Free for All Friday

Episode 81 - Journey to Success and Authenticity

June 30, 2023 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic

What happens when you leave the glitz and glamour of the modeling and acting world behind to start anew in the real estate industry? Chanel Heart, our special guest, shares her incredible journey from Miami's beaches to the bustling real estate market of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Join us as we explore how Chanel overcame the challenges of transitioning careers and found success through persistence, confidence, and a positive mindset. 

From dealing with rejection to finding the right mentors, Chanel shares invaluable insights for aspiring real estate agents and anyone looking to make a significant change in their lives. We discuss the importance of authenticity, self-worth, and the power of intention when it comes to achieving your goals. Learn how Chanel's experiences have shaped not only her career but also her understanding of what truly matters in life.

Don't miss this engaging and insightful conversation as Chanel Heart delves into the secrets behind her success, the value of mentorship, and what it truly means to live an authentic life. Listen in and be inspired to tackle your own challenges and discover your purpose – whether it's in real estate or any other endeavor you choose to pursue.

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You're listening to the number one live Colin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World-class guests, breaking news and you with your host, johnny, awesome and Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Good morning, good morning. Good morning everybody. This is Jimmy, fantastic.

Johnny Awesome:

I am but a vessel for my crater, a deposit of positive energy, a secret of greatness with an. All my kids know me as daddy and Jimmy, you know. I was thinking the other day that we have really lost our way from just the good old school wholesome like family Disney movie nights.

Jimmy Fantastic:

This is Johnny, awesome Everybody.

Johnny Awesome:

And we're really excited today.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We are very excited today. We got a very special guest today that's joining us, and I was super excited to get this guest on. We've been trying to like figure out a good date for everything and we landed on this date. So here she is And we are live. We are live.

Johnny Awesome:

Chanel heart, the apparee that I and I My favorite parts the heart out on everything, Yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

This is this We always say. This is the post. Covid live audience.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, which isn't really a thing anymore. Is it like post COVID? Yes, all right, now I've a scooter, michael up, but now I've done it. So good morning, welcome. Thank you for everybody for joining us live. We are live, so make sure to say hello in the chat. You can chat with us throughout the show, of course, and yes, thank you and welcome to our special guest.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Thank you for having me, gentlemen. I'm so happy to be here. Now we, we start time and by the way well actually early Yes, This is.

Johnny Awesome:

This is this is a free for all Friday. First, we were just mentioning this. You are the first guest I believe that we've ever had. That was actually early.



Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

Like like by early standards by early standards, i believe. I believe we had one other guest one time that showed up like two or three, like what would that when we were in your basement?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh yeah. Yeah, a few minutes early. You know, the funny thing is, chanel, this it's we. We have realtors on a lot and realtors have different time clocks than everybody else.


We have a lot of different, everything but you're absolutely right.

Johnny Awesome:

So before we get started, we were. this is why we don't like to talk to guests too much ahead of time. Jimmy had already kind of let the cat out of the bag on this, but as we were doing research, we did happen to come across the internet movie database, And this is where we found you in.


So, Johnny.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Google. Google is a great place. Google is an amazing place.

Johnny Awesome:

So so tell us, why are you in the internet movie database?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So isn't that a story? I was in Miami and I was literally walking in South Beach and I know it's such a typical story, guys and an agent came up to me and said, Hey, you know, I think you should model. And I'm like, yeah, that's not me, not at all. And she said, Well, what about acting? And I said, Well, I had. I literally went to school for political science, guys, I was a lobbyist in Oklahoma. That was not in my bandwidth at all. And I said, Well, you know, I'll take a class. And so I took a class and that led into commercials, which led into hosting, which led into all sorts of fun stuff, And it was a very, very world in Miami doing all of that for quite a while, over a decade.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

But you know, you get tired of it. You're only as good as your last gig, a little similar to real estate, And so after you know it was so crazy, you would walk in to a casting, nail it, and someone behind the camera acts like you don't exist. So they'd be having this conversation is what do you think about her hair? What do you think about this way? Her eyebrows? I don't know about that. She reminds me too much of my ex-girlfriend. I think she's going to work and I'm just standing there. Do I need to leave the room? Do I stay? I mean, what do you want me to do here? And you know, you just get tired of that after a while. And so that's when my husband and I who also was in the business decided to go ahead and literally pack up and move to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, so we could make our own face.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, wow. So now I love how you say your husband was also in the business.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So what did it? what did your husband?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

do So Ford was very different in the business than I was. He actually was a model. So he was a high fashion model. He went to Europe, he did the Versace the Calvin Klein very, very ugly guy, as you can imagine And then he moved over into theater and he did theater for a long time, but he actually was a builder from right out of high school. So he built homes in upstate New York and then he went down to Miami and actually was completely discovered in Miami for a high fashion but got tired of it really, really quickly And so we both transitioned out quickly out of the business and moved up here.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

That's amazing, i know It sounds like a movie, i know.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's well, it could be, So let's just do another movie, right? Never again. Who would play us? Because we'd have to be part of the movie at this point now, right?

Johnny Awesome:

Well, you'd have to find the fashion model to play me.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, and then her husband could step back in and play you. Well, if he could play me.

Johnny Awesome:

Right, you'd probably have to. He'd have to do a. He'd have to do a. Pull a Brendan Fraser and gain a couple of pounds in order to make that work. And then I don't know if somebody's grandpa could play you, but the old person could play me Clint Eastwood available.

Johnny Awesome:

Hey man, i'd take that I'd let Clint play me. Yeah, yeah, but yeah, that's that's really. Wow, that's wild, so you get. So how, how long did you, how long did you like, flex the fact that you married a model, and how long did he flex that he married a model?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

What's so funny is that, even though we're on a live podcast and now more people will know, that is not something many people know at all, and so I, yeah, here we go, and so nobody really knows that unless they do a Google search and they dig a little bit deeper, and so you can only imagine sitting at a listing presentation and I'm very serious and going over the numbers and the comps. So, like Chanel, tell us about that nature's on bread commercial. You did.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, it, it, it, so I've. I've found the Toby Keith video, the music video.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

What you're cutting out.

