Free for All Friday

Episode 86 - The Secret Bag of Secrets

August 11, 2023 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 3 Episode 86

Are you ready to step into the ring and tap into the power of real estate? We're peeling back the curtain to reveal our best industry secrets. From childhood nostalgia to practical business techniques, we're taking you on a journey that's as entertaining as it is insightful. 

Discover how to build a rock-solid rapport with clients, navigate objections with ease, and manage those - sometimes awkward - home showing experiences. We're even throwing in some psychology, exploring how understanding your client's personality type can open doors and close deals. We'll reveal how NLP and hypnosis techniques can be a game changer in your client interactions, and share our favorite tips from Jimmy's book, "Exactly What To Say". 

But it doesn't end there. We're going beyond the now, diving into strategies for building a future-proof business. Get ready to be entertained, educated, and inspired in this exhilarating exploration of real estate.

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Jimmy Fantastic:

I, that's not my headphones. Check check one two.

Johnny Awesome:

Why it's not in the head. So I wonder what's going through here? You, you jinxed it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good morning, good morning. Good morning everybody. This is Jimmy, fantastic.

Johnny Awesome:

I am, but a vessel for my crater deposit positive energy, a singer of greatness with it. All my kids know is daddy and Jimmy. All that ended abruptly. It always does. My favorite part is I have two favorite parts, my two, my two favorite parts, my two favorite things that you do, jimmy, I just want to let you in on this. All right, my first favorite thing that you do is when we have guests. I love when you watch the guests and you just stare at them while I, while I, scream.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, that's the best part. Like that was, I have never been on before. Yeah yeah, and even sometimes when they've come back, yes, it's still catch.

Johnny Awesome:

They forget, they forget yeah my second favorite thing that you do is you always are like wow, that was a hard out.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I Well, it's not.

Johnny Awesome:

It's not always that yeah, no, it actually has been for almost this entire season, I know, but it's no, it's not. Yeah, almost every season go back cuz I have to go. There's a reason behind that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So today, actually, it leads me into a reason why the Johnny I'm fine with it Good.

Johnny Awesome:

Because today, actually, you brought up a really good point and I thought you know what today's episode is gonna be called all the secrets. Oh, I love it, I know you do and today I thought this would be good. Like, we have all these little and you hear me talk about this in trainings all the time right, we have all these little jiu-jitsu secrets and these little tricks of the trade, right? Pro tips, pro tips. Yeah, we have all these things and we teach them to our groups and we teach them to the agents that we're working with and the Teams that we're working with, and I thought, man, there's some of them are really good. Let's, let's, go ahead and, like, share all of our secrets.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's kind of like the guy you see on the street that has like the watches. You know we want to sell you watch. He's got a whole bunch of them here. They're all stolen, it's like is that the secret? Yeah, well, that's his secret, it's not ours. I mean, we're not selling watches. Only we could start selling watches free for our Friday watches. Ah, I like that. Yeah, we could call them. We could do like watches. Do you remember we could do like the old swatch watch? Do you remember the swatch watch?

Jimmy Fantastic:

No so it was a watch like back in the day, like it was a swatch watch and though some of you don't know what I'm talking about but like you could like switch the band out, like it came with a bunch of different colored bands and you Could like change the bands and like every watch you can switch. Yeah, but it was like super easy, like you know it was just like a clip-in, clip out. Like it was super easy. Like a swatch watch was like a thing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I was never a watch guy I was. I love watches.

Johnny Awesome:

I have a watch now. I think it's just laying in the car somewhere. Well, it's not a good spot for it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, I should actually go get it.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, I got it because I like the smart watches now, because they remind me to move see.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I just forget them. I don't like. So. My wife and I had this conversation when we were what we were talking about this whole thing, and she was thinking about getting me a smart watch. But the problem is I like watches, like I like a watch. Yeah, I don't want, like I don't want to answer my phone on it. You know what I mean.

Johnny Awesome:

I want to know what I don't mean like an old school.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I want to watch like I can read. All it does is the time I know that's all I need it for. This does everything else I have this, I don't need anything else. Yeah, if that's in your pocket, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

I can, I can take it out of my pocket and look at it. Sometimes I forget how much age difference. I just want a phone that rings, and not all this other stuff.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Simplicity is genius. You remember swatches?

Johnny Awesome:

swatch watch.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Those of you that remember a swatch watch, hit us up swatch.

Johnny Awesome:

You know what I do remember, you know who will remember it?

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

that Dave Dubey. Yeah, I'm sure he would yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, you can tell us not on yet, musco, remember it.

Johnny Awesome:

He probably would. Yeah, you know what else you guys remember I don't know why is walking in school? Yeah, but in those shoes, you remember those shoes that you used to have to press the little pumpy thing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah, I had those other rebuy pumps that they would like?

Johnny Awesome:

wouldn't they blow up like powders or something?

Jimmy Fantastic:

like that. They never blew up.

Johnny Awesome:

See, I seem to remember somebody pumping those up so much that they blow up no, everything on the internet's not real.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I I don't know if I maybe I must have seen that on the internet. Yeah no, no, I had the rebuck pumps. That was my senior year in high school. Yeah, basketball season like that was my shoe man, like that was, the rebuck pump was the thing.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah why did that go away?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Because, honestly, it really didn't do anything like it did.

Johnny Awesome:

But it didn't like it just it just tightened your shoe like. Yeah, you know what I mean. Like, is that something that you want?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I mean, you want it to fit right, you know I mean all my shoes are tight.

Johnny Awesome:

It's like a custom fit.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You know what? I mean yeah, put it in and then you pump it up and it would fit right around you. It was supposed to give you more ankle protection.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, I don't think it really did. I think it just was like a thing. Yeah, well, that's how marketing works, yep so. Anyway, back to the secrets. New coke, yeah, is with now. Now with real sugar.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, I mean, did you see that Netflix series about the coke thing? No, oh man. And there's a really good one on Pepsi.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that was the one. I saw the Pepsi marketing. Well, pepsi, where's my jet?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, that was great. Oh man, Where's my leader jet? Yeah, dude.

Johnny Awesome:

That one was.

Jimmy Fantastic:

that one was incredible, but yeah, the whole coke thing when they changed the recipe, yeah, it was terrible.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

And do you remember when they did the clear Pepsi? No, yeah, they did clear pop guy.

Johnny Awesome:

I know it looks like a coke always made me cough. I never liked it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh man, coke's my jam. Like I don't even like keeping in the house, I drink something like like, yeah, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, that's the secrets, guys.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's all you need to know about. Success Makes you join us on free for all.

Johnny Awesome:

No, but back to the intro. So this is, this is interesting, and this, this is this is being fixed. There's something coming up that I wish we had a video for, that we'll probably be releasing today, so make sure that you're checking out the facebook page, yeah, but you know, the intro cuts because, in order for us to make everything work the way that it works, we can't play a video in the background and have ourselves unmuted at the same time. Ah, with the audio, but that's being, that's being fixed. So the intro is being fixed.

