Free for All Friday

Episode 72 - Legal Money Laundering and the Death of US Dollar

April 14, 2023 โ€ข Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic โ€ข Season 3 โ€ข Episode 72

On this Episode of Free for all Friday;

๐Ÿ” Dive deep into the fascinating world of real estate with Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic as they unravel the secrets, challenges, and controversies that surround this ever-evolving industry. ๐Ÿ”

๐ŸŽฏ In this episode, you'll explore:

  • The remarkable virtually true fact that listening to the show boosts your real estate exam score ๐Ÿš€
  • Jimmy's captivating journey of taking the real estate exam six times before passing ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  • How the perception of real estate careers has transformed over the years โณ
  • The double-edged sword of HGTV and social media on the industry ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ“ฒ
  • Rethinking college education: real estate as an alternative path ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ”„
  • Delving into controversial topics about the end of money ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  • and of course how to legally launder money!

Plus Much More!

Books mentioned in this episode (Note if you buy the book from our amazon link it creates a small credit for Jimmy and I to use to buy... I don't know mercury or somthing...)

The Creature from Jekyll Island:
Rich Dad's Prophecy: Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming:

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You're listening to the number one live callin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World class guess breaking news, and you with your hosts, Johnny. Awesome. And Jimmy, fantastic. You are on free for all Friday.

Johnny Awesome:

Jimmy did you know that simply by listening to our show, you're virtually guaranteed to score three points higher on your real estate exam?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I didn't know that. Yes. I wish I would have known that before I took my exam ticket six times. Did you? Yeah. But you made it. I didn't make it. Yeah. But you know, then you get to that point where it was like, I'm just not giving up. Yeah, right. But yeah, I did take my test six times.

Johnny Awesome:

And I will live up my purpose to look at the eyeballs of every person I meet. And ask Why have good when you can have awesome. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

and see if I would have known or known you before I took my test. I would have had three points higher. Why would have passed it the first time?

Johnny Awesome:

Yes. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to everybody. Indeed. Sorry. I sound I either sound awesome. Or I sound sick. I think he's on awesome. You know, it's I worked with somebody one time that would only record their voicemail when they were sick. Yeah, because they had a very deep voice you like the Barry White like the Basie you know, Bob darling? Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

the bases. Good. I'm

Johnny Awesome:

good enough. You're no better.

Jimmy Fantastic:

That's that's that's as muscular would say that. That's grown folks stuff.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, I'm glad. I'm glad that I'm glad that my current. I'm glad you're

Jimmy Fantastic:

grown folks.

Johnny Awesome:

Well, good morning, everybody. Thank you for joining us. Sorry for the hesitation we have a deep subject today that we are definitely going to have to dig into again, for two reasons. One, I don't know if my voice is going to hold up this entire episode. And number two, because there is so much controversy around what we're going to talk about today. That, in fact, walking into the building, it started and we realize we're going to have to do and recapping episode two of this.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah. And it's it's funny that we were talking about some books out there this morning with a couple other people that are here. And the books. You know, we were talking about what was the what was the book that you guys just brought up? I haven't seen it the monster from Jekyll Island, the monster from Jekyll Island, talking about the Federal Reserve how that was created. Who kind of created it? And in some interesting facts about it. Right. Like I haven't read the book yet. But it's yeah, I'm going to right now. And yeah, all you've done so far is hear a little bit about yeah, I've just heard a little bit about it. And, and obviously, you know, there's there's been some really cool shows on like, the History Channel, right, the man who created America, and it's sure Carnegie and it's, you know, it's trying to think of other names though. Well,

Johnny Awesome:

I don't look at me. I don't I don't have I don't have a TV. Well, I guess I do now. Yeah, I hadn't for a long time.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Right. But it was like it's the richest man who created America. Oh, sure. It's that's that was what it's all about how the banking system worked, how they borrowed money, if you Morgan JP Morgan Chase. Yeah. Like all that stuff like those guys, and how the banking system was created for them. And not for everybody. Really? Yeah, you're right. But the amazing part to me is is, you know, I, you everybody knows I just turned 50. Right. If they don't they don't know if they don't they don't know. But but like over time, and I've been putting a lot of thought into this recently. And I guess probably because I just did turn 50. Like how much things have changed over time? Right? How much things have changed over my time only and to be honest, it's only 50 years. Right? But the the idea of of investing, right? And putting money where you can put it like Robin Hood, right like Robin Hood, you can go in there. You can buy some stocks, and you don't have to know anything about stocks, you can just buy some stocks. You can put some money in there and do a couple different things. And it's great. You think about your 401, k's and all the way you can invest now and where were, you know, 50 years ago it was you got a job. You worked it. You were in Michigan. So you worked at one of the big three. And you work there for the next 40 years. And you retired. Got a nice pension? Yep. Yep. And that was great. And that's all you had to do. Right. And so I had this conversation, my wife and I talked about this the other night with what I do, right? And what we do is it's a little different. Because yeah, it's especially what we do is a little bit different. Yeah, what we do is really different, right? So, So Real Estate's one thing that we do, right, and so it's a real estate, I remember when I was gonna get into real estate And in so many people were nervous for me to get into real estate. Yeah. Because it's not guaranteed, right? There's no, there isn't you don't get paid every two weeks. Right? And I, you know, it was like, No, I don't get paid every two weeks, but I'm gonna get paid once in a while. But it's a bigger check. Right. So, so but so that's one, then you take into the coaching and training aspect of it. And, you know, we've all been in different companies, and I was on the training and corporate and training and coaching side in the corporate environment, which is completely different than the private and the corporate is it's, that's, that's funny, because when, when a company starts to struggle, the first thing they cut his coaching and training 100 was out. Really you think they cut that before the cut marketing? Ma? Probably about the same time? Like, I mean, it's I think it's one fell swoop, right? Yeah, like marketing's out and yeah, coaches and trainers, we don't need any of those. Right? Right. We need you to work more hours, though, and just not really know what you're doing. But you're gonna do it anyway. Just we're gonna grind away at it. So So, so like, again, coaching and training and real estate, and then he talking about investing? Right? Like, we've done a couple flips, and doing flips. It's like, oh, my gosh, like, my, you know, like, parental wise, like, my parents and in laws are like, it's risky. You know, what I mean? It's, like, hard. And it's like, well, what am I risking? Right? What what I what you're doing what I was like, the the idea of working 40 hours, getting some overtime, getting a nice bed pension at the bench, not only your pension, right, but but your health care. All right, there's that taken care of until you die. And it's like, that doesn't exist anymore. And and so so you got to think outside the box. And I think that's kind of where our thought processes and this is where it gets scary for talking about what's happening in the news, and, and everything else, because our Do we still have control over that? Are we still going to have control over that? Or are we not going to have control over that?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, you know, the thing is, and good morning, everybody. One One thing that I wanted to mention on and people may or may not believe this, but when I was, I don't know. 1819 or so. I myself did a flip. Yep. Yep. I learned how to do a backflip. It was one of the most proudest moments, because you shouldn't be doing it. But here's why. Chris Farley could do cartwheels. And I said if Chris Farley that, like it was like one of those big things. Real Estate show. Right. I endured there's a point to this. If you believe it, but no, like, you know, I figured if he could do backflips or cartwheels, I could do a backflip. And so I was encouraged by that. So