Johnny Awesome:

Wait what? I don't know what you're talking about, jimmy.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, the music video. she did a music video, Yeah.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Yeah, so this is actually a very good store.

Jimmy Fantastic:

She is breaking up, she is breaking up.

Johnny Awesome:

How did she do that? If you're with us, you're breaking up for real. She might have just bounced She started with with there she is. We got you now, so we got you. This is a very good story. This is not what I thought I was talking about when I came to a real estate show today. Right, So so Toby Keith was a good story.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Yeah, it is So. Toby is actually from Oklahoma.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I am from and I was in Miami and this audition came up and my agent said Chanel, are you interested in doing this? No, i'm not interested in doing a video, but when I saw it was Toby Keith, i thought you know, this is going to be interesting. So I auditioned and essentially, audition says you're a librarian, like, dress up like a librarian, you're very stuffy, you're, you're very conservative. And then you go to Mexico and and you open up a little bit. And so that's exactly what I went into the casting and did, nailed.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

The casting went on set, we shot for two days in South Beach and Toby came up, known as Big T, by the way, in Oklahoma. Big T comes up and he says boy, i hear you're from Oklahoma, and I said I am. He said you sure do look like an Oklahoma girl. And I said I am. And he said, by the way, um, do you know, dean Hart? This is what Oklahoma's like, guys. You know, like six degrees of Kevin Bacon is like one degree in Oklahoma. And I said, yes, sir. He said your daddy drew up my um, all of my deeds. I think I just bought some of your grandparents land and I'm literally. This happened.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No way, that is so crazy. So yeah, amazing, like what a, what a work.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

Small, a small world, but it's apparently smaller in Oklahoma.

Johnny Awesome:

I was waiting for him to say. And then he walked up to me and said is your husband an underwear model? Cause I, uh, i bought this off this ad one time, and that's so. You said early on, this is interesting Cause you know. Now we know where we're taking this. Uh, you said it's interesting because there are a few similarities in that world. And then transitioning into a real estate career and now a real estate like business, what? what are some of those similarities? What are some of the things that you carried in with you, that you've learned?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Uh, firstly, how to deal with quote unquote, rejection. So I don't take things personally anymore. Um, it's not about me, it's about them. And I've also found that if I don't, for whatever reason, get that listing or fires don't want to work with me. Um, it's not me. It wasn't meant to be and not to force a situation, but more so, uh, gentlemen, it's dealing with um, quote unquote, again the rejection.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So you just keep pushing forward. You can't hold on to what happened in the past. Or when you walk out the door, you just let it go and you move on, and it has nothing to do with you. And you can take something from every single situation, no matter what it is. I don't care what it is. When I walked into that audition, i met somebody. I learned something about myself. I learned to work through anxiety. So imagine the anxiety that real tours have before they walk into listing presentations, before they start making their cold calls. You know there's just anxiety around everything If you allow it to be there. So, instead of allowing that to push you down, use that anxiety to make yourself better. Use it as a force forward. And so that's what acting really taught me. And also, there's always additional opportunities. You know why people put themselves in a box and think that they can only do a certain amount of things for a certain amount of time. No, you got to think much larger than that, not just what's right in front of you.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Wow, And how so. and then, how did? how did real estate become the next phase after that? Like, how was real estate kind of always in the background, or or did what? did just something spark you one day for real estate?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So I don't know how many actors you met, but generally actors have two, three, four jobs, right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Because it's not many actors.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

It's very similar, right? So there's very few actors, just like there's very few realtors who actually make a living doing what they love, And so there's always at least one additional job that a realtor or an actor have. For me, I was a realtor And so being a realtor in Miami was very different than being one in North Carolina. So we actually got paid for rentals in Miami. Literally, imagine we got paid one month, whatever the one month's rent was if we procured that. So you're talking about two to $5,000 to procure a rental for a year. I moved to North Carolina where it's $100 to $150. I thought I had a great, you know. I moved to North Carolina and I said, you know, I don't need to know anybody, I'll just work rentals for a while to be fine. And then you know, those checks for $100 a piece started coming in and I'm like, okay, you know, we're going to have to transition this a little bit.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, right. And so how long, so total, how long have you been in real estate, and when? now, when you you went full time, when you went to North Carolina with real estate?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I did. Well, it took me a while. I have three boys, And right when I procured my license in North Carolina I was. it's been about six to seven years right now that I've really been full time in North Carolina. Before it was kind of, you know, manby pamby, one foot in, one foot out, you know how it is. And so then I really doubled down and decided to get in about almost close to seven years ago now.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Okay, yeah, and now your team's taking off. You guys are killing it down there, right?

Johnny Awesome:

now Talk a little bit about where you're at now, like where because you are.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

We're on that now. Yes, i'm doing okay. So I I I transitioned. I was in a small boutique firm three years ago. I transitioned to EXP. It's been a two and a half years now, and the reason that I transitioned is that the firm I was with I was at $15 million. I went into my brokerage and charge and said I want to be 25 million next year. She was like whoa, whoa, slow it down. Oh, and I went, oh, excuse me. And I realized now which I didn't realize then is that she just didn't have the tools in her toolbox to get me to 25 million, and so I think it actually brought fear out in her, and so she was very comfortable where I was and the idea of growing and being more than I was and doing more than I was was just out of her box. And so then when I transitioned, i went quickly to 25, then from 25 to 36, from 36 to 65. So you know I did 65 million last year.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

We have 19 people in our group in Chapel Hill continue to grow, but for me it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. So my quality in life, of life has massively increased, as have my transactions. So, as long as you can have the quality of life and you can also, you know, bring in what you need and what you want to take care of yourself and your family that's the key gem. If you are trying to increase your transactions year after year, but you're giving up your quality of life to do so, you're on a downward spiral that's going to hit you really quick, wow, yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And it's one of the things we talk about on this show. A lot actually is like how do I get back in Austin? Did you meet Austin Chevron when we were in Florida, did I?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

meet Austin. I'm yes, austin is my buddy. I adore him. I'm actually doing his coaching. My group is doing his coaching. He's a phenomenal human Yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And that's one of the things right. It's the time for money. Money equals time, time equals money. How do I get like a normal life back and still make the comfortable living and, you know, make the amount of money you want to do that. So I'm glad you talked about that, because we talk about that a lot. Johnny's gone through his coaching as well.

