Free for All Friday

Episode 74 - As Seen on TV (Special HGTV Guest Sandee Coules)

April 28, 2023 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic Season 3 Episode 74

On this Episode of Free for all Friday;

Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic, roll out the red carpet for HGTV's newest star Sandee Coules! Dive into Sandee's journey from pre-TV anonymity to "post production" life. Real estate agents, perk up your ears as Sandee offers priceless wisdom to boost your business trajectory! Alongside this, the discussion touches on the world's most exclusive grocery store (which we are told has the best fried chicken). All while interacting with you the fans live. So, strap in for a thrilling journey with Sandee from tv, to podcast, back to realtor and mother.

Sandee can be found on social @eatpraysell, her husband Erik can be found at @theguywiththeawesomewife

Episode details can be seen here: High Risk, High Reward in Detroit

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Real Estate Agents and professionals all around the world. World class gas breaking news and you with your hosts, Johnny. Awesome. And Jimmy fantastic. You are on free for all Friday. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. This is Jimmy fantastic. I am one of us. Wrong like there's one of the positive positive energy a secret of greatness within all my kids know me as Daddy. Yeah. Well, we'll leave it at that, Jimmy. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Indeed, I'm, I'm gonna need to move closer to you Jimmy. We're come on over buddy. We have we have last minute or I'm gonna move the camera. We were having we're having last minute. Technical difficult. It's it's a thing every every week, or every week we're like, No, we got this. And that's like the Deaf gargle of any show ever. That was a speakeasy. We got it all set up everything. Everything's been good. It's all set up. Very safe. Awesome. We dare not say the other thing, or we might this morning. So good morning. Thank you for thank you for sticking with us guys. Sorry. Sorry. Everything started. So um, good morning so late. You know, especially for those of you out in California that had to wake up at four o'clock. Yeah. Valley. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Our apologies. We have a very special guest today that we're really excited to chat with. And talk about latest experience going through HGTV as Jimmy brings her in. I am going to fix this camera so that I don't have to strain my neck this entire episode. Yeah. And I don't want you to do that. Jimmy, you have to go to the chiropractor after Yeah. Go for it. All right. So I'm super excited to have you on this morning. Sandy Cooley is on with us this morning. And that's, that's our post COVID live audience. But But yeah, so super excited to have you on this morning. And I just got to just run into this thing and see how he does. I want to know, first of all, how you ended up on HGTV? Like, how did that anything even come about? And, and and yeah, that's the biggest, coolest thing, right is how that all came about. And then we're gonna get into some other things later on, because we have an hour. So you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna be bombarded with a bunch of questions for the next hour. Oh, I see. You met? Nevermind. Yeah, Joe. Yes. So, um, I actually my client was the one who signed up and HGTV leading. Okay, there you go. So my clients signed up. My buyer is my friend, okay. I know him through my husband. He worked for the Archdiocese of Detroit. They did soccer together young adult soccer. I cheered from the stands. So I've known him for quite a while for many years. And he told me that he wanted to look for some investment properties in Detroit. He already lives in Detroit. He loves Detroit. And he was really hoping to find a duplex in Detroit. And then laundry. So you know, lo and behold, he tells me oh, by the way, I signed up for HGTV. And we have to go through this process of interviewing. So they interviewed him first they said yes to him. And they interviewed a friend of his who was going to do it with him. They ended up not choosing her they interviewed me okay, then they interviewed us together. And it was yeah, they loved us our chemistry from then on and they wanted to add my husband Eric to it as well. Yeah, it became it became a family affair became a family affair. At one point they thought they were even gonna bring the kids on. They're like no COVID and everything right. And like, get kids like, being unpredictable as far as TV goes, right. And live TV especially. Oh, so Dave Dube says no spoilers. I recorded it. So Dave hasn't watched it yet. Apparently. Put that out there. Yeah. So we might have to. I mean, isn't like Isn't it like watching the Titanic? You know, what happens at the end? Right. So yeah, so you know, and again, for those who are just tuning in to the podcast, it's neat to be able to have somebody that you know, walks into the office and says, yeah, by the way, it was on HGTV. And I do want to point this out too, because this was mentioned on the Facebook. Anybody within 100 mile radius I would say of of Troy, Michigan. There is a viewing party here tonight. Yes At seven o'clock PM. is going to be provided on behalf of National Mortgage home loans. Yep. Who is celebrating your success? So I would say yeah, if you're within 100 miles, you should just I mean, wow. I mean, it's pizza and you get to see Sandy on TV. Yeah. 30 minute episode. No. Yeah. No, that's that's it. So I, you know, again, when I know that it's with TV, so there's, there's things that we can and can't talk about. But let me let me ask this. Like, I'm trying to think of all the different things. So how is it weird? Like, because, you know, I've known you for a long time. Yeah. And it just like, like, it wasn't weird. It just seems like it would have been weird for you does that, you know, you know what, it was a little nerve wracking, just starting. And with all the, you know, the big cameras and the lights and everything. But as it went on it, I became comfortable with it. Like I really enjoyed it. It was it was fun. It was a lot of fun. Filming was fun. The