Johnny Awesome:

So, you know, one of the things that we were talking about earlier this morning when we came in Is, again, we, we have these things and these tips, these tricks that we talked to all of our different groups about, and I thought, wouldn't this? This would be a good episode where we could dig into our diving, our deep bag of tricks, like santa, and just pull some of them out and tell you, guys, some of the things that we work with individual teams. So this is something that most people might not even know, jimmy, yeah, and that is that we actually don't just do this, but we work with individual teams. That's actually what we do.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, this isn't our uh, I mean Free for all friday. Don't get me wrong. We graded this was full time. You know what I mean. Like we just got to sit here and talk all day. I mean that is kind of what we do.

Johnny Awesome:

And now that we're, now that we run exp elite, it is really kind of what we do.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah and yeah, because well, there you go. You just had another secret that most people probably don't know is that we, you and I, run a real estate team together.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, yeah, exp elite yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, what's people out there, If I like what.

Johnny Awesome:

They trust.

Jimmy Fantastic:

they trust you too with any, with a real estate team. Oh my goodness, yeah, no it's real deal.

Johnny Awesome:

But yeah so you know there's a couple of things I know that that's hit us this last Month but like, what are, what are some of the things that, especially when you're doing your trainings and of course you came over here from the mark z team and stuff like that Like what's, what's one of the bags of tricks that that you know, it's kind of like the secret sauce, secret formula that you kind of keep bagged and you have yeah, and I don't know that it's that much of a secret, but it's what it's one I constantly go to, is it?

Jimmy Fantastic:

you know? If I could, would you? You know, that's one of my biggest things that I like for like scripting yeah for like scripting and really and anything right and just in life in general. You know I talk about arping with my kids right.

Johnny Awesome:

So there's one right there that people might not have heard, because I don't know If we ever really talk about that on the show arping. Arping is fantastic.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and for those that don't know what arping is, it's acknowledging, responding and then pivoting.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, let's start there. Yeah, so again in in house training. We do training based on this arping thing right, and this, this is a fantastic way to do it. So, so hit us again.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So arping is arp.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yep, arp, and it's acknowledge, respond and pivot Yep, and you always, with the, you acknowledge what the person said, right, so that shows your active listening. You know, when they say, hey, I want to see this, great, I understand what you said, you want to see this, right. So I just repeat, kind of repeat back to them what they're saying, then I respond to it by giving them a quick thing. They want to see this? Okay, great, I said you want to see this, here's what I can do for you. I'm going to show you this thing, right. And then I want to pivot out with a question. A pivot's always got to be a question because I want to put it back on them, to throw me something back. So I like, I talk about this with my, like, my best example as kids, right, of course, you know when you have kids at the grocery store you know hey can I have this sucker?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, yeah. What do you say to that? Can I get this?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, can I have this sucker? So I I understand you know you want this sucker, yeah, but right now we're not going to get that sucker because we're going to have to go home and eat dinner. So do you see what else is on that conveyor belt?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Ah yes, I pivot them away from the sucker. Yeah, right, I get them away from that sucker. Or hey, do you want to pick up that fruit or what I? You know, you give them. You know, for kids, I give them something to do, yeah this isn't for our from clients either.

Johnny Awesome:

I give them something to do. That's a real estate agent. And for real estate agents yeah, yeah, look cats, yeah. So so let's let's look at some practical ways where you could do do arping, or or look at arping right. One of them would be uh, how would you handle a seller?

Jimmy Fantastic:

What would what would arping look like when you're handling a seller that says it's not that I'm scared, I won't find another home to buy, yeah, and that's obviously that's what's happening and with everybody's market right now, is that I don't want to sell because I don't know if I'm gonna have anything to buy, right, and I, you know, mr. Mr Seller, I totally understand where you're coming from. That's acknowledging, yep, I see, I see that. One thing I want to let you know is I've never had a client that's homeless. I've always got them into another home. Now, what areas are you looking in?

Johnny Awesome:

there's the pivot. Wow, that's so natural for you, isn't it?

Jimmy Fantastic:

It is and it's just yeah, I've been doing it for long, long enough, that it's you know. And I joke, but I but seriously, when, when I first got into sales and whatever else and I bet in sales for a long time, right, like a foot locker and all those type things but but like when I, when you start taking it serious and when you start doing scripts and role playing whatever else, one of the things I did I would call my wife on the way home, like from the office. And when I quit in 10, 15 years ago, I would call my wife and just be like hey, I got to run some stuff by and that guy would harp with her on the phone and that's funny. Yeah, like what would that?

Jimmy Fantastic:

conversation feel like well, because you know. So here's it, here's your thing too. Right, she's a mom at home. Yeah, she's trying to make dinner. Yeah, she's got kids screaming in the background. It's totally real life, right of course it's, so this stuff you can use in real life, right, because that's when you're calling someone right and you get the, the A woman on the phone and you hear kids screaming in the background, that she's making dinner and hear pots and pans banging.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That was the conversation I was having with my wife and I'm like shit, I can overcome this stuff. That's objection.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's easy one now. Yeah, so tell me, how do you? So what's the over? Okay, so, ring, ring. You're on the phone. Yeah, you hear the kids screaming in the background. Pots are all over the place. You hear the sizzle of the bacon, the fire alarms going off, right, yeah, and you're trying to get a list of appointment, yep so how are you arping that?

Jimmy Fantastic:

So I acknowledging it, right? Yeah, oh man, I can hear the kids in the background sounds like you're super busy. You probably have more things to do than time in the day to do them in there, right yeah totally. Yeah, I can't believe it. I just don't have time for this right now. I get it Totally understand. Hey, listen, what I want to do is take the burden of listening out.

Johnny Awesome:

Sorry, the cat was on fire.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I've had a cat on fire at my house before too. It's not a big deal, but I totally understand where you're coming from. So how about we do this? It's gonna take me about 15 20 minutes. I'll swing by one day this week. Take a look at your house. I want to take the burden of selling this house off your hands. You know, it's gonna be too much. I see you got so much going on. You're not gonna want to waste your time doing this. Let me waste my time doing it, oh wow, that's.

Johnny Awesome:

That's pretty good. See, you're gonna need to be out of that house anyway, because yeah, like the cat's not fired.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's probably burnt the carpet. You know you got boogers on the wall from the kids and they're ones hanging from the curtains and you know they're.

Johnny Awesome:

You know there's, there's two tactics that I always heard about. And feel free, uh, two guys, uh, jump in. Of course you can always call us. The line is live at 313 644 for all or 313 644 for. Yeah, I got a lot of A L L. Let us know. Let us know what your deep, deep, deep secrets are.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You know how terrible that is. Like that, I got to look, like I have to look at that on your phone.

Johnny Awesome:

See, if it was on your watch, you'd have this all set to five, five.