Johnny Awesome:

Living your life, not somebody else's dream of life. the stereotypical $100,000 agent? A couple? just to follow up on a couple of these quotes real quick. Tom says he's actually done a deal with you before, so uh.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Tom is so amazing. I love Tom.

Johnny Awesome:

Tom. Tom didn't know any of your past history. Now he does, So he loves that. So is that. You're an absolute fantastic.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Johnny appreciate that.

Johnny Awesome:

Also Dave has reminded us, since you did bring up the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Yes, dave, and we know what you're getting.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So we, we ran a contest last week, last week, yeah, six degrees of Kevin.

Johnny Awesome:

Bacon, how could you get from grimace to Kevin?

Jimmy Fantastic:

Bacon and six months.

Johnny Awesome:

And six people last time, of course, did it. Um, you are going to have a customized free for all Friday. Jimmy John swimsuit coming your way. So there we go. We got them wrapped up for comments.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So keep your comments coming.

Johnny Awesome:

I want to go back to something that you said a little bit earlier, because you said that the one thing that that that the acting world taught you coming into this world is, um, how to deal with rejection. So, like how, how was that like the first? like how many times did you get? did you get, did you get rejected in that in your previous world? And then what, what was the skill? Was it just hard skin? or, like how you know, not taking it personally? Like how do you actually learn how to not take something personal, especially if you're somebody that takes stuff personally? You know what I mean.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Well, we're all humans, so we're going to take it personally. So if you're not taking it personally, there's something off about you anyway, right? So I would never say don't take it personally. But what do you do with that information that's given to you and how do you own it? And so you ever want to feel super unattractive? Walk down South Beach for an afternoon, are you kidding me? So this is where there are international models who weigh less than 50 pounds, have flowing, amazing hair. I mean, i can't.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I'm telling you guys, it was unbelievable how, every single day, i'd walk into that atmosphere. And you know, i was, you know, a duck amongst all the swans, and so I just had to own it, and I had to own who I was. So, eventually, you can only hit a wall so many times before it finally hits you back. And so what I would finally realized is number one I would only go on auditions that I felt confident about, meaning that if I felt like I could somehow be a part of this somehow and I could do this, then I would go in and do it, and as long as I could walk out the door and know that I gave 110 percent, then I felt good about it. Now, when I would get upset with myself is when I didn't feel like I gave my best or I could. I could really point the finger at myself. Outside of that, everything was out of my control and the universe is going to allow to happen whatever is going to happen.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So, walking in there, number one don't talk to everybody around you. That was my number one rule. When you walk into a casting office and everyone's talking and this and that, and I booked this and I booked this and I did this and I did this and I did it for realtors. I did this much volume and I went on 25,000 listing appointments and I, you know show buyers, 50,000 houses, and I did this and I did this. It can affect you and it can impact you because we're all human.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

However, what I realized is when I would go in then we didn't have AirPods, but you know, i put in headphones. I've listened to the music. That made me feel amazing. I'd stay in my zone and I just be there and I wouldn't talk to anybody, i wouldn't look at anybody, i just stay in the zone. And then so when I walked in, right, and we all do this, i hope you do this as a real tour. You, when you walk into that listing appointment, it doesn't happen when you knock on the door, it happened 10 minutes before you pulled into the house. So whatever you have to do to get yourself in that place, you get yourself into that place and you turn off your phone. You don't look at social media and see what.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh no.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I know it, whether I booked it or not, because I, because I know I brought it and that's all that counted. Well, guess what? Again, just like real estate, you can't look like you need it. It's the same thing with acting.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

When you would go into acting and all you can think of is I've got to pay rent, i've got to have my car payment, i've got to pay my bills. That comes off on camera and it's so needy and it's just obnoxious And clients didn't like it, the director didn't like it. Just like when you walk into that listing appointments, clients can feel that you need it, they can feel it. I mean, it just comes off of you like pheromones, right, they just don't like it. And so when you walk in and it's not about I need this it's more like guess what You need me? Now I'm going to make the choice if I want to work with you or not, and with a smile and with, you know, being pleasant.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, man, I want to go get a listing appointment right now.

Johnny Awesome:

I want to go out of here I want to go.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I want to go to a listing. There's so many nuggets that just dropped right there.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, one of the one of the things that I heard you say is actually old school mindset. That hasn't like. People aren't teaching the old school mindset stuff anymore. But when's the last time you heard somebody tell you to put a cassette tape of of I am the eye of the tiger right before your listing appointment and and like that's old school coaching stuff right there and walk up with the packet. Remember you used to have the packets right, you're all ready to go And I that's funny. I'm thinking I don't know if I even have that. I don't think I have that mind. I know I don't. I don't. I don't do the mindset call, talk with people anymore.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, i mean it's it's. it's incredible that we that I still do it, i guess, cause that's what's your song? That's just the coaching piece at Eminem man, my jam's always on stuff from.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Detroit. Yeah, all right, but yeah, it's, it's right It's getting that. It's the mindset We talk about that all the time here, right, it's. it's having getting flipping that switch to be able to just to walk in, and we talk about having that confidence and having that ability just to and and again. It's even for new agents. And this is one thing that new agents miss on all the time is you're still the licensed professional, even though you've, you're brand new to the business, you know more than the person across the table, because they are, they're not the licensed agent.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So it's just like you're the licensed agent, Go in there, you know, pull your pants up tight, get ready to go and just go in there and do it.