crew was amazing. They were like the coolest people ever. It was really nice to meet them and to just know about their stories and the different places that they were from and the different shows that they've done. So it was it was really cool experience. Was it as cool as this Wait, hold on, hold on. Yeah. Like, there's no way they had lights, fog machines. Accent lighting, okay, no fog machine, no fog machines, then I might even agree. But you know, it's, I know, you know, when it's that it has soundproofing like this, they didn't have custom, custom foam cutouts of headphones and the fact that even have a studio, you actually just had to go. They certainly didn't have Johnny Nyan right. So yeah, by the way, if you know now Oh, you don't everybody has connections. Yeah. So do you have connections now? Directly? Like to the top? Well, I mean, I, I hope so. I know. I have numbers. I don't want to abuse it. Yeah, no, no, we definitely don't want you to abuse it either. However, do you mean I have no issue? Have you had any numbers? Right? So just give them no, you have no problem? Obviously being on camera or talking? Yeah. And it's funny because so you know, you if I had known each other for a few years now and and like, it's, how was it like, go like with the first time compared to the last time it seems like it got easier. Obviously. The first day probably had to be like, holy crap. I'm on camera, microphones and all the things I made like my mouth was dry. I needed water. I'm like, Ah, but real quick, because I want to ask her, I want to ask her, like, pre like a pre question to that. Okay, so many things that we want to ask because I've been really curious about this world. So you know, one thing that we all know is that you can't as realtors out there, we know that it takes a while to actually show a home right? But when you were watching a 30 minute episode on TV, even though it's common knowledge that that probably took place over a longer period of time to us it was a quick 30 minutes. So my question I have two questions number one, once the process was done, did it feel like it was a long time and to like how long really was it for this whole process to take place? You know it for the whole thing to be completed? Yeah, because we filmed back in the winter. So no kidding Yeah, yeah, we film in the winter I was cold. Yeah, cuz I remember I remember when jacket I remember when you were doing this like when it first started I remember when it first started, which is this was a long, long process to do this. Yeah. Well, they're just with you know, difficulties with scheduling and stuff with a crew and with my client and I like just conflicting schedules that's that was the biggest thing like trying to get everyone cozy was a you know I want to say six people on the crew. Yeah, you know so you know just trying to get everyone scheduled together was never thought about that. Yeah, because everyone's you know, they're filming in different states they're doing different shows. Oh, yeah. You know what Pete? What crew is being picked for this specific episode? So So So would it be like where they would just call you and say hey, we had we have this window on this day? Does this work and does it work? It worked for my client or didn't work for me or it worked for it didn't work for my client kind of thing? Yeah. And then you need a house to show at the same time right? Schedule houses based on your schedule his schedule, and then that's with the realtors to make sure Hey, is it okay if we film Yeah. Everybody like of course you can. Oh, yeah. 100 Yeah, on board. Yeah, cool about it. Everyone and everyone in Detroit is just so is awesome. Um, did you take did you take them out anywhere? Like did you guys like go out to eat and stuff like that afterwards? Did they go on a tour of the real Detroit or they they did themselves afterwards we did for lunch like we would break for lunch and we would all do something Detroit for lunch and then afterwards like, I'd go home to my kids and yeah, the they did. They've explored they went out and showed me pictures afterwards. I saw your life you guys go ahead and enjoy Jake mom life. Family life. Yeah. So I it's so cool like that. Now that it aired? Like, what's been the response from like, friends and family? Yeah. How's it VFA? Knows. Yeah, we'd like to know this. Yeah, I would I really, one day, we'll figure this from, you know, friends and family and guests. Like, oh, my gosh, you're so natural. I'm like really? Okay. To do this again. No, I don't go do this. Again. Not not huge. Not like, yeah, I don't know. It's been it's been awesome. I didn't get this is kind of awkward. So the night before it aired that after noon. My husband and I are regulars at this Oak Ridge and Frasier and we go to the checkout counter, and my husband's like, oh, by the way, you know, there's a TV star and you're Miss and I'm like, Oh, Sweet Jesus. The lady goes, Oh, yeah, I know. And I'm like, wait. Like, she recognized me. And she's like, Oh, you're one of my regulars. I've seen she told me that she was on my Facebook. No way. Yeah. So she saw everything on on Facebook. And then I did post it on like the Fraser enough page. Okay. Yeah, Unity page. So sorry, you signing autographs at Oak Ridge this weekend? Like I think we should have an autograph party at Oak Ridge this weekend. Well, that's what I was asking right now. They're wondering why they haven't gotten their autograph. Yeah, there's a fight going on right now on our Facebook page. And again, for those of you that just listen to the podcast, totally should join us live. It's a whole different experience, being able to comment and watch the stuff that's happening right now. But apparently, you're a bunch of people autographs and okay, I apologize. Yeah. So yeah, come tonight, and I'll give you an autograph, though. There was there's the hook right. Oh, seven o'clock. And you get pizza and you get 630 Tonight pizza, then we'll show the you know, the episode around seven o'clock. Okay. Yeah. So if you're in Detroit area, or within 100 mile radius, mile radius. I mean, it's drivable, right. I mean, if you're in a big long Indiana, Ohio, you could get here. Yeah. Yeah. Pizza