Jimmy Fantastic:

listen, that was a terrible take. Gianni,

Johnny Awesome:

I'm that but it will break up and it will be great content later. The day quill hasn't completely hit yet. But

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think it has you think things up? Yeah. Well, yeah, I think this is, you know,

Johnny Awesome:

well, you know, the the thing is, it what you said was really interesting, because and this is one thing that I love about real estate and our business is back in the day, it always was you go to school, get good grades, get a safe, secure job now and then all of a sudden, you know, you retire and you're good to go. And the same people that promoted that, like you said, your generation your your mom's generation. They didn't understand people, you know, especially my generation and younger boomers. Yeah, yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

My mom's a Washington a boomer. Yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

And they Thanks, Dave. Yep, that was, uh, that usually happens when? When When Jimmy does it, but But yeah, so anyway, the the,

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think he's talking about your story. No, I

Johnny Awesome:

know, I know. My story is like, Sorry, guys. My story, my son, let me just drink this, let me but you know, what's interesting is how people have been stating that it was gonna be like this for a long time. And that's why I think right now, and why we need to have people that, you know, we need to continue this conversation. Yeah. Because there was a lot of signs and red flags and warnings going off that we weren't going to move away from the college safe, secure job. And we're gonna start moving more towards people needing to specialize in stuff, right.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah. And I think this is I think this is what's crazy.

Johnny Awesome:

For those of you that are listening to the podcast leader, you should join it live. Just to see that I don't

Jimmy Fantastic:

Alstead it makes you look evil. I don't think it makes you evil just right in your face. Maybe that's just your face.

Johnny Awesome:

I don't I don't know how I feel about this. Anyway.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But no, and this is what's wild too, right. So we went through a long time. To your point of you have to go to college. You have to get a degree. You know, you Don't you're a loser, right? Like, I mean, you just went down this whole path like, Oh my God, the only way for you to be safe and secure is to go to college. Yeah. And then one, right? We never got to the end, then then what happens? Right? Like, you just go to college, you get a really good job and you work. It's like, Well, okay, what what should I buy? Then it's like, what should my, my, my degree be in?

Johnny Awesome:

Well, and like you said, and the funny thing is, is today, it was now people get involved in real estate and some of you guys that have gotten involved. More recently, you know it recently, it's weird because everything sells so now you get involved in real estate. Everybody's like, what a great smart move that you're making. Right? As we're about ready to go into this massive shift. But like, it's just so funny how perception has completely changed over the years. Yeah, yeah. What do you think causes that percentage change?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think for I think for for real estate, and I use this a lot. I think they can real estate, a lot has changed, honestly, with HGTV. I think HGTV has changed a lot of the real estate because that's, it's a good and a bad thing. Yeah, go, right. Because people are very interested in real estate. So they're going to ask if you say you're a real estate agent, people are going to ask you, oh my gosh, what's the market? How's this? How's that? Have you ever done any flips? Are you doing any investing? Like, they see these shows on HGTV? So then they get some verbiage from it? Right? And they have then they have these comp they can they think they can have these conversations? And and the perception is that, that all agents make a boatload of money. Yeah, that's the like, Oh, my God, you just sell a whole bunch of houses and you make a whole bunch of money. And, and us as agents, we also promote our what we do value wise a lot. So we say I sold 2 million hours of volume this month. Yep. Yep. The perception is like, oh, man, you made a lot of money this month.

Johnny Awesome:

You know, the the first company that I started at, they used to recognize people, and I forget the name that they had for them something like inner circle or diamond circle or something. Once you did a million dollars worth of volume. And when I asked like, come on, you know, if you've been in real estate, you guys know what that equals isn't income, especially after you've paid for your signs. And you're paying for whatever advertising. It doesn't equal anything. Right. And you're right. But people don't know. It's perception. So they heard that and even new people getting started hear that? And you're like, Whoa, and then they look up to that guy. Yeah. And then you find out like, they really didn't do any find out. He's still living at home with his mom and dad. Yeah. Yeah. Because he can't afford to move out. Right. And so So I think I think HGTV has done that a lot.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I think that the perception, right? And and, to be honest, it's gotten worse with social media. Yes. Because as agents, we can just go say, I did this. And it's like, you know, I'm killing it. And I'm this and I'm that. And it's people believe tend to tendency to believe now.