Jimmy Fantastic:

There it is Just two five, five, it is three, three, six, four, four, four, two, five, five, the if you have. If you're anything like me, just go look it up on your phone.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, you can actually type words into your phone.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Okay, I didn't know if you knew that. If you guys, hey, there's your, there's another secret for you right there. You know what Arping always reminded me? Have you ever heard of accept, approve, appreciate.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Arping always so accept, approve, appreciate as a way to. It's a de-de-escalation, how to de-escalate somebody. It's a tactic and method to to build rapport through de-escalation, especially if somebody's like complaining about something right and the other one that always goes along with that is feel, felt, found. I'm sure you've heard of that too, right. And so whenever I hear arping like, I really think like there's an underlying psychological aspect almost of that accept, approve, appreciate and feel, felt, found. Almost built in there, with a command at the end of it.

Johnny Awesome:

You know what I mean, yeah, so it's almost like hey, listen, you know, like like the, the person at home, and just so overwhelmed like you're almost like listen, I know how you feel. You know I felt, or I know somebody that felt the same way. Here's what I found. We're directing them right and you're kind of doing the same thing. I hear you're really busy right now. There's a lot of things going on. I'm going to take the hassle off. Let's do this right, and that's one of my favorite scripts to always what's next? You know you have a great book, which is a secret too. Can are you? Can you talk about that?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I don't. It's on the other.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, but it's what to say, right? Isn't that the name?

Jimmy Fantastic:

of the book. Exactly what?

Johnny Awesome:

exactly what to say. Yeah, Exactly what to say If you guys haven't read this book, but my copy should be here today. I've heard about it forever and I've looked at Jimmy's. It's perfect for real estate agents because, guys, it's. It's like it is.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's just, it's the. It's the right questions, too Right, and and, and one of the biggest things and and you just hit on it without even hitting on it, and it's what one thing we talk about all the time was like a little bit of empathy, you know what I mean, Like feeling for somebody's situation to you know, we, we we're in a grind every day with real estate, and sometimes we don't even we, so it's because we're in it every day. We don't realize what a pain in the ass moving is.

Johnny Awesome:

You know what I mean.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Like we're, like are selling your house, like and then I'll. Then you got to have showings and you got to have people in your house and you don't know who they are. And then you got I need you to be out for five hours on a Saturday.

Johnny Awesome:

So I can open house. You got to pack all the kids up.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, the dog, the cat, they're like or you could be like the one client we had that they left the cat in the house, but the cat had people trapped in the basement because it wouldn't let them upstairs. What, wait, what?

Johnny Awesome:

So I was I just say, the cat had them trapped.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, that's such a cat thing to do. It was, the cat, was a total yeah.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

But no, so so the guy the cat was mean. They did that a mean cat, okay, and so so an agent was there showing the house. We got the phone call, but the agent was there showing the house. There was an agent and two people that she was showing the house to were in the went to the basement just looking at the house and when they went to go back up the stairs the cat was sitting on the stairs. Okay, what?

Johnny Awesome:

do you sit there like?

Jimmy Fantastic:

And then I started hissing at him whenever they would get closer with his head and they thought then she thought, well, if I just kind of scare it away, no, it was like bat, it was swiping its paw at him and like trying to bite him and but it wouldn't leave the stairs. Oh, it's like you know, a lot of times cats you have raffle them one and they run away.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No no this one was stood on the stairs and kept these people stuck in the basement. The real estate agent that was there literally went and like, found like a wrapping paper, a tube of wrapping paper, and was trying to like no, wouldn't, it was just whacking the, the wrapping paper would get out of the way. We had to go to the homeowner to go get the cat.

Johnny Awesome:

That's awesome. Yeah, that's the best. That's such a cat thing. Oh, then the cat all of a sudden is just staring at him. It slowly puts the paw up and shuts the door the door locks.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Now's use, can't leave.

Johnny Awesome:

Stephanie, do you smell gasoline?

Jimmy Fantastic:

A lighter.

Johnny Awesome:

It's like now, who's going to light, who on fire? I ain't moving. Oh man, I'll never forget the craziest. The craziest pet thing that I ever had happen was in Royal Oak. And we, you know, typically when you do showings and if you guys aren't doing this, you should do this, by the way and that is, if there's animals in the house, you know, put it in the notes, don't just stick it up on the wall, because that stuff blows away sometimes.

Johnny Awesome:

But I'm showing this house and and like we hear this like really fast, and I was like, and they were like what is that? It didn't sound like anything I've ever, I have ever heard before. It wasn't a dog or a cat and I was like man, it might maybe a big like, maybe the big raccoon got in here because you don't, I don't smell dog, I don't smell cat, I don't nothing, right. And we'd go into another room and like what was going on? We're freaking out now, right, we're looking around and we just we hear the shuffling and we finally, like we're following it, we get up into the kitchen area and that jets in front of us. It's a big old pig, a pig in Royal Oak.

Johnny Awesome:

They had a pig, which I don't know if you're even able to have in Royal Oak we we actually have somebody on staff that I I mentioned should get a pig and uh, and she looked into it and apparently, like there's laws against, like, not against it five animals yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

You got to have a special, I don't know whatever, and maybe they did or didn't, but there was definitely a pig in that house. Well, there's city ordinances man. That freaked me out. I had never. I had never expected that I've seen. I've seen some things. What's the craziest thing you've ever seen in an open house or in a house that you're?

Jimmy Fantastic:

showing. Um, I mean, the story that I've told a bunch of different times was the dead cats. They have found dead cats.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, but they were like that was.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Al that told that story. No, they were like displayed, like, like they were in a garage, like in a drawer. Like I think that was Al that told us that. No, that was. Al was the one that jumped out from behind the shower curtain.

Johnny Awesome:

Wait, was it you? Was it you that found him in the freezer, or was that Al?

Jimmy Fantastic:

That was Al. I think that was out. Looked in the freezer.

Johnny Awesome:

Right and there was cats in there, yeah, the one I found.

Jimmy Fantastic:

they were like displayed like in a drawer, like in the garage, in a creepy garage, yeah, and the creepy garage also had like 50 gallon drums around the outside of it, yeah, like a whole bunch of them, but I didn't look at them because I was after the found the dead cats. I'm like I don't know what's in the 55 gallon drums. It's dead bodies for sure.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, you didn't want to look, but I didn't want to look, yeah, yeah, all of a sudden. All of a sudden, the garage door slowly opens and there's a cat just sitting there meowing yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, there was a bunch of feral cats in the backyard too, like it was there was. You know it was wild, it was. And then the crazy part was the house was gorgeous. Of course it does the house was beautiful, Like it was like a flip, Like I mean they had redone the whole entire thing. You guys just forget about the backyard. That's just to the inside. Forget about the backyard.