guys. And you get the you get you will get an autograph from Sandy. Yes. Boom, nailed it. So how is it walking like? So. Okay. So one of the things that I always, especially nowadays, one of the things that I found really, really interesting, especially since we've been doing the show, is that the camera always makes everything look a lot bigger than it is. But people like you when I was watching the segments that I saw, because I have not seen the full thing yet either. But when I was watching, we're going through last night traffic. I was like, Well, you look like you. Which is weird, right? I mean, that's good. But like, you know, I don't know where he's going with this. Because when you're on when you're on TV, Jimmy there's like especially like, you know, I've met celebrities before, and in real life. They look nothing like him. Or you know, the makeup is so heavy. It looks like you could just take a finger and get like an inch of makeup on your hand. So where I'm going is like did you watch watching you yourself on TV? Is that weird? And did you notice anything? We're like, Man, this looks a lot different on TV than it does not. Not weird? Well, yes. Weird, but I didn't like how close so like the TV shots. I was like, Ooh, that's a close up. That's really too close. Because the cameras were really close. They were on the dash it was dash cams. They were like three cameras. Yeah, cuz it was filming in the car while we're driving and hitting all the potholes. Right? Yeah. Did they show that like going into potholes? Did you guys make comments about that? Yes. That's our that's our good old money going into all the roads. So we were I guess just seeing every seeing it up closing my face up close wasn't very Yeah, I didn't I didn't enjoy that part as much. But seeing my Yeah, so seeing myself on screen was weird at first but I think I was pleasantly surprised. I'm like, oh, okay, I don't look as bad as I thought I would. And then the other like you were saying how things are bigger. So they had hot had us when we were doing the interview. In the beginning they had a sit really close because I guess I In camera, it's even if you're if you're far apart, it seems super far apart. Yeah. So you have to sit as close as possible. So it'll look normal. Yeah. So we were literally like almost on top of each other. Yeah. Well, it's funny because like, if you look at this shot, like right now, it looks like we look like we're a mile. You don't realize that right here. I'm touching his knee. Yeah. But I'm the shot. It doesn't look like Right. Right perceptions. It's crazy, isn't it? Well, it's so cool. Just to learn all of that stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it looks like my mom said free pizza and I'll grab How could you be there? Right. Right. You know, my mom always is coming in her. Yes. My mom's? Yeah, she's she's she's awake today. So how was it? How was it walking through? So you know, there's an entire camera crew, and you're walking through these homes, you're trying to be as natural as possible. How was it like showing a home and just walking through with with a group of people? Like is it is it it was more normal than I thought it would be? Yeah. Because so they're there in different angles? Yeah. Out of the way. They're professionals. They know exactly what they're doing. They give you room. So I was super just the reactions. Everything was like, one or two takes like it was. It was really cool. Yeah. I just use one take one take Sandy. Yeah. Nailed it. So is it is it like when you when you went to the house? It was like full production like makeup, then? No, no, I do my I did. You have to because of COVID regulations. I had to do my own makeup in the car. You can get COVID for me. So I just we're talking about the celebrities that have an inch thick. I believe there's worse thing than COVID on some of these celebrities faces. Yeah, I do too. So I get it. So we had to do it. You know, the production? Did they have to wear masks? They did. Oh, yeah. Because they're not from Michigan. Yeah. Well, I mean, it was just that was just Yeah, it was just the thing. Everyone had to wear masks. We had to get tested. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Did you have to wear masks right up until everything filter? No, only? Only if you were standing? No, I'm trying to remember what we did like when we did and didn't there were like periods. But Chris and I didn't really know because we were Oh, is that I've seen his I haven't watched the whole episode either. But the pieces I've seen I don't remember. I think we just I'm trying I'm trying to remember now. I think it was literally just meeting them. And then we could we after they found out that we tested negative we were fine. Just Chris and I but the crew cast or the crew had to wear Yeah, because cameramen are carriers of COVID. I'm telling you, Dave, Dave said that he did happen to just catch a little snippet while we were talking about this. And his favorite part was the part where you jumped over the hood of the car and stop the mugger. That was the best. So exhilarating. So you're walking, so you're walking around, so So if if, you know one of the things I always wondered, like when people are on on TV, and they've got the cameras and stuff like that, following them around. It's really it was it's always been kind of hard for me to believe that. Especially when when the interview and stuff like survivor and all that other stuff where, you know, like, they're not the only people are not actually alone. There's the other people here, but it sounds like what you're saying is that some of these guys are so professional, that it's almost like they're not there. Yeah, yeah, at some points. If it's a smaller area, obviously it's awkward. It's like oh, sorry. Yeah, kind of Yeah. And some of the Detroit houses. Yeah, it's like that. But for the most part now, they're like, Yeah, on top of the counters and on top of the collar. Well, you got people just crawling around like some guys hanging upside down from the back of the window. You gotta get this you gotta get the shot. Shot. Yeah. I mean, it's not easy like us just throwing a camera up on a tripod. The head camera