Johnny Awesome:

And and then the other thing that you said which is great, which is something I like I talked to agents about all the time is don't audition for the parts that you're not going to get. Like I tell agents all the time work, work with people that are actually going to respect you, know you like you and that that will get along with you. Instead of that person. That's like the crazy, yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, it's Kurt's, you know, I don't, i don't want to work with crazy right.

Johnny Awesome:

Absolutely. Uh, carlo, who is, i swear, gonna write a book called how I iced myself to success one day, right? Um, he has mentioned that ice cold showers help him not take things personal. Every week, he has to mention how he takes ice cold showers. Congratulations on sticking with that, carlo. Uh, we have, and we do have a call coming through as well, so we will take that We take calls on this too.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

We do.

Johnny Awesome:

You are on free for all Friday So.


Hey, chanel, it's Tom Jennings.

Johnny Awesome:

Hey, there you are, Tom. How are you?


I'm number and I thought that I've never seen anybody call in Good morning.


Tom Chanel, can you get? Hey, can you see? fantastic, by the way, i learned a lot from being on the other side of the table from you, so thank you. Um, hey, chanel, quick question. Can you go back to when you talked about the increase in volume you did each year and what it was? did you go from a buyer's agent to a listing agent? Did you shift the focus to listing? Did you try to get into higher end listings? I know you're crushing it here. You're fantastic. I'm going to hang up while you answer so I can go back to Facebook and listen to your reply.

Johnny Awesome:

Thanks, colin Tom appreciate that.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Thank you, tom, i appreciate that. So I was a buyer's agent for a long. I think a lot of us follow that path. Um, that's how I learned I was really heavy into relocation when I first started in the business, um in North Carolina, and it helped me really grow my sphere, and I think Tom knows this, but I'll share it with everybody else. Um, i don't buy online leads. I never have Um, that's just something that that wasn't conducive to my personality. I am a people person. So I really have taken my strengths and and really tried to align myself in the business with things that I really really enjoy. So, firstly, i was a buyer's agent.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

What happens with buyer's agents Um, i think it happens with a lot of us is that we just don't have as much time because buyers um take more time, they just do So. That means that ultimately, if you're really serving your clients, you can't take on as many buyers as you can sellers. And so what happened, uh, firstly, is that my buyers. When I started heavily working with buyers, two, three, four years go by and then they become sellers. So that was number one, Tom. So that really helped increase my business. So not only did I have, i was very buyer heavy. I had been a buyer for a long time, but then I transitioned over to being a listing agent And then, once I started knocking out of the park on the listing side, then the buyer side continued to grow, as did the listings. So I'm I don't know about um in Michigan or other parts of the country, but in North Carolina, where Tom and I are in the triangle, we've seen an exponential increase in in the amount of what uh value of homes.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

And so obviously during COVID, i think you had a mindset as a realtor during COVID that you either a hunker down and you were just going to try to make the most of the next two years with the money that you had in the bank account, or you decided that you were going to be there in service and help people who needed to buy and sell during that period of time. So I was the latter. I decided, no matter what, if I had to put a hazmat suit on and walk through every single home based on what my buyers needed, that's what I was going to do. If I had to um, go into my listings and, you know, down every single surface before every single showing, that's what I was going to do So because I had such a strong mindset of serving.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

During COVID, my business tripled. It was unbelievable because there were so many agents in our area who chose not to partake in that. So because of that, that is going to continue to build the business afterward. Um, that, coupled with the real increase in value and the overall price for square foot in our area, i'm in Chatham County, so we have a hundred counties in North Carolina. Chatham County is just next to Orange County, whereas the university of North Carolina, chapel Hill the only university in North Carolina, by the way, gentlemen, go Tar Heels uh that we saw a huge, huge increase in million dollar homes. We literally had more million dollar plus homes in the last 18 months than we did in the last 30 years. So that, coupled together, was a beautiful combination of a massive increase in business for me.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, that's one of the hacks, right? If you want to increase business, increase your price point of the people that you're working with.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, Again, we. we've brought this up before here too.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, that's, that's absolutely amazing. Thank you, tom, and, and absolutely, three, one, three, six, four, four, four, all. Uh, if you want to call in, of course, you can call in as well. We, we take those as well as the Facebook comments. Yeah, thanks, tom. We've got two firsts today. Is that the first time Tom's ever called?

Jimmy Fantastic:

in. I think that is the first time. You always comment. It's good for him to call in. Tom's on our seven, 30 call every day. Oh good. Yeah, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, that's a little bit about Tom. So you know, there's just, oh, there's just. You know, i can't believe with and and by the way, uh, i saw you speak at the. What event did I? uh, where were we at? Jimmy?

Jimmy Fantastic:

at the uh regional event here at United wholesale the EXP regional.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, yes, that was phenomenal, by the way. I can't believe that, that that from like. I can't believe that your past story is not like part of your coaching because it's, it's in there and you're so there, you know what I mean Like it's so good and it ties everything together so well.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah. Well and, and and you know, i was just going to add to the question, like, just how much coaching do you do now? Like, are you coaching your, your team and are you coaching a lot? Cause again, johnny. We hear the hear the coaching aspect in her.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Oh yeah, you know, So, johnny, i'm actually not a coach, so this might be a new path for me. I naturally I think I know I naturally love to help other rivers or other people wherever they are in their life. I speak to agents of my group on a regular basis. I've had people come to me multiple times and ask me to coach, but it's not something that's in my current repertoire but maybe something I should consider.

Johnny Awesome:

I got news for you, you're a coach.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

It's something that you're doing. You just don't know it yet. And listen, you could go from oh man, you like modeling modeling to become modeling modeling, to become a model real estate agent. Yeah, there, it is the three M's. There it is the three M's or model model mother to millionaire master in real estate. Okay, yeah, i don't know. We'll work on it, we'll we'll, we'll, we'll work on it, we'll get out there.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Johnny, it worked kind of for you.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So, you know well another thing that I learned if I can just hop in very, very quickly, another thing that I learned is that you're always on.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

And when I say you're always on, you don't just become a realtor when you walk in the door for listing appointment or when you're showing homes. That is something that is day in and day out. So just be who you are, because if you are trying to constantly be something you're not, it is going to exhaust you, And then what happens is when you're at the grocery store, when you're at the coffee shop, when you're picking up your kids, wherever you are, if you're just inherently being yourself and people are naturally attracted to that which they are because when people are authentic, that's what they want to be around They're going to want you to help them in the business that you love.