Johnny Awesome:

The listing ticket doesn't mention that there's that backshatter or whatever.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah it was a big garage. It was. It was weird. But then, like you know, then I turned into like CSI and I turned the flashlight on my phone on and I was walking around the garage, like looking around. Do you guys think that?

Johnny Awesome:

we should be carrying UV lights in with us.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, hell, no Cause we run out so fast Like I've been in houses have you ever done it? No, basically want to like there's houses I've been in where I put shoe covers on. They would ask me to put shoe covers on.

Johnny Awesome:

You can remove those I'm like. No, this is my goodness of my shoes. Is that Shag carpet?

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, we just have never washed our carpeting ever it's fun when we first bought our house We've been in our house for 23 years, but when we first bought our house it had Shag carpet in it and it but it's like it was in pristine shape though. So, everybody says it was, but it still had the rake Cause you know back the day you had to rake your Shag carpet. Yeah, of course you did, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

How would.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I don't.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't, it was a little rake.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It was just in the corner, it was rake.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's the thing people would do. Aren't you glad that that trend like what's one trend that? And then we got to get back to secret what's what's like, what's one trend that you wish would go away? Now? Oh man, I hate stainless steel appliances. What, yeah, I hate stainless steel appliances. Why? Because they get dirty and there's always like grease stains on them and you got to keep them clean all the time. I just, I just don't like stainless steel appliances. That's a weird one. Yeah, well, maybe you're the one that found cat drawer.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, what's the weirdest thing you've ever found in a whole in a showing.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't think. I mean there's definitely been some weird things that you find You're still.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You've walked in on naked people. Yeah, they never.

Johnny Awesome:

they always look like me, Like, like you know, everybody's done that, that's the. That's that's actually the most annoying and frustrating, I think, for everybody involved, because it's like somebody didn't tell somebody that a showing was happening and usually back in the day it was the agent. Because the agent, you know, now.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think that happens a lot less now because because of showing time.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Back in the day, although I it's, it's still happened. I went into a show that's not long ago and the homeowner was home and he's like I didn't know. You guys are showing it today.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

And he's I'm like no, he's like we, we haven't accepted offer. I'm like, oh, I wish I would have known that.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's the I you know I. Have you ever walked other than your cat drawer thing? Have you ever walked into one of those homes and you just felt instantly uncomfortable, like you shouldn't be in there? Yes, those ones always freaked me out. Yeah, like, like, like the witchcraft homes and stuff like that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, we were again story time with Jimmy, I guess, but but no, we walked into one and it was um two clients and it was summertime, right, yeah, yeah. But we walked into this house, a big, nice, gorgeous house, home township, nice house, but like there were the Christmas tree was still up and like it was like a state sale, so they still had things for sale, but there were still like pictures on the wall like family pictures and stuff and and the the wife came to me and she's like Can we go?

Jimmy Fantastic:

She's like I just. And then their daughter was like yeah, I, everybody just had a weird feeling in this house.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It was and I'm like I wanted to go look. I never did go back and look and figure out if something happened in that house or whatever, but all of us were kind of like, yeah, I just felt it was just like an icky like feeling. You know what I mean, like and I get, I don't know, maybe it was just us, but it was just kind of weird because there were still family pictures but they were selling everything and yeah, it was just weird like there was price tags on everything and like, but they were the family pictures. Yeah, like there was like by somebody's picture Was for, like. Yeah, but it was like why are the? Why would you sell? Why would you sell all the stuff?

Jimmy Fantastic:

like I get like the Christmas tree being for sale or whatever, like Objects, but like the picture, like it was just we, it was creepy, it was weird, yeah, and everybody had a, we just. And they were like that's, that's just go.

Johnny Awesome:

I think the weirdest experience I ever had like that was we were walking through a home and Same thing everybody felt uncomfortable. We go upstairs first, everybody instantly felt uncomfortable in this house and we're gonna leave, but it was one of those, while we're here anyway, and it was. It was really interesting how they had this house designed. It was like one of those 80s houses that tried to be super futuristic. But now in the future, it's like they tried but they didn't. They didn't get it. Yeah, so we go upstairs and it was, man, you just get this feeling and then we walk in the basement. There's there, it is the pentagram and salt and all I mean it was. It was a weird basement and you instantly felt it then. And then we left and like I mean there was, there was you know the weird knives all over the place and it was. It was one of those things that you just feel when you walk into a house.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and it was odd, you know, and the funny, the funny, funny story, to like my wife you know, you teach your kids, yeah, you know, don't go with strangers and don't walk in. You teach your kids that. Yeah, like and uh.

Johnny Awesome:

But so my wife and my and the two boys, wait you have to teach your kids don't go with strangers or just walk into people's houses.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, well, well. So growing up again for us, yeah, like again we were talking about Gen X, right and and like, literally for us growing up like we were feral children, like no one knew where we were most of the time, yeah, yeah, and like at 10 o'clock at night there was a commercial would come on TV and it said it's 10 o'clock, you know where your children are?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, Because our parents didn't know where the F we were at. Like like it's 10 o'clock at night, like it wasn't 10 o'clock in the morning, it was 10 o'clock at night, right before cops came on at night.

Johnny Awesome:

So reminded parents yeah, kids were out.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your kids are and you know how many parents were like?

Johnny Awesome:

just remembers that how many parents?

Jimmy Fantastic:

were like oh man, where are they? Yeah, oh jeez, I forgot, I had.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, funny. Yeah, our parents had to be reminded that they had kids. So it was. There was a big thing. I don't go with strangers because we were out on our own. We were, we were raising ourselves.

Johnny Awesome:

Did you ever, as a little Jimmy, think to go into a stranger's house?

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, because you were dead, like that was a thing, like you were, you were, you were dead, like yeah, and you leave when the Sun came out, right, like that was it when this, when the street lights came on. But no, but sometimes not even when the street lights came on, because it was 10 o'clock and they had to remind our parents when we were.

Johnny Awesome:

Funny that's. That's right there, guys, the power of video games.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, there's, there was it. I heard it. What are the good saying about Gen X the other day? Like don't mess with Gen X. Like we were 30 when we were 9 and we're 30 when we're 50. Like because we're just, we refuse to grow up.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's one and we had a girl really fast because we were on our own like nobody, like my wife was just like my wife was babysitting when she was like 10. Yeah, and she was babysitting like babies, infants at 10 years old, like people would leave and go to work all day. Yeah and she would watch kids and get paid two bucks an hour.

Johnny Awesome:

That's crazy. All right, we've gone.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah and I had a secret about showing homes that I wanted to share and I've completely lost it on here. We would stay out all night and somehow get captured thing, yeah. So what's what's? How do you harp around? How do you? How do you harp around the guy? Have you ever had a client who wanted to buy a house and you? You, absolutely. This is a then this right here. I shouldn't ask you this direct. I'm gonna ask it in direct. That way you have plausible to my ability. I've been watching a lot of suits lately as everybody.