guys in the shower. Yeah, pull the curtain aside so you can get this shot under all under brella I hold an umbrella over. But like, now here's the other thing. So you got you got an offer accepted? Right? He bought a house. Right. So what was that process like as far as like writing up an offer and then getting to the closing table and all that stuff? Was there any hiccups or anything? That part was with the crew? Um, yes. And I we can talk about things that we can't talk about the quarter let you write down a path we get to show canceled right we we can't talk about contract Yeah, yeah, that's it but that's interesting piece of this right? Because that's the biggest that's a big part of what we do. And I thought about that. I'm like, wow, what was that like? Like the negotiation piece? And the timeline and all that stuff? Yeah. All I'm gonna say yeah, it was hard with the timeline and getting everything together because there were issues. Sure getting Yeah. What the seller was like in California and everything. So you guys all just flew back to California then with the crew at home easy peasy. So so like, Is it is it like, you pull up to the house and then you know then like the big black van pulls up and then all these guys jump out with all this equipment. Is it kind of like that? They're already there. Usually they really Yeah, cuz you know what? Somebody's gonna open the door. Yeah, no, they were there at some of them. You know, I opened first. Obviously, my, my client wasn't he hadn't seen anything. Yeah, he hadn't seen the home I actually showed him and it was honest, like first time reactions and everything. So that's really cool. We like kept him out in his car and just set up there. Yeah. Rumors, rumors have been told that you have done all your own stunts. Is this true? Is this true? Okay. Yeah, she's, yeah, she doesn't just stunt double. She's tough. Yes. Good morning, Joe. So, so like, in I can only imagine like, you're in Detroit. There's a camera crew, there are neighbors walking out to see what's going on? Or did you see anything like that? Not so much on the one on North End. There were people there were some people but it wasn't they weren't intrusive or anything like there was a the realtor from for that one. came and wanted to meet everyone. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You can show my house. came in like a really nice car. Oh, yeah. He rented it. Yeah, you borrowed a car. I'm a realtor and fake Rolex. Right. That's my Apple Watch. No one is really cool. Everyone is nice. And I guess it was an investor to who the one on North End, he was really nice. He was like, telling us about the area. And he was the one who told us about the restaurants, you know, down there, like, where to go and everything. So that was nice. What was the I'm gonna save that for last because I want to tie this into how people can use your experience to their advantage. So don't let me go on best about quarter, quarter two, because I want to, I want to put a real nice bow on this for people. But um, you know, what, what would you say? Well, that's funny because your husband was in here too. And from what I saw, like he were laughing because we know. Like, like, was he rehearsing? Like, he just, you know, okay, this is the thing that my friend and I like, client, we were like, What is he like trying to take over? Like? No, I love you, babe. Sorry. So he's just, he's a natural. He's, he's, he's a very he's very charismatic person. You know, he's, he knows a lot about Detroit and a lot about a lot of things. So he shares Yeah, so Well, it's kind of what he does too, though. Yeah. Yeah. He's, you know, he's been in in campus ministry and, you know, in ministry for a while. So he's just a very he's a people person. Yeah, it's very easy to talk to. He's a man of the people. Yes, he really is. Yeah. And it's and he's very easy to talk like he's a nice easy to talk to he like, walks in just starts. Like Yeah, he'll talk to literally and anyone will start talking to him. Yeah, as that person Yeah. Do you like at Oakridge people just telling him his lifestyle? Their life story? That it that definitely came across on camera where that's yeah, that's I have that same problem. So he and I probably can't go over it at the same time. I don't know. I don't even I've never been to Oak Ridge. Have I? Is this a golf place? No, it's a grocery store. Oh, yeah. See, I'm way off. I just hold time thrift by my house. Oh, no kidding. Yeah. I've never been there. Elk are just great. Just been there for 100 years. whole time I've been thinking in my head that we're talking about some sort of exclusive golf club we are talking about where you buy your milk. Well, man their chicken. Fried chicken. They have the best fried chicken. Yes. Yeah, that is so fun Oakridge we would do. We should do a live show of Oak Ridge, anywhere. By the way. This is a good opportunity to open up and say hey, we'll travel so if you have a location you want us to do the show from we're currently booking into A second and third or third and fourth quarter right now. Yeah, we're actively seeking places to live broadcast from in the morning, and Oakridge we could do it would get fried chicken. Do that. Now, is this one of those grocery stores that has like, the coffee and stuff like that, that that shoppers could take around with? No. Oh, no, definitely. No, no. Sorry. I guess I'm stuck on like, because this is a very exclusive. It sounds like you must have a membership to join. Nope, nope, completely opposite. All these celebrities and people who've been on HGTV come show up. My wife is gonna be so excited that we're talking about Oak Ridge. Really? Yeah, cuz she loves Oak Ridge. But it's Yeah, Oak Ridge is not a very exclusive. No. Yeah, it's very, it's very good that people watch though. Yes, it is very fast. It is very good. I feel like we're gonna have to go down there and shoot some B roll and put it on the site. Yeah. See, my mom just said it to Oak Ridge has the best fried chicken. That sounds amazing. So back to Sandy. Yes. Yeah. Sorry. I didn't Well, in the free for all Friday. What's what is like, what was the one thing that surprised you about the whole production? And