Johnny Awesome:

Absolutely. That's uh, simon Sinek, start with why stop trying to be somebody else and be the best you you can be.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, it's in the front of that book. Yeah, and Simon Sinek stuff. you know people don't care much. you know, until you know how much you care.

Johnny Awesome:


Jimmy Fantastic:

What's another quote?

Johnny Awesome:

So you know what, how, how difficult was it, cause you know how difficult was it picking up and then just moving somewhere. How long did it start for you to hit the boots? I know that you were. You were trying the whole like um rental thing. At first It wasn't necessarily going to work out financially. How long did it take you to kind of bootstrap it and and make it to where you were comfortable? And what did you do to survive during that time?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

for agents that are either just getting started or actually thinking about moving to another state and starting all over, So I'm going to try to condense this story, um, i so I have three boys and my oldest is from my first marriage and what kept us in Miami for so long was my oldest, and so his dad and I are friends, there's no issues at all. But I wanted to move to North Carolina with my, with Ford, and with our second son and our fourth son, and, uh, august needed to stay in Miami, or I should say, ken didn't want him to go to North Carolina, and so the biggest issue for me and the biggest concern for me was, of course, leaving my son. And so, for those of us who have kids, you know that their heart, our breath or everything, and so I, literally, when Ford and I decided to make a better life for ourselves in North Carolina, he and I flew back and forth for the first two years to be two weeks with August in Miami and then two weeks in North Carolina trying to create a life. So imagine trying to create a business only half of the month, and it was extremely difficult And it but you ever want to know how to fight for something and know you really want it. Try something like that, and I mean every single time we come back to Miami. Miami is a phenomenal place, but it just wasn't for us.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Every time we came back to Chapel Hill, we knew that's where we wanted to be, and so when we were finally in a beautiful position and August moved to North Carolina full time and everything aligned, i really dove into real estate. The first thing that I did was that I aligned myself with a company who gave me the opportunity to learn. So that was the first thing. Like I shared, i did massive relocation. So I did. It was such a huge cut pay cut as far as commission wise but you could not learn more quickly than relocation. There was just no way I had to catch up. I had to learn in that year. In that 12 months, 18 months I felt like I had five to 10 years of real estate to learn, and that was the quickest way for me to learn And the fastest way for me to do it was to dive into relocation, because that's how I could get multiple transactions underneath my belt.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

And so for those who are just jumping into the business now, i highly recommend that you, number one, look for the top producers in your area and you relentlessly reach out to them until there's one you align with who is willing to help collaborate and train you. Number two is to align with a firm. Now, maybe you do the firm first and then the top producer, but align with a firm who is going to really help you find those opportunities to learn out of the gate. And then, for me I'm very sphere-based, i'm very referral-based You have got to learn to grow your business organically. If you continue to really align your business with online leads, you have no control over that, guys, and the rug is going to get ripped out from under you and you're not going to know what to do with yourself.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So it didn't happen overnight for me, but when it did, you know it's so easy for people to look at me now and go, oh wow, so she just jumped right into real estate and was doing 65 million a year. Are you kidding me? No, it didn't work that way. I grew it organically. But that is a fear that I know I can depend on and I love no matter what. And so that was in a nutshell and kind of all over the place, guys. But those are my recommendations.

Johnny Awesome:

So who was your first mentor?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

His name was Carlos, in Miami, and he was amazing. He was absolutely amazing. He worked for Fortune if you all are familiar with that company And then he transitioned over to Caldwell Banker and he taught me so much. He taught me right out of the gate that if a client is not being respectful to you, or perspective client to walk away, even when I needed the money, guys, i can't even tell you I was a single mom for a long time, so I'm working two jobs trying to figure things out, trying to work it.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So you'd start getting desperate. So desperation is not your friend, because what happens with desperation is that you start compromising what you know in fact is not the way it should be. And so I would compromise what I knew was right, because I wanted the money from certain perspective clients and work business with them when they were not being respectful for me. And so Carlos taught me right out of the gate that when you work with those who don't respect you, you're gonna end up spending 10 times more time and get paid 10 times less. And he was absolutely right. Wow.

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah. That's a knowledge bomb The huge and you know. What's great about stuff like that is, you know, especially like when you think you share experience or you sharing you know a nugget of knowledge with somebody or helping a newer agent get started. It's never just that one person, right, that's how legacy starts. So kudos to Carlos, thank you for that.



Johnny Awesome:

And you said you know, keep trying to go through people. Do you find somebody that you connect with? How many different people did you ask before you met Carlos, and how did you know that? if you're looking for a mentor or somebody, how do you know that you're on the right one?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So I'm gonna turn that around to you all. And I don't know. I know Jimmy has an amazing wife. I don't know if you're connected with somebody or not, but I mean, we've all dated in the past. How do you know if the person you're dating is the right person for you? Because it just in your gut inherently tells you that right. So you know, either when you're out dating somebody or if you know you wanna be friends with somebody, or you know you shouldn't be friends with somebody.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

the exact same thing aligns Like we all showed up on this earth with intuition. Every single one of us did So. How many of us tap into that intuition? You know probably not as many as we should. But you utilize that intuition to find that mentor who's going to align with what you know to be true and right to your core. And don't make it complicated. I feel like we just make life so complicated all the time. You naturally know when you meet somebody if you like them or not. It's very simple You either connect with them or you don't connect with them. Like, and that's the same with a mentor. Do you connect with this person or do you not connect with this person? Do you feel in your core and intuitively that you can help this person and this person can help you or not, when you find that partner in life. Did you know? you knew? I guarantee, when you met Chrissy, right out of the gate, you're like that is the woman for me, man, you locked that down in two seconds.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I don't know if she thought that Was it, two seconds I don't know if she thought that How did that go, Jimmy?