Johnny Awesome:

So yeah. So here it is. Let me ask you this question have you ever known anybody that ended up working with a client that absolutely knew that this house was the wrong house for them? And and how did they like where? Where do you think fiduciary duty falls on that, or or Did? How? Do you are yourself out of away from that? Do you get what I'm saying? And I'll use an example of somebody that I know really well.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, so. So this is my condition versus objection class. Yeah, tell me about it, because there's there, there are conditions, and then there are objections. Objections you can overcome, yeah, conditions you. It's a condition, it's never gonna change, right. And my my example that I always lean on is like the railroad tracks in the backyard. Like if this house has railroad tracks in the backyard, I'm not buying it. Well, I can't move the house, nor the railroad tracks, so I'm not even gonna show you that house, right, because if you're like, yeah, what time is the train goes? I don't know, I'm not an engineer. Real estate agent.

Johnny Awesome:

What if the train never went through the back?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm assuming it goes through there at some point what?

Johnny Awesome:

if the, what, the, what the track is like vacant but some but, but I'm not.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Am I gonna risk that? Like maybe it will, maybe it won't like yeah. I don't know I, you know it's like my cousin Vinnie when the train goes through, but like that's a condition. I can't, I can't overcome that. So I don't even want to show that person that house.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, yeah because what's gonna happen with that is they're gonna walk into that house. There's gonna be something in the kitchen that they fall in love with. Yes, they're still not gonna buy that house. Okay, but every house we go look at after that they're gonna be like, yeah, but remember that kitchen. It's like, yeah, but you're not gonna buy that freaking house. So I don't want to like put that even in their mind that there's a unicorn in there, that there yeah, we're never gonna find anywhere else.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And they're still not gonna buy that house now. They're gonna be stuck on it.

Johnny Awesome:

So how do you, how do you handle that situation then when you have somebody that's really interested in seeing this home? But you know that it's just not like I. You know, again, I had a situation where somebody really wanted this house and it was. It was in, it was in, it was in such bad shape Like it need to be condemned, but location and what they could do and rebuild it. I knew they didn't have enough money to redo it. I knew that it wasn't gonna last. Luckily during the appraisal, because they went ahead and went through and I told them use a different agent. That's what I had to do. Yeah, so if you really want to use this house, use a different agent. They contacted the selling agent, wrote up the paperwork during the appraisal. As the appraisal was in the home, the roof caved in over the kitchen.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and again there was that yeah, it's, it's your fiduciary Responsibility, right.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, it is. And it's interesting because, like I said, like sometimes, like I'm trying to think, how do we, how do we use, accept the proof, appreciate or feel, felt, found or Arping, when you're having that conversation with your client and you know that it's not the right pick, because you know We've, we've, this is what we do for a living, and You're trying to convey that to them and they're just like no, I just, I want, this is what I want. I don't care if the train comes through here, but you know that it's gonna be the wrong decision for them. Or can you even make that? You know decision? Are you, are we even allowed to do that? Well, it's, it's a rough area.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it's a rough area, but it's our guidance, right. Like we can't make the decision, the only thing we can do is guide them along the way, right. So, and it goes the opposite way, like I've had clients that I've tried to like, like this is the perfect house for you guys, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah like.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't know. I'm like, no, there's not a lot of options out here, one, two, like you, this checks every box you we've talked about, you know, and so it goes the opposite way. But but to your point, like getting them convinced to not buy the house Yep, yep is harder than convincing him to buy the house, because if they fall in love with it and walk in and go, oh my god, I love this, it's my house, is it? And you're like, no, it's not, this is gonna be a terrible idea. Um, you know, I so, and I I've had that. So I had a client that there was like no, I love this house, I'm gonna fix it up, I'm gonna do this. And they wanted a fixer upper.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You know, and it was. It was a good friend of mine and a kid I coached in high school, but it was him and his fiance and so the fiance I could see. The look on her face was like I don't know, like this ain't happening.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So I literally just sat him down. I go, I go, listen, man, how like how much I get, like you want to fix it up, I go. But how much time do you have in the week to fix something up? Yeah, because he works a lot. You know his regular job works a lot and I'm like he's like well, I got you know after I go. So you, so let me ask you this like are you gonna come home after work at 5, 6, 7 o'clock and paint? Well, no, I'm like right, so, right, so I go.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And how much time do you want to dedicate on the weekends? Because they were younger, yeah, they were just engaged. I'm like how much time do you want to spend on the weekends fixing up the house? Right, you know, you guys want to do a couple of things and be young couple. Right, I get it, like it's cool. But but do you want to fix this house up?

Jimmy Fantastic:

And finally, he was like yeah, you're right, that's funny, they bumped up their price point, they just like. He was like yeah, I don't want to fix the rubber anymore, I want something I can just walk into Nice, I like it. But yeah, you do have to talk them out of that because it didn't make sense. And I knew, I said, I asked him, I said how much you? How long do you think she's going to? How patient do you think she's going to be able to be? Oh, you, waiting for you to fix this house up? Yeah, yep, yeah, you're going to say three weeks, but it's going to be six months and he's like hey, right, yeah, I know I've been married for a while.

Johnny Awesome:

Man, I got it All right. Let's head back to some secrets here. Jimmy, so bag of tricks. So arping is one thing that we teach a lot of people. Yep, let's see, here we got you. Can go ahead and hit that one up. Lisa jumps in. Oh, where are you got it? She's up there.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, Real estate agents must have the best communications to you. But another thing I can't read it.

Johnny Awesome:

Real estate agents must have the best communication skills to talk to our clients through the entire process.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

You know, and that's one of the reasons why I think it's really important.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Now I can read it, because it's bigger over here now. You couldn't read it on the screen. No, it's got too small, man. Okay, sorry, I got to do that.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, one of the things.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think that when we're talking about continued education with agents and I'm going to get into a couple of my bags of tricks here- yeah, cause, listen, one of the things I want you there's a couple of ones I want you to talk about Okay, like the, the, and what people will say oh yeah, we do that, or I know that, yeah, right, but it's, it's, it's the hot nurture watch. Oh sure, yeah, yeah, the hot nurture watch. People like, oh yeah, I'm like yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, and they say oh yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Cause they just totally forgot about it. Right, right, oh, yeah, we do that. Yeah, we do that.

Johnny Awesome:

No you don't liar. So one of the things that I like to teach into our teams and I'll jump into hot, nurture and watch, but to talk about this communication skills. You know, as a real estate agent, learning how to communicate and communicate well in all situations. And you know, I know, that we all feel this and sometimes we joke around, but, guys, we are, as a real estate agent, if you realize that this is the business that we're in and that you're, we're, business owners in this, we are, you know, the, the, the advice giver, the counselor, the, whatever, whatever, right, like I know you guys have had these, these conversations with your clients and you know if you've really cared about them. We've had these deep conversations of why they do want this place or don't. And it's a personal thing, sometimes right when you go after their core driving emotion. Eric.