like, was there anything that really you were like, Whoa, I wasn't prepared for this, or wow, I didn't realize this was gonna happen. That's a good question. Um, and maybe that, since everything was new to me, just how much went into it with the cameras and the sound? And? Yeah, just the skill, I would say, of the crew and them, you know, asking questions, because that's, that's, that was most of it. I thought, like, we were going to be fed lines. And because I'm like, Oh, I don't know. I don't know, what am I going to say? And they, they were super, super just like, okay, you know, just show him the home? And then what would you do in this situation kind of thing. It was more it was a lot it was leading, but it wasn't like them give telling us what to say? Which is surprising. Yeah. That's I was surprised because I thought it was like, this is the line that you're gonna, you know, and I'm like, Oh, okay. So it's like reality TV that's actually real, versus what we always think of in some of these shows where you're like, there's no way they totally gave that guy that line. And they might not. And again, like, so they filmed a lot of hours. So didn't use a lot of you know what I mean? There's certain scenes that they didn't use. Do you know, and so, yeah, of course, a lot of it ends up cutting room floor, right? It's common knowledge again, that you shoot for how many hours? Did it take you longer to show this buyer homes with a film crew than it normally does? Yes. Like, how long does it take to show a home? Yeah, on TV? No, it's, I think, to just going, going back for Oh, that's funny. Your husband just jumped on. He's gonna be on this episode, whether you wanted to read or not. We invited you in, by the way. I just want to point this out. Then we were told no, you wouldn't be here. To take the kids to school. She just said nope. He's got stuff he has to do. Like there was no like, oh, I asked her. We'll work it out. That is so funny. We're just kidding. Yeah, so. So how many, like how many hours did it take? So a lot of days, you know, we had, we had set schedule from like, 830 to six. But we were done. Like usually after lunch. Yeah, it was. It was five days. But it was yeah, it didn't take as long as I thought it would. Man. That's incredible. Still, though. Yeah. was incredible. It was crazy. It was a very small scale for us. Obviously. No, Eric said he's on his way. Yeah, but it's how much you have to shoot content wise right to get 30 minutes. Not even because of commercial commercials. 22 minutes, actually. Wow, look at that. Boom, she's, she's ready. She knows she knows. But how many hours do you have to shoot to get 22 minutes? See and this is where this is interesting. Let's side conversation. Welcome to Free For All Friday. This is where I have the hardest time with our show and content. Like you know, we've got you know, here in our building, we're blessed to have a lot of different people and influencers. We have our, our our loan officer that personally represents us who were rebranding as the sheik of mortgages. And then you know, he sold his he sold his he sold his into the Instagram because that's how. And then of course, we've got Ted Nugent's nephew. Yes, huge on tick tock, and we got all these people around us that are all like, you know, content content. And the thing that's crazy, is because of this show and the format that we have, we have hours, literally hours, hundreds of hours worth of content. But it's that chopping everything up to reduce it down to 30 seconds is a good stuff, which is crazy, because it's so reverse, like the TV world is so reverse. It seems you could tell me if I'm wrong, but it's so reverse from the social media world where like, people are getting an idea and then filming the 30 seconds, and then that's what they're filming. Whereas with TV, like five days, so you can get 22 minutes. Like it's, it's just, I get that. Yeah, I get that. We did have a question come in. From Joe. So how many houses did they see in the show? The show was just three. Just three. Yeah, but how many? How many in real life? I want it not that many actually. Maybe like nine? Okay. Yeah, yeah, I've shown for different clients. I think the most amount of homes I've shown one client was 70. Wow. Yeah. That that's, that's a lot of home show one client over it was over a span of four and a half years? No. Maybe? I want to say six months. Were they a investor? No, I'm indecisive person. Oh, nice. Hardly ever happened? Did they end up purchasing a home? So let this soak. So if we may let marinate let's just let you guys let what is gonna sit in us for a second there. There's two things nobody should ever show somebody's home. And if you do, this is actually one of the if you know the same person anyway. Yeah. You know, one of the things and I gotta give a shout out that you know, that is true. One of the things that Keller Williams always taught into people so that they could brag and say that the average Keller Williams agent that goes through their training will do will close a home within seven homes, is because they train agents, not to burn rubber writer. And one of the things too is like if you know and again, we you know, we do not observe that observe the Baba, bah, bah, bah check with your broker. We're not attorneys, not telling you what to do. But if you ever run into that issue again, right now I learned my lesson. Good. Well, if anybody else hasn't let Sandy touch she is. Now we have this is now we got like, this is like, behind the scenes, True Hollywood stories. And now we're going through the horror part of stuff that she had to learn before she got to the HDTV stage. If you have a client that you feel is going to be carrying you on, I would put them under a retainer. Yeah, I'll a 30 day revolving retainer. That way, you're not just burning your wheels. And what does that look like? Again, check with your bah bah, bah, bah, bah, I used to do this when I was working with a lot of investors. It was a 30 day automatically revolving retainer fee that for a set amount that I needed. And every month if they were still indecisive, at least I made made money for going out and working because I was actually working for