Johnny Awesome:

That's But see, that's a pro and a con. And real quick. I want to catch up on a couple of these because Al is 100%. Right? Al says, you pay to go to college and then become a realtor. Yep. About 1012. Oh, man, I'm getting old to Jimmy, do you ever just look back when you start dating things? You're like, actually, it was 20 years ago. That's kind of how we started on this thing. So like 20 years ago, when I got involved in an MLM, right? I remember people saying those two things. I'll never forget this. I remember somebody telling me, nobody will ever buy anything online. And he looked and laughed. And he said, so what am I going to do buy my shoes online? And what happens if they don't fit? Right, literally three years later, Amazon stop selling books. Yeah, and started selling shoes. And now who doesn't have their credit? Even if you don't think your credit cards online, your credit cards online? Yeah. But I remember one thing that the company said back then the MLM that I was part of, is they said, I'm there we go. They said that you go to school, go to school, get good grades, get a good education, right? Yep. But I remember them asking just this was like 20 years ago, how many people are currently using the degree that they went to school for? Right? And nobody like nobody's actually using what they went and that was back then. You are? Yeah, I five. I was gonna be a teacher. Well, you don't I mean, like my grandma's See, you're not in the education system.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I wouldn't consider that. Boo. I'm not using my degree. Oh, sorry. Yeah, high five. Not not doing it again. You know, it was um, but know that my degrees I was I was my teaching degree. Right. So I was going to be social studies English teacher.

Johnny Awesome:

So we're teaching kids to go to school to actually get into debt. And then they don't actually utilize the thing that they went.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah, in the first place. Hey, 100. And let's say let's say on the light side for four years, you pay this is on the light side. Now trust me, I'm paying for college right now. But on the light side, you pay $150,000 Right? Yeah, for four years. And if you look And then you, you get out and you get a job making 50,000 a year.

Johnny Awesome:

Now I don't again, we're gonna be talking about money. And this is very, very relevant. Yeah. Because it's all tied together. Correct. If you look at the actual true success rate of the amount of people because colleges always boast job placement, yeah, for sure what they never do as at both job placement in the actual position that the person is actually going paid to school for. Yeah, right. Which is really interesting. Because to Alan's point, you know, we all eventually end up somewhere. So, you know, it's interesting, because like, you're sending your kids to school, I remember 10 years ago telling people, Look, if my kids want to go to school, then they're going to have to have a full time job, getting grants and trying to or they're going to need to be really good in basketball, because they need to figure out how to get scholarships to go through school, if they really want to, and so many people are like, whoa, that's child abuse. Why? Because if they don't have a clear idea, you know, when by the time my sister had started going to school, and she's only three years younger than me, by the time she started going to school, the mindset was college is where you go to school to party, and then figure out what you want to do with life. Yeah, the problem is, is that's$150,000 Bill to do that, right. So why not keep the $150,000 go out there and do something in life, and then figure out how to excel at it and then make more money. And that's why real estate's always been one of the best opportunities. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

yeah. And I had, so I had an agent, and I'm not gonna I'm gonna leave him remain nameless. But, but, but no, he, same thing. So his parents saved all this money for his life to go to college. Right. And they saved. They saved enough to pay for his four years of college. So they were a lot smarter parent than I was. But they saved all this money to send him to college. And he didn't want to go to college. Right? And so they were like, What are you going to do? And he's like, get into real estate. So he took the money that they they gave him? Yeah, and was kind of like, living on it because he was in real estate. And then he took some of the investors bought an investment property. And then the funniest thing is he got out he's, he's not out of real estate, but he's very, he's now not in real estate, because he had some rich Uncle, give him a business. And so now he's running that business. Okay, which is a very successful business. Yeah. But it's just funny. He never did the he decided. And then I had another friend of ours, a close friend of ours at the same thing, save us money. And their son got to graduate from high school, and he was like, alright, you know, they're picking out colleges. And he's like that. I don't want to go to college. That's like, and it's a good friend of mine. He's a Commercial Roofer. Okay, um, and he said, I want to do it, you do. He's like, I spent my whole life on a roof. So you didn't have to write. And he's like, Well, but that's what I want to do. Yeah. So he that's what he did. So he does, he does sheet metal roofing and whatever. So he put him in the apprenticeship program, whatever. Kids make kids killing it, bought his own house at 21. Living on his own, got his car to this thing. And it's, it's like, you know, so again, that's back to the college thing. It's not for everyone. And I think when we give our kids choices, right, like my son's at, you know what, Alabama?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, but he's doing like, like he's doing right. But he won't. It's a special field and practice. YEAH. Jimmy, big brag on Jimmy, somebody that like because you can catch him on ESPN all the time. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

well, that was on TV. You could catch him on TV all the time. But like, that's, that's what that was. But that was a conversation I had with him before he decided to go there was like, Look, I want you to do I want you to do something big. Yeah. Like, if you want to, if you want to do something simple and easy. Just stay close to home, it'd be a lot cheaper, you know, whatever. But think big, right? Don't think small. Think big. Go shoot for the stars, man. Like figure, we'll figure it out your mom and I'll figure it out. You go do your thing. But just keep thinking big, you know, instead of like, and I don't want to downplay it, but like, instead of like, I just want to go to school to be an accountant. You know, like, we can go to accounting school at Oakland or Macomb or like you don't I mean, like, you don't have to go or apprentice yourself up to it. Yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

I mean, there's a bunch of ways you could do it. It's one of my favorite things that you know, Tony Robbins said and I know we both have written this down. And Rob, I 100% agree with you. I think I think that and or, I don't know, I think that Endor working in like public relations somehow if you're the one that's distributing out like welfare, I assume both. Those are pretty, pretty bad in their own

Jimmy Fantastic:

way. Yeah, well, so I've been watching. I don't know if you've watched it or not, but the Chosun and Netflix Very good. If you haven't watched it yet. It's very good series. It's about Jesus and you know, the path the disciples and what he went, but, um, so where was I going with that?