Johnny Awesome:

Eric it was arping, not a ARP.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Yes, Jimmy probably does qualify for the ARP, right? Anyway, you would have to. You do now, right, I'm 50. Oh well, I don't. I mean, you're talking about Shag carpet and you can't read, so I can read.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I couldn't see at the moment. I got you Okay, yeah, but you know it's. My parents did teach me that. No, they didn't.

Johnny Awesome:

As long as you're home by 10, because that's when reading lessons start, but you know when they're smoking marbles and drinking in the house the uh, learning how to learning how to communicate effectively and learning how to you know people skills.

Johnny Awesome:

One of them that I can tell you guys that I teach into teams a lot in my bag of tricks is is just learning how to disk, and not even just a disk. If you guys want a really good book recommendation you want to get started in all this, go get personality plus. Personality plus is the book that will teach you the medical terms behind it, which is sanguine, flagmatic, caloric and melancholy, and it has a little quiz upfront. But again, for real estate agents being mostly sanguine, high I, adhd people, it's a quick read that will give you insight into the personality type behind almost everybody and what I always tell people is you don't learn personality type Like you. Don't learn your personality type or go through personality type training so that you can go out into the world and say I'm a high I and that's why I'm like this.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

No, it's not an excuse. You do it so that you can learn oh, I'm a high, I dealing with a high S. Here's how I need to change so that I can communicate better with him, because this business is all about communication. Lisa nailed it we are a communication business. That's how we make deals come together. That's how we help people in their decision making process. That's how we have authority when we're telling them.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm telling you, this isn't a good home, it's all in our communication. And if we can get better at those communication skills, we can get better in what we really are doing and, I believe, fully serve out our fiduciary duties Right. So learning personality types is one of the bags of tricks that I like to teach people and I really do recommend that everybody read that book. Go ahead and get your day. You'll understand how disc works. You know, if you understand the basics, you can see how all those apply to the disc. And then you, you know.

Johnny Awesome:

Now you'll know your test results better, but just being able to know how people are, and it's that mere matching, you know. Again, we've heard about mere matching before. It's one of those things. Now, like Jimmy was saying, which is, which is the other thing that we, we actually recommend. So again, for those of you that don't know what, what we do, we go into teams now all over the nation. I started with teams in the nation Jimmy's now doing this with me and we, we implement these prescription plays into teams. Right, and Dave is on. How about that?

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Agents need to pick up the phone answering, especially calling out yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes the best part about communicating is actually picking up the phone and doing it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's actually communicating. Yeah, you actually got to communicate. Hey, simplicity is genius, that's true.

Johnny Awesome:

But yeah, jimmy and I, you know one of the things that we do across the world, across the nation maybe across the world one day eventually, but across the world right now right now it's nationally eventually. We we have this prescriptive play, and what Jimmy is talking about is one of the things that we've identified in most real estate agents businesses is that they do not have their database. They don't have their database organized well at all.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, because I feel like most agents and look, and I'm not, we're all guilty of this. So it's not like we're saying, oh well, you guys do that. No, we all do. This Is where I have a database, you have a database and I just jam everything in there.

Johnny Awesome:

So the biggest bag of tricks that we know. So when you know, when we're talking to teams and you know we're, we're wanting to go in there for a prescriptive play we go in, we listen to what they have to do. In fact, my day today is full of meetings back to back with these different teams and you know, the biggest thing that we've noticed is we can automatically increase productivity if we can just get you to organize your database.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, and teams and just individual agents, right, I mean, we've got a couple of individual agents that we're working with and a couple of smaller teams that we're working with and again, guys, that that's what we do every day is we just dive into the teams. Again to what Johnny said the prescription, kind of like a doctor. We wear doctors for real estate. Okay, can we play that one up? I don't know, maybe I don't know, I want to just a stethoscope, or on my neck all the time.

Johnny Awesome:

I'm going to, I'm going to start, I'm going to put because it's like you know, again, here there's so many different hats that we wear, and I did, I, I I'm finally figured out what I'm going to put on my email. It's just going to say Johnny, awesome, and underneath it it's going to say no title, and then, in parentheses, it's going to say and that's everything that you need to know.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I still want Esquire.

Johnny Awesome:

That's okay, you can do that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, I don't, I don't know why. I just like Esquire. I thought it was always cool Like the, like the magazine, gossip magazine. No, like you know, jimmy Nelson Esquire, like it's that. It's usually, typically it's for attorneys. Oh, all right, so the way that hot, when you see the ESQ after the name Got it, it's sort of doctor, it's Esquire.

Johnny Awesome:

All right, I just think of the magazine Jimmy, no.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Uh, but no, so oh, al said, when I learned mirror matching 15 years ago became my number one way I triple my business. Oh, a hundred percent, because a few you.

Johnny Awesome:

One of the easiest ways to build rapport with somebody is to be like that person and mirroring and matching, mirroring and matching Again. Learn the personality type. Learn what they're saying. Use the same words that they're using, sit how they're sitting. You know there's a really again this. These are the types of tricks that I usually like to go in and teach teams, cause when we get on this stuff, I have this bag of tricks that I pull out. One of the exercises that you can do is to actually breathe, like pay attention to the person enough so that you know how they're breathing, and the goal is is to try to get your heartbeat to match theirs.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, which is weird, because then you got to grab their hand and you're sitting there doing this Can I have your heartbeat please? But no, if you try to do that, I mean there's a, there's a connection that happens and and that is a hundred percent Like. People feel like like when you mirror who they are and you're able to. And then the other thing is is once you get good at mirroring and matching, you can get good at them changing the atmosphere as well. So if you have that person, that's really just. You know, we're. We're not excited, we're monotone, we're like this, we're very serious, we're introverted, you can tell, because we don't look at you in the eye, we're looking at our shoes the entire time. We might be an extroverted introvert. That means I'll look at your shoes. So we're just sitting there, we're having this conversation. Well, I can mirror you, but then what can happen is if I can match you enough and I can get a little bit of leverage on you during that conversation which I know I can, I've been doing this for a long time then I'm going to slowly start to raise my voice up, maybe get a little bit more energetic, and then all of a sudden I can get that conversation to raise. Maybe we went from a four to a six. That's okay, yeah, that dude, that a six, a flagmatic, and a six that stares at his own shoes, that's ecstatic for him, right? And now, all of a sudden, we're a little bit more up here and maybe he's a little bit more excited too. He's talking a little bit more, right. I, once I can get to where they're at, I can then say, all right, here's our baseline and I can move that line up.

Johnny Awesome:

And these are the different types of skills that you can learn. And one of the things that I love, I love going into teaching people and I'm telling you there's a couple really good. You know, like I said, the, the other book that's really good is what everybody is saying. Yes, that book is absolutely fascinating If you want to learn how body language works. It's by a X CIA excuse me, agent and and he wrote a phenomenal book, easy to read, easy to understand. And again, these things don't just help you in your business. Of course they're going to help your business, but these, these skills that you learn, are skills that you can use everywhere in life.

