Free for All Friday

Free for All Friday: Season 4 Preview

September 08, 2023 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 4

Who ever said that Fridays are just for winding down? Buckle up and get ready for a new, unparalleled experience with Season 4 of Free For All Friday! This isn't your regular podcast; it's a platform where every voice counts, and we're opening the doors wide for you to join our vibrant conversations live on air. We're addressing the latest market trends, engaging in insightful industry discussions, and yes, we will still be debating whether professional wrestling is a sport or not. P.S. It definitely is!  (the advantage of being the one who writes these)

Join us as we discuss all the changes as we head into SEASON 4!!!!

If you enjoy our content, please like, subscribe, and share. You can also catch the show LIVE @ and make sure you stick around after for "the afterburner"

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny, awesome and Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Speaker 2:

Morning, Morning good morning.

Speaker 3:

Good morning everybody, and I am but a vessel for my creator. I'm so excited for this, jimmy, welcome to our preview episode of Season number four, something Jimmy and I have been working on for a really, really long time. We're excited to let you know, in this quick little segment, what's coming up, what you have to look forward to and some of the cool things and changes that we are making. Too free for all Friday. Ha, I just realized one thing that we should have done, jimmy. Why didn't I think of this? Well, I guess I guess it's in the world of magic I am thinking of this now. This already did happen. Yeah, I don't worry, I got to replace the four. Yes, I got to replace the four, and free for all. Right. You see where I'm going with that. Yes, because it's season four.

Speaker 2:

I love that idea. We can get fancy and go. Roman numeral four.

Speaker 3:

Yep, we could do that, you're right, so expensive. So we wanted to officially Welcome you as we go into now with transitioning into season number four, and let you know Some of the changes, some of the things that we've done, as well as some of the ways that you're able to communicate with us and why we're so excited for this season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean there's a lot, like I said, there's a lot of reasons we're excited for season four. Obviously it's season four, so that's like how cool was that? Like that we're actually even to this point and and where we're at in our, in our free for all Friday journey, I guess would be cool. The other part is, you know, bringing back the news segments and being able to talk about news because there are so many changes that are going to Happening to our industry. All, I think, pretty much in a good way. Some are gonna be harder, you know, to get across to to clients and agents are gonna have us, you know, could struggle with some of that stuff. So that's what we're here for. We never want to see agents struggle up there.

Speaker 2:

And I mean just in general, our market. You know, like, what's happening with the market trends. Where are we at, where are we going? Interest rates are up, interest rates are down. You know Inventory, you know what we passed in a couple weeks ago, where there's actually more Agents than there are homes for sale. So you know, anytime we're in a situation that we're in, the more information we can put out to to agents and sales people in general Because, look, our economy is in a weird spot. We're coming up on another Presidential election, so who knows where the economy is gonna go at this point. So it's nice for us to be able to keep ahead with everybody, to keep that news, to keep everybody informed at what's going on.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely one of the things during that time is the or would take up an hour, and so we wanted to be able to still bring that to you, because we had a lot of content and, again, it's the ability to keep you up to date and as well as have a conversation with the audience as to what we have going on in the market and keep you aware on what's going on in your profession. So that's really super important. The other thing is, at the end of our intro, it always says you, and one thing that you'll be hearing us release advertisements on is now it features more you, so we wanted to be able to get the audience more involved in the season as the season goes, and because of that, we wanted to make sure we had a plethora of ways to do it. The number one request that we received is when can I be on free for all Friday, and now we're happy to announce that we have open roll call days where anybody can come in and sign up to be a guest on free for all Friday.

Speaker 3:

We will chat about you, your business, and Jimmy and I will coach you up live while taking questions, answers or other suggestions. You are welcome to come in. The email address is guest at freeforallfridaycom. And again, if you're listening to this preview episode of the podcast going into season number four, you'll be able to email that. In the email links below you can see that email address. Send us an email, let us know that you want to be on the show and you will get booked to be on the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's another exuse spoofers. Any part about this is you know, you that have wanted to be on, you know? Now it's like, well, we'll figure it out, We'll get everybody on and get many people out as we can, Because, again, it's just different views, different aspects of what's happening out there in the market and it's just opportunity, right, and you've never, never, never want to miss an opportunity to talk to people.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and, aside from that, our guest list is growing. What we have coming up in season four, some of the content that's already been recorded, we're super excited to release out to you guys, so you continue to listen to it. For those of you that join us live, we have bonus episodes and bonus content that you've never heard before over on the podcast platforms. So one of the things that Jimmy and I want to do is blend our really large audience over on the podcast platform to our really large audience that we have on our Facebook platform, because they're not the same audience. So those of you that are listening to us on the podcast right now, we're welcome you to come over to the Facebook platform and watch us live when you're able to, and those of you that always follow us live, we're gonna have bonus content only available on the podcast platform to try to get you guys to come over to the podcast platform. All right, make a hard cut there.

Speaker 3:

Again, for those of you that are joining us right now, we are cutting a preview episode right now. So you guys are watching us live. Cut this preview episode. Yes, that is correct, stephanie. We have the number down because we're doing this preview episode. It'll be back up next week. This episode is, in the magical world of podcasting, happening before any of the content that happened last week during the 24 hour stream, eric. I think that would be interesting.

