Free for All Friday

Episode 71 - Business Ju-Jitsu (Special Guest Matthew Stransky)

April 07, 2023 Johnny Awesome and Jimmy Fantastic

On this Episode of Free for all FRIDAY;

Get ready to grapple with excitement as we welcome our special guest, Matthew Stransky, a successful realtor from Good Company!  We jump right in and explore Matthew's journey into the world of real estate, starting with his inspiration from the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." and lauch after playing a board game. 

We dive into the challenges of starting a real estate team and learn how Matthew transitioned from flipping houses to becoming a team leader, all while emphasizing the importance of persistence and being where you're meant to be. 

We'll also explore  we will explore the extreme simulatities of Real Estate Business, Entrepreneurship, and Jiu-Jitsu. 

And Finally, what does it take to be successful in real estate or as an entrepreneur? Matthew believes that it takes a balance of humility and confidence, acknowledging that the job is tough, but also believing in oneself and betting on oneself. And while most people may try to dissuade someone from pursuing entrepreneurship, having a supportive network and feeding one's mind with positive thoughts is crucial.


  • Kiyosaki’s book, “The Prophecy”
  • A True Game of Monopoly
  • Burned out to ON FIRE!
  • Gamification in your Business
  • Wrestlers are a special breed
  • There’s always a better move or a better system that gives leverage
  • Why 90% of realtors fail

Don't miss this jam-packed episode of "Free for all Friday" with our guest, Matthew Stransky, as we explore the world of real estate, grappling sports, and what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur!

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You're listening to the number one live callin podcast for real estate agents and professionals all around the world. World class guess breaking news, and you with your hosts, Johnny awesome. And Jimmy fantastic. There you go. Cool. Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Morning. I feel like we should start this over. Because yeah, man now he doesn't get a chance to sit. He's gonna have to watch past episodes. Yeah, we got we got so involved in our we got that we were having that we forgot to start the show. So that show so we'll go we'll talk about this as we go along. Right. But but so we usually do like an afterburner. Yeah. But this is a preburner. While we were very burning, this is alive. And we had people already mentioned like it was, I'm sitting there typing. You guys are talking about like, launch show. Well, we're pre burning. Yeah, so we were pre burning this morning. Sorry for the late start. We have a special guest. Now I feel really far behind that 1000 things happening. And which is funny, because which is funny. Thank you, Ron. You can bring those in with your Red Bull. Which is funny because we were just talking actually when we started and brought him in, like the hidden name for the show as technical difficulties. Yes, this morning. I think it's timing difficulties. But But yes, Jimmy fantastic. Johnny, awesome. You are on free for all Friday. And Jimmy we have a special guest today. We do. Mr. Matthew Stransky is joining us this morning from good company. Thanks for having me. Happy to be here. We always say this is our post COVID live audience. There you go. Ready? By the way, I just want to throw this out there. Jimmy. It is free for all Friday. And people have been asking this and I I forgot to tell you. So if you want to join us in the studio live at any point in time you can meet us here in the morning. Yeah. And just be here. Yeah. We're okay with that now. Yeah. Yeah, just gotta let us over. Yeah. It's been over. I've been way over it. I remember when I started, but two weeks is low the curve. What a great way to start. I'm sorry, I cut off your job. So Matthew Stransky, a good company Royal Oak. You've been in the business since 2006 2007. Yeah. 2007. Wow. Yeah, I know, right? It's 223. Yeah, it's 2023. Now Yeah. But man, like I'm so happy to have you on. We've been talking about this for a while. We're trying to figure this out and get to get you in here. But but just how did you get into this business? And what did it get started? I know the story. But yeah, just so everybody kind of knows where we're at and what you're doing and what how you ended up here. So So accidentally, really, you know, I definitely never said I'm going to be a realtor, you know. But really what happened to me in high school, you know, it's all about sports. Long story short, I didn't want to play in college, my parents sent me to junior college and played baseball. They're played, you know, all the five minutes hated it. And I was never really a student, right. But at that time, I had this huge void of time to fill in at that time. My dad gave me the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Oh, there it is. Right? There it is. And it changed my life. I mean, as cheesy as that sounds, one, I never read a book. So I finished one that felt good. And then the second thing is just it really spoke to me. It spoke to me, you know, about this different avenue. It spoke to me about what I felt my family was really good at my dad and my brother a mill writes by trade, and it's like, Man, I want to flip house or flip houses, I want to be an investor, my mind was always kind of geared towards that. Then flat or Fast forward four years, you know, college graduate, and it's like, God, I'm going to do this, you know, well, I went into the corporate world and struggled through that, you know, I'm definitely not a corporate guy. And, you know, no knock on that just just not my bag. And then I basically got let go again, from, you know, a job that I was like, top salesperson in and I was selling staffing and recruiting at that time. And obviously, there wasn't really a need for it. So I remember driving home and it was kind of a tough time at that time, in that I was about to get engaged. And Mary knows like shit, you know, I got no job. And here I am. And I remember looking in my rearview mirror, and being just straight with you. I was like, fuck everybody. I'm going to do this myself. And so I made the commitment to myself to you know, become an entrepreneur. And that's when I got started in real estate. And my first year in real estate I work actually with one of my I work for one of my teammates now, an awesome guy named Josh Taylor added 52 leases my first year. Wow. So sold one house. It was amazing. Yeah, I made like$4 but I loved it. Yeah, I was absolutely obsessed. worth it. And then, at about that time about a year in, and you know, this is, oh 708, when you could buy a house for like four bucks. Me and my family made the choice and you know, given a lot of love out there to my folks, they made a commitment to me and my brother, you know, so they kind of got a little bit of money together for us, right. And then we put the elbow grease into it. And then through that, as we started kind of building and you know, kind of flipping these homes, I would just, you know, we would change three paint colors, and I would have like 85 pictures. So I think really, social media started really truthfully, especially at that time kind of creating this image that I don't know if I really was there yet. But people are like, Yo, like, you got so much going on, man. And can you help me? Like hell? Yeah. So that's how I kind of done it. You know, in the beginning accidentally, now fast forward. Yeah, you know, we're a real estate team strands can company, just like you said over a good company. We have six agents, three girls on the back end that kind of help everything. And we're real estate