a hundred plus agents on how I did, how I went from welfare to being one of the top agents in the state and I just wrote out my playbook is all I did and my playbook. What I found was really interesting. I had life in there just as much as business and it's essentially all of my systems and procedures all along the way on how we went from essentially no one would bet on me to he's lucky and that program's launching right now. Today actually launches our presale of the program. It launches on October 1st. Yeah, today I haven't advertised it at all. I was supposed to launch it today. I've been busy doing other things, but today hanging out on a podcast.

Austin Cheviron:

You know yeah, so I thought I'd yeah, I guess. Thank you for letting me say that today launches our presale. It's half off for the next 30 days. I want to get it out there into the world. I know that if people start to implement this, their lives get better and then, with their lives, their family and their business then will come to. So it's, it's my work of art. It's it's not rocket science. It's very basic stuff done over and over and over, with the right mindset and blocks stacked in the right places. And if you do that, I can. I saw it with me and I've seen it with thousands of agents that I've trained. It's truly amazing how their lives can change and then their business can get to where they want to get to. So thank you, guys, for letting me say that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah, 100% yeah, and obviously send us whatever you know. We'll put it out on our channels and do whatever. So you, whatever you need.

Austin Cheviron:

Yep, it should be on chevroncoachingcom. If all the back insights done, which there's a chance. It's not yet, but if anybody wants to see it, they can either reach out to me. You can just type my name in Google, you'll find me. And if you can't find me, you're spelling it wrong.

Johnny Awesome:

It's not chevron.

Austin Cheviron:

Yeah, thank you, guys, I also have to ask cause I didn't know this.

Johnny Awesome:

This is really interesting. I was wondering who you're going to bring in. I'm thinking, well, he's going to bring a Nate. Of course we're going to bring a Nate, right, and so I don't know the story here. Then Jimmy just looks at me right before you jump on and goes I bet you know. So how do you guys know each other? Like, how did this connection happen and this whole thing?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

So we met, probably not too far from where you are right now. We met for the first time in Michigan. So our friends our friend brought Kurt brought us together and we actually were at a speaking engagement together and figured out we had a lot in common and I jumped into chevroncoaching's team training. I also have myself and my group doing his their agent success program. It's absolutely phenomenal and I would highly recommend it for an agent who's just getting started, who's been in the business five years, who's been in the business 30 years. I don't care where you are in your business, You're going to take away such incredible value from this and this is coming from an agent who does okay in this industry. It's really, really helped me transform a lot of different areas in my life and my business. It's phenomenal. So huge kudos to Austin and Nate and their crew. They're amazing and their give back is huge. But you all already know that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah, we know that. Yeah, follow up to that, of course you can?

Austin Cheviron:

I got two things. I'm going to start with what Chanel made me say twice now. Remember, when we talked about referrals, what was the one thing you wanted me to say again?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

That you need to ask, and I don't remember the second one, austin, follow up, oh, and follow up.

Austin Cheviron:

So let's talk about reality here. Okay, if you truly want to help people, like if that's truly in your heart and in your nature, you can't ask them one time. I was waiting to see when the smile on her face goes. She doesn't know where I'm going. Maybe she does. You know where I'm going.

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

I don't Please continue. How many times did I have to ask you, you and oh, literally, austin followed up with me at least five, six times to invite me to do the team's training. And I will tell you guys, I don't sign up for training, I don't sign up for anything ever. Yeah, continue to follow up and follow up, and follow up, and follow up. And it wasn't because he followed up, it's just that, finally, I realized that we aligned in many, many ways that I just didn't even know, and it's incredible.

Austin Cheviron:

That's the second piece is when you find somebody who aligns with you and your vision and your mission and they're going on the journey too you're just in two separate vehicles. It's important to figure out how do you can partner with somebody so that way you can get there faster. Maybe you can, if you're driving, you can take a nap and let them drive a little bit, because they're going to the same place. So, and that's why we've stayed in touch Wow, don't talk about naps right now. I was like, oh, we get that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So how did?

Johnny Awesome:

so. So how did this happen then? Today? Did you just? Did you just call her and be like, hey, I'm about ready to jump on free for all Friday? I know you know those guys jump on with me. Or were you already on the phone with each other Like how?

Chanel Hart D’Aprix:

did this work. We were on the phone. We make time to connect with each other once a week and so we happen to be on a call together and your names came up and I said I'm so glad you brought that up because I have got to touch base and get in on their podcast. He's like wait, so do I?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I love it. That's great. You know, one of the things too and Scott Muska and I were talking before you guys came in too, and really, and this, and this is what I see this is one of the things I truly enjoy about this group of people that we've been surrounded with right and the blessings that we have with one another and like again, like once you get into this group, like you, like it just makes the business easier. It makes life easier.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's not so stressful because, like Austin said, everybody's on the same journey. We're all trying to go to the same place. Like it's. It's not competition, it's like how, you know, johnny says at all time it's a rising tide, lifts off ships. Like we're all going in the same place. Why don't we just all go together? You know, kurt says it I don't need a hand out, hand out, I need a hand up, and we all have have this group now that just is like supportive and and and loves each other and works for each other and does the things the right things the right way Awesome.

Johnny Awesome:

You guys are more than free to stick around forever if you want to. Hey, hey, hey, hey. The Serenity Gamble just walked in. You guys are welcome to stay for as long as you want. This tape, however, is running out of time on it. We have to switch the podcast. If you are listening to us on the podcast once again, you are joining us now going into our 15th hour. Are we on the 15th hour? Wow, thank you again, austin. Thank you, chanel, for stopping in Links for all of Austin's classes. We will put in the description of the podcast as well. Jimmy, you've been fantastic. Johnny, you've been awesome, and we'll talk to you next Friday.