Johnny Awesome:

What afterburner We're going to get to that? Stick around for the afterburner.

Jimmy Fantastic:

She may be watching, so I don't know. You got to be careful how I answer all these questions, And my mom's watching too, I'm sure. So I you know.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, so you can't have. is there a way we can just cut the feed to there so you can answer honestly? Yeah, And then I'll play it for the whole world.

Jimmy Fantastic:

My mom is one of our biggest, our biggest watchers.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, The number one.

Jimmy Fantastic:

She's our number one fan is Jimmy's mom, Oh um but you're right about like and again, it's it's aligning with mentors. and then people like and then you find a podcast partner right, like yeah, and and you're right. You know I'm, you're my partner.

Johnny Awesome:

We are, I just realized you're everything she just talked about. We had silly new.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We did.

Johnny Awesome:

We. We met on a Tuesday. I said you want to start a podcast on Friday, he said sure. I said we'd be there every week. He said sure. And here we are.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Two and a half years later every Friday at 7am, live Yeah. How about that? I know.

Johnny Awesome:

That's it.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Oh, we should have you know what, when it wasn't complicated, right, it was simple.

Johnny Awesome:

Why do you think people overcomplicate the relationship thing?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Because it doesn't hold them accountable to me for it in their life.

Johnny Awesome:

Whoa, i wasn't expecting such a fast and hard answer.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, all right, show's over guys.

Johnny Awesome:

So you think, so you think that people use the like, so sometimes align wrongly with people just because they want to stay where they're at and Oh, johnny, i think you can answer that question, yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

No, i'm answering it in my brain as I'm asking it. Sometimes the questions you ask are the answers Yeah, because then they become the excuse for why you can never move forward, instead of instead of accepting it yourself. Yeah, wow, are you guys really listening to this? Think about that, that's. That's some powerful stuff right there. Tom wants to know again. Follow up question How do you? this is a great question How do you ask for your referrals?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

That is a great question. You have to ask that. That's so funny, tom, that you say that, because I literally just brought this up. yesterday I met with a phenomenal agent and she said, chanel, i just finished my first year, i have 17 transactions and I just don't know where to go. And I said, well, have you asked those 17 people to refer you business? And she said no. And I said why. And she said I don't know, like she was just she's, she didn't know why. And I said, if you don't ask, people want to help you, people want to support you because you have done so much for them. I know, in this particular transaction I had with Tom, he really, really helped these clients. They were across the country, he did so much, there was so much going on and he was there for them. And I know that those clients, when they move to North Carolina, are going to do everything they can to help him, as long as he gives them the opportunity to help him.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So what do I do? I reach out to my sphere on a monthly basis and I meet every single Friday from 12 to 3 pm. I have two to three meetings, coffees maybe it's a lunch, a coffee, a breakfast something. And not only do I sit down with those individuals and really catch up with them because I care about them, i do ask them do you know of anybody who's looking to buy or sell? Do you know of anybody? I can help And I really like to share with them what's going on in the business currently and then how it might affect their friends, their family, them. What can I do to help you? What can I provide for you? Who do you know that I can call with this information? Because, again, people want to help you with your business. They just don't know how. So give it to them.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Now do you call your clients.

Johnny Awesome:

And Tom asked what's the specific script you use? And you know, again, i would say this is going. This kind of goes back to a little bit of what we were just talking about. Right, this is the sometimes we over. I love this phrase Somebody once told me in real estate sometimes we over entrepreneurial it. And yeah, sometimes this is one of those over overthinking things like sometimes it's just as easy as picking up a phone and asking We don't, we don't. You don't necessarily have a exact script for that, do you? You're just having conversation.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I'm assuming. So, Tom, I never met your clients, but I know the property and I know the situation. So it's as simple as you picking up the phone and saying hi, I'm sorry, I don't remember their names. Mr Hussisone, So it was so wonderful to help you. I'm so happy, I'm so happy to have you transition you into the legacy of Jordan Lake. I know you're going to love the area. Is there anybody else you know who's looking to relocate to our fabulous area? Yes, no, if it's yes, I would love to connect with them. Do you mind sharing their information or texting us on a thread together? if it's a no, Do you know of anybody else I can help in the area? Do you know, as you move in, can I add you to next door? Can I connect you with the HOA? Can I introduce you to the neighbors on either side? Just anything you can do to constantly stay in contact with those people.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

It doesn't stop at the transaction And so so many times, just like with acting, it's stopped as soon as the job is over. Well, it doesn't. There are certain things that I did that other actors didn't, that helped me stay in front of the casting director. That helped me stay in front of clients. That helped me stay in front of the advertising agencies. It's the same with this business. So reaching back out and I guarantee Tom is already doing three quarters of what I'm saying, reaching back out and just sharing number one we all want to help people. That's why we're in this business, But continue it, get ahead of it, provide that value on a regular basis.

Jimmy Fantastic:

So what I hear you saying is stop selling and start helping people. Thank you.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:


Johnny Awesome:

Wild, what process are OK. so I have two questions. When do you start asking for the referral Like? do you start, do you do one of those right away, in the very beginning? Hey, if I do an excellent job, i'm expecting referrals from you throughout the process. You do it in the middle. Are you doing it every day? What is when do you start doing that? Is it all the time?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So it is all the time. It is all the time, absolutely, i think, because I have seen again. I can only speak on the sphere and referral side. The few times that I have given Zillow leads when I was at other firms it was very awkward for me And I know that there are a lot of people that Zillow is their entire business and it works very well for them And I think that's amazing. I love connecting with people. That is my jam.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I have a very difficult time finding ground that we have in common with people off of Zillow. It takes me a little bit longer. It doesn't mean that it didn't happen, but when a referral comes in or someone from my sphere right out of the gate, we have something in common. We have something that we can talk about. So, going back to answer your question, it really is dependent. Sometimes I'll start asking, especially with buyers and sellers, when I'm in the process of listing their home or when I'm in the process of showing home to buyers, like why are we waiting until the end of the transaction to do so? You've been inherently already shown your value right out of the gate. So if you know that you're very, very, very good at helping other people in any transition they have in life. Why are you waiting until right after the transaction to see how other people you can help? Why are you keeping yourself a secret? I don't get it.