nerds, man, so just loving it and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Yeah, yeah, it's and again, it's funny like you say that didn't I didn't grow up wanting to be a real estate agent. But here I am. thrilled that we've had an agent that hasn't had like a similar thing, right? Like we all didn't start out this way. Like, you know, I was a from the corporate world. You were in the corporate world. You were in the corporate. We're like we're all in this. And then but the funny thing is to like Rich Dad, Poor Dad changed my life. Right? I just didn't get it until I was in my 40s You know what I mean? Like that. I was I read it. And I'm like, I've been an idiot for this long. And see I did it backwards. I did the Cashflow Quadrant first. Oh, yeah. Great book. And then and then that led me I didn't do Rich Dad Poor Dad till a long time later. And then then I read that and I was like, man, yeah, what I was missing the whole thing. You know, like, I didn't realize there's a whole series behind it. But I went I went deep. So very deep, right. So when when all that came out, I mean, every book I couldn't put it down. Like I said, I understand probably for my parents. It was like, Who is this kid? You know, like, I was just reading and regurgitating and but I went so deep that I bought the the game cashflow on solid game. Okay. Yeah, dude, amazing game. Have you seen this? Have you guys ever seen this cash flow game? They need to sell it anymore? I think they do. And when I bought it, it was 350 bucks. Yeah. So So I call I called my dad and my mom. And again, I'm at Central right now. I need this board game. I need this board game. And you know, it's gonna teach me it's gonna do this. It's yeah, great. And then I was like, 350 bucks or like, what? Yeah, but but they got it. And then they even funnier part is I mean, I would pull this thing out of my, like college parties. And there was about four friends that I had that would play it. But yeah, I mean, I went that deep into it. And I still, you know, I pay a lot of attention to Kiyosaki. Yeah. He's mad, that he's somebody he's been like, like, crazy, like, into all the, the world's and they're just funny, because I think we're gonna be talking about this next week. But he's really big into like, the cash cashless thing is gonna ruin the economy. And yeah, like he's been on social media, like all like, yes, really big. Have you been watching all this? And, you know, he, one of the things he talks a lot about is his book called The prophecy, how the collapse of the stock market will happen, and not to get, you know, too far new and it's about foreign? Well, it's about it's about the employee retirement investment Security Act ERSA. And I think if I have rights been, you know, a little time since I read it, but I think it's 72 and a half, right, these folks have to start withdrawing money from the market. And he gave the really easy to see scenario of, you know, a bathtub. And he said, Imagine if and I can't remember the number at this point, but you know, hundreds of 1000s of baby boomers consistently changing over and hitting that number, they have to withdraw the money from the market. So that's how he starts to talk about the collapse. And then obviously, you compile everything that's sitting on the Hill today, right? It is interesting, but he talks a lot about that book, and I remember my dad will, you'll probably want to punch me but I remember being a really aggressive young man and being like Dad, you gotta get all your money and in you know, the defined benefits and the just the change in the concept of a pension plan and Yeah, going from defined benefit to defined contribution and he's like, yeah, and then when the shit hit the fan, he's like, ah, but But I mean, a lot of what that guy is talked about his true Cashflow Quadrant about the taxes and so it was it was such a good introduction. It was it was awesome. That that game Jimmy, are you familiar with this game? I I've seen I've never played it, but I know what you're talking about. So again, I know what we're talking about. I want to buy it for my kids. I'll tell you right, got it. It is the it is the it is like if monopoly were true, and you could have fun well, learning like you are, you're in it. It's so immersive. And, but it's silly, but it's immersive. And just the way that you're able to, to maneuver that game was great. I geeked out so much. I don't know if you remember this. They actually came out with a multiplayer version of that for your phone. Did you ever have? No and I wasn't, I was old school. So I knew school. Yeah, gotcha. Yeah. And just like his board game, like, of course, we're not just gonna release it and Robert Kiyosaki, there was a monthly subscription of like, $50 a month to play this mobile game, you know, against other people. But, you know, again, the principles that I taught that it taught were just phenomenal. And it's better than any monopoly you could ever buy. It's cashflow game. And I think as an entrepreneur, I'm watching him say that just just as a human right, you're learning how to control and handle an alternative income statement. You know, how many people out there really ever seen an income statement? I didn't write so I yeah, I mean, just such a good way. And kind of a funny story. I started I decided to start my real estate team playing that game. So I, this is funny story. So going back, right, I there was me at that time, it was a girl named Callie, awesome girl. My teammates still now Randy, and then we had an assistant at that time, and I was really torn. I didn't know should I should I flip houses? Or should I do this real estate team and our team, we were playing that. And I pulled one of the opportunity cards, there's opportunity cards right in this game. And it said you can start a business. And I think I did pay like 10 grand. And on there, they always talk about the ROI, right? Well, the rate of return it was unknown. So but you know, I put the money down and in about maybe in you know, in that game, maybe 35 minutes later, somebody pulls a market card. And in the market card had said Hey, someone is buying a business. And I think at that time it was you know, whatever. $500,000. And man I like, you know, sold this thing off. And right there. It was my lesson because I think just what you're talking about, it allows you to think critically in a playful situation. But then I pulled myself back from that and started thinking, Man, this does make sense. This is a hell of an opportunity, right? Obviously, the challenge, I wasn't maybe aware of a front, but it made a lot of sense. So I really pretty much I sold the inventory of rentals, I had to get the cash. And then I started my team through the game. So funny. Now, in the game, you did this or you found it in the game. I played the card. Got it got my wheels spinning. Oh, I understand that. But when you said you sold the properties, was that in the game? No, no, I'm sorry, for real. IRL? Yeah, and loaded a couple of rentals. You know, and I don't know, I probably put together maybe 70 80,000 It was like, Alright, here we go. You know, which wasn't enough. But you know, it was a start, right? Because that's the thing, right? Starting a team that's a lot of people don't understand either, right? It's like, I just started a real estate team. But it's like, there's a lot of there's a lot of things do right. I mean, you know, there's talk hours. Yeah, well, let's talk 30 minutes, let's do what's what was the biggest, I guess? What was the biggest surprise starting a real estate team? Just like Jimmy alluded to the money, you know, the cash. You know, I mean, there's so many ways to build a team and layers to it. Right. But that that part of it, you know, at that time, I was