Speaker 2:

I think we could do. We could get the whole area.

Speaker 3:

So for those. So yeah, I forget that we're on three different streams right now. So, again, that was one of the other things that we have to announce when we get back into this, jimmy, that we have the three streams now, which is cool too, but what would be really hilarious actually would be to have Eric come in without Nick knowing. That would be so funny and then ask a legal question right then and there.

Speaker 2:

We should have an attorney present. We should have an attorney present for that one too.

Speaker 3:

Would that be like it would be funny if Eric walked in with an attorney?

Speaker 2:

I just figured this out. We're going to do this like, like, like one of those judge shows. You know what I mean and there walking down Somehow we ended up leaving in handcuffs. That'd be really funny. All right, this is sort of formal lawsuit.

Speaker 3:

All right, cut back into the regular episode. We'll talk about Twitch right now. Now, another thing that we're really excited about is to be able to stream on one more platform. So if you do join us streaming, we are now also streaming on Twitch. Something that I'd like to say is if you like winning in gosh, darn it, eric or Shannon. Sorry, I'm looking. I'm reading the comments. I shouldn't be doing that. I'm screwing our own, our own episode up. That would be funny, wouldn't it? Okay, let me retry that. Sorry, guys, this is what you get when it's live. This is fun. I'll edit this part out. I might leave the Eric part in, though. That'd be fun. Another thing that we're really excited about is we picked up another streaming platform. We are now also streaming on Twitch and for our gamer friends out there, even though it's fun to win in Fortnite, winning in the game of life is a lot more fun, and that's one thing that we're going to be teaching on that channel as well.

Speaker 2:

So if you happen to be a gamer and you're flipping through Twitch and you see us on there, please leave a rating as well, yeah, obviously, any chance we get to put our, to get the word out to you, know more people and give us another, whole other platform. It was obviously, it was an easy decision to move and add to it. It wasn't like we moved anywhere, we just added Twitch to it and again, just the ability to reach more people and even like a different audience you know and how well, how well that'll go, but just a whole different audience.

Speaker 3:

And that's the biggest thing I think in season four is again, the conversations that we're having with people, the guests that we're bringing in. The lineup that we already. That's that. That's water. Oh, that'd be great. Yeah, sure, thank you. The lineup that we already have we're really excited for the content that we're able to bring, as well as some updates to the afterburner, which I'm really excited for as well.

Speaker 3:

So, season four make sure that you keep track. We're going to be kicking it off in a really big way. We're going to be doing a 24 hour podcast, picking segments out of that to launch. Some of the bonus content will launch right away. Some of it's going to be launched a little bit later. But make sure that you're checking us out and following us again, if you only listen to us on the podcast, make sure you at least follow us on Facebook or Instagram so you can see all the live stuff that we do. And if you're able to check us out live, make sure you get a chance to check us out live as well on the streaming platform. And if you're on the streaming platform, make sure you check us out wherever podcasts are. We haven't mentioned that in a really long time, but we are anywhere you get podcasts like that.

Speaker 2:

Subscribe leave a comment. I guess we just kind of go through this stuff and we sometimes forget to mention that it's actually a podcast, like when we're doing this live, that it's actually a podcast. So if you can go anywhere, you can find podcasts, download, like and subscribe free for all Friday. Check us out, go back and listen to some of the originals, right, I mean even the original, the original originals around there, right? When we first decided this on a Tuesday, they do it on a Friday. So you know that that that was really cool and I do. I do. I like to go back and listen to them. Sometimes. It's kind of a cool spot to go back and listen to do it. How terrible are our mics and everything where it is great.

Speaker 3:

I tell you it's funny. You know, I was watching the show called broken on Netflix the other day and it was about makeup. I don't know, don't ask, but it was about there were dubs there, right. It was about the fake makeup industry and how people are making fake cosmetics and I just it was, it was investigational and I thought it was kind of neat. But one of the things that was really interesting is they had a makeup artist influencer on there and she was talking about doing exactly what we did, jimmy, which is one of the things that made me really excited.

Speaker 3:

She now has a million followers, subscribers, whatever, and all she does is put makeup on. She puts it on in a certain way. She does it every single day and she's done it for years. And when you go back on air, she watched her first episode she ever put on and it was really funny to watch her watch her first episode. The first thing I thought of was when we rewatched our first episode, right, or when we re-talk about some of those moments. So, absolutely, if you want to follow us along those journeys, along the journey that we've had so far, go back through. Make sure you check it out. Last but not least next week. This is going to start with a big bang bigger than whatever that was, are you all right, jimmy? And somebody just completely fall over.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what's happening.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I don't know what to tell. Yeah, all right, we're really excited for the kick-off next season on the fourth. Let me get my dates right. What are we at, jimmy, the 15th? I'm going to leave the date completely out of it. We're really excited for next season to start. This was the preview for that. We have a special guest coming on. It's going to talk about health for our first official season four episode, and the coolest thing about that is, for the first time ever, we get interviewed as well. So we'll go deeper into our story next week. Thank you for listening along. We look forward to listening and, like I said, I also invite you to come over and join us. Live, jimmy, you've been fantastic, johnny, you've been awesome. We'll see all of you, season four next Friday.