Johnny Awesome:

Yeah, you're the people. The people that do work in that field are saints and I don't know, man,

Jimmy Fantastic:

the brain is messed up today.

Johnny Awesome:

Neither one of us read 100% Yeah, I think the sickness has been spreading between me and Jimmy. And it's happening. But I, I want to come back to something that you said about because it's interesting because we live in this world, too. In fact, I'm gonna be on a call with a gentleman today. And we live in a world today, because you brought up like on Facebook, where people can create this perception now. 100% You're right. It's a it's a perception. But, and outside, it's interesting owl, that you actually said this, because Al is the king of the selfie stick. Yeah. And our documents, everything. But even he recognizes this, this fact right here, which I think is great. It's brilliant. In fact, we public invite we got to, we've been talking about half an hour on the show forever. So public invite now we got to get you on the show. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

I'll tell you how you got to be I guess.

Johnny Awesome:

And you got to bring your drums. So

Jimmy Fantastic:

Oh, and then we get the guitar and the drums. We got a band?

Johnny Awesome:

Free For All Friday band. Yes. So you know what, what's interesting about that, as you can also utilize that to your advantage. So this gentleman I was talking to, he seems like he's doing all the right things. He, you go to the site, he has personalized pictures for everything. Every listing he has is great. He's all over social media. He has an awesome he has his presence is huge, right? And he just looks huge on social media. So when you look up the production, it's not there at all right. And so like, it's really interesting, because when we talked to it, when I talked to him, I was like, what's the one thing that's going to bring it further up, because people aren't contacting him based off of what he's doing on social media, because it looks like he's got a lot of activity, but then the activity will eventually catch up. So recognizing that fact, and this is, this is what we're gonna be going into, especially when we talk about money here. There's so many different opportunities out there. I think real estate is one of the best industries in the world. Because literally, it touches everything, and you can be anything inside real estate. And let me explain that. In real estate, you don't have to just be a realtor, there are so many different facets, you can be a coach, you can be you can you can specialize in this little tiny, you know, little tiny segment and be the master of that, right? You can be a photographer, you can be a videographer, you can be a drone. Now you can be a cinematographer, right and stage huge movies and, and social media. So like it all touches the real estate industry. And it's something that I've said earlier. And that's why like, you know, guys, you know, one of the things that's happening right now, there's a lot of news out there. And again, this can this conversation will be continued as a couple of key people I'd love to have on the show, to talk about this that are more experts than us. But I can tell you that there's a lot of articles that I'm seeing that's coming in front of me and some of it conspiracy theory is right. Yeah. Well,

Jimmy Fantastic:

there's always a touch of that nowadays.

Johnny Awesome:

Right? Well, you know, I heard somebody say, though, that everybody talks about conspiracy theories, but there really are people that conspire against the actual system. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

it might you know, my my brother said to me, people set up people said I was a conspiracy theorist. Now I'm a truth teller.

Johnny Awesome:

There's, there's a guy I follow on YouTube and he has to get when he says shirts it says the conspiracy theorists, right? Yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I know. I think it's got like a picture of the Illuminati in the background or something like that. But like, but yeah, so so the the conspiracy theories, I guess there's always some again, perceptions reality, right. And so, again, I'm the number one real estate in the state of Michigan. Good job. That was that 19135 McKinnon is that right? Right.

Johnny Awesome:

Or we're the number one podcast in the real estate world. Yeah,

Jimmy Fantastic:

we are. Yep. But so again, real estate's funny. Yeah. Because I can say that, right. Right. And there's another there's a lot of fine print that says the other is because a lot of fine print, there's an asterix no one looks at the aspects, nobody cares. So I can say the number one agent, the state of Michigan. Yeah. But but so there are so perception is reality. But there are some conspiracy theories that that were very afraid of that coming down the line, right, like and

Johnny Awesome:

what happens in real estate too, as Realtors start really getting into this. And one of the things that you guys be careful about and we want to tread carefully to as we talked about this topic, because we don't want to we don't want to empower the flame of doubt or, or lead or, more realistically, like the excuse not to produce in this business. So but you still need to be aware of these things and understand what's kind of happening. A lot of this revolves around the Fed now program that's coming out Now if you don't know what fed now is you can go to fed And you can see that on their website, they're ready to launch and be everywhere by July is their goal. In fact, on their website, if you are currently a bank, a lender or you know anything you are, you can run through their website to see a check to see if your systems are ready to incorporate the new Fed now program. And, again, the theorists out there which by the way, Robert Kiyosaki is one of them. Robert Kiyosaki is huge into this. And myself, I wonder if it's partly because he wrote a book about this stuff, right? But then again, he predicted the crash in 2008. With his book, I can't remember the name, if anybody remembers the name, if you could put it in chat. But he wrote a book in 2000, predicted the crash in 2008. And he has been on a lot of shows lately talking about this whole decentralization of our money. Yeah. And for some of us out there, we don't even know what this is. Some of us out there know what this is. And we're buying into everything. And we're freaking out. And we're spending more time worrying than we are preparing or planning. To go back to when Alex points up here. I didn't get a chance. Yeah, there it is. Because Allah is 100%. Right? Real estate is an essential of life, it must have a place, everybody must have a place to live just like food, health and transportation. Yeah. And he's 100%. Right. And anytime that you have fear of where the economy is going, or what happens if they do do whatever, it's money, right, we're just talking to Scott Mosca about this, who I think is actually listening right now outside, he wanted to come in and join the conversation because he loves this topic. But you know, we were just talking to him about that. And his point was, you know, all this stuff is gonna happen with without us giving it permission to happen anyway. Yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

It's the like, the people really don't need our consent. Right. Right. Like they really don't need our consent.