working as a solo agent more, right? You know, you have to get more leads, right, you have to give more support. So there were just a lot of layers to it, that for me, were kind of unseen. I think my ambition was probably ruling more than my brain, which I don't think is a bad thing. In the beginning, and then kind of like we were joking about here, right? You know, just fell forward, you know, and, and never really cared about it. I mean, shit, my corporate career really showed me can't get much worse than this. So you know, and for me, that's what it was. But I would say the money part. And then, just like anything, I don't think this surprised me, but just the game of persistence. You know, I've seen so many people start and stop, you know, I just kind of like you guys. We were talking. I mean, you just keep plowing ahead. Yeah, so you you figure it out, and a lot of it is on the fly. But the money part I think is what surprised me. I was like, Man, I'm building these houses. Those were expensive. Like damn, I'm building this house now and it is expensive. Yeah. Yeah. And it's it's wild, right? Because so so your your career started as as a flipper, right and then it built into this team thing but you still are you know, you're still do a lot of the construction. So bad back in the day. No, I haven't built anything for two years. So that's probably why I'm loving Life. You know what in it was, it was a tough decision being very honest with you, I really only feel that I've been a team leader and really in this for about three years, because what happened is 75% of my time was spent in flipping, you know, I was securing a property I was the timeline guy wasn't necessarily a general contractor, I'm not a licensed builder. But I ran the timeline, right. So, you know, if you have two or three of them go on, man. I mean, it's chaos at best, and very grateful to every person that helped me, I had a great crew. But then I started getting burned out truthfully. And at that time, the idea was maybe to kind of hand that business off to my brother. That didn't work out as as it shouldn't have, you know, we're obviously where we should be. But then for me, it was like, alright, am I am I going to be a builder? Or am I going to be a team leader. And just like Jimmy, and you know, you guys, I love coaching and training, I get a kick out of it, I love seeing people have success. And for me, the other part selfishly, is I have a young family, I was I was looking for a little more leverage, and it's like, man, if you know, I continue to build houses, I'm always going to have to be the guy, you know, I'm always going to have to go there, there was really no way to replace me. So that's when I made the conscious choice to kind of let that go truthfully, yeah. So I let that business go. And, you know, it's kind of like watching your kid probably off to college, you know, all the all the crew was set up. And, you know, we had some good connections to make sure they were working. And then I jumped in, you know, and then when I jumped in, I have a girl right now, Elizabeth Italie, who's awesome. Who came in from the operation side, she showed up three days before COVID hit. And I was like, Yeah, this is my girl, right? Like, we're gonna, you know, grind and get, get some things going, and then COVID hit. So I had met her for like, 72 hours, then we went in a closet. And ever since then, we've been kind of like starting this business. Right. But, you know, I've enjoyed it. And, you know, I'm all in, and persistence and relentless LIS will, you know, take us where we need to go 100%. And it's funny because like, you said, you you are where you're supposed to be. That's one of the things that that we talk about a lot is throughout changes in careers and life and teams and brokerages and whatever else like you are where you're supposed to be. It just depends on how far how long Yeah, you know, what's good Friday, right? I mean, hey, the good Lord, Lord works in crazy ways. And I've just learned to I just really, I always say to, you know, I just steer the ship. Or excuse me, the Lord steers the ship. I just man the sales. Yeah. So take me, you know where you need me and I'm happy. Yeah. So yeah, at the end of the day, yeah. That's the most important. Yeah, well, I joke I you know, I have two little guys that are five and seven right now who are like submersed in sports. My oldest guys, you know, really into soccer. I couldn't be happier, man. I mean, that alone, like shit, you know, so everything else is gravy. And that's really why I love the team thing. We're playing sports, man. I mean, like, I'm a real estate athlete, for sure. Interesting. I liked that. I liked. I liked that one, too. I love that one. Yeah. Because I'm like, my thing is to I always need a scoreboard. Yep. Yeah. I mean, I need no numbers to look at what am I trying to hit? What am I looking at? Where am I going? I just need a scoreboard for sure. And I in to me, that's the fun of it. Right? Because Because if you don't gamify this thing, good luck. Right? Good. Like Good Luck. You're gonna you're gonna burn out? And then and then also the perspective of an athlete, right? You're not going to bat 1000? Are you kidding me? Oh, you know, and if you are, you're not taking enough swings, right? And then how do you handle that? Right? Because I was a baseball player three out of 10 in real estate gets you to the Hall of Fame, too. Yeah. Can you take the seven knows? You know, and you guys have done it? As long as I mean, not everyone's built that way. Right? I just, I love rejection. Sorry, I guess it's a good fit. So let me ask you. Let me ask you about that. Because gamification is, is something that, you know, I've actually heard people talk about this in a while it got really big for a while, and then it kind of went out. What do you mean by gamification for people that just don't know what that is? Yeah, sure. So, you know, gamification to me is taking a goal. And breaking it down and making it a game right. I see. Some people get paralyzed by goals, right? Yeah. And if you gamify it, yeah, you're finding these small right creative ways to link you to that goal, but to make it fun, so So for instance, on the team, we talk a lot about it. You know, being real estate athletes that lead generation and follow up like it or love it, or hate it. Is is what we do, right? The gamification for us is, you know, numbers just like Jimmy said, Hey, who's Who's crushing it? You know, who's putting the numbers in there? If we know that, you know, we're looking for 25 contacts, there's the game. You know, it's not about the calls. It's not about the effort. It's just hitting the buckets. Right? So I think it really starts to immerse you in what you're trying to do. And then it also keeps you mentally out of trouble. Yes, you're playing a game, right? But we talk about it. And on our team, we roleplay every day from 830 to nine. And you know, completely optional, but we definitely have a good handful of people doing it. And then from nine to one, we plug in and do our lead gen and follow up. We call it our weight room. You know, and to me like this, this translate, and I wish I could be better in my diet like my wife, but this is being an athlete. It's chicken and broccoli. It's eatin protein, it's making sure your macros are right. It's getting in the weight room and lifting weights. And really for me, yeah, that's the game of it. And I love that. I love that. Yeah. Because one of the, so you and I met at Keller Williams, and and it was Stransky seem always was like, in like workout clothes. Like now like, Yeah, but the whole team rolls in like this. I completely relate with everything that you guys are talking about. Yeah. Well, it's it's really it's