them. And when they chose to purchase a home, that retainer fee went in towards the purchase price of the home. Not the whole thing they lost the month before because we were spinning wheels. So but yeah, that's there's no reason to show. Just that, like I was, you know, I was kind of naive and very How can I was to to kind I would say at the time, like I've learned, I you know that I need to set boundaries and I need to ask better questions and I live in you learn yeah, I've definitely learned 100% So on the on the show, too. What was the Do you feel like your your presentation now? Like showing homes to clients has gotten better? Tighter? Better, like better and tighter? Just because of the show? 100%? Yeah, I was gonna ask that. Has anything changed after the show? Yeah, I would say I don't shy away from like, if something there's one thing that right away I go in and this is something that Kurt, you know, taught us in the beginning too is if there's right from the start if there's something that they don't like, leave why even show the house if on the outside, there's something that they can't take? Yeah, they can't live with you. Why are you wasting your time? I don't want to waste your time. I don't want you know, condition. None of the objections. actly. Exactly. So just head on out. Okay, we'll go on to the next one. No worries. This. This happened on the show. No. Short show, right. Yeah, right. This didn't happen on the show. He was obviously he was open to everything. Yeah, um, And we've Yeah, wanted to keep the film. Yeah, well, I was gonna say is like, Man, that's a short like, can you imagine walking into the house? Everybody gets all set up. They've been preparing for three and a half hours. They were ashrams in the shower. Yeah. And then all of a sudden, like, he walks he's like, this, isn't it? Yeah. All right. Cool. That sounds like, they're definitely like, even the other homes though that because he was very, he knew exactly. This is one reason why I absolutely love my friend who he didn't waste time, we wouldn't go see a home that he already knew. Because he knows the area. You know, he drives down the area that he knows he wants, if he sees something on the outside, that he knows he's not going to like, he wouldn't even tell me about it. Whereas, you know, other clients are kind of like, I want to see this list of 10 houses. It's like, Ah, now I know. I'm like, Okay, pick your favorite three. Yeah, go do that. Um, but no, that's, he's, he was great. And we worked really well together. Because he knew, you know, he was very knowledgeable. Dave, we saw your question. We can not ask that question for legal purposes. So I apologize. We could not ask. Denise, we got your comment that you saw the show. What did you think of it? Let us know. Yeah. Yeah, he's listening. She's right here. There's no spoiler No. So has, have you taken advantage now of like, because this is all it's gotta be a weird process. You did this thing forever ago. So it's super exciting that right? But then like, nobody really knows that. That was sorry. Can I just interject? So that was one thing? Yeah. How hard is that? I couldn't say anything. Yeah. until like, I didn't say anything to my family. Like, No, I only have like a very couple of people knew that I was even doing it. Yeah, when I was doing it. So I didn't want to tell anyone just in case, it didn't even happen, because that's what they said that it might not, you know, you can't share it until you have we have the air date. Yeah, once you have the air date, then you can make it public knowledge. So that was the hard thing. Yeah. And then, so you're excited. But now you can't share it with anybody. So this eternal excitement forever. And then all of a sudden, now you got your date, now you can start sharing it. So you've got a bump there and then all of a sudden, like it airs. And then now is like the announcement and pizza party and all that other stuff. Yeah. So like, is it like a roller coaster of emotions the entire time? Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I nerves too. Like I was a nervous wreck that the night, like just the whole day Wednesday, I was a nervous wreck. Because I obviously I hadn't seen anything. They don't show us a preview of anything. You just you SEE YOU DIDN'T YOU you watched it live with everybody else. You had no idea what's gonna happen. No idea what what I was gonna look like, were you were you. Were you afraid that it was going to be like, like, where you were afraid? I don't know how they're gonna make me look. Yes. That is a little bit scary, right? Yeah, I don't know. Pam. Here's my hair. You are on TV. All of a sudden, things you worked on for months. Right? And you don't get to see it before everybody else gets to see it. Right. That was nerve wracking. Yeah, I was. I was. I didn't come in. Ah, oh, this happened. I was cleaning my house. Okay. Right. Cleaning. Yeah. Yeah, it's funny. And then and then you watched it? And then was there any like I was No, um, I was pleasantly surprised. I was like, Oh my gosh, like, this is awesome. Yes. It came out really? Well. Were my friend apologize to he's like, you know, I meant it as a joke, right? Because there's one joke where he says something. I don't want to spoil it. Because it's funny, Dave. He says something. And he's like, I'm like, I know. You're joking. Yeah, fine. Like yeah, yeah, that's really funny. Now how did your bow so your investor your client has seen it now to that have you guys chat. So this has got a really like cement in a relationship with y'all like yeah, hi to Yeah, so have you guys like hung out together? Sounds awesome. Yeah, no, we like go on coffee dates and stuff at Starbucks for lunch. And he he's he's a huge Broadway buff. So we haven't gotten to see any shows yet. But it's always like going out to see any shows like we've meant to go do that. Hopefully we'll do that soon. But yeah, yeah. This is so cool for you too, because I feel like you could just use this momentum. Yep. Just like carry this thing out. Right. And just the really cool thing that I mean, obviously it wasn't shown on the show, because it didn't happen yet. But he did. Make Oh, I'm gonna give stuff