Johnny Awesome:

Now, that being said, there is certain things like I don't know if anybody has been following, like what the farmers have been doing with their tractors. But it's like 10 times what the truckers did up in Canada, because there's in certain countries right now, they're not allowing the farmers to produce food, right? Because if you can control the food, you control the money, like you can control people. Right, right. And so this stuff is really going on. Now, again, whether it's way on the side of the conspiracy theorists are not, it doesn't mean that it's not happening. And because of things like the environmentally friendly, you know, these acts and stuff like that they've put in, they've told farmers that they just can't farm. Some farmers are paying them not to farm. Yeah. Which means they're not producing food right now. And by not producing food, they're having food shortage. And by not being able to produce energy inside the country. They're having energy issues. And you guys can read about this and see about and you should be reading about this and thinking about this right. There was a

Jimmy Fantastic:

just happening to 18,000 dairy cattle died in explosion. Wow, I didn't know that. Wierda that is like what happened that they all? I don't know. That's just the two they all fart at the same time. But like, think about that, like what kind of explosion goes 18,000 cows?

Johnny Awesome:

A big one a big one? I don't have my button out here. Yeah, you were a little late. Sorry about that. You look right at me to do it again. Yeah, right. Yeah, I agree.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But we Yeah. So so the but yeah, and you're right. And what people don't know is sometimes the government will pay farmers to not farm. Yeah. Right. Because that's their livelihood. Right. Like that's their living. That's how they make a living is by selling the food that they're farming. Right. And so are the they're the animals or whatever, they're farming. Right. But the the government will pay them to like, take a year off. Well, what how much did you make last year? Well, I made this much. Okay, good. Here's that don't produce don't produce anything this? Yeah. Yeah. Not wild. And it's all it's all to control the economy, right.

Johnny Awesome:

I mean, if you if you control, like you said, if you control the food and the and the energy, yeah. And, and then there's one more, that is the money, right. And so that's where that's where, again, a lot of these, a lot of these, these theories are starting to pop up right now. And, you know, part of it is like, and you see this for people that practicals Christian religion, you see this, and maybe it's not just in the Christian religion, but you see a lot of people in the end times, and they do what's known as newspaper, newspaper, eschatology, right? So like, whatever news article is currently happening, they somehow figure out how to make it fit into their worldview of how the world is gonna end. Sure. And we do see a lot of that with stuff like this, right? You know, but realistically, when you start reading through this, so again, the you know, do your due diligence, we should start by saying that, I would, I would say look up the Fed now program now. Now, the people that are saying that the decentralization of the dollar, you know, is going to be immediate and it's gonna disappear overnight. I haven't heard one person that thinks that all of a sudden we're going to wake up tomorrow. And you know, the dollar that's in your pocket isn't going to be there. And I've seen people write articles that have stated that right? Literally, like, you can wake up the next day and the money that's in your pocket is worthless. That's not, that's not gonna happen.

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, I don't see that happening. But what I mean, let's be honest, how many of us, how many of us now carry cash anyway? So, so it's funny, right? Here's

Johnny Awesome:

the pros and cons, pros and cons. I mean,

Jimmy Fantastic:

everybody has their phone. Yeah, everybody has their cash app, right?

Johnny Awesome:

So, you know, there's pros and cons of all of this, right? So like I said, the, it's just like, we talked about the train good stuff on the right hand, bad stuff on the left hand, trains moving forward anyway, right? With all of these things that happen, and every time change happens, and this is what I really want you guys to get. Because it goes back to what Al had said earlier on in the show, every time change happens, and people become fearful. Number one, there's opportunity there. There's opportunity to come alongside people and show them why not to be afraid. Number two, there's always opportunity that presents itself. Right? You know, when COVID happened, the team that I was working on at the time, the first thing that I said is, we have to figure out how to, we have to figure out how to make ourselves like a COVID. Team, right? So we had a website that was built, we had it out real fast, we had a plan in place about how we could go through the home with a drone. So there was you know, human, but there was an opportunity there. Because nobody else was there. Everybody else was living in fear. Because of that we seized an opportunity. And we were able to get out in front of it, and advertise ourselves and never stop working. Right. And so with all this stuff, it always comes back to that real estate is one of those things where people always need a roof over their head, right? It's also one of those things where you can be super, super creative and figure out how to make this work. How many people out there remember, when Bitcoin first got released? And I'd never talked to him? I would be interested, Randy, if you're if you're listening, I'd love to hear this or Fabian. I remember there was brokers, mortgage brokers that were trying to figure out how to get bitcoin involved, so that you could buy a home via Bitcoin, because that whole thing Yeah, big deal at the time, right? Yeah. So you know, it always it's always gonna change the pro like you said to the cashless society. And, and Dave is right, they Dave says that cash is dirty and disgusting. And I'd like to let you know, I'll just put this as open. I guess for your benefit. Dave. If you want me to take any of that and wash it for you, I will just send it right to me. Yeah, just have a bag of cash, we'll clean it. You don't need to be cared about dirty to cash around. We'll take care of that.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But I in what the the scary part is, the scary part is become becomes with not the fact that there's not cash. Yeah, right. The scary part starts to come in with how can how can the government monitor me what I'm spending on? Right? How can they monitor everything that I'm doing and how they can do it is no cash by monitoring it through an app by monitoring through an app, right? If I have to do everything, if I have to pay for everything via an app or my phone, right, like, again, we go to the grocery store or gas station, boom, hit our thing. We're good, right? We're out. Yep. Yep. I buy my neighbor's car. Right? Yep. I buy my neighbor's car. Well, now I can't just boop I got to pay some I gotta pay cash.

Johnny Awesome:

No, right. You can move home if he's as long as you know, he's part of the Fed now. Right?

Jimmy Fantastic:

But then how do they when they when they recently just changed that with all the tax laws, right? Shoot, people don't want to boot because because you'll know exactly how you're gonna know exactly what was paid for the car. Yeah, right. So all boob again and again, like we can get into politics or whatever, but like, like socialism is not the answer. Just throwing that out there.