Johnny Awesome:

So back to the trick, the trick that you want me to pull out hot. Nurture watch right. It's a simple program. It's been around, but I love to institute it in and it's very, very simple.

Johnny Awesome:

If you have a lead that's hot, you're going to reach out to that lead. You're gonna reach out to that lead hot lead every single week. One time every single week right. If you have a nurture lead this is somebody that's looking to do something within the next three to twelve months You're gonna reach out to them every Twice a month right. There's always a holiday coming up, plus, you're checking in to see how things are going. There's always a reason to reach out to them. And if they're a watch lead that somebody that's doing something in twelve months on they actually do have a date or at least a rough idea of when then we're gonna reach out to them once every single month.

Johnny Awesome:

This program is designed to make sure that you never drop the ball and never lose an opportunity, and it's the number one thing that people have the hardest time with is their day best. In fact, I'm gonna throw this out there for those of you guys that are listening on the podcast. For those of you, they're viewing us live. If you need help in your database, this is what I do on a daily basis. Reach out to us. I know that it was a lot of information because this is one of our secret bag bag of tricks. Reach out to us. I will do a deep dive into your database with you and I will help you on screw your database up.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Austin has his how to unfuck your money. Yeah, well, there you go.

Johnny Awesome:

I do the same thing, except for with your. Oh, that's the wrong button. Yep, you just ended the show and you're ending it again, and you're ending it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

This is why we don't let Jimmy touch the buttons I'm trying to beat myself the, the, the five second beat buttons right here. Oh, there you go.

Johnny Awesome:

Yep, yeah, you happen to press the anyway.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, but yeah, like that's so again, that's what we do. Daily guys is this help teams and individuals. This also.

Johnny Awesome:

Also Ask what do you do for a living? Those questions will tell you who you're working with and how to handle them. Driver express like that animal Analytical, I create an international I, by the way, should I should have copyrighted that before you should have copyrighted that. I should have gone it copyrighted international and then sold it back to him because I'm telling you that right there is the bomb.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, the internet, say that you're an international agent.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, I'm telling you I should have copyrighted that. Then, when he was on the show, I opened up the shirt and then made a side deal with him on the side and sell those to you, I still you had an office in Dubai, I could have an office in Dubai.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah you've been working in Dubai. Oh, I would.

Johnny Awesome:

I would never. I. Can you imagine why? 70s too warm for me, I can't make it to Dubai. I would never make it the airplanes, I would never do. You see how, like my side, like I'm five times larger than Al, like when you saw us next to each other, I couldn't even see Al, he was hiding behind my arm I'd never make it on an airplane to Dubai, ever. That's why my sister just got married in Syria. I wouldn't have made it out there. So anyway, well, I digress, that's hot nurture watch.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes another one that you, you came up with right there and I missed it. Another secret tidbit. It's it, oh, and that leads you into this that we tell teams to. Anyway, I think that the other one that we should share, which is Amazing, is this insurance thing that that we just we just rolled out Because, dude, that's so good. Do you know what I'm talking about? No, what insurance? I've told everybody about this. Guys, check this out. You're ready for this? This is gonna be worth. This is gonna be worth the listen right here. All right, I.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Would never do buy anything from Johnny Oz.

Johnny Awesome:

He's just jealous because I won at the drum off. I know.

Johnny Awesome:

You're a better drummer than he is just jealous because he goes you asked a drum and then you can't drum. And then I'm like, yeah, but you know the the guys listen to this. This is great. We just heard about this. I've told, I've told a million teams about this. I guess that's a little bit over exaggerated, but this is the coolest thing I've heard of in the longest time.

Johnny Awesome:

We've all heard to go after the pinnacle right the the top of the pyramid and if you guys don't remember that episode where I drew it out, I'll do it again at some point in time or I'll paste it on Facebook page. But one of the things that you want to do in order to have a self-fulfilling business cycle which is a business where the business is basically bringing itself business, so you're no longer cold calling and all that other stuff is you want to get you the people that you haven't met yet the leads, the stuff, all that stuff. You want to build a huge foundation on the bottom of your pyramid that out of that will come top 50 clients and top 50 VIP people. They're going to give you two to three deals a year and and then out of that will also the easiest way to do it You'll find your pinnacle people. You can cold call doctors, offices, insurance agents, cps and you should do that as well. But I will tell you right now if they were already a client of yours, or triangle of trust, if you already had a big enough database where you could call into it and say, hey, I'm looking for an attorney, right? Oh, I know one, or my uncle's one. Great, now you have triangle of trust. You can throw them up to the top of your pinnacle faster, and these people are going to provide you five to ten plus deals per year. Right, that's where you want to get in a three-year, three-year period of time, because at that point in time you have a business that feeds itself. Now here's a shortcut to insurance agents again.

Johnny Awesome:

We just heard about this, yeah, and I love this. I, this is. I have told my teams that there is very, very, very, very rarely Does a new idea come across or an old idea I haven't heard yet. That just completely blows my mind. I'm like how have we not heard this before? And this is one of those. So, for those of you that are listening and I know you know the answer to this but I'm gonna ask, jimmy what do you think? Who do you think? What do you think? An insurance agent makes more money on a rental policy or a homeowners a policy, and we'd all say a Homeowner's policy.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Owners policy, yeah, no, I would say rental policy.

Johnny Awesome:

You think they make more money on a $12 rental policy than they do on the homeowners policy? Well, only.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'm well, I'm looking at a two different ways. I guess, yeah, I guess you are, because I'm looking at it and on the investment side, I have to ensure it as well. So I'm thinking that maybe, yeah, I have no idea what you're thinking. Yes, the insurance is more on an investment property, insurance costs more. Yes, but we're talking about, we're talking about the actual renters. Yes, yes, a runner.

Johnny Awesome:

Even then, because I got to. Oh man, I got two nuggets I can drop here. I got two secrets on prospecting here for you guys. So number one is yes, we're talking about rental insurance for renters who are currently renting a property, right? So you contact your and find an insurance agent, somebody that you guys are already working with or somebody that you know. You contact him and ask him that very question hey, do you make more money off of renters, renters policy or a homeowners policy, right? Yeah, they're gonna tell you homeowners, because that's that's where they make their money off. Yeah, on those policies homeowners policies right, but they're also. They have a business database of renters, right? So you let him know.

Johnny Awesome:

Hey, what I would like to do is I would like to take your renters and Get them into a home and then then you have a homeowners policy to write, right, so we can do this one of three ways. I think it's a genius idea for you to contact that past a base. Either you can contact them and then I can help out and Flipping them into a new home, or we can contact them together. Or, if you wanted, I can just take them all over and I'll contact them on your behalf and then when I get them into a new home, I'll give you the policy to write for the new home. It's a beautiful thing, it's so genius and it's the powers of three. You guys might remember this.