funny, you know, because one of our big core values on our team is Be authentic. And it's actually been kind of cool because, you know, doing some social stuff. Hey, why are we on the street? And you know, and everyone really hits that authentic piece? For me the whole sweatsuit. It's kind of my swagger. Yeah, like, like undercover. When I was in corporate, I mean suited to the nine in some people look good in that stuff. I look so dumb, like if I put a suit I like, oh, and but I remember as as as a kid, I'm like, eventually, one day I'm going on some shit. And I'm like, I'm showing up in a sweat suit. And then I was joking my wife to me if I can reach the highest level of success, just keep going. Keep going. I can wear sweat suit to everything. Yeah, I mean, yeah, funerals, weddings, you know. So. So I love it. But that's a long term goal. It is it really is the part where you can show up the logo on the that's how you know you made it. That's when you've made fu money. Right? But I think going back to that, like authentic part. I never felt authentic. Right? I mean, I'd go up and I'm a jujitsu guy. So I'm like, I got this tie. And I felt like someone's trying to choke me out. Yeah. So I think if you're comfortable if yourself people resonate with that, and what we really teach on the team is that beat your drum, your people will come. I mean, someone who has shirt and tie pocket square shoes. And I have a funny story about everyone here, but like, that's not my crowd. There's nothing wrong with that. No, no, I vibe with certain people on different connections. You know, maybe that yeah, they're suited up, and I'm not, but you're gonna attract who you want. And you really only want to be working with the people that like you anyways, right? So this is, this is me, and where it really translated back to my early days. You know, couldn't sell a house to try it. I was lease king. And I got to three. And this is Oh, seven. So I got a $350,000 lead. It was like, Whoa, yeah. And it was in Birmingham. And the bigger wall right? Yeah. Right. But now I looked about nine at this time, I looked like a 12 year old. But I knew I consciously was like, alright, Matt, like, you know, I'm headed over to kind of a different area. And I gotta I gotta kind of look the part, you know, so I, you know, dressed up a little bit. I put on a buttoned shirt. I'm feeling pretty good. I get to this house like 30 minutes early. Right. I got nobody on my back. And other than this guy, right? Yeah. And I mean, I go through the house. I know everything about this house. Guy rolls up in a very nice car. I'm not in a very nice car. And I jump out I mean, I'm bringing the energy Hey, you know, how's everything going to make? Like, up and down me they're looking at the house. They're like, we're good. And they just drove off. And but it was such a it was such a powerful moment for me. Yeah, that I knew at that moment I either had to fake it you know and kind of look the part and dress the part and be the part or be myself and I went through so much shit. Like I said in my in my corporate career. I'm like, Dude, I'm being me. Like, so that was it. You know, I just went there and and and I've been myself and ever since it's kind of been our thing. You know, I have people I was funny. I had a colleague, Jolene. send me pictures. Yeah. Stransky sweat day, you know, yeah, or at their place. But now, I just I myself, and you know, I couldn't imagine being anything but yeah. And the funny thing is, like, we talked about this all the time, because agents, social media, right. And agents will come to us and you know, as coaches and trainers, they'll come to us and say, you know, let's, you know, with social media, I want to do this. I want to do that. And one of the things and we've had Robert Courtney on the show a couple Times about marketing and everything, right? And it's like, just be your authentic self. Because if you're not, you're gonna attract those people. And then when you start to work with them, you're like, oh my god, I can't stand this. You want to mean? So it just makes our job way harder. Totally. Because it's such a relationship. So business that all of a sudden, it's like, I don't want to work with this person. And they likely feel the same way. Right? Exactly. I was listening. Forgive me. I don't I can't recall what episode but but that's sort of like, like the fake connection. Right. And yeah, so that really resonated with me. Yeah, just just be real and workout. Yeah. Chad says that when he first started in real estate, he tried to up to his wardrobe game and wear more slacks and ties didn't succeed until I figured out my business career. I wore jeans and a golf shirt. And that's where I was the most comfortable, my man. Love it. Yeah. golf shirt. That's pretty dressy though. Which is funny, because I'm looking as you pop up on the comments on the screen here and you're totally in a suit. Carlos wondering where you're from? What city did you grew up in before you went away to Central? Oh, great question. Yes. Eastside baby. From Shelby Township, you know, born and raised. Eisenhower, probably not far from here, right? Not too far. Yeah, I'm at 25. In between July and Shana. That's where I grew up. Mom and Dad are still there. And was awesome. But I you know, I lived in a suburb called Lake Arrowhead. We always call it La. And we always joke where, you know, we're from the hood in that where where I grew up. My mom and dad were like, the first street out there. Yeah. And man, they built 25 miles. Yeah, right. But they built some really big houses around us. But such a great place to grow up. There were 16 boys on my block, man. All we did was play sports and be dudes. And it was it was a good time. So Shelby Township. Yeah. And you were referred to a little bit earlier, but you're a jujitsu guy. Yeah. Yeah. So so this this piques my interest? Yeah. So like, where are you doing jujitsu through so mass gym out in Radford can't can't say enough about it. Like Like, I guess all good jujitsu it you know, a Gracie affiliate. They have another satellite out in Waterford called warrior way. But yeah, I've been doing it over a decade. Whatever. I'm a four stripe brown belt, hopefully, get my black belt. But fun. You know, and again, there's so much correlation with real estate. My poor team hears a lot about that. But yeah, you know, been doing it. And I was the guy who the way I got into I'd never grappled, never wrestled, you know, as a football and a baseball player. And I saw it on TV. And I was like, Yep, I'm gonna do that. And about three days later, and this is back. You know, on the east side, I went to a place called El Tracey's karate. And so I get to that I'd never done anything. I wanted to fight at that time. So I was like, Yeah, I'm like, I want to fight. Like, oh, you boxer. I'm like, no, they're like, oh, you're a wrestler? I'm like, no, like, what do you do? I'm like, football and baseball. They're like, what? But so but it was really funny story. So I like I come back the next day, and we'll work on your hands. And then you know, if you want to stick around after class, you can do it. I'm like, Alright, cool, man. So I get in there. And my dad had like, taught me how to fight. But I mean, I had like, no real, you know, training. And for 30 minutes, they put me on a heavy bag. And I mean, I don't know if anyone's ever done that. But it's, yeah, I mean, I like couldn't touch my my ears, right. So I get done doing that. I'm thinking like, Man, this is awesome. And he goes, you want to spar? Like Yeah. And like just like a like a movie. They're like, hey, Scotty and outcome Scotty he's horned up. I mean, he's got ears that have been just through the wringer which, you know, as a fighter and a grappler. You