Johnny Awesome:

It sounds to me almost like and call me crazy, jimmy, but it sounds to me like if you work out of your own database and with people that know you, like you and trust you, that this business could be a whole heck of a lot easier.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It sounds like it, and this is what cracks me up too. Is there's so many agents here Like well, i don't like the cold calling, i don't want to do FisBos and expires, i don't want to. So then, what do we tell them?

Johnny Awesome:

Go into their database. And then what do they do? No, then they then they turn and go okay, this is crazy. They turn and say, okay, just give me Zillow leads. Then, right, i don't really want to cold call and follow up and do this And I don't want to. I don't want to handle these, these leads, and I don't really like the Zillow database. Right, okay, great, so then what you need to do is go into your own database, pull out your phone and just start from the top and start dialing.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right, i guess, give me Zillow's, it's weird, it is weird, it is weird, it's weird.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

It's weird. So I think so many agents don't know their value, and so go and check in on your value And if you feel like you don't have value, you damn well better start filling up your own bucket and figuring out what your value is. Because we're in we're in the world of marketing, we're in the world of helping and marketing, like we've been told as agents. The time of the closing Yep, no, ask throughout, tom. Don't wait until the closing table. That's that. It's awesome to ask at the closing table, but just push it back before and start acting, asking through the process. Because you're a phenomenal agent, tom. Why are you staying a secret all the way until the end of a transaction? I mean, there's people that every single one of your clients know, people who are looking to buy and sell all the time. So, going back, what is your value? So for agents who are like I don't want to do cold calls, i don't want to call my database, then you don't fully understand what your value is.


Do you? not want to help people Really.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Of course you want to help people. That's why you're in this business. So don't make it about you. Make it about them.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, yeah, that's the whole thing. Yeah, you're worried about what you're feeling like And of course, everybody says, well, i don't want to bother my friends and my family.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

That's the number one excuse. How does somebody get around that excuse, that self-talk inside their head, to realize and transition to I'm the best person to help this person, versus I'm going to be bothering this person. How would you work for that?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So I think that goes back, johnny, to value. That goes back to do you really know what's going on in your market? Do you understand what's going on with mortgages? Do you understand what first time home buyer opportunities there are for veterans or for any neighborhood that you're farming? Do you know the information? If you don't educate yourself? once you educate yourself, you are absolutely increasing the value that you have. And then why? I mean it'd be nuts to not want to reach out to the people you know and love, who you know, trust you to help them wherever they are in life, like that is the key. You just have to increase the value that you have in yourself and then know that you just want to share that value with other people. Could you imagine if teachers shut up? they're like well, i don't really know how to teach, so I'm just going to sit behind my desk and not do anything?

Johnny Awesome:

Can we imagine it? You know where we live, right? Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. but you know what's scary about that? Actually, we never got a chance to bring this up, but you know, this week it's not just teachers, it's everywhere. And it's not just an imagine, it's. we're living in a world now of people that are complacent and they don't care to do the thing that they're there to do. And it's really crazy.

Johnny Awesome:

I was telling our group the other day it's not hard to stand out anymore. All you have to do is just be average and you've already standing out. And it's one of the things that I try to tell agents when they're afraid to work with their sphere and people that know them, like them and trust them is. unfortunately, we're in a business where there's still a lot of good agents. Like, there's a lot of good agents And we keep company with good agents. There's still a lot of garbage agents out there that all they care about is their commission and or how they can get marketed off the house and all this other thing, and it's like would you rather your friend and family member take a chance to go with an agent that, no matter how good they are, they're not going to love them and care for them the way that you are? Would you really want them to chance that? No, it's like you said. it's getting out of the mindset of how they feel and putting it on. what's the true scenario here? I absolutely love that.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So, going back, it goes back to building your own confidence, right? So in order to build your confidence as a realtor, you need to educate yourself. That is the quickest way out of the gate. If you are not in an environment where you can learn, or you don't feel like you're in an environment to learn, reach out to me, reach out to Jimmy, reach out to Johnny. We have a massive amount of resources to share with you, no matter where you are in the country, to help you educate yourself, because educating yourself will build yourself confident so you can help as many people as possible in the industry and market that you're in.

Johnny Awesome:

No, i love that. So, as we wrap up, so we know where he started right, where you're at in this journey right now, what is the overall goal? What's the plan? Where are you heading?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

That's a great question, Johnny. So I'm looking to be in a Toby Keith video, but fingers crossed, we'll see.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, now that you guys are best friends and you're trading land back and forth like, isn't he basically family now?


for you.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Oh my gosh.

Johnny Awesome:

So we all. Here's a question based on that Have you asked Toby Keith if he needs any help buying, selling or investing in real estate? I would love to see a post from you today that says I reached out to Toby Keith today. Yeah, big T, can you big T?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I was about to make tea.


See what he needed.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

that Oh my gosh, that is so, so good. So, to wrap up, this is the quickest hour I've ever felt in my life. We told you quick.

Jimmy Fantastic:

He did.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

He did tell me quite quick. We all have a very finite amount of time on this earth and none of us know when our time is done. So for me, it is how many people can I help and how many lives can I positively impact with the time that I have left? So it is truly it's not doing more, It's ensuring that everything that I do has a reason and a purpose of helping somebody else. That's it. So if it doesn't fall within that mission statement of my life, I'm not going to do it, And so I thank you all for having me on today, because I feel that whatever has been imparted on me and I can share with others and positively impact them. You know we're going to continue to spread the word and that's what you all are doing every Friday.