Johnny Awesome:

Back in the day, this was also a tactic, the the power of three is another tactic, right, and this is when you're trying to get somebody to understand. It was the price. And this is again one of those secret techniques that you used to have to pull out if the house wouldn't sell and it was overpriced. The tactic of three came in. Well, there's only three reasons a home doesn't sell. It's either the location, right, yep, it's the condition, or it's the price.

Johnny Awesome:

Now, jimmy and I both did this at the same time because we're used to doing this. So if you're watching us live for those of you that are listening to this when we say or it's the price, did you notice how we emphasize that? We emphasize that we went down as we were saying it, and we also both shook our heads while we were saying it, because we're so used to doing it that way. Right, by doing that, what you're really doing is you're highlighting the answer that's most likely to happen, and really you're highlighting the true answer right. So when we're doing this with the insurance agent, you're saying, hey, there's three ways we can do this. What? What agent wouldn't say no? If you want to make calls on my behalf and then get me policies out of it, go for it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, because guess what insurance agents don't want to make phone calls either?

Johnny Awesome:

Right, you're not gonna believe this. This is an industry specific.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's another salesperson that doesn't want to make phone calls but listen if you do this, you're able to capture somebody else's entire database.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah and start building your database up. And this is where hot nurture watch comes in, because the majority of these people probably aren't going to be ready to buy today. Maybe they have some credit, whatever. But you call a couple insurance guys. Think about how many people they have in their database that are renters right now that you can call and you can bank the next 12 months. You would have a Just cyclone of business. Yeah, because you had took the time to go through, and not only that, you just built a relationship with somebody that knows how hard you work, and then everybody that he comes through his office Unless, unless you did a really crappy job with him, he should become you like you're gonna be his guy. Yeah, it's the easiest way to build a relationship and build your database, and they help take somebody else's database over. It's just such a genius move.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't know why I never heard of it before and we've talked about, like we talked about this when this came up, was like how, how has, how haven't we thought about this? Because we've yeah, we've talked about probate attorneys and divorce attorneys like great nose, they said those are, those are simple, like easy add-on ones. But why? Why we haven't thought about the insurance thing before? But Kind of goes back to my point, and that's one of the things that we do with with agents and teams across the country is Because you are so ingrained in your business, right, and you, you know, I look at it like this, you look at the label from the inside out and Because you're just, we're just like so ingrained in our business, it takes somebody sometimes to look at that label from the outside in and all of a sudden you're like what? Oh, we just didn't see it. You know it's a blind spot and there's blind spots in business all the time.

Johnny Awesome:

Jessica, I'm so glad you asked this question because this so, again, for those of you that don't know who, yes, it's such a great question. So there's a couple things that I'm trying out now. You guys want some new stuff. I feel like. I feel like I'm a band. I don't know why you have to have an accent.

Jimmy Fantastic:

If I don't know either, it was sort of British Australian, I don't know.

Johnny Awesome:

Twist of Irish, I don't know, I don't like to discriminate, jimmy, so I, my accent is all of them combined, but listen, so there's. There's a couple of things. Number one, for those of you that don't know, I have a certification in hypnosis. I read I'm doing it. That doesn't work at all. By the way, that's called flash hypnosis. That only works as somebody's somnambulistic the uh boom.

Johnny Awesome:

You know again going through positive psychology right now at Penn State, you know, for a two year thing for there, my NLP certification. So like, when it comes to psychology, nlp, really the mind stuff behind things I'm super into that, I study it and it's in a lot of the techniques and tools and trainings that I have. It's one of the things when we're working with offices, when I go into those offices, it's one of those side oh and this. So one of them that I'm working on right now is um. I can't remember the tactic behind it, but it's, it's. I want to design a script around this and it's around the um. It's around uh, the, the mighty word might, and that's what. That's what I'm going to actually uh, end up calling that training, because when you ask somebody if they hate do something the number one thing that people hate, especially when they're in sales or in general, right Is, they don't like to be told what to do. You've always heard um uh Curt say right, people don't want to be sold, right.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

No, you, you people don't like that. That. If if you're, if you're selling on them or if you're trying to tell them that they have to make a decision, right, it goes against their autonomy, and autonomy is key. Letting somebody have their own autonomy is is key in communication. So the idea behind NLP techniques, and specifically this mighty technique, is to get the person to come to the natural conclusion themselves, as if they came up with the conclusion themselves, right? So here's what this all looks like.

Johnny Awesome:

I understand that you're probably not looking to move today, but if you were, if you and I say I'm using an old one, but if, uh, when might you look to move? Right, if you're to use the might one for myself, one of the things that I teach all my agents that I work with is that every conversation should end with this sentence, and this is one of my favorite sentences of all time If you were to move sometime in the future, when would it be? Yeah, that question right there, you can tag on to almost any situation and it's my number one tool, tip, trick whatever that I give to every single team every phone conversation that you have with somebody, you should ask that question at the end. I don't care if you're having Thanksgiving dinner you know hey.

Johnny Awesome:

Uncle Bob, it was great eating with you. I know that you've been living down. Actually, my uncle Bob is bringing. My uncle Bob is from Tennessee and he's currently looking at a piece of property. Now, right, and that was what I asked him yesterday, because they were looking at this property up in Peltwater. He's from Tennessee.

Johnny Awesome:

So if you were to purchase that property, when do you think you might do that, right? Okay, well, this time, or this time, or this time, right, it's one of the best questions. So this is how I would position that hey, I was just giving you a call. I noticed that you're running in the area. I know you're probably not looking to move today, but if you were to move in the future, when would that be? That question right there on to, a renter is going to give you whether they're a hot, a nurture watch.

Johnny Awesome:

It goes back to my hot nurture watch program, right? Oh, man, we just signed this lease, we're 12 months out and then, and then we're getting you know. Then, then we're looking to expand, yeah, or hey, you know what? Actually it's funny, because we found out that we have a baby on the way. We need another room, like in the next three months, whatever they tell me Now I know where to put them on my hot nurture watch program.

Johnny Awesome:

And again, the idea behind these leads is to build a business up so big that, while you're working on the stuff that's immediate right now, you're building your future business up in the back end. Man, we're going to run out of time on this, we are so, but there is the afterburner, there is the afterburner. So the whole idea behind that is to get your hot, nurture and watch all set up for you so that you're able to have a business that's just going to cyclone. We're going to talk more about this in the afterburner, because this is really important. I'm sorry we wasted so much time on Jimmy and his check carpets and the fact that my parents didn't know where I was stick around, because I want to delve a little bit deeper into that.

Johnny Awesome:

I might even go more into the uh, more into the psychology behind it, but if you are listening to us on the podcast we are live every single Friday at seven am Eastern you can always call us at 313644 for all anytime throughout the week and we will play those calls live during the show. Jimmy, you've been fantastic. Johnny, you've been awesome and we will talk to all of you next Friday. Yeah,