Johnny Awesome:

Yes, this is Rob is correct. We have figured out we're gonna title it that we are announcing right now today I'm free for all Friday. Yep. That we have figured out how to legally launder money you send it to us we'll wash it tight probably. Yeah, you're not you're not getting it back out of it. Yeah, no, that's that's Yeah, but it's our it's our It's our gift to society. Yes. To watch your money wash your money but yes, with tide with top Tide Pods and then we're gonna eat them after?

Jimmy Fantastic:

No, isn't that what the kids are doing nowadays?

Johnny Awesome:

You can free from right it's not necessarily reflect the views of its host. Don't do any of this stuff. We got to be careful, man.

Jimmy Fantastic:

We are not attorneys. Yes, yes. We are not attorneys. We make I mean, they should only be over after today.

Johnny Awesome:

But so anyway, getting back Add to it. Yes, the part of the thing is you have a lot of people that are worried because they don't want anybody tracking what they're spending their money on. What's funny about that is the same people have Apple Pay and Google Pay and you're doing it anyway. Okay? They also have speed rewards points, and all sudden, they're already being tracked. Sure, right. The part where people are really concerned is if you no longer receive a, like in the real estate industry. So if you go to now, again, people said, This is great. So imagine this realtors, you have a close, and as soon as you walk out of there, the money is already in your bank, and the money is already in the sellers bank, because everybody's using fed now. So it's instant, right? So as soon as they sign the paper, which will probably be you know, digital or whatever. So soon as they sign the paperwork, actually, it doesn't have to be July keep forgetting this is in July, this is released. So as soon as they're done signing the paperwork, you guys stand up, you walk away from the table, and you already have your money deposited into your bank account. Your brokers already got their piece deposited, the sellers already got they're sitting inside there. And the buyers just goes boom, right there bank account is like it's an instant thing. Yeah, I think that that's cool. I think that that's a good improvement. The part where it's going to be finicky is when they say when you want to go and buy something in particular. And they say, You can't do that. And that's one of the that's one of the other thing that people are up on. And this is something again, do your own research and look on. Right. And

Jimmy Fantastic:

the other. The other parts of that too is when it's what what time of year, is it right now? It's tax season?

Johnny Awesome:

Yes. Oh, you're right, they can automatically take taxes out. Right? With real estate agents. For the normal person listening to our show. They're like they do that. But are the real estate agent

Jimmy Fantastic:

real estate? Yeah. But here, here comes the problem. What am I write offs? What am I, you know, what did I spend? how granular is this going to get? And is it going to be where? All right, well, so I so so like for my for my home office? Right? Right off my home office. Right? But how much then I can write off so much my home office, right? But then that I actually spend that so now everything is trackable. Like you and me like how granular can this get? And if there is no cash, right? If there is even if it's an app, but if there's no cash, like, your taxes will be interesting, right? Because I didn't even think about that. Yeah. So I mean, if they're gonna track everything, and like, we don't track anybody, here's the things. Who the hell needs an accountant anymore? Well,

Johnny Awesome:

I mean, Chet GPT is my accountant. Right? I'm just kidding. Aaron is about she really, but no, but I'm not out there.

Jimmy Fantastic:

I mean, if you think about it, like, why do we need? Like, why do we need the tax collector? Because it's already all done. You know what I mean? Like, you're this is what you this is what you made? This is what you spent, boom, it's it's done. It's so there's no, there's no room for me to do anything, right. That's the problem that a lot of people haven't like investors, right? Well, if I invest into properties, and I invest in a couple different things, well, there's my write offs. And I can do that. Now. If everything's trackable, and traceable, there's no, there is none. There is nothing extra. You know, and if you don't,

Johnny Awesome:

the other thing that that I had been wondering about is this. So for those of you that don't know, most people don't realize this. But our dollar used to be attached to gold. Yeah, that we had. Most people don't realize that we're no longer attached to gold, right. We that's the when a lot of the problems started happening in this country. They happened because we got off the gold standard. And we started printing money and calling it money just because it was printable. Yeah, that's why if you're really paying attention, or if you've heard people say, your dollar isn't worth what it used to be worth it's worth like pennies now. It's because we just keep printing more and calling it money. So what's interesting to me about that whole thing and about like kids today is think about your standard millennial. I'm, I'm wondering if like gold is going to be worth what people for gold has always been worth to people in the past. In other words, like, are we going to go into a time where gold isn't valuable that much to anybody anymore? Because you have a lot of people because guys, one of the you got to understand the gold. The people that sell gold, they're also really, really big. I'm pushing all the conspiracy theories, right? Everything is decentralized, the central banking system taking all over and the only way you'll be able to buy or sell anything is using gold. But I question that because a millennial today, like what is a gold nugget to him? Like Does he really does he really care and it really comes back to a principle of this is what happened in our housing market. Value is really whatever society decides value is market value. Right? Right. So if everybody just decides, like, did we bring this point up the other day about how people would will end up just trading liquor was that you and

Jimmy Fantastic:

the movie was the Book of Eli? Yeah, is it? The movie is The Book of Eli. And if you guys haven't seen the Book of Eli with Denzel, it's great movie. But I look very angelic. Don't I? You look like an angel. I do. Don't I look at that. Yeah. Or it's just the shine on top of my head.

Johnny Awesome:

The top of your head looks like an angel. Sorry, guys. We're getting there. If you got to do a show every Friday

Jimmy Fantastic:

live. But no, but the Book of Eli. The same. It was so long story short, it's after the nuclear war. There is no cash. There's no like, there's the only thing of value is liquor and tobacco. Like that's the only thing of value. So that's what became tradable. Right? So, hey, like I said, you know,

Johnny Awesome:

this could be great. At the end of the day, you know, again, people, it just, it's, it's gonna be it's gonna be really interesting to see where all this goes. And you know, it's funny, because I'm not sure if if Dave is making a joke, or not, maybe, oh, yeah. But he put laughy faces. Nope, that wasn't him.