Johnny Awesome:

Oh, thank you. Thank you That we try. How did you deliver that with such I mean, how many people, jimmy, do we know that we can ask that question too, and they stumble or they go um and they have to think about it, or I'm not sure. How did you come to the place to know that? How long did that take for you to not just say, but you, like you can feel it when she talks about that Like how did to completely internalize that? How long did that take you, or is it? I love it every day, right?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So, when you live it and you feel it, because we're all bombarded constantly every single day with how many things I guarantee we're going to get off the podcast, we're going to look at our phones and there's going to be how many emails, how many messages, how many everything we all have choices every single day of what we're going to do with our time that we're here. So if you're not very clear about what you want to do every single day and it doesn't mean that, um, i, i don't know, i have to eat this, i have to do this, i have to do this But if we have a general idea of what we want to accomplish day in and day out, it just keeps us aligned with our goals, and so that's what I have to do, or I'm overwhelmed with everything that I'm, i'm bombarded with every single day, and so, in order to be as the best Chanel that I can be and positively impact as many people as I can, i have to be very clear about what I want to do every day.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, i yeah. There's a lot Like it's, it's it's.

Johnny Awesome:

It's funny because it's always at the end when we unpack and then we're like well, we need to spend an hour talking about that Cause there's so many agents.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We wasted our time on Toby Keith, that's darn big tea, big tea.

Johnny Awesome:

You took off too much time on this, no, uh it's the, the, the, the.

Jimmy Fantastic:

The good part is that you internalize this right, And this is, this is what you're living, right? Oh, look at that's my mom.

Johnny Awesome:

That's Johnny's mom. She's back from Syria. She is.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But yeah, like you've internalized that and it's your, your confidence in your, in your, your ability to just be comfortable with who you are, you know, that's that's. I think that's when you're living, you know, when you're just confident and comfortable with where you are and who you are. And now you have the, the, the, the mindset of your nest not going to work with people you don't want to work with, and then, because that's going to stress you out and you're not going to do that, and that's, it's amazing.

Johnny Awesome:

And it goes back to, uh, it goes back. It goes back to that lady that I coached in Florida who was upset because everybody told her that you had to be a hundred thousand dollar agent to be a real agent in this business. And it turns out, in order for her to live her happiest life and to watch her grandkids and all that stuff, she only needed to make $60,000. She was four transactions a year away from living her happiest life, but she didn't feel that, know that, and felt depressed because she thought she had to work full time to be a hundred thousand dollar producer.

Johnny Awesome:

And I think that's the biggest thing I've got is it goes back to be authentic, not only with who you really are, but make sure that the people that you're working with will line align with your authenticity. I remember, uh, did you ever run into in your, in your lifetime, did you ever run into Brino? No, So Brino was one of my first coaches and he was the Xperia plus guy And I remember him always saying that if you work with people that like you and get you, after a while you'll be everybody in the office is going to say he gets all.

Johnny Awesome:

he's so lucky because he gets all the good people, because everybody will close with you and nobody will give you any garbage And I remember, i remember I went six months without taking any business in, as I was trying to really define that, and this was back in 2010 too. So business was hard to come by. But I I'm a different type of person, so I had to find the different type of people out there that would accept me And I wasn't just taking the rentals. And back then, of course, you had all of the uh, all the investors, and they don't necessarily treat real estate agents the best either Uh, so I found a couple that actually did And then, pretty soon that's actually what became true I only started working with investors that respected my time and who I was as a real estate agent, and after that, life got a lot easier, happier.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's amazing how that works When you surround yourself with the right people and you get out of the right groups. And then you know Kurt talks about all the time the leverage and the proximity, like that's what's been so nice about this. And and meeting shit Like people like Chanel, right, like how does?

Johnny Awesome:

that happen. Not that we're talking about you, like you're not there to take you back to where you were, but yes, uh, what a great guest that we had on today, right, jimmy? Absolutely.

Jimmy Fantastic:


Johnny Awesome:

And her hair was fantastic, i wouldn't have said anything. We'll talk a little bit more about that on the afterburner, cause I have some questions about that industry.


That's great. I think that is great.

Johnny Awesome:

So let me ask you this uh it you know cause we've we've shot things back and forth and we we have just a few minutes left here. Is there like one quote that you've carried with you throughout your life, or a quote that you just really love that resonates with you?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Uh, I would love to say yes, but no, I'm a feeler Is that makes any sense. Yeah, so I, i'm, i'm very. I've learned to intuitively trust my feeling, so you know it's just so bizarre. It's a blessing and a curse if you've ever watched months.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, good old, month.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

So you know, sometimes I'll meet someone and I had nothing against them at all, but I'm just like Nope, I can't tell you why.

Johnny Awesome:

You ever say that to their face?

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

Hi, my name is. My name is oh dear.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

And you know, yeah, many blessings to them. Uh, but I, i just, I know myself well enough to know that, for whatever reason and purpose, that wasn't meant to be and I just move on and it has always served me, always. And so I I'm going to I don't know if we're supposed to close this out right now, but close it out with stop looking to everybody else to figure out who you are. So just go spend some time with yourself.

Chanel Hart D'Aprix:

I don't think any of us spend enough time with ourselves at all. Go and spend some time with yourself, figure out who you are. Then. That way, you can always depend on yourself. So you're making those decisions that are building the life you want, so you can have that business as well. So I always say that you go ahead and build the business you want so you can live the life that you want to have, right. But you can only do that if you find yourself with the people you want to work with, which goes back to knowing exactly who you are inherently. So go spend some time with yourself. People, get off your phones, hang out with yourself, journal walk, exercise. Just hang out with yourself and figure out who you are.

Johnny Awesome:

Wow, she doesn't have a favorite quote because she is the quote Awesome. Well, thank you so much for spending time with us. For those of you that listened to the podcast, we are live every Friday on our Facebook page, youtube Twitch now, and I forget all the other places You can find all that information at free for all Fridaycom. Also, if you come and watch us live, we do the afterburner. So those of you that are catching us on YouTube and Facebook, hang around for the afterburner.

Johnny Awesome:

We're going to be moving there right now, so stick around. if you're Johnny, you are awesome. Jimmy, you're fantastic And we'll talk to the rest of you. Friday.