away. Dang it. ear muffs Dave earmarks just say he followed my advice. I'm just gonna say, Oh, good. I love that. So the advice he gave on the show, so he, that's even better. Actually, that's a great way to put that. Yeah. So you gave some great advice on the show. He followed it and stuff worked out. And everybody's happy. Yeah. Oh, that's great. It looks so awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Very good. And now, like what Jimmy said, because this is this is what I'm interested in. And then what, what lessons can we the listener pull from this, to try to put the center on business and like I said, I've got a couple of ways that I'm going to hit this. But number one, like Jimmy was asking, how are you going to take this momentum and or how have you, and use what you have done now to your advantage, so that you can go out there and just blow up. I just little things like putting on my social media that I've been on HGTV. And so like, promoting myself that way, actually building my brand. So like, getting, you know, just building my brand up more at sharing more of what I'm doing. Learning more just continuing your business not staying stagnant. Yeah. I don't know what what else besides that? Besides like, putting it out there? I don't know. Yeah. This is like a commercial for you. You're your own personal commercial. So we've gotten a couple of people who have, you know, followed me on Instagram saying sense but not like anything huge. And it's, I don't think it's going to happen overnight, either. Like, it's gonna happen over. I feel like it's gonna happen over a couple of months, probably. Well, after you've been on free for all Friday things, man, it's gonna happen. Yeah. I've lost so you may lose 60? I don't know. It just happened. So you know, one of the things is, that's interesting about the HGTV phenomenon, especially for us realtors in the business, is realistically the bulk of people that are going to be ingrained by the episode probably isn't gonna be for six years, right? Because they're on this horrible cycle, like where people still think there's still people that I know, you get them every now and then the buyer that comes out, and they're watching all these episodes from 2006. And they're like, What do you mean, it's a seller's market, I was watching the brothers flip properties. So we just got to go in 30 under asking price, right? Because they're so far behind, because they're just watching TV, right? So your rerun will continue to happen and six years down the road. But you know what happens in between now that now do they allow you to use like, were you allowed to film you filming it all? Or was that all completely under wraps? Like we now selfie? But we weren't allowed to share it? Like we could take it but we just couldn't put it on social media. Are you allowed to do it now that the episodes aired? Yeah, I didn't really have. I didn't really take many. Yeah, maybe two or three. Like it was all? Yeah, it happens so fast. You know, I Yeah. I didn't really take money during. And then like, are you allowed to take little sections of the show? And that's a good question. I don't know. I want to call or email. We'll call for you. We just need your contact. Yeah, we got we got you. We got we got this on the show. What represent what pull your phone out? Well, we'll just give us the number. We'll call right now. I'll get in touch with the people. And I'll figure it out. Yeah, cuz I'm not sure if you need somebody to call. Well, I appreciate Yeah. Yes, that's a great suggestion that we absolutely will. Alexandria is asking if we can post a link to the episode. We absolutely will post a link to the episode on the Facebook page. Absolutely no problem. Yeah, and where and so as we're where can everybody find Sandy? Oh, you oh, where can we find you Graham? Yes, Eat Pray sell on Instagram and Eat Pray sell on Facebook, and on Tik Tok. And my email is Sandy at pre Wow, that's easy. And if you haven't seen if you haven't seen Sandy's Tik Tok you pray sell on tick tock. Yeah, they're amazing. Same isn't the same on Instagram, but yeah, but they're it's amazing. Like the the work you put in with the kids like, and like the kids, the kids just join in with her and like, they do their thing and they're sitting in the kitchen and do the great stuff. It's fun. I tried to be as nice as I am. I feel like I'm real and that is who you are. It's who I am. Yeah, me being a mom realtor I wear a lot of hats, so yep, yeah. So are you like you? Like do you have a bug now? Like, are you gonna miss some stuff? live on air Jimmy Johnny co HGTV co CEO, stay tuned to find out why the cost per call? bet I know. I want to do it so bad. Wouldn't that be great? Yeah. What do you think they would do? I have I have a feeling Eric's probably got this closer. Anybody? Can you just you know, we we probably gvco is number know what you don't want. It's that six degrees. It's that six degrees to whatever. That's exactly what Kurt talked about last week or Richardson last week? Yes. On our show last week. So if we have the number to somebody that works there, then it's only shortly after that and more phone calls. We got the CEO, right. Well, you know what's interesting about that, as I was just watching, we'll save that for the afterburner guys, everybody's gonna stick around for the afterburner. And if you're listening to the podcast, I'm free for all Friday or wherever you get your podcasts again, afterburner is something that we do, we typically hang out with our guests. It's a free for all Friday, website exclusive, where we have these extra chats and stuff like that. They're usually very entertaining. Sometimes they're raw. And you definitely want to check that out if you don't watch us live. So apparently, you can find find Eric, your husband? Yes, yeah, it's fine. You can find me at at the guy with the awesome wife is still trying to get on the show. That's fine. Yes. Can I put on my social media that Yes, you? You know, that's a really funny. So that's one of the things I was gonna say. So there's two things, guys, number one, you've got this momentum going for you already. Now, you also already have social media, so you can kind of attach that