know, you're in bed ever mess with Yeah. And so we get in there. And the funniest part is, you know, we he hits the bell. I kind of dance around, I have no idea what I'm doing. I stick this kid with like a fast jab. And he goes, Oh, he goes, You're quick. And that was the kiss of death. I mean, and when I say he beat me up, like, yeah, beat me up. Yeah. Am I okay? All right. But I love it. That was the funny part. And they're like, alright, and they're like, You like this? Oh, my God and that guy? Well, we're doing jujitsu tomorrow. So yeah, alright, cool, man. I'll be here. I got to come early. So I come early. They show me some stuff. And then they're like, Eva, you want to you want to roll. You want to want to grab them together. Like Scotty. Scotty comes out, dude. And again, I know nothing. And he comes we slap hands. Next thing I know. I'm like kissing the ceiling. It's kind of like high crotch. Me slams me down to the ground. I like scamper. I kind of get my legs around a bend to guard. Yeah. And then he's kind of choking me. Yeah, you know what you shouldn't be doing if you're a jujitsu guy. And then I just tap out and we did that for about 40 minutes. Yeah, loved it. And then that was kind of my journey. I stopped there after about two months because really what I had realized that Epicurious wasn't me getting beat up truthfully because that's part of it. Yeah, and I mean, my the gym I'm at that happened. It's everywhere you go. And at that time I still do it. I have a compact. I wear makeup like if I have a black I hire. Yeah. And they're like, yeah, they didn't tell me I had to stop, but they told me how to stop. So I came in and I was like, Yeah, I really can't do this. And I'm like, Dude, you should grapple. You should do jujitsu. I was like, Alright, man. Cool. So it was really my first like class. And I had two girls smaller than me beat the tar out of me. And I remember driving home from our two key windows down, and I was blarin. Born in the USA. I've definitely tried to get it back. But I was so I was so amazed at what these girls had just done to me. Yeah. So then when I came home, I you know, train there for about a month or two came home. And then me and my wife. While fiance, I guess at that time, but not my wife now. Went to a show and MMA show at the Joe Yeah, USA, verse Canada. And when I saw them, they were they, the guys that kept winning, were from Mash Jim. And that was great. But then again, being around better coaching and stuff, I could see Man, these guys have a game plan and they have skill. And then now it was game over. I literally joined mass gym the next day. It's still there. It's one of the nicest facilities in Michigan, bunch of black belts, good training, and the rest is history. So and you're just you just gave off an injury to Yeah, I taught I tore my Achilles. I was like, Hey, let's go for it. You know? So? Yeah. And of all the things I've done athletically and with jujitsu, not a cool story. Like I was coaching my son's championship game as a kindergarten when I was playing minor baseball ball was hit to the right. I took like a step felt like somebody like leg kicked me, or I've actually thought a kid fell on me. And I'm like, what? And I took one more step. And it just I knew, like, my whole leg was shifting. I'm like, Yeah, I have no Achilles. So that's surely what it was. But the good Lord blessed me in that, you know, I got to heal. And naturally, it was only a partial tear. I was out for four months. And yeah, I've been back to jujitsu. So you know, if you want to get motivated, come back as a 42 year old man, and surround yourself by 2327 28 year olds in their prime, and try to get back to that. Yeah. So this is the last time that we've had somebody on the show because Jimmy said, Oh, he's sports will be great, because I'm not a sports guy. But Jiu Jitsu, we finally have a sport thing. All right. This is funny because I had a similar experience. Okay. I wrestled and I love wrestling. And in the summertime, I wanted to get better because I was a super heavyweight. Okay, so like, while you guys were out, did you wrestle to know so well, all the wrestlers were out running, I was eating McDonald's, because it didn't matter. I never had to cut weight for you. In fact, they didn't want me to cut weight there. So it was like, and there was really no game plan. Just go and try not to get laid on. Sure. And you'd be the one that lays on the other guy. But I really wanted to get good because I loved it. Yeah. So we found a jujitsu gym in Saginaw in this old school like building. And it was like a legit, there was a dude sitting on a chair. That was like the master guy that didn't speak English. Okay. And then I walked in, I was like, Yeah, I wanted to try this for wrestling, right. So they, they fit me with a GI, you know, they had like borrowed GIS. And then they said, alright, well, they threw you right to the fire at this place. It was one of those places. They're like, Alright, cool. So we're gonna match you up with tiny. Now I know, you already know what the guy's name is tiny. Yeah, right. They tiny. And they just, there's no training and you just get on the mat right away. Because if you can make it past that, then they want you to stay. Yep. And Tiny. Had me for maybe I don't remember how long it was. But he did the hold where you go up inside the collar of the GI. And you just kind of hug the guy. And I'm like, What's what's happening right now? I'm like, I'm trying to move away from the guy. That's weird. He's really close to me. He's this big, huge hairy dude. Right? And I can't really do anything because he's got me in control. And I'm like, this is weird. And then I wake up. The dude was choking me out with the collar the game. Yeah. And I blacked out. And when they pulled me up so much blood went to my head that just started coming out of my nose. Oh, yeah. It was like, he waited. He was like, until he's about dead. I'm not letting them go. Right. And then and that was my first lesson. And then they put me up against the kid like what happened to you? Right? Except for it wasn't a girl. But it was this little kid. And I was a big deal. I've always been a big fan matter. And this little kid threw me around like a rag doll. I mean, I'm talking I was I was like 18 or 19. At the time, I think he was like, an 11 year old, little 11 year old. And I remember the guy coming up to me because the master guy just sat there and then the guy that was really running the class, he came down and that was the first lesson and it's it's interesting because this is a life lesson that you can take from something like jujitsu and apply everywhere. It's not about the weight or the strength. It's All about the leverage. Yes. And that little person could take somebody like me and throw me around as if I weighed nothing. And there was nothing that I could do. Yep. And he could absolutely defeat me. I love and I love jiu jitsu ever since and I used to. I used to do it out at the actual Gracie Jiu Jitsu place that was in and I think they're still located over there in Keego harbor. Okay. Yeah. So, so yeah, it's, it was, uh, I never I have a picture somewhere. In fact, if I can find it, I'm gonna put it up on Facebook today for all you guys. I have this big old mustache. I got my stripe. They pumped me up on the wall. Yeah, it's a good time, man. I'll tell you, you you went through the fire. I mean, at our gym, because like we're in Redford, right. So we especially back in the day, we got a lot of street fighters. Yeah. And I've always found Yeah, the more tattoos the more steroids they use, the less likely they are to stick around. Yeah. Because just like you said, it's a very humbling thing. Yeah. While that you got choked out unconscious on your first