Jimmy Fantastic:

He was going down. So this is a stepping stone to AI taking over and humans bowing down to robot overlords. So

Johnny Awesome:

what's interesting about that is there was a news article the other day, they have released chaos GPT, which is a somebody basically took the chat GPT functionality, which, you know, I know everybody's getting sick of hearing about but you're never gonna this is it, you're never gonna not hear about it until the next big thing comes out. Right? And they took away all of the all of the everybody remember NF Ts? Yeah. Well, you know, those are going strong for people that utilize them, right? But what they're going to do is they they basically deprogram chat GPT safety features, and program that instead to figure out how to create harm towards humans, sure. Of course, somebody

Jimmy Fantastic:

did that, of course. And so like, it's crazy, because they did that. And they taught how to write pornography. So two things First, people first did

Johnny Awesome:

that. Now, pretty soon we'll be brewing its own rolling chat GPT will be sitting in this cell somewhere rolling its own cigarettes.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But no, I mean, it's a real thing, though. Right? Like, that's, it's amazing where society goes. And it automatically goes right down a dark, dark, you know, deep dark hole, like, yeah, immediately, like that was the name of the first book that it put out in that subject that you're talking about. So we're in that or in the subject you were talking about. Right, right, if either one. But you

Johnny Awesome:

know, what's, what's interesting is that yes, there's there's a lot there's a lot happening. And that's that's kind of the point. How can we take what's going on right now and utilize it to our advantage? We can't stop. Just want to move over here? Do we need to power your head, Jimmy?

Jimmy Fantastic:

I mean, look, man,

Johnny Awesome:

I need if I go back, if you're listening to the podcast, again, we invite you to join us live, you can join us live on Facebook, at Facebook, slash free for all Friday. You don't know what you're missing. If you're not joining us live, and you're just listening to this after the fact. Right now the studio was super bright. We didn't think about this one window that we thought was great at first, because when we started it was dark out. Yes. I feel like an angel and Jimmy's head looks like it's exploding with knowledge right now. And in fact, I think I am currently getting a tan off of your forehead. Yeah, I was like, I'm getting darker right now, for your guys's eyes. That's just how smart I am. So, you know, again, the thing is, whatever happens happens, right? You hear people all the time say it is what it is. We literally live in the is what it is industry. What we need to do is figure out how it is what it is, how can I take advantage of that? Right? And there's very few businesses like real estate where you can literally take advantage of any of this stuff. You know what cool fad now everybody thinks that this is a great program. It's happening anyway. How can you be the first you know, how can you be like one of the first agents to do something with that or Hey, at closing, you know, if I do cash back at closing, it's it's the cash back at closing or something like that, right? How do you How can you take advantage of that? Instead of letting it take advantage of you? Right? Yeah, chat GPT for I cool, it writes all your own stuff, right fills out your contracts. Great. What are you going to do with that time that you don't need to utilize for that? And by the way, I've been playing with that a lot. And it's it's super interesting the other day, I'm currently looking for a new vehicle, right and the The other day I came up with the idea of talking, just asking Chet GPT for. So instead of doing research on all these different vehicles, I was just I just asked it pick three cars based on every article that read from Kelly Edmunds and repair pal. And it said, I after reading every resource they have on the website, here's three of the most reliable vehicles that can last up to 200,000 miles and cost the least. And I was absolutely amazed. Because they had even calculated out how much it was going to cost per year for gas to drive back and forth to work, to drive to Pentwater, at least five times a year, like it calculated everything out for me, and the mathematical formula was insane. And I was like, Man, how can I take advantage of something like that? So imagine being able to utilize it or somebody probably already is to instantly reply or, you know, provide a report out to clients on whether or not a property is good, you know, what, what is your overall total total total cost of ownership, including heat bills, water bills, whatever for this property? Right? And how can you save money? And how can you do this? Right? There's 1000 ideas out there. And it goes back to what what I said one of our favorite quotes, I know we've said it to each other a lot, is when Tony Robbins talks about it's not a resource issue. It's a resourcefulness issue, right? And all of this stuff can be worked out to our advantage. Yeah.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And again, it's using it to its advantage. And it's the same thing as social media, right? Like you can use it to your advantage. You can it can also be a detriment if you let it overtake what you're doing. It's anything right? It's, it's Gluttony is everything, right? There's too much of anything's bad. You know? Yeah. Are you with me?

Johnny Awesome:

I am I my brain went somewhere really weird for a second because like, is there anything? And I was like, No, I remember reading an article one time about somebody that decided, do you remember that when that guy did the diet based on the sun, and his belief was that if he walked outside, and bathed in the sun, well, while resting his body in sand, that his body would absorb all the nutrients out of the sand? And the sun would provide the like vitamin C light stuff like that, but he needed in order to survive. He was he was he was hospitalized.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Well, I mean, like think about the guy remember the guy that did the the Supersize Me? Oh, yeah, that he just ate McDonald's? Oh, yeah. Like what it did to his body? Yeah. You know, which of anything is a bad thing? Yeah, we all like McDonald's. Right. But, you know, you can't eat cheeseburgers every day. Right? I'd love to, you know, but you can't eat steak every day either. And I know you don't want to do that but but so no, it's again too much of anything but the cashless thing is the only thing that's nerve racking about that really is and if people it's it's I'm gonna say the trackability for it, but there are you're already getting tracked anyway because like you said you have cash after you got if you have a credit card you're getting tracked anyway. If you have a points anything your points anything all right your Speedway points or your everybody's got the points thing. The concerning part for me comes in like I said, with taxes and everything else, right, like, because what's gonna be a necessity to pay off the though there is you've already exceeded it. They've


so um, but but that's the that's the part that will get weird, I think is is that that part of taxes and everything else at the end of the year, because if everything is if everything's going to be trackable, and traceable and everything's going to be laid out, and we're going to enter a truly cashless society, that's when it gets scary. Well, that and then when it goes to what what, you know, again, if you guys are following this, you will see see be central bank, electronic currency think that's it? Yes, he brings the