to it and really start throwing out this Sen on HGTV type of stuff, right? wouldn't wouldn't you agree that even though I don't even know if exposure is as high but you know, it's a lot easier to film a 32nd piece of content than an entire television show, right? Of course. So what I'm saying is, you know, just because you have that leverage that you can use to the average realtor that's out there. Two things. Number one, you want to you can you can get the same type of results, especially with where we're at now. And this is something that I've been, I've been learning a lot lately, like, especially like, look at the whole Tucker Carlson thing. You know, the dude, the dude had all these people that used to you know, he, he doubled the amount of views with a 32nd video that he posted online that he ever got during his show. And there's a point in time, and you might already be there. I'm not sure where you can outrun all the people that have ever seen your show, just by putting a 32nd video up, right? So you don't need to be on TV in order to be in front of people. Yeah. And just because you have that advantage. Now you get to roll with it. Right. But I would suggest number one to realtors that are out there. Absolutely do that. Number two, Carlo asked a question, but this is actually a smart question to ask, even though I think he was joking because he lol that right afterwards? Yeah, but I think that's a good question. He says, Can I put on my social media? That was Sandy. Now what's interesting about that is everybody's gonna have right we're a salad everything are you know, I work with Sandy as seen on HGTV. And then what will happen is your name will get smaller and smaller. But the as seen on HGTV will get bigger because that's just smart. Right? Right. Like, yeah, one. Yeah, it's kind of like our market right. Now, interest rates go down, houses disappear. wherever they were. Everything's great. Yeah, he's great. Everything's fine. So So would you. And I think I know the answer this, which is really funny, because knowing you, this does not to me would have not seem to be like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna I want to be on TV. You know what I mean? Your husband? Yes. And yeah, I get it, Eric, for sure. How are you? Like, would you, you'd be open to doing it again. 100% Yeah, I was watching it afterwards. And then hearing just the feedback from my family, too, because they know me. They're like, you're such a natural and I'm like, Yeah, I'm like, that was fun. Like, I would love to do that again. Gosh, darn it. I am and I've been saying it forever. But now that other people are saying to me, I finally believe. What's that social proof? Yeah, yes. Right. It's that social proof that sometimes we feel like this and then or we think we feel like that. Yeah. Well, I used to, before I was in even even before like my ministry days and everything, I I did a radio show actually, I had in New York, I was in charge of a children's Catholic radio show and I was going to move to Spain to Barcelona. Wow, be in charge of the radio show there to learn more about radio and do that. I ended up not being able to go because I was having a lot of heart issues at the time. And at the time, Eric and I were not dating we were just friends he found out about it started to boo me and I stayed and I stayed back God spade. can learn about radio here. You don't have to go to Spain to go to Spain for that. So I went from New York City to Fraser Michigan. Yep, that was a good there was a good long pause there. When we, well, yeah, maybe go it's wild because like there's tools in your tool belt and you're continuing to add those. Yeah, I just sidenote think Jimmy and I would do awesome on Catholic children's radio. I think we would I think 100% We could do it. We could do it up free for all Friday for the kids. Yeah. That's pretty much it. Did I ever show. Okay, hang on. I gotta write this down. Or else I'm gonna forget. I have to. We'll talk about this in the afterburner. They ever tell you about the idea that I had for the kids program from here's me. Alright. Well, I'll have to tell you in the afterburner. You got you guys if again, if you're listening to this podcast, and so joining us live, again, check us out on for all Friday, you can go to free for all and find all of our links there. The afterburner is definitely a fun thing. Today, we'll have some fun stuff to talk about. So are you actively pursuing in any way how to get back on TV right now? Like, are you just applying for everything? No, no, I'm not. I'm kind of living in the moment and trying to just build my brand. First. I think I do that first, like, build my brand and build my presence more on social media before I actually pursue wanting to apply for anything else. Got it. If you could be on any show. What show would you be on and why? Oh, geez. That's a good question. reality or not? Oh, dang, I don't um, I don't know about a show. I've always wanted to be on Broadway. Really? Yes. What would you do cats? Probably Probably, like, wicked or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a big Broadway person. So I would love I would. Yeah, yeah. Awesome. Well, Sandy on Broadway. Yeah, there you go. You know what, what does Eat Pray sell? You pray sold? You pray. So that itself sounds like definitely a Broadway play. Yeah, we shall see. Writing it right now writing right now. And now. You know, you have contacts you can pitch this to yes, it's a book. We got the whole thing and we have everything. We're good to go. Well, thank you so much for joining us and sharing as much as you absolutely could. I know it was a minefield of fun to try to get through. But we appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Because we by the way have used you putting a giant HGTV logo all over our show over free for all Friday on HGTV. Hey guys, at the end of the day, it's all about marketing. How can you take the your life experiences and market them and steal them from someone else or steal somebody else's? Jimmy, you've been fantastic. Johnny, you've been awesome for everybody for listening. Thank you very much. Sandy. Thank you for joining us. We'll talk to you guys next Friday.