day, though, it sounds crazy. I mean, they're, you know, I would tell you, maybe not every gym is like that, but but in the same breath, and my buddy Z. He's about five, four. Maybe maybe 140 pounds, just like you said, complete and yeah. And I always joke, I was his first role. I was cut. Like, I was kind of a gatekeeper for a little bit for the gym. Because what they would do is they would send like, I'm a little guy and I would cut 20 pounds, right and fight in the 140s. And maybe like, oh, okay, yeah, all right. Well, Matt, you know, you you go there, and it'd be like, kind of what those girls did to me like, oh, shit, like, size doesn't matter. Yeah, strength doesn't matter. And then really what you've just said is right, you learn leverage and technique. Right? And and those things, just like you said, translate in life, right? I mean, that's roleplay. Right, getting sharp and drilling, right? And then you got to do the damn thing. You got to get on the mat, you got to lead gen, you got to follow up so so so much well, and you use the other person, you use what the other person does against them totally. If they move this way, you go this way. And because of that you're able to take it's all about that's what jujitsu is amazing. Because it's all about you maintaining control. Yep. And the craziest part is, is when you watch and I know you know this, then like, you're maintaining control at such a just like, calm level. The other person let them exhort all their strength, time, energy and effort. Yep. And you're just kind of holding on to him, you know that I had a really great teacher. And he was like, you know, in the jujitsu that we were being taught was like, like, you know, you got a guy with a knife. And here's how you handle that and take them to the ground. And he's like, and you just be calm with the guy just whisper in his ear. Hey, do you think you're done now? You really want to just hug for a little bit longer? Right? I love it that's what I'm teaching my boys right yeah, so I was joking my dad six to weigh more manly than me. You know I'm five nine on a good day right? And I was like Dad Why Why were we Why were we fist fighting people? You know like I'm short just duck down two inches shoot get on the ground and then just like I'm yeah teaching my boys Yeah, hold their hands. Yeah, you know do you want to fight No, no. Okay, good. Then get up when I when you get up. Get off to the side and back up. Right you don't turn your back to anybody. Yeah, you know, and then well, and then my my youngest because he's a hammer. That would if they say they want to fight well then get in the business a little bit. Give him give him a slap or two. But that's what I love about it. Just what you said in that aspect. I can neutralize you. I don't I don't need to destroy you. Yeah, and that's what really? That's where I found my love for jujitsu. Yeah, every day. I'm sparring at 100% Yeah. When I was a kickboxer, you can't do that. I mean, it's not even smart. Right. But that's what makes jujitsu so applicable. Yeah. Is that you are always training at 100% So in that altercation, just like you said, about controlling your breathing. I've already been here. I mean, you know, and but with wrestling, wow. I my godson Tryphon wrestled this year. What an animal you know, like when I watched those guys, I'm like, these guys are crazy, dude. Yeah, that's five minutes or whatever the matches of pure intensity I and I wrestle but to me, it's, you're trying to move a wall right? jujitsu is like no, I'm gonna chill here for a minute. I'm gonna figure out how to get over this wall as easy as possible. Conserve my energy and then you do it right it's a much more it's a slower game. You know and in wrestling is just I don't know if you've done no gi now I love no gi I started in the GI no Gi is allowed wrestling. I heard I heard no, you like yogi? What is no you? Yes. I always have always wanted to do no gi I was actually going to ask you that question. I always wanted to do what we would spar in Nogi. But you had to. You had to be in the competitive spot at the gym that I was at to do the NoGi thing. Tom was back for us and it's a lot different now. Yeah. I was never I was never there and I just I don't think they wanted me to take my shirt off. But I'm not taking my shirt off, but it's it's such a different game. Yeah. You know the GI the the GI and for those that don't know, right? The GI or the pajamas, right? And just like you alluded to, man, that thing's a weapon. It's a weapon for you, right? I can like collar choke people and stuff like that, or it can be used against me. I think it's a really good training tool. I think it's a lot like wearing a weighted vest. When you run. It slows the game down. You have to be much more methodical. You cannot get away with your athleticism, your strength or or just pure grease, right sweat, you can't slide out anything. But then when you get to the NoGi game, I think why so many gyms in our gym included, are more receptive to that is that's where jujitsu is headed jujitsu. I mean, right now you've got right, Ryan Gordon making a million dollars. He's not in the ghee. You might see a picture here or there. But it's spectator friendly. Right? You know, because you really have to appreciate the jujitsu to see a guy fight for two minutes to get a grip, and then finish them a minute later. They want to see the wrestling the aggression, you know, and then I love leg locks. So obviously, no, he's all about just destroying legs. And yeah, that's funny. That's the it's the MMA stuff, right? It's become so popular in the fight game. So everybody wants to see more of that. Nobody wants to see anybody wrestle. Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you the wrestlers. The even then wrestlers are a special breed like, grown. I'm a basketball guy. So that's in high school. That's the same season. Yeah. So it was like they tried to get me to wrestle, but I'm like, That's basketball season. Yeah. But like one of my best friends growing up was an all state all everything wrestler. Right. And it same thing. He was 100. He wrestled at 110 or 115, or whatever. But like, we would hang out and all of a sudden, like, he'd have my arm around my head. You know what I mean? Or like my, my foot around my ear. I'm like, dude, like, what? So in high school, where I went to high school, you couldn't get a varsity letters of freshman. Again, I went to Eisenhower, Eisenhower's 10th 11th and 12th grade. And but a couple of my football buddies in ninth grade, the varsity coach came over the wrestling coach and said, Hey, you boys can get your varsity letter and wrestle. I was like, done. I'm rustling. Yeah, so I came home and I'm like, Dad, ma'am, and get my varsity letter next year. And he's like, you can't you know, what are you know, I can do that. And I was like, I'm gonna wrestle. He's like, No, you're not. And just what he said. He's like, son, he's like, you know, we're baseball players like your arms gonna be up here and they're gonna break your shoulder down I'm gonna go do this. So he said, alright, you know, they've always supported me so I head out there. I mean, never had a lick of wrestling. We go through the warm up and it's it's what you you would envision people on your back? You know? I mean, just crazy shit. I'm thinking they're like, ah, you know something and like, Man, this was crazy man. 30 min This is while I'm, I'm ready to go home. Now like I were gonna go wrestle. I'm like, I'm like what, like, did we just do it? So so I get in there and you know, they showed a move or two. And you know and then we then we sparred in just like you said, within two seconds. My arms here and all I could think about shit. I'm gonna break my arm. Yeah, Dad's gonna kill me. I'm by took my beating came home mom and dad. How is Oh, it's great. Mom, Dad. Yeah, I did awesome. And waited they went to bed. Just literally ice bath. I mean, just soaking my body. I was dead. Next day, I go. Good through the warm up man practices is crazy. I we're gonna wrestle. Yeah, I'm done. So I wrestled. That was it got my brains beat in. And I never went to it again. Man. I was like, Yeah, okay. football and baseball. Yeah. And for me. What was so hard because I was obviously a littler guy was a running back and punt and kick returner. You know, I waited man. I'm gonna lose all this weight that I tried to gain for football. Right you know? But man it you got to be a different breed. I mean that respectively. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah. Once I went to my my issue was once I went to jujitsu. I couldn't go back to wrestling. Sure. Because it was sports jujitsu. And so everything that you do to win in jujitsu you cannot do in wrestling. Sure. And I tried. I tried going back in high school, and I couldn't I couldn't do it because I learned all this cool stuff. And I couldn't not do it now. Well, I resignate right, because and I like I said, I've been doing it almost a decade now. And I'm so jujitsu my godson, who again did awesome. Me and him are messing around and duty, you know, he's getting in on my legs and and he gets me in a single and like, I'm the single and rustling your head on the outside of the leg is okay. And so I just and in jujitsu, it's not right. I mean, that's a gift. You know, like I'm just I'm gonna put you into guillotine and silver. And so when he did it, I you know, I I kind of put him there as like, what's that? You know, I'm like, but I knew enough to know that I didn't know everything. And I said, Do you? Do you always put your head on that side? And he said, Yeah. So I have a buddy Nazarov that I trained with who was a wrestler at Central. And I'm like, Hey, man, my god son's doing this. He's like, Yeah, he's like, that's wrestling. Yeah. But in jujitsu, no, like, you know, in a single your head is buried on their leg and in their thing or in your chest so you don't get choked out. So it's very, very different. Yep. Very, very different. Yeah. And I think what's cool about jujitsu how Jimmy was saying mixed martial arts. jujitsu is really mixed martial arts grappling or it's judo. It's sambo. It's American wrestling. It's Brazilian jujitsu. So that's what's cool about that's what I love about it. it infuses all those things, and then you only use what works for you. You know, there's there's a deep toolbox. Yeah, it's sounds like real estate, is actually I was gonna, I was gonna circle back around there. You know, and I know for those of you listening, it sounds like a couple smells, just having a conversation about I love jiu jitsu and wrestling. But do you guys, you guys here? How many business principles? Do you guys hear how many business principles are in what he just said throughout the entire thing? Totally. From support to the team that you're around, right coaching, to coaching, to training with somebody that's higher up than where you were at? Yeah. So that you could increase and get better, right? And then doing the reps and getting better at it? And to get even deeper with you on this? Yeah, let's do it. Because it's the team around you, right? But eventually, you're just one on one. Yeah. It's you and your client. Well, how are you gonna be like, you're supporting me, we're helping and we're, we're grappling because we're doing our roleplay and we're scripting and right. But then eventually, I just gotta go one on one with my client well, and even deeper, you gotta go one on one with yourself. You don't have to get up and go. I just got beat by two girls. Yeah. Mine was just an 11 year old boy. And, you know, I'm not alone. And I gotta get up. And yeah, I'm gonna do this again. Yeah. Right. And again, and again. How about how about being humble, right? Oh, yeah. As entrepreneurs, right? Cuz, you know, we might have our first intern this year. And we, I spent a lot of time talking to him about it, right? Like, and I know when I read all these Kiyosaki books and everything, then you feel pretty good about yourself, right? But But no, you it teaches you to be humble. You don't know everything. You learn persistence, right? I gotta keep going. That's, that's real estate, right? That's entrepreneurship. And then problem solving. Oh, shit, right. Like, I mean, in the middle of a fight, you're figuring out a problem, right? And just like in for me, the speed of jujitsu and the speed of entrepreneurship are very similar, right? Because I've been in some chokes, right? I mean, in jujitsu, and in real estate, there ain't no time that it's to react, right? And then it like you said, the training is building those skills that in that moment, you can just fall back on that, right. So that's why like I said to me, Jujitsu on our team, we talked about a lot, you know, the the lead gen the follow up the grind. That's it, right? That's being an athlete, right? That's being a jujitsu practitioner, and even in like, our best agent lives, right? Phenomenal, right? I mean, 11 $12 million producer in their sleep. We always talk about that you still got to be refining. Right? You still got to be keeping your axe shop. Because I'll tell you right now, if I'm not training somebody else's, and when I meet them out there, I'm screwed. Right? So entrepreneurships the same thing? Yep. Right. I gotta I gotta keep moving. Man. I gotta, there's always a better move, or there's an easier way to do it or a better system that gives me leverage. So for me in my life, man, I've definitely pulled a lot of that from you know, Jujitsu, sports, baseball, football and brought it to bass or to real estate in jujitsu. Funny your story is that my son, right? I mean, me and my wife just had this talk. He's really into soccer. And, you know, God's kind of blessed me. He's got a little bit of talent, right. But man, this little guy has got a real work ethic. And there's this part of training, he goes to a place called next level, which is an amazing soccer training, if you're a little guys out there trying to do some stuff. But he wanted to go to this camp, right? Well, we were gone the first session. And then we were returning from Florida on the second session. And man, he kept pestering us now my little guy, I think my business will always be getting his hands, right. You know, he came up with this plan. Hey, Mom, what if I read and write and, you know, do all these things extra? Can I go to this camp? And you know, we thought about it, we talked about it. And for me, I gotta be honest, especially as I told you earlier, you know, in high school, I wasn't a great student. I mean, I did what I did to have to get by get through the clearing house. But I everything I learned was through sports, man. I mean, truthfully. So and my wife and I, you know, talked about that and we did we sent my kid to go Camp, you know, he's been doing all the extra work, but watching him at this camp, I know that's what's going to translate in his life. Right? I would hope, you know, hey, I'm only gonna get what I'm getting if if I'm putting work in, I'm gonna get some now if I'm not, you know, I'm not. And then what I really love about this place is what an environment right there around college athletes, pro athletes, you want to be the best. There's your torque, right? So I think again, it instills this chasing and you know, this self improvement, right? All of these things that all of us and you guys are again talking about on the podcast here. That's That's what you get from sports. Yeah. And I love it. And not everybody gets a trophy. No way. No way. Second place in our