Johnny Awesome:

CBD LISI. Yeah, he see. Hi, sorry, guys, I had all this written down. Yeah. But either way, that's the other way. You know, that's the other thing that people are concerned about, is by introducing this fed now program, it's actually putting the programming into all of the banks, and into all the financial institutions to allow for a central banking system, where we all work off of one centralized bank. And again, if you have not ever read or heard of the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, I would highly recommend that it's how we started this whole conversation. Because if you're going to earn money in this, then you should if you're in business, you're in business to earn money. You should know how it works. And you should know how to work it. And any system that we're going into. You need to know the ins and out ins and outs of how that system work. It's it's one of the people that one of the reasons that people get mad at you know, the person at the top that's taking all the advantages, guys, they just figured out. Thank you very much for that. I appreciate it. Yeah. cbdc Rob says central bank digital currency. Yep, yep. Yeah. So, you know, the people at the top have figured out how to take advantage of their money. And then other people get jealous of that. At the end of the day, though, guys, you really do need to figure this stuff out. You know, figure it out for yourself. Don't be afraid. But you need to be educated. Yeah. Right. And maybe a little scared. Yeah, it scared enough to do something.

Jimmy Fantastic:

You know, the funny thing is, you don't have to, you don't have to become an expert in everything. No, you know, you just you should just know some stuff

Johnny Awesome:

beyond beyond. Yes. And I want to put this up as a caveat. You need to know stuff beyond what two bozos talk about on a podcast,

Jimmy Fantastic:

or that club? Oh, that is very important. Yes. Or that

Johnny Awesome:

clip? But you know, again, it's one of the reasons why we've been talking about this for a while. You know, and we're cautious when we talk about the big party stuff. Because we really don't want to be one more talking point out there to, you know, just be out there. Right on. I mean, yeah, and

Jimmy Fantastic:

that's never our goal is never to like great panic cause disturbance, like

Johnny Awesome:

or to be your education. Yeah, you need to take everything that we say with a grain of salt, and go out there and educate yourself. And I think we've been saying that for the last now going on three years, right? You're in a business, my dear realtor friend, and or everybody else that joins unless you're not in the business? Because I forgot we've expanded outside.

Jimmy Fantastic:

And if you're not in the real estate business, call me. Yeah.

Johnny Awesome:

But you know, you need to educate yourself on what's happening in the economy, what's happening in your business, you need to be an actual expert. It's one of the things I was in an office training in office this week. And I always like to start off my trainings by just reminding agents, especially that I knew that even if you join a team, you are in a business, you need to treat it like a business. Yep. And professionals in their field are professionals in their field, not because they just make it up because it take the time and set time aside, to educate themselves on what's happening, and how they could take advantage of it.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Yeah. And I had an agent tell me the other day, there's a lot, there's a lot there. And I'm like, there is a lot, there's a lot here, and there's a lot to the good thing. That's the what we said the good thing about real estate is there is a lot, right, so you can diversify with real estate and you don't have to just sell houses. Right? You can you can invest, you can do some different things. So there's not just that part of it. But then there's a whole like, then you have the admin side. Yep. Right. And there's people that are really going to do and paperwork, and they're just let them do that. Right. So and what are most salespeople really bad at? Paperwork. So there's, there's a, we just created a room for someone, right? We just created a job for somebody, somebody that can just do paperwork. So that's the beauty of real estate guys. And I think that's one of the things we were kind of talking about, was like how you can diversify yourself within real estate, to keep yourself safe and secure. And to not have to work 40 hours a week hope for some overtime,

Johnny Awesome:

not have a future you know, don't have a future write most of the realtors that I talked to and wrapping this all up and then I'll read this this this article that owl wrote for us. But most most of the realtors that I speak to even when they do retire, they're still somehow attached. Anybody that has anything to do with real estate even when it comes to like lending out real estate or commercial look up Sam and commercial real estate. We're gonna have him on the show you guys want to talk about a brilliant mind about something that's done everything he's loaned to Prince's and I forget what country I forget what country we won't do it Princeton, but

Jimmy Fantastic:

the best he had the best mic drop moment at a meeting ever. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Poverty sucks. Yeah,

Johnny Awesome:

yeah. And he doesn't even have to work. He runs around he Brett he just did$100 million deal. He doesn't need to do this anymore. But for some odd reason, we continue to stick in this business. And that's exactly what I would say, guys. We need to stick in this business. Hi, Sandra. Thank you for checking in, by the way. And Greg, I'm glad that you're getting that book. Al says I've always said if we all got paid cash and bought everything with cash, we would feel the value of working and spend less and save more so true. We live in a society where everything is too easy to buy. Spend more, save less. Imagine getting paid with cash at closing. How many more homes you'll be motivated to sell. This is not going to happen. And nothing like the days we didn't have access to credit cards, checks and wires. I'm an old school way of thinking born in 1974. Emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji, and he's 100% Man Is he right? I didn't even think about that. What? That's a great way to end the show right there. What a great thought about The even take when you take the money away it's not as real.

Jimmy Fantastic:

But that's what why does Vegas do it? Vegas does is it's not real, right like you don't play with cash at the table. Yeah, it's all it's a chip.

Johnny Awesome:

None of those girls are real. You're right. All right, guys, listen, go out there. Find the opportunities in your business. They're always there. Don't be afraid, but be angelic.

Jimmy Fantastic:

Jimmy, you've been fantastic. I know. You've been awesome. And we'll

Johnny Awesome:

talk to you next Friday.