house is first loser. And that's it. It's not that we don't support it. Right. Why we get along so well. Yeah. Right. And I think that's it right. And I think you know, and God, I hope they don't take that from sports, right? Because, man, I'll tell you what, if if we're not selling, we're losing and I ain't getting anything, right. I mean, that's not the real world. You know? So I think again, that's why I think sports are so, so critical. They teach you those things. Yeah. What do you think the number one thing that somebody would need to learn in jujitsu to be like, what? Like, what's the one thing for jujitsu? I guess that's that's the question. And the ones like to make you good or to Yes, I honestly. Humble. Because if you don't have it, you won't stick around, right? I mean, every every new belt is a new mountain. And when you climb that mountain, and especially the better you get, you get to Bluebell purple belt, right brown belt, black belt, your ego shirt can get in the way. Yeah, right. And and you know, you start avoiding people, maybe that purple belt, right is giving you a problem right? Now, be humble, go over there, get broken, fix it, get broken. Fix it. So I think if you truly want that, that journey, that's probably the number one thing because like I said, you know, the guys that were always really muscular and have the tattoos in the street fight, they never made it. The reason they didn't make it. It's not that they weren't tough, or they wouldn't have been good. They couldn't humble themselves, like me. And you just said, Hey, 11 year old beat me and two girls beat me up. It's either Fuck this. I'm never doing this again. Yeah, in my ego is not going to allow me to feel that, or the opposite is no ego and being humble. Like, man, that was awesome. Like, what the hell did those girls just do to me, you know, let me put on some music and figure this out. Right? So I think being humble. And then if you want to be a competitor, then you've got to be crazy. You know, just like just like an entrepreneur, right? Yeah, you've got to submerse yourself in it and drill every day. And, you know, really, really put your body through the wringer. But again, the same as an entrepreneur. And that's exactly what he's gonna follow up with that. The is that answer? And you've just answered it, then that's why is it that way? Because the answer is the same. So you the one thing is the exact same thing. You got to have that humility, right? And then also, you gotta be crazy. You gotta, you gotta you gotta have that different switch. But But absolutely, because, I mean, let's be real, right? I mean, real estate always blows me away, right? It's always the easiest job in the planet, right? Really? Like, are you really doing this? No, it's not. So I think that's what happens. That's why the fallout is so high, right? I think it's 90% of Realtors fail. Well, why? It's because they quit. You only fail on this one. You quit. Yeah. Right. So if you like we were laughing earlier. Like, if you'll just fail forward, it's gonna happen. Yeah, you know, if you can humble yourself, if you can, you know, not have, you know, maybe the appearance of success and all that right? That's an illusion. Just keep going. Stay humble. Stay through it. And good shit will happen. That's one of the things we talk about all the time is. Tell me how many nose you can get. Yeah, tell me I know what you get. They start worrying about that. Yep, the yeses will come. Yeah, but how many nose gonna get? Or how about getting your ass kicked in? I mean, yeah, look this year for us. And maybe everyone maybe not everyone. I mean, it's been challenging, right? I mean, the climate now. I can either quit. You know, I can I like the way I like. I don't think I'm in the submission just yet. Right? But I know that I'm in a place that like, some danger, right? So that that keen awareness just through that and then translating it to real estate is the same. No, I gotta keep going. You know, if I'm zigging it ain't working maybe I gotta zag right just like you said right feeling the leverage piece or or maybe feeling like you know, the invisible jujitsu like okay, I'm gonna take this conversation here right so I just think Yeah, I think so much of it. So you got it you got in the business the worst frickin time Oh, when I when I came in. So and I love my Mom and Dad and and this is also and maybe you know, feeds into jujitsu a little bit you gotta believe in yourself. Absolutely. Because what I've learned as an entrepreneur, and I had a really good friend and teammate go through this transition this year, which is a huge step. But as you, you know, make this choice to to lead this life. We got it you got to understand most people don't, don't have the entrepreneurial mind, right. And the ones that are generally closest to you are going to be the ones to tell you don't do it. Don't do it. You're fucking crazy. Right? So, so I'm gonna go back to the crossbar. But when I when I started, again, I'd had all this turmoil. It was like, Yeah, you I think a lot of people were probably like, you can't do this. Right? Well, yeah. And it wasn't because they thought bad of me. They loved me. Right. So, but that is that's it right? You've got to you've got to have that belief in yourself that no, I'm going to do it. Because when I started, yeah, everyone was like, What are you doing? My mom and dad sat me down with our family CPA. And I mean, they were all trying to talk me out of it. They were all trying and not not a bad thing, right? But But I was like, Nope, I'm gonna do it. I believe myself. Betting on myself. If I fail, I'll get in this room. And I mean, I won't care. I'll just tell you, hey, it didn't work out. And so be it. But then what I also and this is in my mind at that time, and I challenge agents right now who find themselves in this. I knew if I can make it, then I can make it when it got good. Right. And that's what I did. That's what I did. And then again, being humble. I didn't make any money didn't give a shit. I knew I was getting better. Yeah, right. I was getting better and that I knew getting better meant more money later. Right. So I stayed humble stayed persistence, you know, and kept with it. But I think too many people feed into that you got to feed your mind. I'm reading a really good book now called going neutral. And it just really talks about eliminating emotions, right. Emotions don't make you weak. But they do make you weak if you give in to him. Yeah, right. Because emotions are really just chemicals. Right. So yeah, you know, believe in yourself. Keep going and and understand a lot of people are going to tell you no good. You know, stack those up. And you know, you'll get the yes you want. Just keep going. Absolutely. I love it. Man. What a great what a great hour. The hour is never long enough. I really fast. Stick around for the F word. You have a couple minutes. You can stick around. Yeah, absolutely. Because I have a challenge or throw up there. Yeah. All right. So this will be good wrestling. I was gonna say. Don't give it all away. Yeah. But I have an idea that I think would be fun. For those of you that are listening to the podcast, if you join us live every Friday, we do do an afterburner, where we stick around and just have a little bit more candid conversation, fun stuff. So make sure that if you listen to us after the fact that you do join us live when you can brought Friday, of course you can find us anywhere at free for all Friday. And if you're watching us live, you can listen to us anywhere you get your podcasts. Thank you very much for listening to us today. Jimmy fantastic, Johnny, you've been awesome. Matthew. I just nailed it. Thanks so much. For everybody else. We'll talk to you next Friday.